I am implementing an endless ListView (like in the Twitter app). I want to make the last item not selecteble. So that if the penultimate item is selected and I scroll down with my trackball, nothing happens. I tried setting android:focusable="false" and android:cickable="false" but I didn't notice any chnage.
It's pretty easy, in your adapter you can override the method isEnabled(int position) and return false for this item.
if you're using custom array adapter just override this method.
public boolean isEnabled(int position) {
return false;
If you want to get the same effect without having to have a custom adapter, you make the OnClickListener ignore that item when tapped and then set a solid background color for the item's view, so it doesn't highlight when tapped.
I am implemeting multiple selection on GridManager using RecyclerView.
Here is my code inside adapter
imgStamps.setOnLongClickListener(new View.OnLongClickListener() {
public boolean onLongClick(View v) {
//First setting up isSelected() or not
if (imageList.get(getAdapterPosition()).isSelected()) {
} else {
//Setting blur image on Imageview onLongclick and resting on again press.
if (imageList.get(getAdapterPosition()).isSelected()) {
} else {
mCommunicator.clicked(mCount, getAdapterPosition());
return true;
The above code is inside ViewHolder not onBindViewHolder.
If I am selectimg first image and scrolls down and then up the view gets reset.
Can the mistake or behaviour can be pointed out?
RecyclerView reuses your layout. Put your logic on onBindViewHolder method.
For more information explore this question
How to properly highlight selected item on RecyclerView?
RecyclerView will reused your item view when you scroll. To manager multi select you must have an array of selected position (or selected model). And onBindViewHolder, check position in this array to check item selected or not. For more details implement, please refer to : Multi selection in RecyclerView?
I have got a RecyclerView item looking like this
I want to achieve that when I click on item the ImageView will get overlay over it and TextView will become bold. I know how to use adapter and where to handle item clicks. I also know how to make overlay or bold text. I only want to know how to make this item selectable to get the behavior I described above. Because I found only tutorials to change background of item when clicked.
Based on this
I only want to know how to make this item selectable to get the behavior I described above.
So basically you need a way to tell the ViewHolder that the current item is selected, such that in onBindViewHolder() the items are rendered as per need.
I can think of this: Make a model of the item youre adding to the RecyclerView. Add a key as boolean isSelected = false in it.
And inside your onBindViewHolder where youre implementing the onClick()interface. do this:
... new OnClickListener({
... onClick(){
// take the item and set the isSelected flag
// alternatively you can also toggle this flag.
and while loading inside onBindViewHolder to this:
if (list.get(position).isSelected()) {
// highlight aka set overlay and bold text to view
} else {
// as per recyclerview doc, reset the views.
All you need is having a variable to hold the selected index. Then decorating the selected item in onBindViewHolder() method.
int selectedIndex = 0;
public void onBindViewHolder(ViewHolder viewHolder, int position) {
if (selectedIndex == position) {
// Do things you want
I have a ListView with a set of elements. When I click one of the I would like to disable all the others. If I click again on the selected item all the other items are enabled again.
I tried the different proposed solution without success. I hope someone can help me.
This is my code:
//action to take when a presentation is selected
listview.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, final View view,
int position, long id) {
//disable the other items when one is selected
for(int i=0;i<parent.getCount();i++){
if(i!=position)//disable all the items except the select one
}else if(selectedPresentation==position){
//enable again all the items
for(int i=0;i<parent.getCount();i++){
Where selectedPresentation is a global variable storing the selected item. If no item is selected its value is -1.
Thank you for your help!
Make your own subclass of ArrayAdapter that has AreAllItemsEnabled() return false, and define isEnabled(int position) to return false for a given item in your the ones you want to disable.
In your custom ArrayAdapter overide isEnabled method as following
public boolean isEnabled(int position) {
return false;
other option
Don't implement onItemclickListener. This will not give you any update of item click. Only register onClick listener to views.
You may take another object of the List(Arraylist) which is populating elements in listview then on click copy the corresponding position data to new arraylist you made and then notifyDataSet and when you click again you populate listview with original list so it will apear again....Just do this trick it might work for you
parent.getChildeAt() only work for visible Item.
you should change something in adapter.
if make custom adapter then you can do some thing like #ṁᾶƔƏň ツ answer, but if you use default adapter you can change adapter's arraylist that before you pass it to adapter.
put boolean in it (in arraylist) and in on item click true/false it for all item.
I wrote this solution and seems it works fine!
listview.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, final View view,
int position, long id) {
//disable the other items when one is selected
Toast.makeText(context, "onClick called",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); // this will flash up twice
for(int i=0;i<adapter.getCount();i++){
if(i!=position)//disable all the items except the select one
}else if(selectedPresentation==position){
//enable again all the items
for(int i=0;i<adapter.getCount();i++){
And in my adapter I wrote:
public boolean isEnabled(int position) {
if(selectedPresentation==-1 || selectedPresentation==position)
return true;
return false;
Now my concern is how to show the items in the listView as disabled
I have a list view with multiple items, where i need to select and deselect the list items, and also delete the selected items.
So i have looked into the example in the below link but its for android:minSdkVersion="11"
but i am working on minSdkVersion="10".
Link : http://www.androidbegin.com/tutorial/android-delete-multiple-selected-items-listview-tutorial/
And yes we can do with checked text view, check box and radio button, but the requirement is like that i cannot use that.
Is there any other way that we can acheive this?
Make custom list adapter and get the click of that each view and maintain flag in adapter. If flag is true that means item selected otherwise item deselected, according to that you can change item view like disable that particular item or show some check box.
What I did was created an ArrayList that stores all the position of selected items, and toggle the background colors on clicks.
In my Adapter I define:
public ArrayList<Integer> selectedIds = new ArrayList<Integer>();
With the following method :
public void toggleSelected(Integer position)
which addes\removes items from the ArrayList
In my getView method :
if (selectedIds.contains(position)) {
This checks if the position is storred in the ArrayList. if it does, paint it as selected. if not, the opposite.
all is left is the OnItemClick listener, i added :
((YourAdapter)list.getAdapter()).toggleSelected(new Integer(position));
When YourAdapter is the adapter of your ListView
Hope this helps anyone, as it's a generic answer :)
Thanks to eric.itzhak here : How to change background color of selected items in ListView?
I want to change the color of a single row on a listview.
I have made a custom adapter, and i want change de color on the row's contextual menu:
public boolean onContextItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
switch(item.getItemId()) {
AdapterContextMenuInfo infos = (AdapterContextMenuInfo) item.getMenuInfo();
getListView().getAdapter().getView(infos.position, null,null).setBackgroundColor(Color.GREEN);
return true;
return super.onContextItemSelected(item);
But it doesn't work... and I don't know why.. Any ideas? thanks a lot.
You should not call getView() on Adapter yourself, let ListView call it. Also, when you set color on one view, and then scroll the list, same colored view will come again (re-used by ListView) for another item.
Use a Map<Integer,Color> to store the adapter's item index and color.
Override getView() of Adapter, and set color of returned view from this Map.
On Context menu select, put index and color to Map, then call notifyDataSetChanged() on Adapter.
When you do notifyDataSetChanged, all the views will be redrawn and the adapter will return new views for the rows. If its a custom adapter, you should have a field in the adapter that stores the index of the row that you want to change the background color for (or something similar) and then returns the correct view accordingly.