I am trying to let users "like" a Facebook fan page from within an Android app. I am able to successfully "like" objects such as wall comments using code like this,
mFacebook = new Facebook(APP_ID);
SessionStore.restore(mFacebook, this);
mAsyncRunner = new AsyncFacebookRunner(mFacebook);
Bundle parameters = new Bundle();
mAsyncRunner.request(COMMENT_ID + "/likes", parameters, "POST", new MyRequestListener(), "");
However, if I put in a page id rather than a comment id, I get this error message in the Facebook response,
Response: {"error":{"type":"OAuthException","message":"(#200) App does not have permission to make this call"}}
I am obtaining both the "publish_stream" and "offline_access" publishing permissions at login, and they are given to the Facebook object with SessionStore.restore().
1) Does Facebook let apps "like" fan pages?
2) If so, any ideas on what I am doing wrong?
The Facebook documentation for Pages has been updated and is current (see https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/page/). You cannot like a Page via the Graph API, even though you can read the like count information.
As other answers say, it is not possible to 'like' pages via the Graph API.
The confusion in this topic comes from the API documentation, where is says You can comment on or like any object that has a /comments or /likes connection (The key term here is connection)
Going a little deeper:
Any object (in this case a Page), has a number of Fields and Connections. Fields are basically used to access the object information and Connections are used to perform operations in that object.
In sum, a Page doesn't have a /likes Connection, but it has a /likes Field, reason why we can get the number of likes of a given page, but we cannot like a page.
Unfortunately, as far as I know so far, you can't like Pages via the API. You can render a Like button via a web view, but I think you're out of luck here at least. You can (as you note) like comments and posts, but pages still require direct user interaction.
I use facebook login in my app. Once the users are logged-in I can get their basic facebook info such as display name, email, and phot url.
I'd like to get their facebook friends list. I think I can get it "directly" with firebase but I don't remember how and I cannot find any info about it. I think I first have to tell Firebase to get friends list when people login with facebook, then I sould be able to get it with a method such as firebaseAuth.getCurrentUser().getFriendList().
Do you know how to get facebook friends list with firebaseAuth ?
Thank you,
It is feasible, but only the friends that also use your app. The trick is to add a scope to your login method. In Angular it looks like this
this.afAuth.auth.signInWithPopup(new firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider().addScope('user_friends'))
That scope at the end is the trick. Then, you need at least two users that are friends on facebook to login. You will note the popup is different as it now asks permission for the user's friends.
The response will include an access token. Then you can use that token to request the user's friends that are also using the app with a GET request like this
Note I'm using a particular version, but you should change that to whatever you need.
generally obtaining user's all friends list from Facebook is not possible, they removed this option years ago, with API v2.0 introduction... more info about and useful suggestions HERE
there is an official FB API called Graph API and HERE you have some doc about friend lists
and the Firebase... well, this is Google's product and it have nothing to do with Facebook... You are probably using FB mail address for creating an account in Firebase service/database, but it is keeping only this data plus some additional attributes if set (like photo or visible name).
firebaseAuth.getCurrentUser() returns FirebaseUser object, which have THESE methods - like you see: logpass, name, photo url and only few more methods. no option for getting friends list, because there is no method to set them, and no possibility to get this list from FB lib/API
Is it possible to track your Facebook notifications through an app other than Facebook's? I am looking to track the photos tagged of a person in facebook through an app.
Unfortunately, no. The Facebook sdk offers /user/notifications as an edge through the Graph API. That, however, requires the manage_notifications token which is unavailable to all Android, iOS, Web, and TV apps.
For your application, though, you're in luck (or at least I think you are). If you are trying to access all the photos of your user, you can use /user/photos to retrieve all the photos that the user is tagged in. If you follow the Reference Documentation, it'll give you back 25 photos. In order to grab more, and to 'page' through the data, use the limit and offset parameters as follows
Bundle params = new Bundle();
new Request( Session.getActiveSession(),
new RequestCallback() {
// handle results here
This request should give you all the information you need to know about the photo, but be sure to check out the documentation to get a list of all the fields available.
As a side note, you can also access albums to retrieve photos that the user has posted, which will also contain tagging information.
I have spent quite much time trying to implement Facebook share with no success. I have tried various implementations and read quite a few Q&As related to similar problems I had occurred.
I have as much as simple Facebook Example does. What I want is to set description or at least message of the feed dialog. This is what I have added to example's code:
Bundle parameters = new Bundle();
parameters.putString("caption", "1000vaikai Caption...");
parameters.putString("description", "This is a description"); // the message to post to the wall
parameters.putString("user_message_prompt", "This is message prompt");
parameters.putString("user_message", "MEEEESAGE");
mFacebook.dialog(Example.this, "feed", parameters,
new SampleDialogListener());
But it has no effect. There is nothing preset, just a plain feed dialog. Here it says dialog methods has key-value parameters but I can't find a list of them. As you can see, I tried using parameters from the feed URL but it doesn't work.
