Android Packaging Problem: resources.ap_ does not exist - android

I am trying to fix a problem in Eclipse for like 3 hours and I haven't made any progress. Tomorrow is the customer coming to look at my app, and I have no time left. This is really frustrating!
This morning when I was coding and I wanted to run my app on my device Eclipse crashed all of a sudden. 'aapt.exe has stopped working'
After this Eclipse wasn't starting anymore. It froze at the splash image.
I looked on the internet and tried different solutions like going back to Java SE 6 update 20, changing .ini file etc. in the end reinstalling Eclipse did the job.
Shortly after that the 'aapt.exe has stopped working' returned. I found a solution by changing my projects target. 1.5, 1.6, 2.2 doesn't matter, as long as it's different than the one before.
Now I get the Error generating final archive: C:\xxx\bin\resources.ap_ does not exist error.
I tried clean but that doesn't work. Deleting and automatically regenarting also didn't work.
I ran the same code in Netbeans with the Android plugin and there it gives me the 'aapt.exe has stopped working' again :(
Please guys, how can I fix this?
I think I may have found the reason. These are the error lines in the console:
org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException: Binary XML file line #3: <bitmap> requires a valid src attribute
at android.view.View.<init>(
at android.view.View.<init>(
at android.view.ViewGroup.<init>(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(
at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.basicRun(
at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.main(
[2011-01-17 16:37:20 - gegevens.xml] Unable to resolve drawable "" in attribute "background"
The file it's talking about is 'bg.png'. It's a small png file which I repeat in a .xml file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<bitmap xmlns:android=""
android:src="#drawable/bg" android:tileMode="repeat" />
This file has worked from the first time without any problems.
I deleted it from the drawable folder, waited for an error message, and then added it back. The red x next to the foldername got away, but still nothing different...

A shot in the dark, but if it's just the one PNG file could you delete it from the project and add it back? There must be something breaking the resources file.

I just encountered the same error after performing an SDK update withing Eclipse (Indigo). Normally I would either delete the errors and try to rebuild or clean with success, however this time it didn't fix the problem.
Finally I went to the android sdk folder and manually updated. Upon coming back into eclipse I got the error again, but without rebuilding or cleaning I was able to launch the application onto the device by pressing play for a second time.
EDIT:Apparently this problem is intermittent, as I am now once again unable to run on the device, or export the signed apk.
SOLVED: The problem stems from a corruption in the .metadata folder. I discovered this by re-installing Indigo, but when doing so I didn't remove the original workspace folder. The problem of course showed up again. I deleted the .metadata folder completely, which effectively resets all of your eclipse configuration settings. All deployments and signing work flawlessly now. Just had to setup the environment to my liking again, which takes a few minutes as opposed to the hours I spent troubleshooting this.

I just ran into this same problem after importing my project from another machine, but didn't have any errors in the console like the OP. I unchecked Project->Build Automatically and then did Project->Clean and this solved my problem. I was actually missing several files in the bin/ directory for my project and this fixed them all.

I think this error can come up for a variety of reasons. The following solution is only known to be specific to the same error message appearing when using ADT 14 (released yesterday) with build output set to Verbose:
I ran into the same error using Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo) after upgrading to ADT 14 and SDK 14 on all projects including newly created ones. I found a workaround someone posted on the ADT bug tracker, which is basically to switch Eclipse Settings->Android->Build->Build Output from "Verbose" to "Normal". The post is here.

In my scenario, yesterday upon open Eclipse was trying to download updates and I cancelled it since I was using my cellphone hotspot. I tried the metadata folder delete solution mentioned here and didn't work for me. Going to Window->SDK Manager and updating everything seems to be my solution.

I had the same issue in that I added some images into each resource directory and unfortunately named them .png. There were in fact jpegs and the eclipse plugin was flagging this (unbeknown to me in the console)
The issue I found was that if you clear the console then the logging info is lost and it doesn't log anything again!
Changing the extension from .png to .jpg fixed my issue

Above solution didn't worked for me.
The way I did that is updating not only ADT but SDK as well. To do that just go to Android SDK Manager and just download updates.

It's very meaningless but changing build mode from verbose to silent did the trick! Nothing else (cleaning project, re-opening , re-installing) did.

Try running clean, but also uncheck build automatically and click "build project" under the "Project" menu. Once you build manually, you can re-check the "build automatically".
I would also shutdown eclispe, and then kill adb
> adb kill-server

Sometimes this error happens when you create ninepatch with wrong black dots/lines. For example right and bottom lines must be solid with no dashes or empty regions.

