Android eclipse random string array for setText? - android

If I understand correctly
Random ran = new Random();
String[] ButtonText = null;
Resources res = getResources();
ButtonText = res.getStringArray(R.array.ButtonText_array);
String strRandom = ButtonText[ran.nextInt(ButtonText.length)];
System.out.println("Random string is : "+strRandom);
Is a way to take my string-array items and put them in random order and now I'm wanting to setText of several buttons with individual items from the strRandom. The following is for the setText of a button
Button gm1 = (Button) findViewById(;
But I dont know how to put in the strRandom items into the setText part and since I dont need it displaying what do I need to alter here.
System.out.println("Random string is : "+strRandom);

I really am not understanding the question...
If you're just asking how to set the text to a random string, do it just as you did with the println() statement,
Just a side note: by convention, variables are done in camelCase, reserve AllCaps for class names. (e.g. ButtonText should be buttonText). You'll notice the SO formatter formats ButtonText as if it were a class, not an array.

gm1.setText((CharSequence)("Random string is : " + strRandom));
You need to cast from String to CharSequence


Spliting a Text on multiple conditions

I am writing an app with Android Studio and I want to split a text into different values.
I have following text in result
*"Name: Peter;Age: 25; City: Chicago"*
I want to get:
*Name = Peter;
Age = 25;
City = Chicago;*
I used the search function and found these solutions: Android Split string but for my problem it seems to be too complicated.
The easiest way is to use split() method.
String s1="Name: Peter;Age: 25; City: Chicago";
String[] words=s1.split(";");
//using java foreach loop to print elements of string array
for(String w:words)
Log.i("Words: ", w);

Html Styling in textview goes wrong Android

I am selecting a part of the TextView and on click of a "highlight" button, I am sending the start and the end index of selection to the database. Then I am loading all the start and end indexes from db and changing the color of text between them.
The problem is after once or twice, the app is changing the color of text that is not in selection.. and the selected part remains unchanged.
When user selects and presses the highlight button
int i=contentText.getSelectionStart();
int j=contentText.getSelectionEnd();
The setHighlightedText() method..
String fullText=contentText.getText().toString();
for(int i=0; i<db.getAllStartIndex().size();i++){
String a=fullText.substring(Integer.parseInt(db.getAllStartIndex().get(i)),Integer.parseInt(db.getAllEndIndex().get(i)));
fullText = fullText.replace(a, "<font color='red'>"+a+"</font>");
contentText.setText(Html.fromHtml(fullText), TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE);
The selection:
The Result:
Clearly the selected area is from "Garrick" to "Bart", and the result is from "entity" to "2012"
I am not able to understand why is this happening. I think there is some problem with this <font color='red'>"+a+"</font> line.
Thank you
It got wrong indexed because There is already added <font color='red'> in the beginning, So that in second time This tag is also counted as a part of string, So I suggest creating a new temporary String, assign same text to the String but after replacing the previous font tag it held. Use this syntax to remove previous font tag from originalString
String tempString = originalString.replaceAll("[<](/)?font[^>]*[>]", "");
After that work with only tempString. That means again add every previous font tag you have to tempString and set that text.
In next time again do the same first remove all font tag and again add all of them back in tempString as well as current selection using same loop you are using currently.
You have wrong indexes because you are modifying the fullText content within the loop.
Taking a look at this example you can figure it:
final TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(;
tv.setText( "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789");
String fullText= tv.getText().toString();
// your first iteration
String a = fullText.substring(1,3);
// a contains "ab"
fullText = fullText.replace(a, "<font color='red'>"+a+"</font>");
After the first iteration full text contains now
a<font color='red'>bc</font>defghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
Then the substring() in the second iteration won't returns the substring base on your initial content.
If you want to be able to have multiple substrings colored in red you can try this:
String fullText = contentText.getText().toString();
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
for(int i=0; i < db.getAllStartIndex().size(); i++){
fullText = applyFont(result, fullText, Integer.parseInt(db.getAllStartIndex().get(i)), Integer.parseInt(db.getAllEndIndex().get(i)));
// Add here the remaining content
contentText.setText(Html.fromHtml(result.toString()), TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE);
private String applyFont(StringBuilder result, String source, int from, int to){
result.append(source.substring(0, from));
result.append("<font color='red'>");
result.append(source.substring(from, to));
return source.substring(to, source.length());

