How can I properly clean unused threads? - android

I have a client software (on Android) that listens to incoming messages. The messages are received in a while loop that waits for messages to come. When a message is found, it updates the GUI. [Since in Android, GUI can not be updated directly ] A thread is called to do this. My problem is, if there are many messages, results in many threads! And it creates a clumsy situation. My abstract code is,
send_text_function() // My question is not about it
in_a_thread_Call_receive_from_others_function() [see 1]
receiving_funtion() // [this function is mentioned above as (see 1), called in a thread]
while( waiting for new message)
>>A new message found >> create a thread to update the GUI. // << Here is my question. see 2
//android.os.Handler.thread type thread!
label 2: Now this thread is created each time there is a message. How can I just create one thread and keep using it again and again? Any idea?

Create a new Thread.
In the run() method of the Thread create a new Handler.
When you want to do something on the target thread, use the Handler's post() method.
You can create a Handler on the Main thread to post-back operations that update the GUI.
Also consider using AsyncTask<>.


Multiple aynchronous network calls blocking main thread because their output at same time?

I am using priority job queue , there are number of jobs running in parallel, so that their result populates on UI at same time which takes application to ANR, is there any way , so that i can run asynchronous calls and populate ui synchronously?
UI is always populated synchronously, if it is done in correct way. The correct way is to call activity.runOnUiThread(Runnable), directly or indirectly. Seems that your problem is that your jobs post to UI thread in a too high rate.
First, check if the Runnables to update UI does only UI work. Any calculations should be done outside the UI thread. If it is so, create an intermediate object which makes pauses between UI updates from the parallel jobs and so lets the UI thread to respond to updates from user. It can look as follows:
public class PauseMaker {
Semaphore sem = new Semaphore(1);
public void runOnUiThread(Runnable r) {
activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable(){
try {
} finally {
You can use the zip operator of rxjava2 to merge the responses together and when the combined response comes you can populate the UI synchronously .. for reference you can check..
Note The zipper will the return merged response after all the responses are received

Xamarin Android correct Asynchronous way

i am new on xamarin android apps.I want to build an app and i have read that connections with database or the execution of queries should happen asynchronously from the main thread otherwise the UIthread will may collapse.I have found 2 ways to do that:
First way:
WebClient client = new WebClient();
Uri uri = new Uri("");
NameValueCollection parameters = new NameValueCollection();
parameters.Add("Name", txtname.text);
client.UploadValuesCompleted += Client_UploadValuesCompleted;
client.UploadValuesAsync(uri,parameters); ---> is this gonna create a new thread and run asynchronously???
(here i found the first way: )
Both ways are correct?both of ways are gonna create a new thread and run asynchronously?Thanks!!!!
Both examples are ok but I'd usually trust the official documentation by Xamarin first. What might confuse you with the first example is the lack of await keyword when calling the UploadValuesAsync method. Here's what actually happens:
Call to UploadValuesAsync is made from the UI thread.
UI thread blocks until the method returns because it's running synchronously.
However, the method returns very quickly because it launches the upload process asynchronously on another thread internally and doesn't wait for the process to complete.
When the whole upload process is finished, Client_UploadValuesCompleted will be called.
As you can see on the WebClient.UploadValuesAsync page on MSDN, it states that:
These methods do not block the calling thread.
Also, when looking at the source code for UploadValuesAsync, you'll notice the following attribute defined on top:
which means the following:
Code that exposes external threading creates or manipulates threads other than its own, which might be harmful to the host.
To sum it up, the upload process is handled on another background thread but otherwise, your code will run synchronously. There's a bit more asynchronicity going on in Xamarin's sample.

How to avoide android ANR

I have one library which is linked to my Android application, I am calling some functions of that lib from my android Activity and those function calls are time taking (4-5 seconds).
I can not call this functions in separate thread (using AsyncTaks, Threads) because of the library limitations.
When i call these function and when these function are in process at the same time my UI does not respond to user activities and to avoid that i am displaying processing screen and if in-between user performs any key actions then i get ANR error.
How can i avoid this ANR or there is no way i can avoid it other that putting time taking process in separate thread?
better read this article and watch google IO videos (like this one and this one) .
if you don't have time for this , simply remember this simple rule:
long operations (like internet operations , DB operations , IO operations , and anything that could simply take longer than 5 seconds ) could cause ANR if they occur on the UI thread.
for updating the UI , you must use the UI thread . if you need to do it after/during the long operation , use classes such as : Handler , AsyncTask , , Activity.runOnUiThread .
Who wrote the library and what is it? The only reason I can think of as to why it would throw an exception is that it is trying to update the UI from the thread that you call it on. If the library methods take 4-5 seconds to compete then they should provide you with a callback mechanism that you can update your UI on the UI thread.
new Thread("Slow native process") {
public void run() {
// call your "time taking process", passing in the callback (you could implement in the outer class and pass "this"...)
callNativeMethod( args, new YourCallbackInterface() {
public void onResult( String response ) {
activity.runOnUiThread( new Runnable() {
// update UI

