What is the best practice for updating the DB schema? I could send a text file with the SQL commands. The app could check the text file and execute the commands needed. I am guessing then I will have a flag to indicate that the update has been done. I havent found a way to delete a file in the asset folder from the app, which would be the best thing to do after the DB was updated.
Any thoughts on this?
You will probably want to override
onUpdate(SQLiteDatabase db,int old Version,int newVerison)
The following tutorial can walk you through the process: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/android/AndroidSQLite.aspx
What is the best practice for updating the DB schema?
Use SQLiteOpenHelper. The only time you will be updating your schema is when you update the application. Whether you have the SQL commands in a file that you read in or just in your Java code is up to you.
I am guessing then I will have a flag to indicate that the update has been done.
That is part of what SQLiteOpenHelper gives you.
I havent found a way to delete a file in the asset folder from the app, which would be the best thing to do after the DB was updated.
That is not possible, sorry.
As mentioned from others the SQLiteOpenHelper is the thing you are starting with.
Depending on your environment and requirements, Liquibase may be worth a look. It allows writing your update statements in a more structural way and is easier to use than plain SQL operations. I haven't used it for android, though.
If you want to update the db schema use the following code in your SQLiteOpenHelper extended class. This will update the table structure and never lose your saved data from db,
public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int
newVersion) {
if (oldVersion < newVersion)
db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + "TABLE_NAME" + " TO " +
SQLite doesn't support removing or modifying columns.
I am making one android app where I am using SQLite database. I have already released one version of it and now for second and third version suppose I require to change in the database table like adding/removing fields.
So How can I handle this upgrade in Android. Here I don't want to drop the complete table like stuff, Here it should use Alter to update the tables.
Suppose user has installed my first version of my application then after few days I released next version 1.1 with changes in database table - added one field and here user did not upgrade it and meanwhile I again released the 1.2 again added one more field
So here How I could handle this situation when this user upgrade my application from Version 1 to Version 1.2, where Version 1.1 is missed and attribute which I added is also missed that can create problems.
Any solution to handle this ??
Assuming you're using SQLiteOpenHelper, just increment the database version number for any to-be-released version with database schema changes. In case there's an older database file around, your onUpgrade() will be called so you can migrate the database from any old version.
For example, if your 1.0 database version is 1, 1.1 is 2 and 1.2 is 3 and the user is updating version 1.0 to 1.2. onUpgrade() is called with oldVersion set to 1 and newVersion set to 3. From these version numbers your code can figure out what needs to be done, like:
#Override public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
switch (oldVersion) {
case 1:
case 2: // fall-through
Assert.fail("You forgot to write code for oldVersion " + oldVersion);
You can do anything you want in onUpgrade in sqldb
. You can use ALTER to add new columns to your table.
Worst case, if your schema is completely and entirely different, you'll have to create the new table, populate it using data from the old table, and then delete the old table.
In any case, onUpgrade was designed to allow for a smooth upgrade without any loss of data. It's just up to you to implement it properly.
You should put all changes in your onUpgrade method you can use this code:
public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
"name_of_column_to_be_added" + " INTEGER";
for more look this
This is a nice thought and i found one solution(not tested), you need
to check the update ,example - Check for the ALTER you have done in 1.1 in the
version 1.2 by reading the db rows or some thing , if it
is not there, you want to Alter this too with the 1.2 alter .
I usually follow a different kind of implementation to onUpgrade method to support backward compatibility in databases.
Note: Here I only show implementation to add more columns in the latest database versions.
public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
// 1. Copy the database file to temproary file.
// 2. Drop all the old tables from db
// 3. Create tables using new Schema
// this.onCreate(db);
// 4. Copy the data from temproary file to new db
// 5. Remove the temprorary file
It is more convenient for me to use this kind of implementation than using ALTER commands.
I m following this tutorial.http://www.androidhive.info/2011/11/android-sqlite-database-tutorial/
can any body please make me clear this chunk of code.
// Creating Tables
public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
+ KEY_PH_NO + " TEXT" + ")";
// Upgrading database
public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
// Drop older table if existed
// Create tables again
What is the purpose of onUpgrade(); method?
When it is Called? as docs says this is Called when the database needs to be upgraded what does it means by upgrading the database?
why we drop the table in this method and recreate?
Thanks in advance.
onUpgrade is basically for handling new db changes(could be new columns addition,table addition) for any new version of your app.
Droping the table is not always necessary in onUpgrade it all depends on what your use case is. If the requirment is to not to persists the data from your older version of app then drop should help,but if its like changing schema then it should only have alter scripts.
Upgrade means changes have been made to the database schema(version numbers are different) and it needs to be upgraded. Dropping the table and recreating is one way to do that. You could also issue "alter table" statements.
When you open your database it checks the version number and whether or not it exists. You can just "upgrade" your database rather than creating it new.
