running multiple android emulators - android

I have more than one android emulator running, along with devices connected to the same machine.
I want to to know how to connect to a single emulator/device from the command prompt.
For example: adb shell emulator-5554
But that doesn't work.

You should use -s switch:
adb -s emulator-5554 shell

with the command
adb devices
you get a list of all connected devices like:
$ adb devices
List of devices attached
emulator-5554 device
emulator-5556 device
emulator-5558 device
Then you can run all commands normally, but you have to attach the -s option
adb -s emulator-5556 install helloWorld.apk
Take a look at the tutorial if you want to know more about adb.

adb connect xx.xx.xx.xx
adb disconnect xx.xx.xx.xx
it can be X86 Emulators ;)


Multiple devices issue in tcpip

I'm using termux in Android
I connect my using tcpip
I can't excute command reason show multiple devices connected
adb devices
List of devices attached
emulator-5554 device
adb allows multiple devices to be connected which will not allow to run the shell
you can try restarting the server using the following command and try again
adb kill-server
adb start-server
it worked for me some one already mentioned about the -s Serial number ( phone / emulator id )
adb -s SERIAL shell
so that will also be a good option to try
you can also try command line to connect with the target using
adb connect
you may also try
adb disconnect
and retry
Good luck

Check if headless android emulator is running

I am running a headless emulator (Android api 25) on a Ubuntu linux 14 server and I see the below output for the command-
$./adb devices
List of devices attached
emulator-5556 device
However, If i try to run any other command I get error
$./adb shell dumpsys deviceidle get deep
Can't find service: deviceidle
$./adb shell 'pm list packages -f'
Error: Could not access the Package Manager. Is the system running?
How can i verify that my emulator is functional?
is adb devices -l not working? it should show you the status of the device as well
try adb push, for eg
adb push foo.txt /sdcard/foo.txt
or adb install for eg
adb -s emulator-5556 install apkname.apk
these commands will work with any running emulator/device
all these commands are available on the documentation

Detecting if emulator has started completely

I want to check if all the emulators has booted successfully. I have tried with this command adb shell getprop sys.boot_completed this works if i am running one emulator. But if i have more than one emulator this command returns error as following: error: more than one device/emulator.How to solve this?
You should specify the device serial number on the adb command line to let it know which one you want to interact with.
Something like
adb -s emulator-5554 shell ...
Also, if you are doing it from the command line, multiple times and you are starting to be annoyed by that, you can try which allows you to select the device
$ adb shell
1) 02783201431feeee device 3) emulator-5554
2) 3832380FA5F30000 device 4) emulator-5556
Select the device to use, <Q> to quit: 1

Rebooting a device when adb is connected over tcpip

I have connected an android device over tcpip using adb connect <ipaddress>. I am able perfrom all operations of adb on this devices.
However when I issues a command adb -s <ip>:5555 reboot, I see that prompt simply hangs and reboot is not being performed on the devices.
Is this a known limitation of adb over tcpip?
Are there any other ways to issue reboot commands in such cases?
Thanks in advance
Command adb -s :5555 reboot is incorrect, adb -s <IP Address>:<5555> reboot is correct.
If your device IP is, use the following.
$ adb connect
Lets say your list of devices show the following
$ adb devices
List of devices attached device
0554e0700a67240d device
The correct way to reboot the device using adb is
$ adb -s reboot
After issuing the above command, your prompt will hang since the adbd daemon is killed on the device.
To return it to normal, use adb disconnect on another prompt and it will return to normal.

How do you connect your terminal with the Android emulator

I have tried the navigate to the android tool folder and entering the "adb shell" command but it doesn't seem to work. My terminal seems only to recognize the adb part of the command and gives me an error message. What am I doing wrong???
List all connected devices by typing adb devices
Check, if there are any devices listed. If not you may want to check that your device is connected and/or your emulator is running.
If it works and you have for example your emulator running and your usb-device connected use:
adb shell if you only have device connected.
adb -d shell to connect to an USB-Device.
adb -e shell to connect to an emulated device.
If you have more than one emulator or usb devices you might want to use:
adb -s <DEVICE> shell
Make sure that the path to the android-sdk is properly set-up in your environment. To quickcheck, fire up a shell and type adb version. If that command succeeds, you're set up. If not, add /path/to/android-sdk/tools and /path/to/android/platform-tools to your $PATH env variable. On windows the android sdk is typically located in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Android\sdk.