Android TextView : "Do not concatenate text displayed with setText"

I am setting text using setText() by following way.
prodNameView.setText("" + name);
prodOriginalPriceView.setText("" + String.format(getString(R.string.string_product_rate_with_ruppe_sign), "" + new BigDecimal(price).setScale(2, RoundingMode.UP)));
In that First one is simple use and Second one is setting text with formatting text.
Android Studio is so much interesting, I used Menu Analyze -> Code Cleanup and i got suggestion on above two lines like.
Do not concatenate text displayed with setText. Use resource string
with placeholders. less... (Ctrl+F1)
When calling TextView#setText:
Never call Number#toString() to format numbers; it will not handle fraction separators and locale-specific digits properly. Consider
using String#format with proper format specifications (%d or %f)
Do not pass a string literal (e.g. "Hello") to display text. Hardcoded text can not be properly translated to other languages.
Consider using Android resource strings instead.
Do not build messages by concatenating text chunks. Such messages can not be properly translated.
What I can do for this? Anyone can help explain what the thing is and what should I do?
Resource has the get overloaded version of getString which takes a varargs of type Object: getString(int, java.lang.Object...). If you setup correctly your string in strings.xml, with the correct place holders, you can use this version to retrieve the formatted version of your final String. E.g.
<string name="welcome_messages">Hello, %1$s! You have %2$d new messages.</string>
using getString(R.string.welcome_message, "Test", 0);
android will return a String with
"Hello Test! you have 0 new messages"
About setText("" + name);
Your first Example, prodNameView.setText("" + name); doesn't make any sense to me. The TextView is able to handle null values. If name is null, no text will be drawn.
Don't get confused with %1$s and %2$d in the accepted answer.Here is a few extra information.
The format specifiers can be of the following syntax:
The optional argument_index is specified as a number ending with a “$” after the “%” and selects the specified argument in the argument list. The first argument is referenced by "1$", the second by "2$", etc.
The required format specifier is a character indicating how the argument should be formatted. The set of valid conversions for a given argument depends on the argument's data type.
We will create the following formatted string where the gray parts are inserted programmatically.
Hello Test! you have 0 new messages
Your string resource:
< string name="welcome_messages">Hello, %1$s! You have %2$d new
messages< /string >
Do the string substitution as given below:
getString(R.string.welcome_message, "Test", 0);
%1$s will be substituted by the string "Test"
%2$d will be substituted by the string "0"
I ran into the same lint error message and solved it this way.
Initially my code was:
private void displayQuantity(int quantity) {
TextView quantityTextView = (TextView) findViewById(;
quantityTextView.setText("" + quantity);
I got the following error
Do not concatenate text displayed with setText. Use resource string with placeholders.
So, I added this to strings.xml
<string name="blank">%d</string>
Which is my initial "" + a placeholder for my number(quantity).
Note: My quantity variable was previously defined and is what I wanted to append to the string. My code as a result was
private void displayQuantity(int quantity) {
TextView quantityTextView = (TextView) findViewById(;
quantityTextView.setText(getString(R.string.blank, quantity));
After this, my error went away. The behavior in the app did not change and my quantity continued to display as I wanted it to now without a lint error.
Do not concatenate text inside your setText() method, Concatenate what ever you want in a String and put that String value inside your setText() method.
ex: correct way
int min = 120;
int sec = 200;
int hrs = 2;
String minutes = String.format("%02d", mins);
String seconds = String.format("%02d", secs);
String newTime = hrs+":"+minutes+":"+seconds;
Do not concatenate inside setText() like
text.setText(hrs+":"+String.format("%02d", mins)+":"+String.format("%02d", secs));
You should check this thread and use a placeholder like his one (not tested)
<string name="string_product_rate_with_ruppe_sign">Price : %1$d</string>
String text = String.format(getString(R.string.string_product_rate_with_ruppe_sign),new BigDecimal(price).setScale(2, RoundingMode.UP));
Don't Mad, It's too Simple.
String firstname = firstname.getText().toString();
String result = "hi "+ firstname +" Welcome Here";
the problem is because you are appending "" at the beginning of every string.
lint will scan arguments being passed to setText and will generate warnings, in your case following warning is relevant:
Do not build messages by
concatenating text chunks. Such messages can not be properly
as you are concatenating every string with "".
remove this concatenation as the arguments you are passing are already text. Also, you can use .toString() if at all required anywhere else instead of concatenating your string with ""
I fixed it by using String.format
befor :
after :
String.format("Address:%s\nCountry:%s\nCity:%s\nState:%s", address, country, city, state));
You can use this , it works for me
title.setText(MessageFormat.format("{0} {1}", itemList.get(position).getOppName(), itemList.get(position).getBatchNum()));
If you don't need to support i18n, you can disable this lint check in Android Studio
File -> Settings -> Editor -> Inspections -> Android -> Lint -> TextView Internationalization(uncheck this)
prodNameView.setText("" + name); //this produce lint error
val nameStr="" + name;//workaround for quick warning fix require rebuild
I know I am super late for answering this but I think you can store the data in a varible first then you can provide the variable name. eg:-
// Java syntax
String a = ("" + name);
String b = "" + String.format(getString(R.string.string_product_rate_with_ruppe_sign);
String c = "" + new BigDecimal(price).setScale(2, RoundingMode.UP));
prodOriginalPriceView.setText(b, c);
if it is textView you can use like that : myTextView.text = ("Hello World")
in editText you can use myTextView.setText("Hello World")

