I am using Eclipse to develop Android projects. I tried to reopen a closed project but got the following message...
The project description file
(.project) for is missing. This
file contains important information
about the project. The project will
not function properly until this file
is restored.
I thought I could just create the project from my source folders (by using Windows Explorer) but the projects are completely gone (and I hadn't backed up to an external drive)
Any suggestions how to get these projects back?
closing a project does not delete the .project file. something else happened to delete that.
To "recover" from this situation I would do the following:
Create a new android project.
Close eclipse
Copy the source from the former project into the new project (outside of eclipse).
Start eclipse.
Refresh the new android project.
Is your source for your projects completely gone? Did you check your workspace location?
If you still have your source you can create a new project and copy your source into it. (do this via explorer)
You can also try copying a .project file from another project. After the project opens you can then right click on the project and select 'fix project properties'
use window/show view/Package Explore (Alt+Shift+ Q P)
then in Package Explore window select your project
next step project/open project
its take me long time to find it.
I ma trying to open the source code of Gallery2 application in of Android in Eclipse and for some reason I am not able to open it.
I did Open> Android project from the existing code and selected the Gallery2 folder that I downloaded. As soon as I do that, i see the following screen:
As we can see that next button is disabled, Finish button is disabled and it says "Select atleast one project even though the project is selected". I am not sure what to do.
Or let me ask the question another way. I have successfully imported project into my workspace. What do I do now? I am fron Visual Studio world and ideally I should be looking for a solution file and that will open the entire project. How does that happen with java Android file?
Any ideas?
Because there is already project whose name is same GalleryActivity/Gallery2 or project which have same package name already imported in your eclipse workspace.
Check all the imported projects in your eclipse project explorer
This similiar error happened to me when I imported a standard Java project, I knew it was a java project but Eclipse didn't think so. It turned out that my project was missing the project.properties file and because of that Eclipse didn't recognize my project as a Java project. In the end I imported it as default project and added java facets to it, that did the trick. I don't know if this is your case but it may be worth to have a look at it, eclipse is a bit pedantic when it comes to things like this.
you have already imported same named project in your workspace. so first check your workspace and if exists delete it. or create another workspace and try to import the project
I just did an update of Android Studio and the project I was working currently on was completely erased. I think it prompt me on "terminating the main process" and I accidentally clicked ok. Is there a way to recover my project somehow? Why would the files be erased by simply updating?
In my case i didnt lose the whole project just the main folder which contains the java and the ressource file
I right click the project --> local history --> show history
--> revert selection
If you dont have the project you can create one with the same name same file names then do exactly the same thing as mentioned
Its a lesson to use github :v
I've had the same situation. I haven't been able to replicate the behaviour. My hope is the details bellow will contribute to some answer.
I was working on a project that required the addition of some JAR dependancies. The JAR dependancies, were added to the lib file and I was editing the project build.gradle script to compile them.
I was adding a dependency for jackson JSON to the build.gradle file when the issue occurred.
While typing 'compile com' android studio locked up for a moment. All the files in the project manger disappeared. Android Studio ran thru a gradle build.
Initially I though I'd inadvertently opened an new empty project. Unfortunately my files were gone.
Android Studio Never Closed or Crashed
The Folder which contained all the project files was completely empty. As if a batch deletion had occurred.
'File -> Open Recent' showed no evidence that the given project had been opened.
I had been working on this file during the previous 24 hours, opening it thru the 'File -> Open Recent' that morning to pick up where I left off the previous day.
It was Disconcerting.
I got the answer from the same problem here.
The project is not erased,just moved to another place, I also don't know why.
I just search my project's name in all my disk, then find the project under another folder.
I use the Mac OS, so the new folder is-
I am having the Same problem even now on Android Studio 3.1.4.
The entire project folder is wiped out.
But what I do currently is immediately save the entire project folder somewhere, like Company Folder, then Copy and paste again. Hectic though.
Done this ten times now. I will test not using default project location like /users/........
I face same problem too. I solved the problem by doing following steps.
In Android Studio, open the project main directory.
File -> Open -> Folder path where your missing project existed.
Lets say if your missing project is under ../AndroidStudioPrj/MyApp, please open AndroidStudioPrj directory.
Then VCS -> Local History -> Show History
In history, you can revert to get back your code.
I erased a project from the Project Explorer, because I didn't think I had everything in the Workspace folder that it needed. I was getting error messages. When I got the complete project into the workspace folder and tried to re-import it I get this message: "Some projects cannot be imported because they already exist in the workspace."
The three folders of the project show up in the window, but are greyed out and cannot be selected.
Thanks to Arun and Francis below.... but new problem
OK. Great! Got passed that one deleting from hard disk and creating a new workspace folder. But now when I try to run it as an Android Application I get the message, "No compatible targets were found. Do you wish to add new Android Virtual device? And in the Console: "Failed to find an AVD compatible with target 'Google APIs'." I'm really new to this so thanks for whatever patience you have to answer newbie questions.
Try back up your project folder and delete the project completely from project explorer and from the hard disk. Make your backed up project folder into a zip file and try re-import it and recreate a separate project copy in your workspace. If this doesn't work, try switching workspace...... :)
So it sounds like the project is still there in the workspace, so try deleting it again. When you delete it, make sure you select the option "Delete files on the disk", this will actually remove the underlying file in addition to just removing the project definition from the workspace.
If you still have trouble (that is, the project is still there), delete the files from the workspace associated with the project by hand (in the operating system). And then Refresh the project and try deleting it from the workspace again (don't select the option to delete files on disk). It should be gone then.
Once the project is gone from the workspace and the underlying files are gone, try your import again.
If you use working sets, make sure they are all deselected. Only the projects from the current working set will display in Project Explorer. By having no working sets selected you can see all the conflicting projects in Project Explorer and delete them by hand. Then re-import.
I have an Android project developed on Eclipse (GNU/Linux) that I last touched half a year ago. I am trying to import the project into Eclipse 3.6 on Windows (with ADT installed) installed using File -> Import Project in Eclipse. When the project is imported, I see the following error twice on the console:
[2010-12-10 02:17:12 -
Unable to read C:\Program
(The system cannot find the file
Why is Eclipse looking for AndroidManifest.xml on the Android SDK path? The file actually seems to be in the project's directory. How do I fix this problem and get the project to compile?
A simple solution is to either reimport the AndroidManifest.xml file or make a change to the file and save it. This worked for me.
If you see an error about AndroidManifest.xml, or some problems
related to an Android zip file, right click on the project and select
Android Tools > Fix Project Properties. (The project is looking in the
wrong location for the library file, this will fix it for you.)
from: http://developer.android.com/resources/tutorials/notepad/notepad-ex1.html
The way you are importing the Android project into Eclipse is wrong. The Correct way of doing is File -> New Android Project. In the Contents Tab in "New Android Project", select "Create project from existing source" and choose the Build Target. That should fix your problem.
It appears that this error is produced because Eclipse thinks the default location for new Android projects is the Android SDK path. Even if the project location is changed, the error fails to be resolved, so the trick is to change the project location before Eclipse is aware of the condition generating the error.
To circumvent this quirk I imported the old project with the following steps:
File -> New -> Android Project
Un-check 'Use default location' and browse to project root directory.
Click 'Create project from existing source'
It's important to do step (2) before (3) otherwise the error persists and prevents running the project.
I had the same problem, all of the above did not work. I cleaned the project and it worked.
Instead of using File ---> New Android Project --> "Create project from existing sources", which will result in the error your are seeing, choose "Create project from existing sample" and choose it from the drop down. This will work.
Experienced JAVA developers tend to go with the first option which is normally there and works for classic Eclipse projects. But this is not your typical project and I bet the Google developers put this special case in the wizard to accommodate the differences.
I had the same problem. I was trying to compile the JakeWharton view page sample, so I checked out the GIT in a directory in a different folder then the workspace which caused the problem.
Eclipse was maintaining 2 folders:
1. A new workspace folder was made under the workspace directory, which eclipse checks for libraries and others source code including the AndroidManifest.xml file
2. The existing folder which was not under the Root workspace
To fix the problem after importing I had to manually move the files in the new workspace folder created by eclipse.
I met this problem when using Facebook SDK, now I solve it by doing this:
Close the project;
Copy "AndroidManifest.xml" file to the project's root path;
Open the project and refresh it, it's Done!
this worked for me by the way:
I changed the project name to the exact name of the project that I am importing.