Updating GUI: Runnables vs Messages

To update the GUI from other threads, there are basically two main approaches:
Use java.lang.Runnable with any of these methods:
View.postDelayed(Runnable, long)
Use android.os.Message:
Handler.sendMessage(Message) / Handler.handleMessage(Message)
You can also use AsyncTask, but my question is more focused on the use case of updating a very simple component. Let's see how it would be done using both approaches:
Using Runnables:
TextViev tv = ...;
final String data = "hello";
Runnable r = new Runnable() {
public void run(){
//Now call Activity.runOnUiThread(r) or, ...
Using messages:
Message m = handler.obtainMessage(UPDATE_TEXT_VIEW, "hello");
//Now on handler implementation:
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
if(msg.what == UPDATE_TEXT_VIEW){
String s = (String) msg.obj;
} ... //other IFs?
IMHO, Messages are not the way to go because:
Not easy to understand for new non-android programmers (handler hooks to its thread during construction).
Object payload should be Parcellable if the message crosses process boundaries.
Messages are reused (error prone if not properly cleaned up?)
The handler has a dual role (it sends messages, but also handles them)
Message attributes are public, but also offer getter/setter.
On the other hand, Runnables follow the well known command pattern, and are more programmer-friendly and readable.
So what are the advantages of using Messages over Runnables? Are Messages pushed into the background in modern day Android programming? Is there anything you can do with Messages that can't be done with Runnables?
Thanks in advance.
I would say there is little difference between using a Message vs a Runnable. It'll mostly boil down to personal preference. Why? Looking at the source code you'll find that posting a Runnable uses the same exact messaging mechanism. It simply attaches the Runnable to a Message and sends that.
4.4.2 Source Code
public final boolean post(Runnable r) {
return sendMessageDelayed(getPostMessage(r), 0);
private static Message getPostMessage(Runnable r) {
Message m = Message.obtain();
m.callback = r;
return m;
Ref: Grep Code - Handler
Messages can be reused, so it results in fewer objects created and less GC. You also end up with fewer classes and anonymous types.
One big advantage is that a class sending a Message to a Handler doesn't need to know anything about the implementation of that Message. That can aid in encapsulation depending on where it's used.
Lastly consider the difference in cleanliness between
mHandler.obtainMessage(DO_STUFF, foo).sendToTarget();
final Foo tempFoo = foo; Runnable(){
public void run(){
If you have several places where you would have to doStuff(), the former is MUCH more readable and you'll have less code duplication.
Handler interface provides much more functionality than runOnUiThread(), according to docs:
There are two main uses for a Handler:
(1) to schedule messages and runnables to be executed as some point in the future
(2) to enqueue an action to be performed on a different thread than your own.
runOnUiThread does only a subset of (2). ie "enqueue an action to be performed on UI thread"
So IMO unless you need those extra features runOnUiThread is sufficient and preferred way.
I prefer Runnable to Message. I think code using Runnable is much clearer than Message, because the event handling code is very close to the event. Also, You can avoid the overhead of defining constants and switch cases.
And I don't think using Runnable violates encapsulation. You can extract the code in into another method in the outer class, for example on...Event(), or even wrap it into an EventHandler object. Both ways are much clearer than using Message, especially when you need store references in Message, because using Runnable avoids downcasting msg.obj. And the nameless field msg.obj is also error prone and sometimes inefficient to understand.
And Runnable can also be reused by storing it as a field.

Simple Thread Call

I've been reading up on how to use Thread in java, and I'm hoping someone can help me verify I'm using it correctly. I'm concerned that I should be calling .interrupt() or destroying the thread in some way.
I have a simple script that just hits my server to verify some data. My code:
Thread checkregister = new Thread(){
public void run(){
Where checkSystem() posts the device id to a php script and waits for the response via HttpClient & HttpResponse. There isn't any looping so I don't think blocking is called for, but please let me know if I'm wrong.
No need to destroy the Thread. The Thread is effectively taken out of the thread scheduler as soon as run() returns.
If for some reason you need a way to prematurely "end" the Thread, this is a bit more complicated and there's been a lot of discussion about the proper way to do it. Simple way though is to just call stop() on the Thread.

