Android emulator is crashing frequently - android

After getting the latest update for Honeycomb , it seems the Android emulator is crashing and not responding quite frequently.
Also observed starting emulator with AVD which has snapshot stored earlier is also causing emulator freezing .
Any workaround ?

To reboot your emulator when it freezes, try running a cold boot. You can do this by navigating to the emulator files on your OS. If you are using Windows OS, this terminal command would look something like this:
cd C:\Users\your-account\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\emulator>
Once you have navigated to the emulator directory, you can force a cold boot by running the following command:
.\emulator.exe -avd Your_Device_Name -no-snapshot-load
This will reboot your emulator.


How can I run android emulator without having `adb` or platform-tools?

I want to run android-studio emulator without having an adb.
On running the emulator It checks for the adb.exe using ANDROID_SDK_ROOT environment variable and exits if there is no valid one(valid one = having an adb).
How to run the emulator without having the adb? Is there a command enabling running the emulator without the adb or something like that?

The emulator process for AVD Nexus_10_API_28_large was killed

I am trying to open the emulator but what is happening , i am getting this message
The emulator process for AVD Nexus_10_API_28_large was killed.
I am using ubuntu 18.04 OS, i tried
ERROR Android emulator gets killed
but nothing seems to be working , this happens for both mobile devices and tablet devices on emulator .
Try disabling the option "Launch in a tool window" from Settings>Tools>Emulator.

Nativescript - native emulator error when run android --emulator

I receive the following error when I run android --emulator on my cmd;
Cannot run your app in the native emulator. Increase the timeout of the operation with the --timeout option or try to restart your adb server with 'adb kill-server' command. Alternatively, run the Android Virtual Device manager and increase the allocated RAM for the virtual device.
I've opened it with administrator rights and ran all the tutorials on the website.
I'm now stuck at this point and haven't been able to find the solution.
I've also tried tns run android --emulator --timeout -0 and waited for an hour without result.
What can i do to get the emulator running?
I had the same problem, I solved by opening avd manager and try starting the virtual device(emulator) you created. If the emulator doesnt launches, you will get an error in the console.
For me I had to install the intel HAXM, for launching the emulator
You just need to open your Android Virtual Device Manager and download
the latest emulator. Then run your application again.It will work.
tns run android
Runs the Emulator and then run the app on it.
Sometimes both process can't happen at once, admin access in Linux can be such case.
try starting the Emulator first then the app.
emulator -avd avd_name [ {-option [value]} … ]
for example:
sudo $ANDROID_HOME/emulator/emulator -avd test -netdelay none -netspeed full
'sudo' is important for Linux users.
then use this to start the app.
tns run android

Eclipse 4.2.1 - Avd running but not receiving app

Eclipse is in another hard drive (e:). While avd are in c:/Users/Myname/Android.
Problem is that when I run as android application, nothing happens, though the emulator is running. The app is working on the physical phone. I've read several answers, all vague. Help?
I suspect the Android Debug Bridge (adb) isn't running or isn't correctly running. Try running
adb devices
If your emulator is not listed, try running
adb kill-server
adb devices
Note that adb is installed in the platform-tools subdirectory within your android sdk installation.

android: eclipse does not load emulator device

When I try to Run (or Debug) my project in eclipse, the AVD emulator emulator boots normally but eclipse doesn't recognise it. On DDMS, the Devices tab does not find the AVD emulator and thus I see no traffic in the LogCat.
On the other hand, when I plug my phone and choose Run (or Debug) project, eclipse connects to the phone and works just fine (I see it on DDMS on LogCat shows traffic). Any thoughts on this one?
I'm using Eclipse_Galileo_5.2 and Google APIs (API level 12, Platform 3.1). I was working with the same setup before the problem appeared without any problems.
I highly appreciate all the help...
Simply run from command line adb kill-server and then adb start-server. ADB will reattach to the running emulator and will be able to work with it. Do not exit the emulator as bashu suggests as the problem is likely to appear again if you have a slower computer.
Lots of time it happens to me also.
What i do is, I first Exit the Emulator. Then kill adb using
adb kill-server after that i clean the project.
and then adb start-server
and finally run the application and it works fine for me.