Eclipse seems somewhat fragile in its naming conventions. One of the causes for this error is a difference between the project name and the folder name in the workspace. I imported a zip file for a project named "HelloDialogs" into a workspace folder named "HelloDialog". This caused the "AndroidManifest.xml file missing" error. Once I renamed the folder correctly, everything worked fine.
Because of the multiple different answers here, I thouhgt I'd add yet another one that worked for me, as I had exactly the same issue when first working with Phonegap android dev tools.
So I found (as mentioned by Gintautas in comments to the accepted answer), that I had to create a new project using the phonegap 'create' script, then when importing the project into eclipse. the only way to get this to work successfully was if the project was originally created in some temp folder somewhere other than the place I actually want to work with it.
So I created a project in windows like this in a cmd window...
c:\phonegap\phonegap-2.6.0\lib\android\bin>create.bat c:\temp\android_boilerplates\test app.test test
Then I imported the project in eclipse like this...
File > New > Project
Within the new project wizard select: "Android Project from Existing Code"
Click "Next"
Now navigate to the temp location of your project and set that to the root directory, check the project you want and check "Copy projects into workspace" as the example below...
Click "Finish"
And that's it, Eclipse should copy all your project files into your workspace and there shouldn't be any errors in your project (fingers crossed).
Your project should look something like this...
Hope that helps, it took me an age to work out why Eclipse didn't like creating a new project from existing code when the new project was being setup in the same place as the existing code. This isn't a problem for other languages I've used, so it was a little weird, but understandable as Eclipse (I'm guessing) seems to want to overwrite certain files.
Eclipse randomly decided to make another folder instead of the one that i had specified, but doesnt have any resources or data or layout etc in it..
it has some conflicts i guess..
anyway, a noob approach to this was, copying the original file to some other location(i put it to desktop)..
now create new project-create existing project, select this one from desktop, n VOILA.. its all fine.. :D
I am a little late to this game but I caused this same problem by generating the initial application into the exact location I was going to work on it. That is to say I put it directly into my current workspace. I then did File, Import, Existing Android Code Into Workspace. The import process blanked out my android.xml file.
I tried above solutions and had no joy. I then generated the initial application into a temp directory and imported from there. This worked for me.
The only way to import a project into eclipse workspace is to create an empty project and then drag and drop all the folders and files into this project. Why is this so is beyond me.
The answer from Raunak is wrong.
I found a .classpath file in the root directory of my Android project. I opened it and updated the file paths in it, and it seemed to fix the problem for me.
I had the problem when I tried to update an old project with recent code from the SVN. I had the Manifest.xml exported to my local file system as backup and deleted it. I've then reverted my complete project to the most recent version from the SVN and then it worked :)
This is what I had to do to get this to work. Fortunately I had backups of earlier "project".
1) Import the project as usual.
2) If the errors with empty xml etc. comes up, close the project.
3) Go to the original project if you have backup.
4) Copy all of the projects root files and directories and paste it over where Eclipse expects the projects root directories and files to be.
5) Open the project and refresh. Make "Clean" if necessary and you're done!
Always make backups because Eclipse f--kups! I learned this the hard way when suddenly my Android project refused to work because of empty manifest-file.
Sometimes if you automatically fix imports in MainActivity IDE imports android.R class instead of one that will be generated for the project. Remove the import and recompile.
when importing project from another workspace add existing project in workspace. and tick to the copy projects in workspace.then check the api level and supporting library from project.properties files.then rebuilt project and clean it.. it is works for me.
2017 Solution: Much Easier and tested solution is to remove your application folder from elipse project only then Import it again and the problem will be fixed immediately!
I'm pretty new to android, and just finished setup my environment and reading some tutorials. Then I got sdk samples from the web. Okay, what I wanna ask you is that is there a way to start a sample as a project in the Eclipse? I mean like clicking a project file in c# or a solution file.
Here is my folder which I unzipped the code,
There are three folders and one file in the folder, \res, \src, \tests, and AndroidManifest.xml
Or, do I need to make a new android project and import (or add files? maybe) them?
Thanks in advance,
I don't think that's a very good way of doing it. Sadly the 'Create Project from existing sample' feature you describe functions in such a way that when it creates a project from a sample it leaves you editing the source code in the actual SDK sample itself instead of a copy of the source imported into your Eclipse workspace.
