MonoDroid VS Java in android development? - android

I know C# rather well and just love Visual Studio as IDE. :) Yet now I want to start developing for android...
I found out about MonoDroid and wanted to ask if it has any downsides to it that would make Java more preferable, or should I uninstall Eclipse and dive straight into MonoDroid?
If I understand right, MonoDroid deploys/compiles native android applications and does not need any additional .net-like framework or anything?
Are there any significant limitations to what I can do with MonoDroid? For example, having the app run in the background or using some external .net libraries for image editing, etc. ?

I've been worrying about the same thing - productivity in C# instead of playing with an unfamiliar language, vs developing how the OS developers intended it to be.
Its easy to list pros vs cons -
pros (of monodroid, for C# developers)
familiar dev environment, can develop using Visual Studio
C# instead of Java
Reusable code assets - you can use a lot of code in your iphone project or Windows phone 7 project using monotouch and the WP7 SDK.
cons -
debugging could be difficult, due to lack of api documentation from Google. Will have to depend solely on monodroid documentation.
there could be a lag when it comes to latest cutting edge features - safe to assume that the monodroid team will require some time to wrap around the latest android features every time there is a new OS release
availability of libraries - I am not sure how you can use the open source libraries that would have evolved around the android platform, that could cut down on development time

Much of the documentation available is in Java: so if you run into difficulties with phone behavior when using MonoDroid you won't really find that much help or debugging information so you may want to stick with Eclipse.

There's a lot more than just a set of wrappers running under davlick, truth to be told, there is much more of a horizontal relationship between MonoDroid and Android;
When did using the same language as the OS developers become a big issue? There's lots of C++ programmers wondering how to use BSD or SVR5 and many C programmers who want to know what the heck to do on Windows++...

If you will write in c# anyway you will be have to wrap it into a Java code, so what's the point ? Also you may head with a very difficult issues while trying to understand the APIs who written for Java programming...

Here are some points that you can mull over:
Android applications are predominately written with Java. The Android SDK itself is natively written in Java.
Working in Mono may not provide all the functionality available in the Java SDK.
If you are a C# Developer you wont be able to find, in Java, some of the (cool) features available in C# (like Property Delegates etc).
Code written in .NET can be re-used for other environments - this may save a lot time that would have been spent learning a new language/environment (like Objective C), and coding in it.
.NET extends the Android development stack with it's existing libraries and API's.
I think both are good for certain reason. It will be very hard to say which one is preferable for Android development - in the end that is up to you too decide.

Also note that any release build using monodroid adds an additional 4mb to the apk filesize and increases app startup time with a few seconds.
For simple apps this can mean a 500-800% increase in filesize - whic is pretty bad in my book.


Can iOS Apps be developed using Java?

