I've posted a similar question with a similar problem but on windows XP. So i installed ubuntu 11 and this>
sun-jdk 6, sun-jre 6, eclipse galileo, adt plugin and the android sdk.
Not even the 1.5 android target device works. Just loads forever, reaching the flashing android word screen and it goes on and on. I let it load for a hour and nothing changes.
What's the checklist to make this run? I am very dissapointed with this situation.
Specs> Athlon 64x2 3600+, ram = 1.5 Gb
I made the default 1.5 target device, another one with 2.3.3 and 256 ram, and another one with 2.1 and defaults.
What error do you get in console when you launch eclipse by hand and launch adt ?
What is the jre/jdk used to launch eclipse ? (ps fax | grep eclipse)
Once the animation comes up you should be able to get an adb connection to the emulator and use the adb shell or adb logcat output, this will let you know if it's still doing setup tasks such as dexopting packages, if it's dead, or if the android runtime is stuck in a crash and restart loop.
Just reinstalled the jvm and it worked.
i'm using android studio in windows server 2016 and have next problem: for work task i need to start android device emulation. On windows 10 emulator works fine, but same steps on windows server cause problem -"the emulator process for AVD_Pixel3A was killed". What should i do?
p.s: hyper-V components not installed, virtualization is accessable.
You will need to to have the H-visuals turned on.. Also check to see that you have HAX installed. Also be sure to turn on developer mode within the computer... I would also run the program on a physical android device to see if you get the same issue.
Also if none of these work you might have to check to see if the server runs the minimum requirements. If it does you may have to reinstall Android Studio. I had this happened to me the other day. I uninstalled and reinstalled Android Studio and it fixed the issue.
I have a script that installs an apk file, launches it, and deinstalls it afterwards (using adb) on the android emulator. I repeat this for several apk files.
But when I launch the android emulator, several minutes to several hours later, the emulator is not responding anymore. The spinning pinwheel appears, the only way to quit is to kill it via the terminal (using kill -9).
I have tried to change the two possible CPU/ABI Settings of an AVD to (ARM and Intelx86), but both settings result in the same problems. I have also tried different API levels (19 and 21), but also no luck there.
As I am running the emulator on a Mac, I thought the problem may be related to my OS, so I performed the same thing on a computer running Ubuntu. The same problem appears on both devices.
I have also captured the logcat files, but there are no similar error messages across these files.
These are the parameters that I am using:
Android SDK / AVD Manager on
Mac OSX10.10 (64 bit)
Java version 1.7.0_65
Ubuntu 14.04 (64 bit)
Java version 1.8_0.25
Any idea (why or) how to figure why the emulator is not responding anymore?
Any help would be appreciated.
When I try to launch Android emulator, it crashes on Mac OS X. It was working some time ago, but now it isn't and I don't have an idea why.
Crash log: http://pastebin.com/04MjCqaS
Terminal log in verbose mode: http://pastebin.com/L6y6rUr0
Same issue here, I'm running a mac mini with 8GB of RAM and MacOS Lion. It used to work with the old AVD with some random crashes every now and then but since the last update to APi 17 it's a pain in the neck.
The ADT bundle doesn't work at all. After tweaking the memory limits on eclipse.ini file it throws random memory errors. Also it's not been able to download and install the m2e (maven to eclipse) plugin.
I moved to IntelliJ and I'm able to launch AVD manager but none of the "old" created devices work. If I create a new one and I launch it it works until I close it, then I have to restart the Mac and create a new device. Also it randomly shows errors when I want to delete those old created virtual devices.
Also the DDMS fails to start. I launch it, shows its icon on the Dock but it doesn't respond until I force close.
What a Nightmare.
** EDIT **
I found at android dev bug tracker this issue when you're running 2 screens: here
This is happening to me with the android emulator. I solved it like this:
cd ~/.android/avd
ls *.avd
Now choose the emulator that is crashing and
cd name_of_the_emulator.avd
touch emulator-user.ini
vi emulator-user.ini
And now reset window.x, that's window.x=0
exit and run the emulator.
If you move and close the emulator to the secondary screen it will crash the next time you want to run it.
