how to know device is power off - android

I want to do something when the mobile device is closing, but I don't know what is the method; could you tell me how to detect if mobile device is shutting down?
I know the method about mobile restart android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED, but I cannot find similar power off.
public static final String
Since: API Level 4 Broadcast Action:
Device is shutting down. This is
broadcast when the device is being
shut down (completely turned off, not
sleeping). Once the broadcast is
complete, the final shutdown will
proceed and all unsaved data lost.
Apps will not normally need to handle
this, since the foreground activity
will be paused as well. This is a
protected intent that can only be sent
by the system.
Constant Value:
This would appear to be it? I just Googled your command and it was on the Standard Broadcast Actions list. :)


Is it possible to call a method before shutdown an android phone?

I want to call a method before shotdown or restart an android phone.
As they said on the official site
Broadcast Action: Device is shutting down. This is broadcast when the device is being shut down (completely turned off, not sleeping). Once the broadcast is complete, the final shutdown will proceed and all unsaved data lost. Apps will not normally need to handle this, since the foreground activity will be paused as well.
As of Build.VERSION_CODES#P this broadcast is only sent to receivers registered through Context.registerReceiver.

Android SMS receiving and handling

I know that it is possible to handle incoming sms on android and I think even me as a beginner can do that. But my question is: Will the app also run when the device is locked? I am working on an application that sends an email with the text and sender to a specific email address when the device received a SMS. But it also has to work when the device locked itself after a few minutes? Whats the best way to do that or is it already working by using the onRecieve method?
Thanks for any kinda help and please be kind I am quite new to programming :D
It's complicated...
As soon as an app is paused (that means : not displayed on the screen), it could be destroyed by the Android system to preserve battery or reduce CPU / RAM usage.
So : no, you have no guarantees the app will still be alive.
You can set a BroadcastReceiver to your AndroidManifest.xml and create a BroadcastReceiver class in your app. The onReceive() method will be called and the code you set in your class will be executed. Even if the app is not running at the moment the SMS is received.
But there's another issue : Deep Sleeping. To preserve battery, Android will turn off any battery-intensive systems when the device is not used for many hours. Battery-intensive systems includes : Wi-fi and Data. SMS is excluded from this list (but some constructors may include an option to disable SMS receptions when in Deep Sleeping, in this case, you have no option, just warn the user to not disable SMS receptions in Deep sleeping), gracefully.
That means implementing the onReceive() method will not be sufficient. You will need to wake up the device to enable Wifi and Data, allowing you to send an email.
So, to avoid this problem, extends a WakefulBroadcastReceiver. This is like a "normal" broadcast receiver, but it will wake up the device, and let it sleep again when the code is fully executed.

Android service that was running when the phone was shut down starts automatically when the phone is booted

I am currently developing an Android telephony application that includes a service to handle all the SIP signaling for making and receiving calls.
I want this service to start exclusively when the user has correctly logged into the application. However, I am observing an undesired behavior: if the device is shut down while the app is running, the service is automatically started after the phone boots. This does not happen if the application is closed at the moment of shutting down the phone.
I have been reading about it but no answer comes up. Could anybody explain why this happens and how to prevent it?
Thank you in advance.
Thanks to CommonsWare comment I have quickly found the answer:
[...] The only way a service starts up is if somebody starts it, and the OS will not do that on its own.
I was so blinded thinking the OS was responsible for it that I didn't notice it was being done on purpose, as an undocumented feature inherited from a former version of the app.
There was a BroadcastReceiver listening to the android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED action. This receiver was, among other things, restarting the service on start up when the app had not been properly shut down.
Thank you CommonsWare for your help.
After preventing the BroadcastReceiver from listening to the BOOT_COMPLETE action, I still experience the same behavior.
The reason is that this BroadcastReceiver is also listening to connectivity changes to restart the SIP service when the WIFI or a data connection becomes active, only when the app is running. Wether the application was closed or not is stored in the app preferences, but this value was not properly set when the phone was shut down while the app was running.
That is why the service was still unwantedly starting on boot: because the BroadcastReceiver detected an at start up and the preference telling wether the app was still running or had been quit was not properly updated.

receive android device shutdown

How receive device shutdown? I mean any broadcast receiver for get device shutdown state.
User press shutdown button on device. Choose shutdown -> Recevier get it.
Any ideas about it?
public static final String ACTION_SHUTDOWN
Since: API Level 4
Broadcast Action: Device is shutting down. This is broadcast when the device is being shut down (completely turned off, not sleeping). Once the broadcast is complete, the final shutdown will proceed and all unsaved data lost. Apps will not normally need to handle this, since the foreground activity will be paused as well.
This is a protected intent that can only be sent by the system.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.ACTION_SHUTDOWN"

Track restarts, shuts down, power up and power down

can we get notification if user restarts, shuts down, power up or down the device
The two Broadcast Actions you are most likely interested in are:
ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED: This is broadcast once, after the system has finished booting.
ACTION_SHUTDOWN: Device is shutting down. This is broadcast when the device is being shut down (completely turned off, not sleeping).
Please keep in mind to receive ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETE you must have the RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED permission in your AndroidManifest.xml