A good tutorial: http://www.vogella.com/articles/AndroidSQLite/article.html
This method is called when you update your database version. It drops the existing tables and creates it again when onCreate method is called again.
Replying to your 4 questions:
1) The purpose of onUpgrade is to manage a new database structure. You could start you app with simple features, then you need for instance to add a new column, so you need to increase the version of your database from 1 to 2 and in onUpgrade
give the instruction to add a new column, so that if the user update the app, the new column become added.
2) onUpgrade is called when you have a new version of your database and you incremented the int number in the super method( here is 1, so you eventually change it to 2)
public static class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper{
DatabaseHelper(Context context){
super (context,DATABASE_NAME,null,1);
3) Please see above regarding what does it means to update the db
4) We Drop the table and recreate, because to modify the table (example for adding a new column that fits a new feature) a logic way to proceed could be, before to "destroy"/DROP the table and then create a new one with all the data. But this can be not the way to go although recreating the data could mean that the id numbers will be consecutive( usually are not consecutive: you could have 1, 2, and..4 because 3 has been deleted), hence dropping and then creating the table again, and eventually loading the previous data you could have this id consistency.
Sometimes you may want to use ALTER instead of DROP. Why? Usually because using DROP the user loses the content already has in the database, then if you want to learn more about Best practices and more complex real life scenarios please have a look at this amazing reply
During an upgrade, I want to add a new table to my database, but also not lose the data from the other tables when upgrading the application. Can someone tell me, (but if you could show me some example also) of how this is done. Because I've looked through the forums but mainly there are discussions about adding a new column etc. I figured that I have to do it somehow with alter table, but I did not understand everything. If you can tell me the steps of this process I would really appreciate it. Thank u in advance.
If you just want to add a new table and not modify any of your existing tables, then you could just create the new table in your onUpgrade method. This way your existing tables will be untouched.
EDIT: Even better, add the table as usual in onCreate and then in onUpgrade you call onCreate
Try using SQLiteOpenHelper in Android. It has methods for onCreate and onUpgrade.
public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase database, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
Maas360Logger.i(loggerName, "upgrading database "+oldVersion+" "+newVersion);
try {
for (int i = oldVersion + 1; i <= newVersion; i++) {
// Future schema changes has to go into this loop
Maintain database versions to handle upgrades
I have an application published in the android market, and now I want to make a new version with changes in the database. The problem is, my version of the app that is already published has this onUpgrade method:
public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase _db, int _oldVersion, int _newVersion) {
Log.w("TaskDBAdapter", "Upgrading from version " +
_oldVersion + " to " +
_newVersion + ", which will destroy all old data");
// Drop the old table.
// Create a new one.
Because I want to add a new table, I know that I have to make some changes here to keep the data from the tables I already created with the previous version. So what onUpgrade method will be called, from the old or from the new .apk. Can I keep the data from the tables? Please let me know.
Thank u in advance.
So what onUpgrade method will be called, from the old or from the new .apk.
From new .apk. Old one is gone at this point.
Can I keep the data from the tables?
You have to code your upgrade in such a way that you retain data that you need including old data as required.
Dropping the tables will kill all of your current data. In order to preserve the data, you're going to need to write a custom onUpgrade method to do this. Here's a previous post that discusses this and may give you some ideas on what you need to do:
SQLiteOpenHelper onUpgrade() Confusion Android
I have an app that uses a database. At startup I check to see if my tables are missing and if so I create them. Works great.
I've noticed that if I "adb uninstall" then the next time I run my app the tables are created again (this is what I need), but what about when updating through the marketplace?
I'm in the process of releasing an update, and I've made major changes to the tables. I'd like it if the tables were completely wiped and re-created, in fact my app needs this to happen. If someone updates and has the old tables then there will be a force close.
Does anyone know the specifics of this scenario?
My tables are only for lookup, I store no user data so I dont really care about losing data on the updates.
Of course I know an option is to use some type of "version" table and check to see if I need to manually drop and create, but I was wondering if that was even needed.
On an update the tables are left alone. I'm going to assume you have implemented a subclass of SQLiteOpenHelper to explain this. The way Android is able to handle version changes is through the use of onUpgrade in the SQLiteOpenHelper class. This method is called from SQLiteOpenHelpers constructor if the DB version is older than the version the app expects. From inside onUpgrade is where you are going to drop your old tables and create the new ones.
onUpgrade (SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion){
Log.w(TAG, "Upgrading database from version " + oldVersion + " to "
+ newVersion + ", which will destroy all old data");
//we can change this to perform different behaviors
It is important to note the way Android tells if you are using a new DB version.
DatabaseHelper(Context context) {
super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);
That field DATABASE_VERSION is used, so you should use a final static int member as part of your DB implementation.
Hope that helps, leave me a comment if you have questions.