Is it possible to create your own MediaPlayer? - android

I am just wondering if you can make your own Media Player for videos. I want to make some video player just like the one they use on Vevo app. I notice it buffers faster than the normal Media Player.


HLS streaming in ExoPlayer

I am making an tv app and the app is playing HLS media streaming using exoplayer.
when app starts it's playing default streaming link. i want to make functionality like if, i click different button it will play different streaming connected link with the button.
I am using java.
I tried button click listener event first release() the exoplayer then set the media player again
then add media item prepare the exoplayer and paly the exoplayer. its not working

Which video player is better for .m3u8 format streaming videos in Android? VideoView or ExoPlayer?

I want to play a .m3u8 streaming video with different audio tracks and different subtitles.
Here I have a question like which video player is better to play the .m3u8 streaming videos, with better performance.
I am Trying to solve this by using Native player, that is VideoView but at the time of working with audio-tracks and sub-Titles, I am facing problem with videoView.Here in the videoView I have to handle every thing through by coding ,there is no support form VideoView.
Can I achieve this with Exo player.
Can any body please suggest a best solution for audio tracks and subtitles support in the video player .
ExoPlayer is an application level media player for Android. It
provides an alternative to Android’s MediaPlayer API for playing audio
and video both locally and over the Internet. ExoPlayer supports
features not currently supported by Android’s MediaPlayer API,
including DASH and SmoothStreaming adaptive playbacks. Unlike the
MediaPlayer API, ExoPlayer is easy to customize and extend, and can be
updated through Play Store application updates.
From the documentation.
Exoplayer is super easy to use and it supports SmoothStreaming, in case your link provides multiple tracks, it'll adapt to the user connection, if the user has a poor connection it'll select the lower quality track, if the user has a good internet it'll select the high-quality track.
If playing audio or video is an important feature of your app, you should definetly use Exoplayer.
If you are not convinced yet, Exoplayer is used in Youtube, Google Music, Google Movies, Facebook, Whatsapp, Spotify, Twitter and 140,000 more. You can check in this I/O lecture.
If you want to check a simple audio exoplayer sample you can see it here. And read this article.
as someone who has coped with same problem i think simplicity is more important than other factors. VideoView is so easy to use so go with it.
tip: if you wanna make something like youtube style of playing you can use a Frame Layout on top of that and put buttons and imageviews and other stuff like that on it

how to implement a custom video player with media controls in android?

it should just take video server url. should buffer and start playing video.
are there any libraries available for playing a video with buffering ?
How to implement custom video player with media controls similar to youtube?

Android media playback - stop audio output completely?

I have an app that plays video files with no audio. I'm using the mediaplayer function. I want to have the videos play, but not output anything to audio, as there is no audio tracks. However, Android ducks all other audio output (music, for example) when my app is running. Is there a way to use mediaplayer and completely remove my app from audio streams?
I've reviewed Google's Managing Audio Focus article, and I can't devise a way to do so. I just want to use mediaplayer for the video, and completely forget about audio.
Is there a different function I have to call in mediaPlayer.setAudioStreamType?
you can mute all the audio streams using the below code snippet
AudioManager am = (AudioManager)NextVideoPlayer.this.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
am.setStreamMute(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, true);

Android show animation when playing audio with media player

Currently I have implemented a simple audio player playing audio files from the device internal storage.
I was wondering if there's any way to implement some animation functionality to be shown as the media player is playing music, like the Windows Media Player does:
Could anyone point me in the right direction of implementing this? E.g, an external library or a tutorial on how to implement it yourself.
try this library:
Takes the input from the Android MediaPlayer and displays visualizations, like in iTunes or WinAmp
another one:

