I have an image which I am processing, and I have two buttons, undo and redo. I need the code to undo/redo previous touch action if either of those two buttons are clicked. I know I have to use a stack. How should I implement it?
There are two main patterns for implementing Undo/Redo:
The "memento" pattern.
The "command" pattern.
1. Memento Pattern
The idea of the memento pattern is that you can save a copy of the entire internal state of an object (without violating encapsulation) to be restored later.
It would be used (for example) like this:
// Create your object that can be "undone"
ImageObject myImage = new ImageObject()
// Save an "undo" point.
var memento = myImage.CreateMemento();
// do a bunch of crazy stuff to the image...
// ...
// Restore to a previous state.
2. Command Pattern
The idea of the command pattern is to encapsulate the actions that are actually performed on an object. Each "action" (or, "command") can optionally know how to roll itself back. Alternatively, when a rollback needs to occur, the entire chain of commands can be executed again.
It would be used (for example) like this:
// Create your object that can be "undone"
ImageObject myImage = new ImageObject()
// Create a "select all" command
var command = new SelectAllCommand(myImage); // This does not actually execute the action.
// Apply the "select all" command to the image
selectAll.Execute(); // In this example, the selectAll command would "take note" of the selection that it is overwriting.
// When needed, rollback:
selectAll.Rollback(); // This would have the effect of restoring the previous selection.
It all depends what your touch events do in the first place. You have to abstract what your application does in response to the touches into a class that you can fill a Stack with. Then, the stack implementation is easy.
If it's image manipulation, it might take up too much memory to keep a whole stack of Bitmaps around. You'll probably get the infamous OutOfMemoryException after pushing two or three items onto your stack. What you'd probably be better off doing is abstract the actions available in your app and rebuilding on undo/redo. You're basically creating a stack of instruction sets. This makes it slower the larger your stack is, but if the images in memory are large it might be the only way to do it.
In the newer Android versions (22+) you could use a Snackbar. Here's small code fragment for listener:
public class MyUndoListener implements View.OnClickListener{
public void onClick(View v) {
// Code to undo the user's last action
and creating a message at the bottom of the screen for an "undo" action:
Snackbar mySnackbar = Snackbar.make(findViewById(R.id.myCoordinatorLayout),
R.string.email_archived, Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT);
mySnackbar.setAction(R.string.undo_string, new MyUndoListener());
I've been messing around with Jetpack Compose and currently looking at different ways of creating/managing/updating State.
The full code I'm referencing is on my github
I have made a list a piece of state 3 different ways and noticed differences in behavior. When the first list button is pressed, it causes all 3 buttons to be recomposed. When either of the other 2 lists are clicked though they log that the list has changed size, update their UI but trigger no recompose of the buttons ?
To clarify my question, why is that when I press the button for the firsList I get the following log messages, along with size updates:
Drawing first DO list button
Drawing List button
Drawing second DO list button
Drawing List button
Drawing third DO list button
Drawing List button
But when I press the buttons for the other 2 lists I only get the size update log messages ?
Size of list is now: 2
Size of list is now: 2
var firstList by remember{mutableStateOf(listOf("a"))}
val secondList: SnapshotStateList<String> = remember{ mutableStateListOf("a") }
val thirdList: MutableList<String> = remember{mutableStateListOf("a")}
Row(...) {
println("Drawing first DO list button")
ListButton(list = firstList){
firstList = firstList.plus("b")
println("Drawing second DO list button")
ListButton(list = secondList){
println("Drawing third DO list button")
ListButton(list = thirdList){
When I click the button, it adds to the list and displays a value. I log what is being re-composed to help see what is happening.
fun ListButton(modifier: Modifier = Modifier,list: List<String>, add: () -> Unit) {
println("Drawing List button")
onClick = {
println("Size of list is now: ${list.size}")
}) {
Column(...) {
Text(text = "List button !")
Text(text = AllAboutStateUtil.alphabet[list.size-1])
I'd appreciate if someone could point me at the right area to look so I can understand this. Thank you for taking the time.
I'm no expert (Well,), but this clearly related to the mutability of the lists in concern. You see, Kotlin treats mutable and immutable lists differently (the reason why ListOf<T> offers no add/delete methods), which means they fundamentally differ in their functionality.
In your first case, your are using the immutable listOf(), which once created, cannot be modified. So, the plus must technically be creating a new list under the hood.
