When i run my application for
sometime, suddenly the network is getting disconnected and i am
getting the unknownhostexception in my application. In that case if i
check the browser, the same exception occurs.I don't know why internet
is getting disconnected suddenly. It works fine only if i re start the
emulator again. If any one knows and provides the solution, it will
be very much helpful for everyone.
See the below link:
Delete the old emulator and create a new one.
This will help
I'm trying to get placemarks from coordinates.
I'm using geoLocator for that. It was working fine today morning, but now, it throws platform exception.
PlatformException(IO_ERROR, A network error occurred trying to lookup the supplied coordinates (latitude: <lat>, longitude: <long>)., null)
It says it's a network error, but my device is connected to the internet,
First, i thought there might be some problem in the Geolocator package, so i used Geocoding package, but the problem persists.
This is the error from geocoder.
Geocoder getFromLocation --- mService = android.location.ILocationManager$Stub$Proxy#e8c2197, ex = grpc failed, return results = []
Please help.
Try to WIPE DATA on your emulator.
Restart it.
It works.
See this flutter_geocoding issue (closed): https://github.com/Baseflow/flutter-geocoding/issues/23
Two solutions presented:
create a new emulator
stop WiFi on the emulator, restart WiFi and let it find the network (AndroidWiFi)
Solution 2 worked for me.
try to add localeIdentifier parameter. works for me. my function code will be like
List<Placemark> newPlace = await GeocodingPlatform.instance.placemarkFromCoordinates(position.latitude, position.longitude,localeIdentifier: "en");
I had the same problem.
Try another emulator (create another emulator as if you are using another android or ios device).
May be the current device that is being emulated is having problems connecting to the internet
its mainly due to change in location of your device if you're using a external device like an android phone then you should reboot your device and it'll work .
I've faced the same issue.
Reason - The internet was not working inside my emulator.
Answer - If internet is not working inside your emulator, cold wipe your emulator from the virtual device manager and check again.
It solved my issue.
Not sure what is the problem, but I ended up making a new android emulator(a new emulated device) and it worked fine.
While trying to connect to the localhost, an error is showing. Please find the error below
BasicNetwork.performRequest: Unexpected response code 404 for
Please check the connection like, if get anything displays on the page your connection is good. then the problem is with your parameters
some time due to anti virus and firewall can causes this problem. So disable your anti virus and firewall it can solve your problem.
Also make sure is working in your mobile browser as well
I followed the instructions on the following page: https://firebase.google.com/docs/android/setup#add_firebase_to_your_app
The initialization process works fine but I see the error message like mentioned in the title.
Do you know what to do?
After re downloading the google-services.json the message disappeared...
Now I get "FirebaseInstanceId: topic sync succeeded".
Thank you anyway. Maybe this will help someone.
You can safely ignore this working. Its overactive logging when the device is offline or fails to reach the server.
For me, this happened when the emulator I was debugging on had no internet connection. This can happen if you change the internet settings within the emulator - it seems like the emulator may require a restart to make the internet connection work again even if you re-enable it in the emulator settings.
To get rid of the error - change the emulator settings to enable the internet then restart the emulator.
Make sure you project_number in your google-services.json matches the one in your Firebase Console.
I have been trying to get the Android developers bluetooth example code
( http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/connectivity/bluetooth.html )
to work reliably but unfortunately it keeps crashing after the socket closes 50 or even up to 1000 times.
A SPP BT module (HC-06) is used that is shut down every minute to reproduce the problem.
The weird thing is that when it crashes the pairing is lost and you have to re-enter the pin number. I use a timer to reconnect after the socket closes. Also tried without a timer and used a "new ConnectThread(device).start()" in the IOException handler.
Posting the code is not much use because I use the same code as the Android developers example.
Help would be greatly appreciated.
Android version: 4.1.1 and 4.2.2
When I am in the emulator control view in the DDMS I am attempting to send a Mock Location to my emulator. However when I try this I get the following error message, "Unable to send command to the emulator". I cannot understand why this is not working as it was fine yesterday and I havent made any changes to my application. Please help?
I was facing same problem. After restarting process of adb.exe from task manager it worked.
If you use mobile device for checking results, I think in your code, you would have mentioned the NETWORK_PROVIDER in location manager. If it is, then change it to GPS_PROVIDER and dont forget to add the permissions in your manifest file(android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION). And now send the command through emulator control. it will work.