Try in
windows-> peferences -> android -> Build -> Build Output

In some cases, this error will disappear after fixing upstream errors. In my case that was a version incompatibility in 'fullwebview.xml'.
There, 'layout_width'/height was set to a value not supported in my build target, 2.1. Changing the value to 'fill_parent' solved the issue.

I encountered this same error but then I saw that my layout.xml was not catching an error for a TextView whose android:text="#string/my_unmapped_string string resource was not mapped in strings.xml. So when I viewed the graphical layout it was showing:
Couldn't resolve .....
When I mapped the resource properly and ran the project again, it worked fine and that bin\resources.ap_ does not exist error was gone :)

In my case, it was the file add-icon.175x175-75.png (valid file name, but invalid resource name) copied into res/drawable by mistake. After removing this file, Eclipse did (in April 2015) a few successful builds with incorrect sources, and only then began to behave sensibly, showing me missing resources and malformed XML (I changed the layout).


"java.exe" exited with code 2

I added Google play services to my project for maps but now keep getting this error "java.exe" exited with code 2.
I am not sure if it is different from "java.exe" exited with code 1 but I have tried all the suggestions online
My heap size is 1G. My target version is 21, I have clean rebuild etc..
When I click on the error it takes me to this CompileToDalvik.
How can I resolve this? Even if I remove google play services I still get this error( clean / refresh rebuild etc..)
We had similar issues and nailed it down to our app going over 64k (65,536) methods limit which could be what's happening when you reference google play services.
Enabling multidex resolved our issue so may be worth trying.
Google Multi-Dex Reference:
Using Visual Studio and Xamarin I got this error because I had a wrong path for the Keystore in the .csproj file, and for some reason this path did not get updated while changing the path for the Keystore in the Visual Studio GUI.
Manual correcting the path in the .csproj file solved it for me.
None of the others answers worked for me. What worked for me (but I don't know why) was to empty my bin and obj directories before doing a rebuild.
I've seen this error recently. It was caused by an invalid (layout) xml file. Unfortunately, you don't get more hints where exactly the problem is :( I'd try to exclude the xml files one by one and check if the build succeeds without a certain file. Good luck!
Edit : I'm not even sure it actually was a layout xml file, maybe it has been a style or color xml :/ Any recent changes to one of those?
Increasing the Java Heap Size to 1G is worked for me!
Clean the Bin and the Obj folders, and rebuild again.
If it doesn't work please check different JDK version.
I had this error when switching from VS Mac to VS Windows.
Here the topic Switching From VS Mac To VS Windows got “java.exe” exited with code 2
The issue was comming from the Android.csproj and the Keystore Path.
It was set to my Mac Path even if I had already changed it on
VSWindows AndroidProject => Properties => Signin
So I removed this lines on Android.csproj (edited with third text editor):
On debug & release Part.
Then you can edit them on VS Windows.
Hope I helped someone.
See ya
Now in VS 2022, I had the very same problem and nothing would work. I had noticed that, at least in my case, problem started when I accidentally lost the certificate from the keystore. For debugging mode I just took the signature out since it provides it's own. However, I will need to re-add the key once I change to release. Once the proper key is found in the keystore, the problem is resolved. Apparently that error code is useless.

Android Studio: Failed to complete gradle execution. Cause is empty

I tried setting different Gradle Vm Option from all the answers found on stackoverflow, but nothing seems to be working out
I'm on Android Studio 1.2.2
I'm getting this error when I try to run the app on either on the emulator or the device.
Only thing that is working for me is that I need to setup new project in different directories, but it only works for 3 instances and then bang, this error pops up. It is a tedious job to do above mentioned process for 10x times.
Edit_1 :
I even tried invalidating caches/restart, doesn't work out
Usually running gradle assembleDebug from hand or from Gradle menu (right side of screen -> app -> Tasks -> build -> assembleDebug) is giving much more info.
In my case it showed problems in resources files.
It has happened to me and the cause has been different every time.
The first was an error in an xml file. I figured it out by reverting to the latest stable commit. The error was a missing "/>" closing tag. I don't know why android studio didn't point it out. This has happened to several of my co workers
The second time the fix was adding a line
File->Setting->Build, Deployment &Execution->Build Tools->Gradle->Gradle Vm Option
Hope it helps
This can be because you have specified any command line option in android studio settings. You can check this by going to
File > Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler
and see "Command-line-options" and check if anything is give. (In your case -x). If so remove it and click Apply and Ok. It worked in my case...
Downgraded to version 1.0.1 to make everything work flawlessly. I'm using same project files, it works fine on this version n number of times and same project files are giving above empty error on studio version 1.2.2
If you are deleting the resources like the layouts or strings or anything. Make sure everything is deleted properly every dependency is deleted properly.A thorough clean up. That solved the problem for me
The cause is empty because the problem is in your resources xml or manifest