Now, since you are declaring the immutable list in the scope of the parent Composable, when you call plus on it, a new list is created, triggering recompositions in the entire Composable. This is because, as mentioned earlier, you are reading the variable inside the parent Composable's scope, which makes Compose figure that the entire Composable needs to reflect changes in that list object. Hence, the recompositions.
On the other hand, the type of list you use in the other two approaches is a SnapshotStateList<T>, specifically designed for list operations in Compose. Now, when you call its add, or other methods that alter its contents, a new object is not created, but a recomposition signal is sent out (this is not literal, just a way for you to understand). The way internals of recomposition work, SnapshotStateList<T> is designed to only trigger recompositions when an actual content-altering operation takes place, AND when some Composable is reading it's content. Hence, the only place where it triggered a recomposition was the list button that was reading the list size, for logging purposes.
In short, first approach triggers complete recompositions since it uses an immutable list which is re-created upon modification and hence the entire Composable is notified that something it is reading has changed. On the other hand, the other two approaches use the "correct" type of lists, making them behave as expected, i.e., only the direct readers of their CONTENT are notified, and that too, when the content (elements of the list) actually changes.
You didn't mention MutableListDos in your code, but I'm guessing it is the direct parent of the code you provided. So, no, your theory is not entirely correct, as in the immutable list is not being read in the lambda (only), but the moment and the exact scope where you are declaring it, you send the message that this value is being read then and there. Hence, even if you removed the lambda (and modified it from somewhere else somehow), it will still trigger the recompositions. The Row still does have a Composable scope, i.e., it is well able to undergo independent recompositions, but the variable itself is being declared (and hence read) in the parent Composable, outside the scope of the Row, it causes a recomp on the entire parent, not just the Row Composable.
I hope we're clear now.
So, I don't know if any of you has ever gone through the same situation but I've recently taken over an app and we have this RecyclerView on the main screen - because of an NDA I'll change a few things - that shows a list of apartments that you can rent - picture the AirBnB app - and if you tap on one of these apartment items you go to the apartment detail, where you have a bit more of functionality and features.
The thing is that we have way too many moving parts on the apartment list. For example, on each apartment ViewHolder you can:
Use a checkmark to specify if you are going to bring any pets with you.
A few UI items to specify how long are you going to stay.
An EditText to set how may people are going to come.
A Rent button that turns itself into a spinner and sends an API call.
A More Options button that expands the ViewHolder, showing a LinearLayout with yet more UI.
Picture something like this
This is actually a simpler example of what I really have. Let me tell you that it looks as if each ViewHolder could be a Fragment because of all the functionality that we have on each.
Now what's the problem here?
Recycling issues. If you scroll off, and scroll back to the same position you are supposed to keep the same state that you had on that ViewHolder, right? If you had checked a CheckButton that's supposed to be check. If you had written something on an EditText, that's supposed to be there. If you had expanded the More Options section, that's supposed to be expanded. You see where I'm going at?
What am I asking here?
Well, about feedback for a possible solution or improvement. I know what most of you would tell me here - because it is the same thing I thought at first - just move all that functionality into the apartment detail, keep that list as simple as possible. But it is not as simple, we have a large user base who is already used to this UI. Changing things so abruptly is not an option.
What do I have right now?
In my RecyclerView adapter I keep a collection of "State" objects which I use to save/restore the ViewHolder states, but it is getting way too big and way too complex. This may sound crazy, but it is there such thing as having a RecyclerList of Fragments? I just don't want to worry/bother about keeping the states of these ViewHolder anymore.
Sorry I haven't provided any code, but there's not much to show actually, as you may imagine the onBindViewHolder is just a humongous piece of code that sets the views with the data I fetch from the API plus the data that I store in these "State" objects. I save these "State" objects via the onViewDetachedFromWindows() hook from the adapter class that gets triggered when a ViewHolder scrolls off from screen. I wipe out these "State" objects when I fetch a new API response.
Any feedback is appreciated,
Your post is vague in it's high-level description but I'll try to comment in a similar manner that may guide you towards solutions.
First, as was already mentioned Epoxy is a thing. As is adapter delegates. You may find those useful. However, you don't need a library to solve you problem - you need separation of concerns and architecture.
The thing is that we have way too many moving parts on the apartment list.
OK, so first suggestion is to stop having too many moving parts in the list. Each thing you listed could / should be it's own (custom) view that is driven by it's own ViewModel. A recycler view / view holder / adapter should be as stupid as possible. All those things should be doing is filling in boilerplate that Android requires. Actual logic should exist elsewhere.
If you scroll off, and scroll back to the same position you are supposed to keep the same state that you had on that ViewHolder, right?