Split string into two separate variables

I have this code:
String a = "{action= some text, task= some text}, {action= some text2, task= some text2}";
String[] b = a.split("\\{action\\=|\\,|\\}|task\\=");
for( String z : b){
Log.e("eto", z);
How do I store the text after "action=" which is some text to String action? same with task?
Use StringTokenizer. Example included in link.
EDIT: You may need to use a couple of them, first one for comma separation than other for equals.

Handle drawables - by the name

I already know how to handle drawables like this:
final int[] imgSizeIds = new int[]{,,R.drawable.two,
setImageResource(imgSizeIds [ size ] );
in android. But what If I have an Array of Strings that is populated like this:
String[] names = new String[]{"oliver", "peter", "mike"};
and I would like to use Image oliver.jpg when The ROW Oliver is going to be handled.
Something like:
setImageResource(R.drawable. (AND HERE COMES "oliver") );
So the result will be:
Two Arrays would not be the big problem but I also do not know how to put a string into the integer Array of drawables.. I cannot do something like:
final int[10] imgSizeIds;
String stringy = "oliver";
int[0] = "R.drawable." + stringy;
So that the 1st item in that array would be set to R.drawable.oliver
try this
int resid = getResources.getIdentifier("oliver" , "drawable", getPackageName());
setImageResource(R.drawable. (AND HERE COMES "oliver") );
So the result will be: setImageResource(R.drawable.oliver);
this will probably not happen.Because when you tell android to take a string specified in a String variable,it would take it as - "oliver" and put it like R.drawable."oliver" or even though,if you would try putting it like - setImageResource("R.drawable."+ (AND HERE COMES "oliver") ) it will take it as a String like "R.drawable.oliver" which is after all a String variable and not appropriate to be passed in setImageResource() method.
Be sure that R.drawable.imagename gives you int, not a string.
See if below code helps-
String[] imgNames = new String[]{ "oliver", "apple", "car"};
and use this to use names from name string array-
ImageView imgvw = (ImageView) findViewById(getResources().getIdentifier(imgNames[index],"drawable",getPackageName()));
where index is position of item in string name array.