Intellij IDEA 14 - Package R does not exist

Well, I recognize that this has been asked before, but in browsing the other answers:
IntelliJ IDEA - Can't build anything, always get "package R does not exist"
Error: java: package R does not exist
none of the solutions work.
This is for a project that was building fine until at least the last couple days, so whatever is causing the problem must be new.
Attempting to to a Build > Rebuild Project fails. I see the step for compiling generates sources go by in the status bar, but the next compilation step fails with the dreaded "java: package R does not exist."
R is found just fine in the IDE, so only compilation fails, suggesting there is a problem with the compilation of the generated sources. This seems borne out by the fact that in the out/production/[module] directory, only some resource files show up, no compiled classes, nothing in the "generated" sbupackage, a no apk file.
Interestingly, when I connect my phone to the computer and try running the application on the device, new changes are picked up, so something is being successfully built somewhere.
Things I've tried:
Per the other threads I've tried:
Doing a full rebuild.
Restarting IntelliJ (including with invalidating caches)
Restarting the computer.
Checking that the gen package is included under sources.
Checking for any Excludes (there are none)
Deleting the stub R file and forcing IntelliJ to regenerate it (which it does promptly)
Confirming that there is an Android facet on the module.
Double-checking that the manifest xml file has not changed and that the referenced activity is correct.
Checked that exclude output path is not checked (it's greyed as I'm inheriting from the project compile path, but I tried switching and manually unchecking it... no luck).
The only recent changes in xml were:
A new item in a menu file. I tried removing it to see if somehow that was an issue even though there were no errors reported, but the problem persisted.
I moved a View class to a subpackage of its prior package. That View class is referenced once in a layout xml and I confirmed that the xml was updated with the new package name.
So at this point I'm out of ideas. Sorry to rehash a somewhat common question.
I have the same problem and it definitely related to last update of the IDE. My version is IU-139.1117.1
Before the update Build -> 'Rebuild Project' was working ok in a windows and a mac installation of the IDE. I updated windows first and 'Rebuild Project' shows the error 'Package R does not exist' even for a new Android project. Same error apeared in mac installation imediately after the update. 'Make project', 'Make module' and 'Compile' commands on the Build menu are all working ok with no error only 'Rebuild project' raises the error.
For a new Gradle Android project everything works ok. It seems something is wrong with last update.
It is reported issue in IDEA 14.0.3 (
You can try to Compile Module (Ctrl-Shift-F9) for the module that contains missing R file. It works for me (but I have to do this every time i add/remove items in resources).
don't use Rebuild Project, use Make Project and refresh your project,maybe you should try it a few more times.
Try File | Invalidate Caches. This is solve my problem.
If you cannot wait for a officially stable build, install IDEA EAP 14.0.4 (IntelliJ IDEA 14.0.4 EAP build 139.1408, released on February 20th, 2015) from
I've just solved all issues and rebuild project works again.
Solved with the 14.1 update of intelliJ IDEA, available now.
I had the same issue on a Windows 7 box today with a Java 7 Gradle project, using IntelliJ 14.1.5.
The problem was that somehow the classpath was "too long", but IntelliJ gave me only those strange "java: package foo does not exist" compile error's.
The usual tricks (see also above) did not help.
The workaround was to shorten the classpath a bit, in my case setting GRADLE_USER_HOME to c:/.gradle (was before c:/users/myusername/.gradle). After resyncing the gradle project everything worked fine.
The problem was therefor obviously IMO some kind of windows filesystem path length restriction.

