How can i make shadow effect in linear layout in android? - android

How can i make shadow effect in linear layout in android ?

You could insert a text view below with the background set to a gradient image.


How to create linear layout divider using ColorDrawable?

I can create and show image divider using below code in xml;
But I want to create color drawable programatically.
I use linearlayout.setDividerDrawable(new ColorDrawable(Color.BLACK));. But I could not see any divider.
How can I create linear layout divider using ColorDrawable?

How to add shadow on overlapped layout?

How to add shadow on overlapped layout? I try to use elevation but it doesn't work

Android Seekbar can't remove padding/background

What I want to achieve is something like this, a seekbar without any top and bottom padding:
What I get is this:
I tried even setting the background to transparent and then null but the background of the seekbar becomes white, it doesn't look like in the first image, I want the seekbar to look like it's placed between the both layouts (the upper layout is darker, and the layout from the bottom is lighter as you see in both photos). I'm using the basic attributes for the seekbar in xml, thanks!
This is the seekBar in XML.
I don't believe that it has something to do with the root layout, because everywhere if I'm starting a new project and I'm adding a seekbar it still has that background, and if I try to set it to transparent it becomes white.
android:paddingRight="0px" />
Set following attributes in xml.
SOLVED, bad layout positioning. I was using a LinearLayout as the root element with a vertical orientation, the seekbar was at the middle of two relative layouts, I used android:background="#color/myColor" for the root layout, then setting the background to transparent to the seekbar and now I got the desired effect. And also I changed the root layout from linear layout to a relative layout. Thank you! :)

Android - Fading Layout Border

I am working on an android app and I have a scrollview, and in that, I have a linear layout in the main activity. I want to have the top and bottom borders of the linear layout to be "faded
" so as the user scrolls down the child views in the layout will "fade out" as the go down.
Here is an example of what I am trying to achieve in my linearlayout or scrollview (the "fading bottom border".
Thanks for you help!
You can do that by using the following attributes in the ScrollView.
If you want it on devices before API14, you need to use the following:
NOTE: This is actually discouraged as it is seen to have a negative performance impact on devices.
At the bottom of your layout, you can have a view above the listView, and set Gradient Color for the view, and also make it semitransparent, then you can have the effect you want.

Add views in a circle (Android)

I would like to add some views in a layout.
How can we put these views in relative or linear layout or any other layout in a circle same as in this image. I would like to do it using code.

