I'm trying to import an android project into Eclipse (from Git, but I don't think it's relevant), and I can't run or compile it because I get these errors:
Android requires compiler compliance level 5.0. Please fix project properties. Serval-Video-Discovery line 1 Android ADT Problem
Project 'Serval-Video-Discovery' is missing required source folder: 'gen' Serval-Video-Discovery Build path Build Path Problem
I think the first one isn't really a big problem, even if I don't really understand the warning.
The funny thing is that the "gen" folder exists on the filesystem; furthermore, I can't try to create it because it already exists !
What should I do to solve this issue?
Here is the GitHub repo I'm trying to import from: https://github.com/rbochet/Serval-Video-Discovery
Package Explorer -> Right click the project -> "Android Tools" -> "Fix Project Properties"
Project -> Clean
Fixes without having to restart eclipse
Android requires compiler compliance level 5.0. Please fix project properties.
I had the same problem but non of these answers helped me. I found my solution here:
Package Explorer -> Right click the
project -> "Android Tools" -> "Fix
Project Properties"
I had the same problem but solved in the following way
Package Explorer -> Right click the project -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Source -> your project name/gen -> click on Remove -> Click on Add Folder -> check gen -> Ok -> Ok
Just right click and delete the gen directory from eclipse. If not, try the fix project properties above.
If gen folder is missing under project after importing an existing project into workplace, just create a gen folder under project and that will fix the above error.
I want to import this sample project from android so I can study the code however I am getting this error. Anyone know why?
No projects are found to import
Goto File -> Import -> Android -> Import existing project into workspace
Import the project in above method it will works .. baby
Yupe, you are importing the android code which is not having the AndrodiManifest.xml file. so instead of importing "existig project into the workspace" you need to import Android Code into the workspace.
File->New->Project->Android Project from Existing code->browse
Have a look at It:
Goto File > New > Project
Select the type of project, click Next
Uncheck Use default location
Click on Browse to navigate to your source folder, or type in the
path to your source
Click Finish
Eclipse is looking for eclipse projects, meaning its is searching for eclipse-specific files in the root directory, namely .project and .classpath. You either gave Eclipse the wrong directory (if you are importing a eclipse project) or you actually want to create a new project from existing source(new->project->android project from existing source).
Or Import -> Android -> Import existing project into workspace
I think you probably want the second one, because Eclipse projects usually have separate source & build directories. If your sources and .class files are in the same directory, you probably didn't have a eclipse project.
1) File->Import->General->Existing Projects into Workspace.
2) Select root directory: /path/to/project
3) Projects->Select All
4) UNCHECK both "Copy projects into workspace" and "Add project to working sets"
5) Finish
Try this:
File -> import -> General -> Existing Project in Workplace - > Browse
I have import google-play-services_lib into my workspace and Add google project into MYProject it give mr error:
Description Resource Path Location Type
The container 'Android Dependencies' references non existing library 'D:\Android
Workspace\google-play-services_lib\bin\google-play-services_lib.jar' HBuddy Build
path Build Path Problem
Description Resource Path Location Type The project cannot be built
until build path errors are resolved HBuddy Unknown Java Problem
and I have already installed Google Play Service in Extras
I met this issue as well.
My solution is,
clean project google-play-services_lib firstly
then clean my project which depends on play service library
Hey i know what your problem is. I think it seems like you didn't built your google-play-services project... Try the following solution:
Import the google-play-services_lib "project" into your workspace
Add the freshly imported project to your applications build path
RIGHT-CLICK the google-play-services_lib project and select "Build Project"
Wait a few moments or "clean up" your project
Run your application and - Voila -
Please uncheck "Is Library" as follows ;
Your bin folder doesn't exist! You probably don't have permission to create a folder.
If you create a project from existing code make sure you check "Copy projects into workspace".
I found that the reference is looking at the wrong folder. It normally looks in <android-sdk>/extras/google/google_play_services/libproject/google-play-services_lib/bin/ for the jar file and the file is actually inside the <android-sdk>/extras/google/google_play_services/libproject/google-play-services_lib/libs folder. I couldn't find a way to change the reference link, so I just copied the jar file and the matching jar properties file from the /libs folder to the /bin folder.
I hope it helps.
My solution is,
clean project google-play-services_lib firstly
then clean my project which depends on play service library
There is another way to resolve this issue. Import google_play_services_lib project to your work space.
Then add the google-play-services.jar file externally.
right click on your_project -> properties ->java build path -> Libraries -> add External JARs -> select google-play-services.jar from work space ->clean ->build
It works for me.
I was facing the same issue and got it solved when I updated my eclipse Android SDK tools.
I was using version 22 and when I updated Android SDK tools to 22.0.1 the error vanished and I could build my project.
I hope this helps someone...
Check Read Only property of the Project folder.
If its checked, uncheck it and then try.
I accidentally removed the library: "android dependencies". Is there a way to retrieve it or import/download? A person suggested me to "go to source and say order import export for all libraries you need except the android defualt libs.." but I don't understand exactly what it means. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Another stackoverflow post contains solution to this problem.And you do not have to restart eclipse.
Just right click project->Android Tools -> Fix Project Properties
and your Android Dependencies folder appears.
Look at project.properties file. You will see android sdk version(Example : target=android-4) which you used. And then Project -> Right Click -> Java Build Path -> (Your SDK folder -> platform -> android-x(your api version number) -> android.jar(Select this)). And clean your project. Try this.
I imported a project. I see import errors in each file. In the problems view I have the following errors:
Project X is missing the required source folder 'Gen'
The project can't be built until the build path errors are resolved
Unable to resolve target 'android-10'
In my package Explorer view, I don't see the gen folder so that I could tweak it.
What should I do, i am new to android.
check whether you have android-10 version installed.
Clean the application
Right click on project -> select Android tools -> Fix project properties
Re build the application.
Try to delete the folder (if it exists) and do a Project Clean in Eclipse. Mostly this helps to recreate your gen folder.
You can try to recreate it manually and make it a source folder, too!
Make sure your project build target and API level you're using match.
Sudoko Android requires .class compatibility set to 5.0. Please fix project properties.
What this error mean?
Please let me know if i need to paste some code..
This is not a problem with the Android projet property, but with the Java Compiler Level. Go in Projet ->Properties -> JDK Compiler and make sure you are using Java 1.5 or Java 1.6.
Problems importing existing project into eclipse
Does this help?
If you are using Eclipse SDK than
perform following steps to fix your
Right click on your application name
(within Package Explorer view) ->
Android Tools -> Fix Project
Here is the solution ...this helps you...
Solution: 1. Fix project: Package Explorer -> Right click the project -> "Android Tools" -> "Fix Project Properties"
2. Restart Eclipse: "File" -> "Restart"