Live555 on Android - android

I'm trying to get the RTSP video stream play in my Android App using the build-in Videoview/MediaPlayer, but there're always various problems on different ROMs or different network status(UDP packets blocked), it's really annoying so I want to implement my own rtsp client with the live555 source and GLES and ffmpeg. I can figure out how to use ffmpeg and GLES to show a video, but I'm not familiar with live555.
Are there any compiled version of live555 on Android? or how could I do that myself?

I think I found a sample code from github, it works for me.

bad news - I think you won't find any precompiled versions of live555 - only a config-makefile-structure for several platforms - except android.
Since live555 is a pure c++ library you will most likely have problems with directly using the lib in Android.


Alternative for Xuggle-Xuggler / FFmpeg in Xamarin Android?

For days I am trying to find a working library that can decode the video stream of the Parrot AR Drone 2.0. The problem is actually that FFmpeg isn't working in Xamarin Android and the Xuggle-Xuggler is only for Java which makes it really difficult.
Furthermore, I tried to use FFmpeg, but everytime I got errors like this: DllImport error loading lbavcodec-55': 'dlopen failed: libavcodec-55" not found'. I have seen a lot of possible solutions but nothing works. I also tried to compile some .dll files which contains the FFmpeg source code, but unfortunately the same errors as before.
I just want create a TCP video stream to "". After that I want to use a possible decode class/library which could decode the bytes to frames or something like that and put it on the view using a VideoView, so the frames will be shown on the smartphone.
Has anyone experience with this? Or does someone know a working library for decoding the TCP video stream of the drone?
Good news, because I just solved the problem.
There is a possiblity to use FFMpeg, but you need to compile this specially for your platform. Actually this is in Windows a little bit harder than in Ununtu/Linux. However, I tried to implement a pre-compiled library into Xamarin Android, but there were errors like DllImport error loading lbavcodec-55': 'dlopen failed: libavcodec-55" not found', so that didn't work. Xuggle-Xuggler is a video decoder as well, but specially made for Java only and I am working in Xamarin Android, so I had to find something else.
After several weeks I saw a project which uses OpenCV. This could decode the video stream of the drone. However, there was this guy: who made the video stream in two different ways. Namely via OpenCV and a library called "Vitamio".
What I did was trying to use the Vitamio library which Xamarin Android supports. Because there is this Xamarin Android version known, but that's an old version, so I decided to use the Vitamio library which can be found here: I am using this library because it's using .AAR which contains the same files as the Vitamio library in the project I was talking about before and the most important, no errors appeared :)
Unfortuantely there is no information on the internet about the Parrot AR Drone 2.0 using Xamarin Android. So, if there is someone with this problem, then you could use the source-code of the official app called "Freeflight 2.4", because that one is specially made for Android. However, there is a lot of code in the Freeflight 2.4 app which takes a lot of time to get the video stream part, but I did not have the time, so I chose for an easier way as I explained before.
After the implementation you should be able to see the video on your smartphone!
Good luck!

How to play video from Red5 server in Android 4.0+?

Are there some available component or demos that support red5 rtmp streaming?I prepare to set about a secondary development in android which will be used in Graduation Project
You have to use an RTMP library or something like JavaCV. If you have the coding skills you can actually use the built-in MediaCodec to decode h.264 / AAC; the tricky part is that Android doesn't include the RTMP decoder / demuxer; this is where JavaCV or an alternate RTMP library come in. If you want to dig into the red5-client code you could also try that to decode the RTMP, but that may be a good deal of work.
Lastly, you could just use Adobe AIR.

any good ways to do mediamuxer on android?

I am trying to build a video system on android. I am using the sample provided by Qualcomm, which allows me to use openmax and do hardware-acceleration on Qualcomm customer device.
Anyway, this sample only generates .h264 file. So I am looking forword a good way to do the muxer work. I've used MediaMuxer before, but it supports system later than android4.3, so this doesn't work on this sample. (Qualcomm sample only support android4.2 and before)
Does anyone have any ideas? Thank you!
you can use ffmpeg. build ffmpeg for android, create jni wrapper and easily expose muxing functionality to java level

Decode H.264(AVC) bitstream on Android?

I am writting an app which needs to decode H.264(AVC) bitstream. I find there are AVC codec sources exist in /frameworks/base/media/libstagefright/codecs/avc, does anyone know how can one get access to those codecs in an Android app? I guess it's through JNI, but not clear about how this can be done.
After some investigation I think one approach is to create my own classes and JNI interfaces in the Android source to enable using the CODECS in an Android App.
Another way which does not require any changes in Android source is to include CODECS as shared library in my application, use NDK. Any thoughts on these? Which way is better(if feasible)?
I didn't find much information about Stagefright, it would be great if anyone can point out some? I am developing on Android 2.3.3.
Any comments are highly appreciated.Thanks!
Stagefright does not support elementary H.264 decoding. However it does have H.264 decoder component. In theory, this library could be used. But in reality, it will be tough to use it as a standalone library due to its dependencies.
Best approach would be use to JNI wrapped independent h.264 decoder(like the one available with ffmpeg).

Is the native AAC decoder available when using Android NDK?

I'm looking for a way to decode AAC natively to PCM on Android. The decoder source code is at, but I'm not familiar with NDK at all.
1) There's no way of doing this directly using the Android SDK, but can this be done via the NDK?
2) I would especially be interested in a simple way of accessing the decoder from SDK, with a short "bridge" through the NDK. Is this feasible?
3) Would such a solution work all Android versions (1.5-2.2)?
4) I guess I could use instead, but it looks like this implementation is fairly CPU intensive. Does anyone have experiences with this?
Not sure what the policy is here for answering really old questions but what is working well for me is using OpenSL with the NDK; it comes built in and in fact the NDK comes with an example "native-audio" that demonstrates what you need.
One thing you may look into is the FFMpeg stuff, it is GPL and TuneIn radio posted their mods here:

