how to sell android applications from India? [closed] - android

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Closed 11 years ago.
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i have checked from that Indian developers cannot sell paid applications on the Android market...
If i do want to sell a paid application from India, how do i go about it?
Can i advertise and upload my android applications on my website?
thank you for your help.

I haven't read any limitations in the new Amazon app store. Maybe you want to check that out?

I'd recommend the same approach Federico from Launcher Pro has used. You may embedded a key in software and sell it through paypal while google market is not available in India.


Sell Android apps [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am confused with two things about Google Play
Supported locations for distributing applications
and Supported locations for merchants
I live in Pakistan. My question is can I sell apps on android play store? I have read about countries where developers can sell apps. But in allowed country merchant's page, my country is not listed. So what that means?
If your country is not listed in Supported locations for distributing applications page that means you can't sell unless you have account in those particular country

How many apps can be published in google play? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm developing android applications. I haven't created a publisher account yet.
I want to publish my own created android apps in Google Play. There is fees of 25$. How many apps I can publish from my account? Is this one time fees (25$) or may I have to pay again in the future for this account?
This is a one-time fee (25$).
you can publish as many apps you want with one account & the One-Time-Fee
As many as you want, and Google doesn't test or really regulate what you put on the market. So if it's a half-broken demo you can still post it.

How to put your android application on Android Market for free? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am very new to the Android Market. I want to put my application up for free.
Is there any possibility for free "upload" (I saw you must pay 25$). This is for school project and I will not pay that money, too much for me :D
If there is no possibility for that, if there is someone out there with account, that I will send app to him and he will put it on Android Market.
No that is not possible, if you want to publish on Google Play you have to get that Publisher Account which costs 25$. This fee is mainly to prevent people from spamming the market.
Alternatively you could look at publishing your application on other non-official "markets", most of them will let you do so for free. You will not get as much exposure, but if you're seeking a free way to get your application out there, that's the only way I know of doing so.

Publish apps on android market [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I am an Android applications developer from India. I want to publish my apps on the android market.Is there any restrictions for developers from India to publish apps? Do I need an American bank account for that.
If not can anyone please explain the requirements and procedure for that.
As for publishing free apps, no, there are no restrictions whatsoever.
However, if you plan on publishing paid apps, you should set up a merchant account.
Click here for more details.
Edit: according to this page, you can't publish paid apps from India, at least for now.

Android App Sales in Mainland China? [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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Since google apps do not sell in China. Only Taiwan, and hong kong.....When is google planning on selling Android apps in China?
Right now, there are dozens of Chinese companies that allow developers such as myself to sell apps, and Motorola even allows sales, however, Motorola's app store is very Big Brotherish, just like iPhone store...they refused several of my apps because they contained links from my free version to buy the paid version....
None are as easy to work with as Google.