I'm a web developer and am thinking of digging into mobile app development. The languages I know so far are PHP, Python, SQL, Js, HTML and CSS, all of them pretty well now. Currently I'm starting to dig into Java, as it's the language to be used for native Android App Development, as far as I've learned. Interestingly, I'm coming across posts (also in this forum) saying that Java can also be used to develop iOS - compatible Apps, while other sources comment that Apple is completely against cross-devs, and that you should develop iOS apps using Swift when it comes to the native choice and optimal UX. So I was wondering about the answer in this forum; can you develop iOS apps using Java or not?
Post is a few months old now, but I figure someone with a similar question will probably find this with web search, so this reply is for them. (Disclaimer: I wrote Java professionally for about five years, and I grew up when Java was supposed to be the future.)
If the question is, "Can you write Java code and run it on iOS?" then the answer is, "Technically yes, but you almost certainly don't want to."
It requires jumping through all kinds of hoops and sleight-of-hand to make it work. The project linked in a previous answer, Codename One, is a pretty heavyweight framework and the kind of thing you'd only want to use if you were heavily committed to a Java codebase already.
There are advantages to knowing Java in 2022, but cross-platform mobile development isn't one of them.
Some reasons why you might want to learn Java:
Developing on Android. Android now supports/recommends Kotlin for new projects, but Java was the sole first-class language on the platform for 10+ years, so it's advantageous to be able to read/write/reuse Java code and libraries.
Using long-standing big-data tools (spark, hadoop, neo4j, etc.). While this domain has increasingly moved to Python over the past 5-7 years, there's still a lot of production Java code that someone needs to maintain. [Edit 3/31/22: See also the Apache http server, whose name never sat right with me because as far as I know, the people who wrote it aren't Apache.]
Stylistic similarity to C-family languages. Java can be a more intuitive introduction to C-style languages than jumping right into, say C++. These days, though, I would recommend C# over Java since it's used in more domains.
Continuity with some JS dialects. React code in particular is full of Object Oriented(tm) design conventions that are very strongly influenced by Java practices, and those design choices in turn have influenced changes in the JS spec. So being familiar with Java conventions can help make sense of that stuff. It can also help you identify which of those practices are bad ideas so you can avoid them in JS. [See footnote 1.]
As far as reasons why you won't see widespread Java usage outside of those legacy domains, I'd say there are a lot of good reasons people have moved away from Java since 2006 or so:
It's incredibly verbose, and requires a lot of esoteric knowledge about implementation details to write code that runs efficiently. This is the kind of problem that languages like Scala and Kotlin have tried to solve, while retaining compatibility with the JVM platform for ease of migration.
The JVM platform itself introduces substantial overhead, both in resource usage and integration complexity.
Changes in approach and policy since Sun's acquisition by Oracle. This is related to licensing issues (see Oracle v Google), as well as complexity/feature creep, which has given rise to compatibility issues across codebases.
Emergence of viable alternative languages in the 2000's and 2010's.
Widespread adoption of virtualization technology has yielded alternate ways to solve the compatibility issues that Java was designed to address.
It's ironic, since the motto of Java used to be "write once, run everywhere", but that's the way things go.
Footnote 1. Actually, this is kind of a trick question, since most commonly accepted Java practices are bad ideas. This can be demonstrated by the fact that in 1995, object-oriented Java applications would run in a typical web browser, whereas 27 years later Java is considered too heavyweight for that purpose.
Postscript, 3/31/22: This is my first and likely only Stack Overflow post. If you want to read more like this, check out my github:
Yes you can.
One tool used for this is Codename One.
Also for more info on this subject, feel free to consult this thread:
How can one develop iPhone apps in Java?
Yes, this is possible. is an open-source RTS game written in Java. It has an iOS port that is compiled via an open-source fork of RoboVM.
IOS works on objective C and Android works in Java and Kotlin. I don't know how much some conversion tool can help you to achieve all the functionality. So in my opinion answer is No.
Hybrid Application development can help you. You have one source code that will run in both platform. You have to develop the app again.
First: Java is used in more Domains than C#. Needed information because C# has no way to get over with ONE UI to Desktop, Mobile and Web.
By the way, the recommended Solution is CodenameOne or - if you want to implement your App with JavaFX - use Gluonmobile which is using the GraalVM, an ahead of time compiler for IOS.
In both Cases you have access to Hardware of the Device for Android and IOS because there is an abstraction which helps you with implementations for both Platforms - Android And IOS. Write in this Case one App and compile for both worlds.

How to open my Android native application with Xamarin.forms?

I've been developing an Android application with Android Studio and now I need to be able to open it with Xamarin.forms in Visual Studio (it's a task that my teacher gave me, and it's because a classmate has been creating the iOS version and now we will combine them into one project).
I have to say that I'm pretty much a noob and been looking a few tutorials that talk about Dependency Service and other stuff, but don't seem to quite cover what I'm looking for (or, at least, not clearly enough).
If you have a precise video that explains simply how to do this, I would be grateful if you share it with me.
I thank you for your time and wish you a great day :)
It is impossible at even now in current version of Visual Srudio .
Every file in Xamain is different with Native Android . The Java code can not be directly copyed to use in Xamarin , you should translate them to C#.
Having a look at this document: Porting Java to C# for Xamarin.Android .
There are two ways to port Java code to C#. The first way is to port the code manually. ..The second porting methodology is to try and automate the process by using a code converter...There is often a non-trivial amount of work involved with bootstrapping an automated code conversion tool, and this may prove to be a barrier to use. In many cases, it may be simpler and easier to port Java to C# by hand.