Kill your Docker process
One problem I have seen multiple time is with Docker. Android Emulator crashes when Docker is running on Mac.
I was following the PhoneGap "Getting Started" guide for Android, and when I got to "Deploy to Emulator," after I created a new AVD, my Mac would crash and reboot. I stumbled on this thread, but thought it worth mentioning that what actually solved the problem for me was an Intel patch for the Hardware Accelerated Execution Manager located here: http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/intel-hardware-accelerated-execution-manager
This is because Android SDK use some deprecated libraries of Mac OS X. I have the same problem (sometimes even kernel panic) before I start use android device. Maybe in future versions of Android SDK this problem will be fixed.
I just updated the Android SDK manager to the latest Android 4.2 (API 17) level updates, and now all my old AVD's crash. The newly created one using API 17 works, however.
I have the same issue. You can try to create a new AVD with the appropriate API level. I am able to run these the first time(s) after creating. That seems to be a memory error.
My AVDs are able to run the first time after reboot. After this they keeps crashing.
I had the same issue using mac 10.6 and 2 monitors one through a usb adapter to HDMI.
I have tried all of this suggestions and nothing did work.
I ended up creating a new user into my mac and with the same android sdk and same eclipse with a new workspace did work.
I'm not sure whether just creating a new workspace would do the tweak, I didn't try it.
for those who come across to this annoy issue worth to try it before switch to a new account.
You can delete your emulators from ~/.android/avd
Then create new emulators.
I'm new to Android Development and am currently trying to develop my first application
I started with the tuturial available here: Tutorial
I just setup the complete environment for android development:
OS: Windows 7 x64, CPU: 3 GHZ AMD Phenom II X4, RAM: 8GB.
IDE: Eclipse IDE for Java Developers (Version: Indigo Service Release 1)
I downloaded the SDK from here http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html
Then i followed the instructions from the tutorial.
However my problem is: When I run the application as an Android Application the emulator gets started, but then get stuck at the following screen:
Even after waiting for more than 30 minutes or even 1 hour it displays still the same screen.
There was only one "problem" while installing the Java JDK:
- For the JRE was already a newer version installed. (Installed: "Java(TM) 7 Update 2 (64-bit)" I however downloaded the latest sdk from the oracle site. I don't know if the runtime und the sdk must have the same version...
In addition I was yesterday once I able to start the emulator and as long as I let it run it worked quite well... I could even debug the application... However, if I now tried to start the device from eclipse it crashed instantly. Same thing if I start it from de AVD Manager directly ("From Snapshot" or with "Wipe User Data" doesn't matter...). So I deleted the device and created a new one with the same options. Now however I am again stuck at the screen above.
I have no idea of how the whole emulator works. In addition there is A LOT of information in the internet available about crashes and so on (lots of them for earlier releases of the AVD, however I havn't found anything that helped my out.
It would be quite useful to know how the emulator usually works. And maybe getting a hint, what I could do to.
Thanks in advance...
I had a similar issue when updating from the JDK 6 to 7, and solved it by going back to the JDK 6. I still cannot use the JDK 7 for a mysterious reason.
I have followed all the necessary installation and setup steps for Eclipse 3.4 + ADT + Android SDK on Windows 7.
I followed the Hello, Android tutorial in Eclipse and code-completion also works like a charm. No errors shown.
unfortunately the emulator never shows up.
When I run the project. I have fullfilled the same steps in a virtual Windows XP machine and - though very slow - it does work there.
I have not found anything about known problems with Windows 7. What can I do?
Try launching the emulator from the command line with the -verbose option as this may help determine why it is failing:
emulator -verbose -avd <avd name>
To a get a list with the names of AVDs you've set up enter:
android list avd
(If nothing shows up when you list your AVDs that's your problem.)
Ensure you are running the app as an android app and as Dave Webb suggest ensure you have an emulator "profile" created. I created one to meet my HTC Hero and I use Windows 7 (x64).
NOTE: You might also want to unplug your HTC device, if its connected to the PC. I've noticed that if its plugged in the apps will download and run directly on the real device. Thats probably by design and intentional. ;-)
I am developing on Windows 7 Pro with no issues. Eclipe and Emulator are all working OK.