unable to instantiate application - ClassNotFoundException

EDIT: This problem has not already been resolved in the other suggested SO question
I had a fully working app on the market for over a year, with very few crash reports. Then recently I changed my app into a library, so that it could be included within multiple different "wrapper" projects. This was so that I could easily make different version - free, paid, non-google markets, with/without in-app purchasing etc etc.
The new "library+wrapper" app appeared to work fine. I could run it multiple times, without error. But then a day later (when presumably the OS had closed some or all of the app's activities) I tried to run it and it reported
Unable to instantiate application com.mycompany.mygamelibrary.MyGameApplicationClass: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mycompany.mygamelibrary.MyGameApplicationClass
The class it failed to find is the first class that runs when the program starts up, MyGameApplicationClass - which extends Application. This class is part of the library.
I suspect something goofy in one of the two manifest files.
The manifest of the wrapper project contains the lines...
<application android:icon="#drawable/mygame_icon"
android:screenOrientation="portrait" android:label="My Game Name"
Any ideas what could have gone wrong?
EDIT: The library was referenced "the correct way" as defined by yorkw's answer to this SO question.
EDIT: I can not repeat the crash at the moment :-( I don't know what it is the OS does when the app is not used for a day or two.
There are two possibilities. Either you, like me, have a spelling error in your manifest file. Have a co-worker or friend read it to make sure the name is correct. Or you have not referenced the project correctly.
The official document describes how to properly link projects in its documentation.
Why it would first seem to work and later stop working is a bit of a mystery. However, I guess that the VM might still have had the necessary references ready to resolve the classes in the library just fine. A restart of the VM removed all those references and trying to resolve them was unsuccessful.
Update: Regarding the edits in the OP: As you confirm that you have correctly referenced the other project, you can check if the project is included in APK, just to be sure. You can rename and open an APK as any other archive (.rar works fine for me). Sometimes, it happened to me, the project is not correctly included in the APK. A cleaning of your workspace usually remedies the problem and so could a restart of your IDE depending on what you are using. To manually conduct a clean in Eclipse for example, use Project->Clean... or try Android Tools->Fix Project Properties by right-clicking on your project.
As you seem to also have fixed the problem by restarting your device, it could be that the libraries were linked incorrectly. A problem that I have never seen myself but as a very common quote says: "Have you tried turning it off and on again?".
For Android Studio:
Build --> Clean Project
Fixed issue.
Have you tried to make a new subclass of MyGameApplicationClass in your 'main' project and set it in the manifest as Application class?
I had a slew of bugs with Android Studio 3.0 Canary 4 and the way I fixed them was by editing the AndroidManifest.xml by adding in some jibberish to the application name. Then, I clicked build. Obviously, a whole mess of new error messages appeared. I changed the name back to what it should be, built the app, and it just ran.
Sometimes, I just don't know...
EDIT: Just ran into this issue on Android Studio 3.0 Canary 4 on my laptop when switching over. I again went through the same process of changing AndroidManifest.xml file to contain a typo, building, and changing back. That didn't work.
I then noticed that instant run was still enabled. Going into settings (by clicking command + , (comma key)) and typing "instant run", I was able to disable instant run, built the app, and the error of class not found went away.
Summary of Steps to Fix [FOR ME]
Invalidate cache / restart
Clean the project
Manually delete the build folder (need to be in project view for this one)
Make an intentionally errant edit to your AndroidManifest.xml file, build the app, observe the errors, remove the errant edit and build again
Disable instant run
Again, I don't mean to insinuate that this will fix everyone's error, but I have now used some combination of these steps on two different machines (MacOS Sierra) and it has been resolved for me. Hope it helps.
In my case, application id and package were mismatched. This should be same as presented in following images...
In this case you can see, applicationId and package both are same that is com.mycompany.mygamelibrary
May be its a Build Path Configuration problem.I did the following to solve the issue.
1.Right click on your project and go to Java Build Path.
2.Click on Order and Export tab.
3.Check Android Private Libraries and other 3rd part libraries if you have added.
4.Press ok and clean the project.
I hope it will solve the issue.
Once I had the same error message, but maybe the cause isn't the same.
I did a code and worked for a while, then I wanted to improve it and got the same error and I couldn't run it.
I could fix the problem with
the correct Build Path order (as I can see you've already did this)
I check on the Order and Export tab the android-suppor-v4.jar
and the key was the Android SDK Managert->Upgrade everything and (next) Eclipse->Help->Check for updates.
After I upgraded to the latest android plugin and SDK my app compiled and ran again.
I hope this will help you!
I'm not very sure about this but it might be that your system's debug.keystore license validity has expired as it is valid for only 365 days. You just need to delete the debug.keystore from your computer. The debug.keystore will be generated automatically by Eclipse when you compile your Android App.
Same message seen ... this time it turned out to be different output folders for MyApp/gen and MyApp/src in the Build Path (caused by Maven integration).
Unchecking "Allow output folders for source folders" solved the problem.
I had this issue in an Android application that needed an Application class which was created in wrong path inside the Android Studio project. When I moved the class file to the correct package, it was fixed.
This all Process work for me to solve application class Exception.
Step 1: Open Run(window+R) Search -> Prefetch Remove all file (Some file not Delete)
Step 2: Open Run(window+R) Search -> %temp% Remove all file (Some File not Delete)
Step 3: Open Android Studio -> Build -> Clean Project
Select File > Invalidate Caches / Restart > Invalidate and Restart from Android Studio toolbar.
Close and reopen Android project.
Restart System
I ran into this issue several times and both times it seemed to be caused by some instant run feature.
In my case, deleting the application from the device and then installing it from Android Studio again resolved the issue.
I ran into this problem today. The project runs well for over a year but today it reports this issue, and cannot debug on my testing device.
I fixed it by updating to latest gradle version. Hope this can solve your problem.

