I have 3 webviews in my search engine app.When the user enters his query, by default he gets Google results, followed by yahoo and Ask buttons at the bottom, on clicking either of them, he gets results for that query from those sites. Now I want to give the user the privilege to change the default result site. I have created 3 radiobuttons. Upon confirmation, say he chooses Yahoo, how can i set it as Yahoo till the next time he changes it to some other site,
Accessing data from SharedPreferences:
SharedPreferences sharedPref = getSharedPreferences("FileName",MODE_PRIVATE);
String webViewChoice = sharedPref.getString("userChoice","null");
if no choice was saved (in the case when the application is running for the first time), you'll get "null" in webViewChoice.
use this condition as you wish
Saving data in SharedPreferences:
SharedPreferences sharedPref = getSharedPreferences("FileName",MODE_PRIVATE);
SharedPreferences.Editor prefEditor = sharedPref.edit();
I hope it helps.
Save the user's preference as default-engine=google by default in a shared preferences file.
On app loading, read the file and set the default engine during the app runtime. When user chooses a different engine as default, then update the preferences file.
Hope this helps.
I try to develop some fitness application which will use Google Fit.
And i have one question. Assume that user make some sport activity a few days in a week. And want to show him his best result. The only way I know I can do this - is load all data from user history and then select the set with maximum value.
And its obvious that I dont like that method because of the fact that I should load all the history. (And the user can have history for a few years).
Another way is to store data in local database (so i dont need to load all history every time the user want to see his best result) and synch it with google fit data, but I think its too dificult.
Do we have some other options for that kind of tasks?
Use sharedpreferences to save the value,
To set value
SharedPreferences prefs = this.getSharedPreferences("myhighestscore", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
Editor editor = prefs.edit();
editor.putInt("key", score);
To get value
SharedPreferences prefs = this.getSharedPreferences("myhighestscore", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
int score = prefs.getInt("key", 0);
here is a link.
Using Shared Preferences
I have a string and a button as follows:
String message = "Hello World"
message = "123456789";
So here is what I want,
When the app starts the string is "Hello World" but when the user clicks the button it changes to "123456789" and I want the string to change permanently for lifetime.
So when the user restarts the application or reinstall it the string is still
"123456789".I think this comes under Shared Preferences.
Please Help,I really need this
You can save that string in Shared Preferences, and get it all the from there. If is no value, you can get default value from resources or you can provide your own default String. Note that you can do that for lifetime. If user delete the app or clear cache, your view will display default value, Hello World.
You can use android:allowBackup="true" from manifest in order to keep old Shared Preference values.
There is a chance data from SharedPreferences is gone when you reinstall especially if you uninstall the app first, same case as local database using SQLite. You can try using database from your local server.
To save a String in SharedPreferences :
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getSharedPreferences("com.package.name", Context.MODE_PRIVATE).edit();
editor.putString("keyName", message);
To get it back :
SharedPreferences sharedPrefs = getSharedPreferences("com.package.name", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
message = sharedPrefs.getString("keyName",defaultValue);
When the user modifies it, save it. When the app start, get it with as default value "Hello World" so that while the user hadn't click the button, it will stay as Hello World.
For Restarting Shared Preference is the best mechanism but for reinstall allowbackup works on API level 23 and above,
you can consider to update the value on server once you update in your Shared Preferences for the first time and during reinstall can do a API call check for the same for the particular user.
I have a school planer app and I want to save the classes that are written in an EditText object. The problem is, the EditTexts are empty when I close the app and then open it again, and even when I press back. This may be a noob question, but I'm a beginner and I need help. Please answer quickly...
for saving edittext text you need to store the text into storage.
android support storage like
Shared Preferences
For your problem you need to store your Edittext text into the storage when you change value.
And when you open it again you need to retrieve from the storage.
For you best option will be shared preferences. For more Go with This Example . This will make you understand save and retrieve shared preferences.
Short Example
Store Data
SharedPreferences pref = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getBaseContext());
editor = pref.edit();
editor.putString("first_edittext", "value");
Retrieve Data
SharedPreferences pref = PreferenceManager
pref.getString("first_edittext", "");
I'd like my app to allow a single user to create a profile that is accessed every time they run the app. The user's profile contains a String entry and five int entries. I've thought about using an SQLite database to store the info between sessions, but it seems like overkill since I'd only need one row in a single table to store the data. However, I'm not sure if it's possible to use SharedPreferences on a String type of data.
Can anyone provide some insight into this issue please? Thank you!
Yes you can use SharedPreferences.
To write
Editor editor = getSharedPreferences("file_name", MODE_PRIVATE).edit();
editor.putString("pref_name", myStringValue);
To read back
SharedPreferences preferences = getSharedPreferences("file_name", MODE_PRIVATE);
String myStringValue = preferences.getString("pref_name", "default_value");
I am newbie to Mobile development, I am using http://motech.applicationcraft.com/ to get some app going. I read about App Data Storage and wanted to use it to save some data.
I have done something like below.
3 text box with storage in d/b value TRUE.
Now I want on Click of Save button this 3 details gets saved.
My guess I need to write some Javascript on click of Save button, not sure how/what?
Internal storage in AC is deprecated so using d/b value= true will not do anything.
Store data securely into your own external database using Server Side functions (see this link )
Use SharedPreference to store data in App.
public static final String PREFS_NAME = "MyPrefsFile";
SharedPreferences settings = getSharedPreferences(PREFS_NAME, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = settings.edit();
editor.putString("name" valueOfName);
editor.putString("name" valueOfUserId);
editor.putString("name" valueOfPassword);