List view refresh in android - android

I have a list view. When user scrolled till end, the i load more data. But its focus move to the first row of the listview. I want that the focused row should not be changed when list is updated. For example if i am in 10th position on the list. When list refreshed , i should remain on 10th. How to achieve it?

Does the programatically scrolling the listview by using setSelection() method work for you? Or are you looking to do something else?


How to get data from specific rows only in RecyclerView?

I'm stuck on a little problem.
When I click on a row in my RecyclerView, I'd like to change its color to some other color (i.e.: red).
Then, if I click this row again, I would like to set its color back to the normal one (i.e.: white).
Then, if I click on a second row or n-th row, I would like to do the same.
I've tried to work on the RecyclerView Adapter class, in my ViewHolder I tried some ideas counting user clicks, setting a boolean to check the colored rows, and getAdapterPosition to know what is the row's position... but actually all my tries failed!
Would you please help me with that problem?
It seems that I'm close to the solution, but need a little help
You're going to need to keep track of which items were selected on the list (otherwise any changes to the view will simply be recycled).
Keep a list of selected items within your adapter. In the adapter's onBindViewHolder you can check against the list and if the list contains the view/item, you can color the view accordingly.
Edit: Refer here for a working example
How to properly highlight selected item on RecyclerView?

How to identify if a row is visible in a listview

I have a situation involving animation of listview's item appearances.
I have a few views in a ScollView , the last of which is the listview. I have attached an appearence animation of the row (a fade in animation).
The problem I have is that when the screen is loaded , the getView() of listview already executes for the initial items , even though the listview is not currently in view.
Hence when a user scroll downs , he sees the list plainly.
I am unsure how to go about this situation . Is there any callback that can be invoked when a row from a listview becomes visible on screen ? .
Yes there is a callback (OnScrollChangeListener), first visible index and last visible index etc. You can achieve what you are trying to using combination of these.
But you need to try that yourself first. No one can simply write a code for you.
You can learn about listview here

Animating a listview item takes effect on multiple rows

I'm having a strange issue. I need to implement swipe to delete in my listview. When user swipes left/right, I need to animate a delete button into/out of the screen and then on delete button click I need to delete that item from listview.
I am using Commonswares [TouchList] ( library to achieve that. In onFling method it gets the position of the swiped row and send it to onRemove method in my activity. I can delete the item accurately. But if i animate the row at swiped position, multiple rows get effected. I am not able to fix this issue nor am I able to find any help.
Any help will be appreciated.
I had a similar issue to this which was down to Android's view recycling.
(A good explanation of it is available here)
To resolve I simply reset the animation in the item's OnResume method as I didn't need to retain the animation for the item which has scrolled out of view.

List focus on a particular item in that list dynamically

In my project i have a ListView for handling the list of a product. In that i have a list of 100 Items in that List view. Each and Every time i have been seeing the first row of the ListView..
If i need to see the data in the ListView Means, i need to scroll down, Can i focus directly to a particular item by any function by passing the position(ID) of the ListView..
For Example this is my ListView that contains 11 items in it..
I'm seeing every time the ListView as the following,..
And my try is, If i give the ListView position as ID=5 means, can i get the Focus of the ListView as follow, in the opening itself...
Can we get this by ListFragment method or anything else?
Suggest me for the Best..
try this, use setselection
Don't know about ListFragment but in listview, you can use listview.setSelection(position);
This method will help you to achieve this
for example: listview.setSelection(5);

ListView updating Items without being recreated

I want my ListView to work something like the following:
When I press a button (probably from context-menu), I want the user to be able to select more then one item from ListView (probably using check-boxes), but those check-boxes should not be visible before that.
So, the point is, after the user presses a button (let's say "Delete more items"), the listview, should update itself, and appear on every row of the list, a checkbox should appear (allowing me to select the items ID to pass those to server).
How can I achieve that, without having to recreate the list from zero? (how to setVisibility ON, keeping the other content of the ListView as it is, and not doing another request to server).
PS. If you guys, have another better idea, on achieving the Delete More Items, would be much appreciated!
This is just an idea, haven't tried it myself: you build in a checkbox in your listitem layout. Normally, in the getView of your adapter, you set it invisible with
When you want to show them, you set some boolean
of your adapter to true, then in the getView oyu don't hide the checkboxes.
on the adapter.
Hope it's clear what I mean.

