Problem seemed very simple to me at first but now I am stuck.
I want to move a image on the screen, on a certain path I create. Moving this image is being made on a thread, something like:
public void run() {
Canvas c;
while (run) {
c = null;
try {
c = panel.getHolder().lockCanvas(null);
synchronized (panel.getHolder()) {
} finally {
if (c != null) {
for the Image I want to move I have a List with main points where it should go. Each coordinate has:
public class Coordinates {
private int x = 0;
private int y = 0;
private int speedX=0;
private int speedY=0;
For example, my first point is -5;-30 and I need to get to second point 50.50. The calculation of next coordinates to draw the image is made on updateImageCoordinates(). My problem is that I don't know how to calculate speedX and speedY so that I get from point A to point B on a straight line. Basically for each execution of updateImageCoorindates() I need to do:
image.currentX= image.currentX+speedX;
image.currentY= image.currentY+speedY
//Check if I reached the B point. if so, move to next point.
I don't know based on knowing the coordinates, how I can calculate the speed on x and Y directions.
I attach a image for exemplification. Any help is appreciated.
I'm not shure if I've understood your question clearly...
If you are looking for function which will translate PointA into point on line A-B.
Line containing both points will have equation:
-30 = -5*a + b
50 = 50*a + b
b = -250/11
a = 16/11
so to find next point you have to:
check if x of next point is at left (-1) or right (+1) of the destination point
and calculate next point by:
image.currentX= image.currentX+((-1 or +1)*movement_speed);
image.currentY= image.currentY+16/11*(-1 or +1)*movement_speed + (-250/11)
You'll find the API Demos for Animation useful I think. In particular, check out Custom Evaluator.
I've been having some problems using Transform.Rotate in dart/Flutter.
I have set up my code so that I can rotate an image with gestures. However once I've rotated the image once and let go and continue the rotation the image is reset back to its original position.
It's the same issue shown here: Rotation gesture produces undesired rotation
The solution here is to save the transform in a variable. Is there any way to save the transform in a variable in Dart/Flutter?
Also the ideal situation would be that I can animate the rotation a little so it's delayed slightly because right now it responds straight away to rotation. If this part is unclear please let me know!!
Any suggestions are welcome!!!
You basically want to save the state of the widget so I think you will need to wrap it in a StatefulWidget to be able to do that.
To smooth out the animation you could maybe try and use the AnimatedContainer?
I haven't used it myself but I think it should be what you need! (
Okay, I've got it working for you.
Offset vector;
double startingAngle;
double deltaAngle = 0.0;
double finalAngle = 0.0;
// store the final angle of the object
double finalObjectAngle = 0.0;
void _onPanStart(DragStartDetails details) {
startingAngle = vector.direction;
print('START = $startingAngle ===================================');
void _onPanUpdate(DragUpdateDetails details) {
setState(() {
// HERE you should use the finalObjectAngle
deltaAngle = vector.direction - startingAngle + finalObjectAngle;
finalAngle = deltaAngle;
void _onPanEnd(DragEndDetails details) {
finalAngle = deltaAngle;
// Save the finalAngle of the object
finalObjectAngle = finalAngle;
print('End = $finalAngle ===================================');
Hey guys so I've been trying to solve this for awhile I have looked on many forums and tried to understand what they were trying to convey with the code using ActionScript 3 but i still get nothing. My main goal is to have a character on stage named "mainPlayer" now i want to set up touch events so that when the user drages his finger up down or side to side i want to the mainPlayer to follow the users path or if the user touches a point on the screen and holds his finger there the mainPlayer will be attracted to the touch and move to the point where the finger is currently at on the screen.
Ive seen lots of stuff with Phase and ID implemented but dont really understand whats going on
so far this is what i have set up:
public class realmEngine extends MovieClip
//MultiTouch gestures
Multitouch.inputMode = MultitouchInputMode.TOUCH_POINT;
Multitouch.inputMode = MultitouchInputMode.GESTURE;
public var mainPlayer:mcPlayer;
private var speed:Number = 8.0;
public var vx:Number = 0;
public var vy:Number = 0;
private var friction:Number = 0.85;
private var maxSpeed:Number = 15;
public function realmEngine()
//Add Player to Stage
mainPlayer = new mcPlayer();
mainPlayer.x = (stage.stageWidth / 2) - 300;
mainPlayer.y = (stage.stageHeight / 2 );
//trace("this works");
//Setup Touch Event listeners
mainPlayer.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN, onTouchBegin);
stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_MOVE, onTouchMove);
stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_END, onTouchEnd);
//Game Loop Event Listener
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, gameLoop);
private function gameLoop(e:Event):void
private function mainPlayerControls():void
private function onTouchEnd(e:TouchEvent):void
private function onTouchMove(e:TouchEvent):void
private function onTouchBegin(e:TouchEvent):void
I'm not sure what to do inside the onTouch Functions in order for the object that i add to stage by Code to follow the users touch on the screen.
Can anyone lead my in the right direction or give me any advice? I woudld really appreciate it thanks guys
Yes I happen to know how to do this, I just wasn't sure if I had grasped fully what you wanted to achieve.
Note that I won't be taking into account the speed and maxSpeed variables for moving the player. It's beyond this scope and beyond the scope of the top of my head. A little bit of internet searching will get you far on that subject however!
First of all, in order to make the object follow a path drawn by the user, we need a way to store the path. For this, I suggest a Vector with Point as its datatype. It's fast and easy to work with when adding and removing elements without having to worry about its length.
We also need a way to tell wether the player sprite should move or not, in other words wether the user is pressing the finger on the screen or not.
private var _pathPoints : Vector.<Point>;
private var _isMoving : Boolean = false;
Easy-cakes. Now for the fun part!
First, we need to change the scope of the onTouchBegin event, from mainPlayer to the stage. If we don't, the user won't be able to touch an abstract point on the stage and get the player sprite to move there. Simply done with a change to
mainPlayer.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH_BEGIN, onTouchBegin);
Then we take care of when the user moves his or her finger. Nothing fancy going on here.
We're just simply storing the coordinates in our vector and storing the current state of wether the user is pressing the screen or not.
private function onTouchBegin ( e:TouchEvent ) : void
_pathPoints.push( new Point( e.stageX, e.stageY ) );
_isMoving = true;
private function onTouchMove ( e:TouchEvent ) : void
_pathPoints.push( new Point( e.stageX, e.stageY ) );
private function onTouchEnd ( e:TouchEvent ) : void
// Dirty but quick way of clearing the vector
_isMoving = false;
Finally, for the even funnier part; the main game loop! Or "Where the Magic Happens".
private function mainPlayerControls () : void
// Update player position and forces
vx *= friction;
vy *= friction;
mainPlayer.x += vx;
mainPlayer.y += vy;
// Check if the player should be moving to a new point
if( _isMoving )
// Get a reference to the current target coordinate
var target : Point = _pathPoints[0];
// Check if the player position has reached the current target point
// We use a bounding box with dimensions equal to max speed to ensure
// that the player doesn't move across the point, move back towards it
// and start jojo-ing back and forth
if(mainPlayer.x >= target.x - maxSpeed && mainPlayer.x <= target.x + maxSpeed &&
mainPlayer.y >= target.y - maxSpeed && mainPlayer.y <= target.y)
// The player has reached its target
//so we remove the first element of the vector
// and update the target reference
target = _pathPoints[0];
// Calculate velocities to the first element of the vector
vx = mainPlayer.x - target.x;
vy = mainPlayer.y - target.y;
I am trying to solve a problem with drawing a path from huge (100k+) set of GeoPoints to a MapView on Android.
Firstly I would like to say, I searched through StackOverflow a lot and haven't found an answer.The bottleneck of my code is not actually drawing into canvas, but Projection.toPixels(GeoPoint, Point) or Rect.contains(point.x, point.y) method..I am skipping points not visible on screen and also displaying only every nth point according to current zoom-level. When the map is zoomed-in I want to display as accurate path as possible so I skipping zero (or nearly to zero) points, so that when finding visible points I need to call the projection method for every single point in the collection. And that is what really takes a lot of time (not seconds, but map panning is not fluid and I am not testing it on HTC Wildfire:)). I tried caching calculated points, but since points be recalculated after every map pan/zoom it haven't helped
at all.
I thought about usage of some kind of prune and search algorithm instead of iterate the array, but I figured out the input data is not sorted (I can't throw away any branch stacked between two invisible points). That could I possible solve with simple sort at the beginning, but I am still not sure even the logarithmic count of getProjection() and Rect.contains(point.x, point.y) calls instead of linear would solve the performance problem.
Bellow is my current code. Please help me if you know how to make this better. Thanks a lot!
public void drawPath(MapView mv, Canvas canvas) {
displayed = false;
int zoomLevel = mapView.getZoomLevel();
int skippedPoints = (int) Math.pow(2, (Math.max((19 - zoomLevel), 0)));
int mPointsSize = mPoints.size();
int mPointsLastIndex = mPointsSize - 1;
int stop = mPointsLastIndex - skippedPoints;
Projection projection = mv.getProjection();
for (int i = 0; i < mPointsSize; i += skippedPoints) {
if (i > stop) {
projection.toPixels(mPoints.get(i), point);
if (currentMapBoundsRect.contains(point.x, point.y)) {
if (!displayed) {
Point tmpPoint = new Point();
projection.toPixels(mPoints.get(Math.max(i - 1, 0)),
tmpPath.moveTo(tmpPoint.x, tmpPoint.y);
tmpPath.lineTo(point.x, point.y);
displayed = true;
} else {
tmpPath.lineTo(point.x, point.y);
} else if (displayed) {
tmpPath.lineTo(point.x, point.y);
displayed = false;
canvas.drawPath(tmpPath, this.pathPaint);
So I figured out how to make it all much faster!
I will post it here, somebody could possibly found it useful in the future.
It has emerged that usage of projection.toPixels() can really harm application performance. So I figured out that way better than take every single GeoPoint, convert it to Point and then check if it is contained in map viewport is, when I count actuall viewport radius of the map as following:
GeoPoint point1 = projection.fromPixels(currentMapBoundsRect.centerX(), currentMapBoundsRect.centerY());
GeoPoint point2 = projection.fromPixels(currentMapBoundsRect.left,;
float[] results2 = new float[3];
Location.distanceBetween(point1.getLatitudeE6()/1E6, point1.getLongitudeE6()/1E6, point2.getLatitudeE6()/1E6, point2.getLongitudeE6()/1E6, results2);
The radius is in results2[0]..
Then I can take every single GeoPoint and count the distance between it and the center of the map mapView.getMapCenter(). Then I can compare the radius with computed distance and decide whether ot not diplay the point.
So that's it, hope It will be helpful.
I had a small question.If i want to make a man run in android one way of doing this is to get images of the man in different position and display them at different positions.But often,this does not work very well and it appears as two different images are being drawn.Is there any other way through which i can implement custom animation.(Like create a custom image and telling one of the parts of this image to move).
The way i do it is to use sprite sheets for example (Not my graphics!):
You can then use a class like this to handle your animation:
public class AnimSpriteClass {
private Bitmap mAnimation;
private int mXPos;
private int mYPos;
private Rect mSRectangle;
private int mFPS;
private int mNoOfFrames;
private int mCurrentFrame;
private long mFrameTimer;
private int mSpriteHeight;
private int mSpriteWidth;
public AnimSpriteClass() {
mSRectangle = new Rect(0,0,0,0);
mFrameTimer =0;
mCurrentFrame =0;
mXPos = 80;
mYPos = 200;
public void Initalise(Bitmap theBitmap, int Height, int Width, int theFPS, int theFrameCount) {
mAnimation = theBitmap;
mSpriteHeight = Height;
mSpriteWidth = Width; = 0;
mSRectangle.bottom = mSpriteHeight;
mSRectangle.left = 0;
mSRectangle.right = mSpriteWidth;
mFPS = 1000 /theFPS;
mNoOfFrames = theFrameCount;
public void Update(long GameTime) {
if(GameTime > mFrameTimer + mFPS ) {
mFrameTimer = GameTime;
mCurrentFrame +=1;
if(mCurrentFrame >= mNoOfFrames) {
mCurrentFrame = 0;
mSRectangle.left = mCurrentFrame * mSpriteWidth;
mSRectangle.right = mSRectangle.left + mSpriteWidth;
public void draw(Canvas canvas) {
Rect dest = new Rect(getXPos(), getYPos(), getXPos() + mSpriteWidth,
getYPos() + mSpriteHeight);
canvas.drawBitmap(mAnimation, mSRectangle, dest, null);
mAnimation - This is will hold the actual bitmap containing the animation.
mXPos/mYPos - These hold the X and Y screen coordinates for where we want the sprite to be on the screen. These refer to the top left hand corner of the image.
mSRectangle - This is the source rectangle variable and controls which part of the image we are rendering for each frame.
mFPS - This is the number of frames we wish to show per second. 15-20 FPS is enough to fool the human eye into thinking that a still image is moving. However on a mobile platform it’s unlikely you will have enough memory 3 – 10 FPS which is fine for most needs.
mNoOfFrames -This is simply the number of frames in the sprite sheet we are animating.
mCurrentFrame - We need to keep track of the current frame we are rendering so we can move to the next one in order.~
mFrameTimer - This controls how long between frames.
mSpriteHeight/mSpriteWidth -These contain the height and width of an Individual Frame not the entire bitmap and are used to calculate the size of the source rectangle.
Now in order to use this class you have to add a few things to your graphics thread. First declare a new variable of your class and then it can be initialised in the constructor as below.
Animation = new OurAnimatedSpriteClass();
Animation.Initalise(Bitmap.decodeResource(res, R.drawable.stick_man), 62, 39, 20, 20);
In order to pass the value of the bitmap you first have to use the Bitmap Factory class to decode the resource. It decodes a bitmap from your resources folder and allows it to be passed as a variable. The rest of the values depend on your bitmap image.
In order to be able to time the frames correctly you first need to add a Game timer to the game code. You do this by first adding a variable to store the time as show below.
private long mTimer;
We now need this timer to be updated with the correct time every frame so we need to add a line to the run function to do this.
public void run() {
while (mRun) {
Canvas c = null;
mTimer = System.currentTimeMillis(); /////This line updates timer
try {
c = mSurfaceHolder.lockCanvas(null);
synchronized (mSurfaceHolder) {
then you just have to add Animation.draw(canvas); your Draw function and the animation will draw the current frame in the right place.
When you describe : " one way of doing this is to get images of the man in different position and display them at different positions", this is indeed not only a programming technique to render animation but a general principle that is applied in every form of animation : it applies to making movies, making comics, computer gaming, etc, etc.
Our eyes see at the frequency of 24 images per second. Above 12 frames per second, your brain gets the feeling of real, fluid, movement.
So, yes, this is the way, if you got the feeling movement is not fuild, then you have to increase frame rate. But that works.
Moving only one part of an image is not appropriate for a small sprite representing a man running. Nevertheless, keep this idea in mind for later, when you will be more at ease with animation programming, you will see that this applies to bigger areas that are not entirely drawn at every frame in order to decresase the number of computations needed to "make a frame". Some parts of a whole screen are not "recomputed" every time, this technique is called double buffer and you should soon be introduced to it when making games.
But for now, you should start by making your man run, replacing quickly one picture by another. If movement is not fuild either increase frame rate (optimize your program) or choose images that are closer to each other.
So I have a bitmap that I have loaded from a resource file (an PNG image):
Bitmap map = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.wave);
If I draw this bitmap only once using canvas.drawBitmap(...); then there is no problem. However, If I draw that very same bitmap multiple times, then the picture keeps flashing back and forth, not steady like before.
I suspected that I cannot use the same bitmap more than once so I tried to load the image into a new bitmap every time when I want to draw the same picture, but it does not help, the behavior still persists.
The program is complicated, but basically, I want to draw a ocean wave. I have a image of a small wave. To make the effect of the wave moving from the left edge of the screen to the right edge. I keep track of the position of the left edge of the bitmap.
// The ocean.
private ArrayList<Wave> waves;
// Draw the waves and update their positions.
for (int i = 0; i < this.waves.size(); i++)
Wave wave = this.waves.get(i);
// Go through each of the sub-waves of this current wave.
for (int j = 0; j < wave.getSubWaveEdges().size(); j++)
// Get the sub wave.
final float subWaveEdge = wave.getSubWaveEdges().get(j);
canvas.drawBitmap( wave.getSubWave(j), subWaveEdge, 40, brush);
wave.setSubWaveEdge(j, subWaveEdge + (float) 0.5);
// Update this current wave.