No. Your ViewHolder should not maintain state. A ViewHolder holds views so Android doesn't have to re-inflate stuff over and over. It should not keep track of its state - it should be told what its current state is.
You should have a list of data objects (view models) that represent the current state of each item in the list. When you scroll off and back to the same position, you are supposed to re-bind the item that should be at that position to the view that represents it. Saving and clearing "state" objects should not be necessary - you should always have the current state on hand because it's the underlying data model driving your whole UI.
In my RecyclerView adapter I keep a collection of "State" objects which I use to save/restore the ViewHolder states, but it is getting way too big and way too complex
If something is too big and complex, break it down. Instead of having one giant-ass state object for each item, use composition. Make this item state have properties that represent pieces of the UI - PetModel, DateRangeModel, etc.
This may sound crazy, but it is there such thing as having a RecyclerList of Fragments? I just don't want to worry/bother about keeping the states of these ViewHolder anymore.
That does sound crazy because not only would this not solve your problem, you would probably actually make it significantly worse. You don't want to manage the state of a bunch of ViewHolders but you want to manage the states of a bunch of Fragments!? Bruh.
as you may imagine the onBindViewHolder is just a humongous piece of code that sets the views with the data I fetch from the API plus the data that I store in these "State" objects.
Again, break that up. You should not be slapping "data I fetched from the API" directly onto views. Invariably you will need to massage and transform raw data from an API before you display it. This should be handled by a dedicated object (again, ViewModel or some other structure). Again, views should be dumb. Tell them their state and that's it - don't do logic at this level.
Please read the Android Architecture Guide.
Also Google around for "Clean Architecture" - that seems to be all the range in Android these days.
And finally - here's some very rough pseudocode of how you could structure this to be more testable and maintainable.
From the bottom up:
ApiClient - responsible for just fetching the raw data from the API
endpoint or reporting an error.
ApiResponseModel - language-specific object representation
of the data you'll get from the API. Has info on the pet, dates,
guest count, etc. May contain submodels.
ItemDomainModel - client side representation of your data after transforming the data you'll get from the API.
Repository - uses the ApiClient to fetch the data as ApiResponseModel and transforms it into a ItemDomainModel object that makes more sense for your app.
ItemViewModel - Represents the UI state of a single item in the RecyclerView. Takes a ItemDomainModel instance and exposes the state of the UI based on the state of that model. This can be broken down if it's too complex (PetStateViewModel, DateRangeViewModel, GuestCountViewModel, etc)
ListViewModel - The top-level Android ViewModel that represents the state of the screen. Uses the Repository to fetch the data then constructs a list of ItemViewModels to feed into the RecyclerViewAdapter.
If you get those pieces in place, your view binding in the adapter should be stupid dumb:
override fun onBindViewHolder(viewHolder: ViewHolder, position: Int) {
// The adapter list should be a list of view models populated by the
// fragment after the ListViewModel returns a list of them from the fetch
val itemViewModel = itemViewModels[position]
// Populating this item view should just be a one-to-one mapping of the view model
// state - NO LOGIC. Dumb. Stupid. Tonto.
viewHolder.bringingPets.isChecked = itemViewModel.isBringingPets
viewHolder.guestCount.text = itemViewModel.guestCount
// ... etc, etc (if you use databinding this is a one-liner and even stupider)
// Set up your event listeners so interacting with this specific item in the list
// updates the state of the underlying data model
viewHolder.bringingPets.setOnCheckChanged { itemViewModel.isBringingPets = it.isChecked }
viewHolder.rentButton.onClickListener { itemViewModel.rentThis() }
// ... etc, etc
The goal is to do as little as possible here. Just update the state and wire up your callbacks that just delegate back to the ViewModel. Then, those UI states are driven by the logic in the view model. This is where you do business logic that determines how the UI should look.
class ItemViewModel(private val dataModel: ItemDomainModel) {
var isBringingPets: Boolean
get() = /* some business logic that determines if the checkbox is checked */
set(value) /* update underlying state and notify of changes */
// ... etc, etc, for guest count and other properties
fun rentThis() {
// Fire an event or update live data or invoke a callback that
// the fragment can use to respond
// ... etc, etc, for other functions that respond to UI events
In Summary
Refactor your code to break down the huge and complex logic into dedicated components that each have a simpler, specific focus, then compose them together to get the behavior you want. Good luck.