Porting a game developed in Qt (for KDE) to Android

I have game (of cards based on Contract Bridge) written in Qt (QML) for KDE, now I'm supposed to port the entire game to Android (with Android apapted UI of course). At first I considered to use Necessitas (a Qt port for Android) but found that it is still under development and is currently in 3rd Alpha. I'm new to Android development (as well as game development), while I have experience working in Java, C++ and web technologies like HTML5, JavaScript.
Hence based on my skills, I considered using MoSync. But I'm not sure if I'll be able to use any existing modules of game already developed in Qt (while in MoSync its possible to invoke C++ code from JavaScript and vice-versa), and since I didn't worked on the Qt version of the game, I'll first have to refer to that code and then I'll be working on Android version of the same. So I need suggestion that from where should I start. Also, I have 1.5 months of duration to complete the project (without any working hour constraints), so also suggest me if its a good idea to work from scratch using Android APIs.
Please let me know if I need to elaborate the question even further.
I recommend taking a look at V-Play ( It's a cross platform game engine based on Qt/QML .
If your game is already written in QML, you have the least porting effort because you can use almost all of your existing code, and use V-Play QML game components for handling multiple display resolutions & aspect ratios, animations, particles, physics, multi-touch, gestures, path finding and more (API reference).
You can also take a look at Benefits to find out if V-Play satisfies your demands.
Qt is more cross-platform than ever now. instead of porting, just modify it a little and continue with Qt, then compile for iOS, Android, etc.

Starting Android Development: Native or cross-platform?

I am an experienced professional programmer who wants to delve into Android programming. I also wish to investigate cross-platform programming using tools like PhoneGap or Titanium.
However, I am a bit in doubt of which learning strategy is best.
One approach is to get a good feeling of the Android environment and later on explore the possibilities of the cross-platform tools.
Another approach is to jump start using say Titanium (which to me looks like the better option of the two mentioned) and then after a while look into the underlying Android building blocks. The reason why this approach seems worth considering is that although I have earned my living on programming for 20 years, I have no experience whatsoever with Java. And the feeling of getting something done has always been encouraging to me.
What do you think? Does option 2 make sense, or would it be more sensible to get an understanding of the Android environment first?
Thanks in advance,
I think that all depends on what will you develop:
If you want to develop simple interfaces (parsing XML/Json/...) with some forms and nice transitional effects, then Titanium is yours.
However, the most advanced functionalities aim the iOS platform. For example, the augmented reality module or the push notification are not supported for Android.
On the other hand, if you want to develop advanced interfaces (Games for example), then you have no choice: Android SDK is the best way (you can use Flash for Android but it doesn't support very first Android OS versions).
In all cases, you have to understand how the Android platform works.
I had a similar decision to make, although I am not an experienced programmer like you with vast experience , I had no java knowledge and I needed to write an android app for a project in grad school ,and i'd tend to agree with you on which is the better option , although reading the dev guide and grasping the basics will be a must. And like Zakaria says , it also depends on what you plan to develop.
in my case I learnt basic java first , then used the SDK for my project. Its not that big a learning curve actually , I did not find too many problems with the API.

Is Scala for me? (C# developer with focus on functional / OOP style)

I want to learn a new programming language and develop for the Android platform.
I'm a fulltime C# / F# - developer and I also use C# in the most functional way possible (because I like this paradigm far better than the old skool style "lets iterate and describe to the barkeeper how to make the cocktail", to quote Microsoft).
However, I have a strong dislike for Java, because in my opinion it is outdated and, hm, a dinosaur - it lacks exactly the features I like best about C# and F#.
On the other hand, developing for the Android platform requires JDK use.
So, would you recommend Scala? Or is the JDK stuff not for me at all?
Scala rocks exactly as you'd expect that a functional language built on the JVM might. The only downside compared to C# for me (I haven't used F#) is that the IDEs haven't quite got the refactoring down yet. It isn't bad. I'm using IntelliJ's plugin for Scala; that seems to work well enough.
Of course, the main benefit you get from Scala is being able to leverage all the many Java libraries out there, since they work (mostly) interchangeably. That might not be important for the Android platform where your apps will be small and stand-alone, but for commercial development it means that Scala is already a serious Enterprise language. Learning Scala will therefore give you more job opportunities in the future. I would definitely recommend Scala.
One of my large financial clients is using it as their server-side language and it works beautifully. There are a few interesting clashes between eg: Scala and Java lists, Scala and Java booleans, all well-documented, but otherwise it's smooth.
Good luck!
An alternative to using Scala might be the upcoming MonoDroid, a port of the Mono runtime to android. Unfortunately it isn't completed yet, and will cost something like 400$.
I'd recommend looking into scala if you develop a new application for android and only use monodroid if you want to create a port of an existing .net application.

