Pause MediaPlayer when using a Map in android app - android

I am building a soundboard with about 40 sounds using a map.
(Previous thread)
Does anyone know a good way to pause restart Mediaplayer if the app is moved to the background (incoming call or anything like that)? I'm still very new at this so it is probably something super simple. Thanks anyone who can help.
Map map = new
map.put(, R.raw.sound1);
map.put(, R.raw.sound2);
and then iterate:
for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) {
final MediaPlayer sound = MediaPlayer.create(entry.getValue());
Button button = (ImageButton) findViewById(entry.getKey());
button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {

I assume you don't want to play all sounds together, so you can declare the mediaplayer object outside the loop and then you don't need to know which file is being played. You can use sound.pause(); sound.stop(); or sound.reset(); (depends on the action you want to preform) I suggest you look at the android docs to see how to implement it properly.
If you want to create mediaplayer for each file which I doubt you want, save the mediaplayers in a map / list and pause / reset them in loop during onPause().

Override Activity.onPause(). This is called whenever your app goes to the background, Home button or back button or incoming call or magic thunderclouds of doom.


change image with OnClick

I need some help,
I have one ImageButton that plays and stops a tune, I want the button to change to a stop symbol when playing and then back to a play symbol when stopped. So far I have the symbol and tune playing when the ImageButton is clicked the first time, but when it is clicked the second time, the tune stops but the image does not change, any advice?
mPlayTune.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
if (tuneMp.isPlaying()) {
Couldn't you just make 2 objects and hide or show them by clicking them? It's not a clean implementation but for sure a workaround.
I solved it, it was simply changing
this way it sets the icon before hitting tuneMp.start();

Using MediaPlayer to play the same file multiple times with overlap

What's currently happening with my android application:
I mapped a simple image to a button and have it play a sound on click. On each click, I create a MediaPlayer object with a sound file in my raw folder, I set an OnClickListener for that MediaPlayer object which stops playing the file and releases it, and then I play the MediaPlayer object.
The code for the defined section:
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
ImageButton start = (ImageButton) findViewById(;
start.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
MediaPlayer play = MediaPlayer.create(MainActivity.this, R.raw.dvno);
play.setOnCompletionListener(new OnCompletionListener() {
public void onCompletion(MediaPlayer mp) {
mp = null;
What's wrong with it:
It works fine and does not crash, but it's terrible for memory and very slow in general. I'd like for users to click the button many times in a row, as fast as they possibly can, and hear the sound play instantaneously over and over with overlap. Creating a new MediaPlayer object on each click and waiting for it to finish and be released consumes too many resources and the sound often lags behind the actual press of the button. I'd like to be able to create a single sound as MediaPlayer object which can be played while overlapping on itself.
Possible Solution:
Create a single final MediaPlayer object in the scope of onCreate rather than onClick and somehow use threading to start the MediaPlayer object on every click. I read that this might be a possible solution, but I haven't ever used threads before and I don't know if they're slow, if not slower, than my current code, so I'd like to know if there's a solution without using threads that might be simpler. Manipulating the state of a single MediaPlayer to overlap on itself seems impossible at this point, but maybe I'm wrong.
Would this crash the program because of illegal states? If not, is this going to be slower than I want it to be? And if not, can anyone suggest a fix to my code?
I suggest you use a SoundPool instead of MediaPlayer for this.
Tutorial is here

Android tutorial Button "Save" the changes in Ringtone, Notification Volume

Doese anyone know of a tutorial on how to make a Volume Controller like this one (with a Save button at the bottom). This is my problem, how to make that "Save" button. I can create all the volume SeekBars, but unfortunately when I make changes on SseekBar it automatically changes the volume from the phone settings (ringer, notification, media, in call).
Thanks in advance.
First off, use the SeekBar and retrieve the value it sets to. Don't set the volumes while the SeekBar is adjusted. And then, when the button Save is pushed, send those values to the AudioManager.
Use this link for more detailed explanation: Android Development: Change Media volume? as well as this one:
Here's a quick example of how it might look like:
AudioManager audioManager = (AudioManager)getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
ImageButton save = (ImageButton) findViewById(;
save.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
audioManager.setStreamVolume(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, valueFromSeekBar, flagIfNeeded);
}); //End setOnClickListener()

How to produce default sound

I hava a set of buttons. When I click on a button it should produce sound.
Button b=new Button(this);
b.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener)[
public void click(View v)
This doesn't work though, can anyone help me please.
What do you mean on default sound? If you want to play your own sound, you must create a MediaPlayer like this.
MediaPlayer mediaPlayer = MediaPlayer.create(this, [here is your sound in the raw file]);
and in the click method you need to implement this:
or you can use soundpool too.
Hope it helps.
You can also use the build in sound notifications
ToneGenerator tg = new ToneGenerator(AudioManager.STREAM_NOTIFICATION, ToneGenerator.MAX_VOLUME);
If you want to play the default click sound when you click on the button, then setting b.setSoundEffectsEnabled(true) should work (although it doesn't need to be on the listener), but it is dependent on the device option to play audible selection. Try checking the device's sound settings if it is on.

Play a melody on click

When I click on a view, I want to play a melody. The problem is that when I click very fast, the melody starts from the beginning and I want it to play to the end and at this time screen must not react to clicks (because I don't want the melody to be played 10 times if I clicked very fast 10 times). I wrote something like this:
MediaPlayer mp = MediaPlayer.create(MyActivity.this, R.raw.cow_moo);
if(mp.isPlaying()) {
But after one click the screen does not react to click anymore... Help me please with this.
//Init your MediaPlayer when Activity is created, for instance:
MediaPlayer mp = MediaPlayer.create(MyActivity.this, R.raw.cow_moo);
//onClickListener goes here:
//do nothing
//onClickListener ends here:
Read the android developers guide, it says "If you wish to later replay the media, then you must reset() and prepare() the MediaPlayer object before calling start() again"
Upon click event check if the media player has finished its playback. If no, then do nothing, if yes then play again.
To check if finished use this method below:
You may check this:
Hope you find it easy. :)