This is problematic for a number of reasons including:
Once you've edited the new project you no longer have the original sample to refer to, which is the whole point of the samples in the first place.
If you want to hack a sample in several different ways you will want several copies of the sample, but again once you've edited the original sample you no longer have the original sample to make a copy from.
If the SDK is ever patched then when you update it you may end up overwriting your code.
In short it makes far more sense to treat the SDK as a readonly reference and not treat it as a sandpit in which to do your own messing around. So imo the best way to create an Eclipse project from a sample is do take a copy of the sample and put it somewhere else.
If you want the sample to not exist in your actual Eclipse workspace directory then this is very easy. Just copy the sample to a new location and inside Eclipse with your workspace open do New->Android Project and 'Create Project From Existing Source'.
If on the other hand you want to make the project inside your Eclipse workspace directory then there is a problem which is that if you just copy the sample code inside your workspace folder and do 'New->Android Project' and 'Create Project From Existing Source' for me at least it fails with the error "Invalid project description: c:\Users\usernamme\blah\blah\projectname overlaps the location of another project projectname". I don't know why, if you create a project from sample code using 'New->Java Project' it works just fine so I suspect there is a problem with the Android Project Eclipse plugin that is causing this to fail.
There is a way to get around this which is to first copy the sample code to a temporary location on disk that is outside of the workspace directory. Then use New->Android Project and 'Create Project From Existing Source' which turns the temporary copy of the sample code into a project but leaves it orphaned outside the workspace directory. Then delete the project from the workspace (but without deleting the project from disk). Then use Import->Existing Projects Into Workspace with the 'Copy Projects Into Workspace' checkbox ticked to copy the project into the workspace directory, before finally deleting the project from the temporary location.
But ultimately I decided to structure my workspace in such a way that projects are not inside the workspace folder like this:
Eclipse Workspaces
Android Projects
Project 1
Project 2
Java Projects
Project 1
Project 2
Other Projects
Project 1
Project 2
In this layout the Android Projects, Java Projects and Other Projects directories are conceptually my workspaces but in reality in each case it is the nested Workspace folder which is the actual Eclipse workspace. This enables me to keep my projects contained within their respective pseudo-workspaces while not being inside their actual Eclipse workspace folder which neatly gets around the problem of not being able to easily create Android projects if the project directory is inside the Eclipse workspace directory.
Sorry that's all a bit long winded, but it's taken me ages to work out how to get this to work efficiently and I figure it might help someone.
From eclipse go to: File > New >
Select the Android Folder and pick
Android Project
Then in the Contents section at the
top click the "Create project from
existing sample" radio button. Once
you pick a target from the bottom
the drop down will become selectable
and your good to go.
Copy the downloaded project into your workspace
i.e space allocated for android project
Open the Eclipse
Choose File---> Import ---> Android --> Existing Android code into workspace
Choose Next
Click Browse
choose the foldername (downloaded)
click finish
If you are using ADT 20 then it's quite easy. Select New > Other...>Android Sample Project > [Select the platform from which you would like to pick the sample] > You must see the available samples, select the one you wish to open,you will see that in your workspace.
This may not be a definitive answer because I'm relatively new to Android as well (and come from more of a .Net background too).
When you create a new Workspace in Eclipse, you'll see a new folder created with the name of your workspace and a .metadata folder inside of it. I don't think there's a "workspace file" per se, so you don't double click anything to bring it back up. You just open to that workspace (by telling the Eclipse dialog what path to open).
As far as importing existing projects into a workspace, copy the whole folder into your workspace and click File - Import... - General - Existing Projects into Workspace. Click the Browse button to select the Root directory and it should default to the Workspace's main folder. Click OK and the project should show up in the dialog. Select it and click Finish
The code samples don't come with eclipse project files out of the box. There are a number of ways to create them but the easiest is probably this. From eclipse (with the android plugin installed), File -> New -> Project, Android Project, Next, select the "Create project from existing source" radio button and specify the location of the existing source. The project wizard should then find your manifest and fill out the rest of the information it needs automatically.
It states here:
"Using Android Studio
Unpack the downloaded project package.
In Android Studio, chose File > Import Project and select the root folder of the unpacked project.
Android Studio may ask you to choose the type of project you are importing. If this is the case, make sure to choose Import project from external model and select the Gradle option."
I hope this helps you.