// If the wave has passed the left edge of the screen then add a new sub-wave.
if (wave.getFarthestEdge() >= 0)
wave.addSubWaveEdges(wave.getFarthestEdge() - this.getWidth());
If the left edge of a bitmap is inside the screen then I create a new bitmap from the same image file and draw. Here is the class Wave:
private class Wave
private Bitmap wave;
private float farthestEdge;
private ArrayList<Float> subWaveEdges;
private ArrayList<Bitmap> subWaves;
public Wave(Bitmap wave)
this.wave = wave;
this.farthestEdge = 0;
this.subWaveEdges = new ArrayList<Float>();
this.subWaves = new ArrayList<Bitmap>();
public Bitmap getWave ()
{ return this.wave; }
public void setWave (Bitmap wave)
{ this.wave = wave; }
public float getFarthestEdge ()
{ return this.farthestEdge; }
public void setFarthestEdge (final float furthestEdge)
{ this.farthestEdge = furthestEdge; }
public ArrayList<Float> getSubWaveEdges ()
{ return subWaveEdges; }
public void setSubWaveEdge (final int index, final float value)
public void addSubWaveEdges (final float edge)
Bitmap newSubWave = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.wave);
newSubWave = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(newSubWave, MasterView.this.getWidth(), newSubWave.getHeight(), true);
public Bitmap getSubWave(final int index)
{ return this.subWaves.get(index); }
public void update ()
// Check to see if there is any sub-wave going outside of the screen.
// If there is then remove that wave.
for (int index = 0; index < this.subWaveEdges.size(); index++)
if (this.subWaveEdges.get(index) > MasterView.this.getWidth())
// Set the farthest edge to the other side of the screen.
this.farthestEdge = MasterView.this.getWidth();
// Get the farthest edge of the wave.
for (int index = 0; index < this.subWaveEdges.size(); index++)
if (this.subWaveEdges.get(index) < this.farthestEdge)
this.farthestEdge = this.subWaveEdges.get(index);
Another suspicion that I have is that may be when I create two bitmaps from the same resource file, the pixels of the image are divided among two bitmaps, meaning that each bitmap only gets part of the pixels, not all. I am suspecting this because when the bitmaps are drawn, the parts where they overlaps are drawn steadily, no flashing.
Anyone has stumbled upon this problem and know how to fix?
Viktor Lannér, Thank you for helping, but I don't think that's the problem. I understand it is hard to read my codes since it is only a small piece of the big program.
However, I found the problem: This is not mentioned in my original question, but in order to simulate the two waves moving after one another, I have to draw the next wave as soon as the first wave enters the screen. However, each wave is longer than the width of the screen. Therefore, I have to draw the next wave from "outside" the screen if you know what I mean. It means that the next wave is drawn from a negative x-coordinate from outside the screen:
// If the wave has passed the left edge of the screen then add a new sub-wave.
if (wave.getFarthestEdge() >= 0)
wave.addSubWaveEdges(wave.getFarthestEdge() - this.getWidth());
And I found out that it does not like this. This is what causes the flashing back and forth.
In order to fix this, instead of drawing the next wave from outside the screen, I use this method:
canvas.drawBitmap (Bitmap bitmap, Rect source, Rect destination, Paint paint)
This method allows you to specify a rectangular region on the bitmap to be drawn to the screen and a rectangular region on the screen where that part of the bitmap will be drawn over. I use this method to draw the next wave. As the next wave moves into the screen, I change the "source" and "destination" appropriately to draw parts of the bitmap.
I just wanted to say that I had an issue where the images on my canvas were flashing back and forth, or, flashing between black and my first frame until I made a movement, almost as if the canvas was rapidly switching between its current and last image.
This might have had something to do with your situation, and to fix it I found out that it was because I was locking the canvas every frame, even when I had nothing to draw. For whatever reason, that lock, I think, created this situation.
I got around it by doing something like this:
if (needToRedraw == true) {
canvas = mSurfaceHolder.lockCanvas(null);
... logic to eventually draw on that canvas ...
Before canvas.drawBitmap(...) call; try to use canvas.drawColor(Color.BLACK) to clear the Canvas from previous drawings.
Sample code:
// Stuff.
canvas.drawBitmap(wave.getSubWave(j), subWaveEdge, 40, brush);
// Stuff.