How to publish Android application with different accounts [closed] - android

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I register and buy an android market account and publish the application. But now I want to publish it using another account. Is there any easy way to transfer my published application from A account to B?

I think you can't just unpublish it with account A and then publish the same APK with account B. The key that you use to sign the apk is what the market uses to determine if it is the same app. So your users should still get update notices. The only side effect of this that I can think of is that your app downloads counter will reset to 0. I have not done this before but I see no reason it wouldn't work


How much time does it take for an android app to appear on google play store after submitting in google play for the first time? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have developed an app and I wish to release it to internal track. How long does it take for Google to review and publish the app to internal track?
Also, is there any way to move it to production track once it has been approved?
When you publish an android APK or Bundle for the first time, it may take a minimum 3 days or less depends on a traffic of a queue. After you upload
your app for the second time, it may take 1 to 2 hours to go live on play
below are more links to help you.
I hope this helps you.

Is Pay-Per-Install (like Appbrain) pay only after user install from Play Store? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I was developing some apps. Now i'm thinking to upload on Google Play for free. My app is designed for offline use. I'm not clear about that they pay per install after user install my app from anywhere or play store. Is Pay Per Install is best options for my app? How do you think? Pls leave your idea. Is there any Ads service for my need? I have read that Admob is not much for offline app. They business work as a CPC. Do you have any idea about leadbolt?
They all require internet connection.
So it sounds like your app is not a good fit for in-app advertising.

Way to detect if the user has really downloaded my app from Google Play? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is there a way to prevent an app from being executed by those users who have received it not through buying from google market? By 'way', I mean any 'approach' you can think of.
In case you're developing a paid app, you can use the available Purchase Status API for verifying the user's purchase status.

Is there any way to publish Android app for testing? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have developed only 25% of my app. Now I would like to publish my app so that I can ask my remote tester and friends to test my app. I have no problem to register in google and pay $25 registration fee but I want to know that is there any app verification process on google side? Is there any possibility that they will deny to publish my app as it's not completed yet and not stable also?
One more question guys, $25 registration fee is per app per year or for unlimited time?
Why don't you just send an APK of what you have so far to your friends? You don't have to register with Google at all then, they'll just have to enable the installation of apps from unknown sources.

How many apps can be published in google play? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm developing android applications. I haven't created a publisher account yet.
I want to publish my own created android apps in Google Play. There is fees of 25$. How many apps I can publish from my account? Is this one time fees (25$) or may I have to pay again in the future for this account?
This is a one-time fee (25$).
you can publish as many apps you want with one account & the One-Time-Fee
As many as you want, and Google doesn't test or really regulate what you put on the market. So if it's a half-broken demo you can still post it.