Hi I'm implementing click listeners in the following way but after some time the methods and variables inside the listener's closure get the wrong values or something. Let me explain the implementation of the listener a little better a for loop creates the listener for a set of image views then later in the program the for loop is called a second time and it resets the listener methods and variables to different values. Everything works great for about 30 minutes but then for some reason, the listener's methods and variables start having the wrong values. Has anybody ever heard of this behavior or can tell me where I've gone wrong with the code? Keep in mind that the listener I'm about to paste here is just a small piece of a 1014 line class. I'm hoping somebody can spot How I'm implementing the listener wrongly and can give me some advice on how to "reset" the listener so that it's variables and values stay over time. Hopefully you can read the code without putting it in an editor but feel free to copy it for readability's sake Here is the code for the image view listener with comments.
//image views are held in an array
//set an image view in its imageview container
//drw is not defined in this example
/*if video or image id is set to image then set a listener for the image
/*slotId1 is not defined in this example but it is simply a counter to iterate over the ImageView array
if (videoOrImageId0[slotId1] == "image") {
//null any listeners that might be attached to the image view
//set or reset the listener
imgArr0[slotId1].setOnClickListener() {
`enter code here`//if the current config is portrait then set a new image image
if (currentConfig0 == "portrait0") {
/*drw is not defined in this example but works fine in the production script
ccc tv application with problem.
(https://i.stack.imgur.com/PjdbN.jpg)//&& rowItems[0] != lastDeleted)
rowItems.add(0, lastDeleted!!)
Toast.makeText(getContext(), "User added to queue", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
cardAdapter!!.notifyDataSetChanged() //undo button can be pressed multiple times to add same person again
For clarifitcation:
rowItems = ArrayList()
lastDeleted = rowItems.removeAt(0)
First, I would please you to ask questions more precisely. I'm not sure if the following answer can help to solve your problem.
As both commentators already said, there are multiple ways to implement an Undo / History Behaviour.
1. Design Pattern
I recommend you to use the command design pattern, as acarlstein already suggested.
Here is another link I can recommend.
2. Stack (duplicates)
If you want to implement it the quick & easy way, you could use a Stack instead of an ArrayList.
It's a LIFO (Last In - First Out) Storage.
You can implement the Stack (can hold duplicates) as follows:
val stack = stackOf(itemOne, itemTwo, itemThree)
val item = stack.pop() // itemFour
But as I understand your question, you don't want to have duplicates in your history.
3. Stack adaption (no duplicates)
Without duplicates, you can adapt the Stack and override it's push() method to avoid duplicates.
Like this:
class UniqueStack<E> : Stack<E>() {
override fun push(item : E) : E {
// when item is already part of the stack, push it to the top
if (contains(item)) remove(item)
return super.push(item)
An implementation could look like:
val history = UniqueStack<Int>()
history.push(1) // [1]
history.push(1) // [1]
history.push(2) // [1, 2]
history.push(1) // [2, 1]
history.push(1) // [2, 1]
println(history) // prints "[2, 1]"
println(history.pop()) // prints "1"
println(history) // prints "[2]"
I hope I was able to help you.
I'm using SelectionTracker form the support-library-v28
It works great, just as expected.
Only thing I need, is to enable Select All feature (using the ToolBar)
Looking at the API, I see that there is one way to select all, but that one requires creating Iterable<Long> with all the values, meaning, create an array which hold Long values from 1 to datasource.size()
Is there any simpler way to select all the items in my datasource?
Seeing as I've recently had to set up the same sort of functionality, I thought I'd share my approach. Using the setItemsSelected(Iterable<K> keys, boolean selected) method really isn't as complex as it seems.
Yes, you will need to pass in an iterable. What I did was, loop through my data and store the index of each item as a 'long' inside of an arrayList().
yourData.forEachWithIndex { i, item ->
//Be sure to start at one, just plus one
someOtherTempArray.add(i.toLong() + 1)
Then I created a method that makes it easy to 'trigger' the select all functionality:
private fun startHandler(isChecked: Boolean){
val handler = android.os.Handler(Looper.getMainLooper())
val runnable = Runnable {
kotlin.run {
The 'isChecked' parameter, which will essentially determine if we want to select all or deselect all.
Note that I am simply using my arrayList of 'keys' (for me this is just the index of the item. However, this may differ depending on how you have your ItemDetails Builder set up) and calling the Kotlin .asIterable() function to turn it into an iterable.
I have also placed the call to setItemsSelected() inside of a handler to force the selection to take place on the UI thread.
Now whenever you want to select/deselect all, you can call the startHandler(true)!