Android studio suddenly cannot resolve symbol R

I was having a project open in Android studio. It was generated by the wizard and working fine.
I did some small changes to activity_main.xml and when I changed back to i get the error in several places that it cannot resolve R. I might have done something to cause this. But I´m not sure what since it appered when I edited the xml.
Does anyone know what might be the solution to this?
I can find the in r/release/packege/com/ and it looks fine.
Most of the time it is due to a bad XML file. XML files can be layout files, value files, or the Manifest file. Please check your xml files and try to rebuild the project. Sometimes cleaning the project and rebuilding it also works.
In addition, make sure you do not have a drawable with an invalid name. I had a drawable with a numeric filename and that didn't sit well with Android so it failed to compile
Downgrade Your Gradle Plugin Version
No amount of cleaning, rebuilding and restarting would do the trick for me.
The only thing that did the trick was downgrade our Gradle version from 3.4.0-alpha02 to 3.2.1.
So, instead of:
dependencies {
classpath ''
We used:
dependencies {
classpath ''
After making that change and then doing a Gradle sync, everything worked.
Not sure if it's related to the alpha release or to that version or if changing your Gradle version at all just forces a refresh that otherwise cannot be done with the other commands, but there ya go.
Make sure in your AndroidManifest.xml the package name is correct. That fixed the problem for me when my R.whatever was marked red!
Try to clean the project by doing the following:
If you are using Windows, open CMD, cd to your project directory and run gradlew clean.
I just had this problem and the reason was that after editing the layout android studio automatically added an import to the source files:
import android.R
Of course the main R class has not all the symbols in your layouts, which made everything a red mess.
Removing that line solved for me.
Seems like eclipse had the same problem early on.
I sometimes get this after updating Android Studio. Not always straight away but after a while (perhaps after a restart of the program).
Here is what has worked for me: Tools - Android - Sync project with Gradle files.
For some reason just clicking the "Sync now" link that shows up after changing the build.gradle file has not done any change for me. Even though the messages says approximately the same thing.
I had the same problem because in my strings.xml I forgot to escape a apostrophe. Use " \' " never " ' " in xml file!
I had that same problem crop up, too (most recently while I was at lunch--came back and WTF?). And since this was a simple Hello, World program, there wasn't many places these errors could hide. The XML files looked fine--I hadn't even touched the manifest. A clean did nothing.
So I commented out a section of my layout.xml to try to narrow down the problem. Sure enough, the errors went away.
And then I simply UNcommented out exactly what I had commented...and everything was hunky-dory. Strange! Perhaps there was some lingering issues that needed to be touched in order to cause a rebuild of the layout file. You'd think basic stuff like that wouldn't happen these days, but they do.
One more thing! It's possible that something may happen to Java as well. It's very hard to know the status of the Java run-time environment; just easier to start again. So here's one more thing to try: restart your computer, restart Android Studio, AND THEN Invalidate Caches and Restart. Yep, the whole-hog.
When all else fails restarting android sometimes helps. During the start files are loaded afresh and this enables detection of the R
This problem occurs when you rename the package name.
After renaming the package name, you must change the older package
name to a newer one.
For me it solved the problem once I changed that.
After that, you might get errors in xml files, that you have to change
the package name there also.
That's it.
I just had the R problem and after a few hours found that the problem was my regional spelling as used in one of my xml files. The problem word was behaviour, which is spelled behavior by Americans.
I am Australian and we are taught ye olde English way of spelling certain words and so I looked past it a number of times before the penny dropped.
Its a small thing, but it can easily sneak up and bite you on the nether regions and is hard to spot and can waste a lot of time.
In my case I had just added some new image files to the drawable folder and accidentally put a GIF in there with my PNGs. I had not incorporated them into the project at all yet. I removed the GIF and then did a clean and rebuild. That fixed it for me.
I had this exact problem when importing a Udacity Example Program. The Message Pane in Android Studio said the error was failing to load a .PNG in a sub-directory deep in the Project Files.
Turns out the PNG with all of the sub-directory path names was greater than the name length limit defined by Windows 7 (260 characters). I gave the Project a shorter name - to free up some space - and then Android Studio happily compiled.
After you tried make project, clean project, rebuild project but still doesn't work.
Try restart Android studio