Anyone got it working properly?
I hacked Facebook SDK and it seems to generate proper URL (https://m.facebook.com/dialog/feed + my parameters + ones taken from Facebook SDK itself). That means it DOES use same parameters as the ones listed in documentation about feed dialog page. But it still doesn't work. These parameters are being set:
Only app_id (I can see my app name), access_token (share actually works) and redirect_uri (it redirects back to mobile app) seem to have the effect
So I have figured out that you must provide either a link or picture. If not - it simply ignores all the over parameters.
I managed to post status updates on facebook walls and log in via the following code:
new String[]{ "publish_checkins", "publish_stream"},
new DialogListener() { /*crazy stuff here*/ }
My problem is the very first time logging in. Because it seems that the facebook is is not supporting logins from test accounts I can't talk about SSO but consider the "normal", web based, login screen popping up.
Is there a way get around this screen and let the application perform a login via username/email/password combination - provided the user is willing to handle this data to the applications.
E.g. something like facebook.authorize(this, permArray, userName, password,
I ask because I'm not sure if this is even possible at all, read: if fb API is providing hooks for this. I can imagine it is kinda security concern and thereby switched off.
In this case it would be cool if someone could provide a link to some documentation listing all possible login methods (not "all" but the important ones for smartphones) - this would definitely be helpful in the next meeting.
The main document one should work with, in my opinion, when implementing the Authentication part for FB, is their tutorial (for Android this one) - seems you're familiar with it. There you can see how facebook expects you to get logged in.
And here (for Android here) is the list of the methods they provide for these purposes.
To be shorter, NO, they don't have some simple function, which would allow you to do something you mentioned. Looks like you must use browser/their official app to login, in order to save cookies there; or you can use UIWebView to save them in your app.
I worked with FaceBook API some time ago and I didn't like it a lot. Perhaps this is because of the changes they've been doing lately in the API, but their documentation seems to be just immature; not speaking about their official example client (HackBook), which just doesn't work as expected (e.g. post video on the wall doesn't work).
Somehow even after reading carefully their documentation I had quite a lot of questions like what can be done with this API and what's forbidden at all.
Hope this helps!
I want to upload a foto from my android app to a facebook fan page using the facebook API.
When i look in the hackbook android example app (link). the code looks as following to a upload photo:
Bundle params = new params.putString("url",
"http://www.facebook.com/images/devsite/iphone_connect_btn.jpg"); params.putString("caption",
"FbAPIs Sample App photo upload");
Utility.mAsyncRunner.request("me/photos", params,
"POST", new PhotoUploadListener(), null);
This code works, it posts the photo on my own facebook page. But i don't want the photo to be posted on my page but on a fan page.
As explained in the facebook documentation 'me' could be changed with a facebook User_ID. I tried changing the "me/photo" in "[fanpagename]/photo" or "[fanpageID]/photo", but that did not work. when i used the username i got an error, when i used the ID it post the photo on my own page. In the graphAPI photo documentation (link) no example or explanation is givin on how to upload a foto on fan page.
also the
params.putString("to", [fbid]);
does not work.
Any suggestions?
I have been busy with this research for three full days and did not find the answer for my problem. But i think i have an explanation for it.
if a user posts a photo to friend/fan_page with the official android FB app it uses a "feed" with a picture(url-link). The user can't see on his own wall that he actually shared or posted a picture on the friend/fan_page. (for example: "Bob - posted a photo on CocaCola")
This is probably the reason why the function is disabled because developers could use this to send photo's to all kinds of friends/fan_pages without the user being aware of it.
I came to this hypotheses because i found a sort of work around. First upload the photo to users own album. get the URL of that photo and then post a "feed" on the friend/fan_page with a picture(url-lnk). Facebook then gave this error: "FBCDN image is not allowed in stream" in other words, you can't use photos that are on FB website domain to link to. So I think there is quite a bug/lazyness in the facebook developement departmet :P which is a pity because it is a nice socialnetworking function for mobile apps.
You are on the right track, but to publish photos to a Page you will need the publish_stream and manage_pages permissions, and the Page Access Token to prove you have them. You can read more about this here:
Some example code (using the PHP SDK, but the logic should be the same in any language) is here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/7222078/164439
If you want to post to the Page's Wall/Feed (without being a Page Admin), you can do that without the Manage Pages permission and the Access Token stuff.
But it's different than publishing a Photo object to the Page's Photos collection, which is what I thought you asked. You actually want to do a regular Post to the Page, with a Picture attachment.
Here are some resources to do this:
Facebook Post API: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/post/
Using Facebook Graph to simply post a wall message with just javascript
Good luck!