Placing a background picture and then having invisible touch (Android) - android

I am trying to make an application for android that is based on IPAD app. I want to keep the same look to the app, but I am not a very good designer. So I was wondering if it was possible to for me to crop say the entire header and then have an invisible button or something on top of portions of it. so the design would become a little bit easier. Also if that is possible how would I get the what ever the event item is going to be to overlap with a portion of the image if it has stranger orientation. (I think I could fake this by just moving it closest orientation and extending the size untill it fits, but it would be nice to find a better way.)
How would I go about that?
I tried making the button invisible, but that did not seem to work.
Thanks in advance

I got lost on your description. But if you want to make a button invisible, calling setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); will not work, because it will not receive click events. You may want to set its color to transparent instead. try using:


Replacing a View in Android onClick

I'm still kind of new to android. I'm writing a Tic Tac Toe game as a bit of practice. I'm trying to figure out how to replace views when I click a button. I have 9 buttons in a GridView. When a user clicks one, I want that to change to a non-clickable TextView and back to Button when a user click's the reset Button at the bottom of the screen.. I use a flag to keep track of player's turn so it'll know whether or not place an x or o. Is this even possible or am I stretching here?
You'll soon find that there are really not that many things that are stretching it for Android.
This is certainly possible. For each grid in your GridView, put in two elements - the Button, and the TextView. Change the visibility of each. In other words, you don't actually replace one with the other - you just hide one, and show the other.
So you'd have two items like this:
<Button ... android:visibility="invisible"/>
<TextView ... android:visibility="visibile"/>
And have both of these match_parent, so that they fill each grid and are basically both on top of each other.
To change the visibility in the code:
I'm trying to give you as little actual code as possible so you play with this and write it yourself, but this should definitely put you in the right direction. Let me know if you need more guidance though.
You can do it two different ways
You can put both a button and a textview in each grid and interchange their visibility when you click on the button. For this, you can set the button and textview properties from the xml layout and you dont have to do much programatically
You can use a button alone and just change the look by changing the background drawable at runtime. Then you can make it unclickable by disabling it or changing its focusable property to false
You can even use an imageview and just change the drawable src and disable it on user click. Android is quite flexible and this is not even a stretch. If you give a little more detail of the specifics you want to achieve, I could advise which solution will be best fit

onTouch event on Android Games

my question is not only about onTouch events but about every method I can use to recognise a touch on certain areas of the screen.
Right now, I have a "background" image, which I use as layout that contains 2 "buttons": Start and Options as you can see here:
Ok, what I want to know is which is the best way to identify when are the user touching each button. By the way, should be nice also some info about how to deal with the different screen sizes.
Lots of thanks.
PD: seems I didnt explain it well. they are not "Android buttons" theirselves. The background is a whole image, where you can find 2 "buttons", but they are a part of the image. Thats because I need to know how to do this
I think you're missing some fundamentals, so I recommend to take a tutorial track.
As a direct answer to your question , you can see this page from the tutorial.
Why do you want to set the touchListener on whole screen and find the buttons?..You can simply set the OnClickListener or onTouchListener on both the buttons itself..

Showing an interactive floating layout during calls

There are some nice apps out there that show some layout on top , while the user is making a call or answering one (like "current caller id").
I need to create an app with the ability to show something on top , during a call, and allow it to be interactive.
The problem
Using broadcastReceiver ,foreground service and SYSTEM_ALERT permission, I've succeeded showing something on the screen during calls.
As long as the content being shown is static, I have no problems.
However, I've noticed that when I try to make the content being shown to be interactive , I face some problems:
Everything is jumpy and this includes not only animations, but also setting visibility to visible/gone. I hate to think how it would work like when I need to make things draggable.
Not sure if this is the reason, but using the SlidingDrawer make the entire width belong to the SlidingDrawer and you cannot click through it. This means that if its location is at the bottom, you can't touch the "answer" button when someone calls you.
The question
What is the reason for those problems?
How can I fix them and be able to show things right?
How do other apps handle it right ?
EDIT: about the SlidingDrawer , it seems that it has terrible bugs about its location and size, and the content area, even when it's not shown to the user and the user can see through, it cannot be touched through. Still, I don't know why, and how to fix it, and I also don't know why things are so jumpy compared to normal apps (probably because of over-drawing, but it's really really slow).
Maybe this question should be more general: how to make a floating window like on AirCalc, that can be moved easily yet still be quite fast.
For the dragging functionality, I've tried to get the layoutParams of the root view (which is of type WindowManager.LayoutParams ) that I show, update it and set it again, but for some reason it didn't do anything. Wonder what I'm doing wrong.
EDIT: it seems that i should be using windowManager.updateViewLayout for updating the layoutParams. Using this post , I've made it perfectly draggable.
Ok, I've come up to some conclusions about this, first to answer my original questions:
it's probably because of overdraw and the views i've used. I wanted to try out libraries that could replace the slidingDrawer , but each had a different problem. using simple views proved that the idea in general works.
in the case of visibility changes, it was jumpy because the size of the view wasn't able to fit using the current WindowManager.LayoutParams size.
slidingDrawaer does have issues since it uses the whole size it get when closed or opened.
now to the rest of the issues :
unable to drag ? instead of the regular setLayoutParams , use windowManager.updateViewLayout .
unable to touch outside of the view ? set its minimal size according to your needs. you can also set the window flags so that touch event would go through .
want to listen to calls events ? you can use the broadcastReceiver for triggering the showing of the app, but I suspect that hanging the call might cause the intent be received later sometimes. I think you can use telephonyManager and listen to events there, using the service you run in the foreground (that i've created just to make sure the app won't close in the middle).
if anyone else has questions, i can help.

How to make an app similar to Pulse News Reader for Android
Gallery inside ListView it's clear, but:
What is the technology that allows you to show a ScrollView under opening ListView?
How to make gallery and top bar move down by touching screen inside opened Scrollview?
I don't need the direct code, just show me where to lurk for this info.
I though that it uses SlideDrawer, but it reacts only on touches, then i think it is something similar to SlidingPanel
It is a gallery with left margin adjusted.
Accept Mark's answer as right way to made it.
That is not a Gallery widget, AFAICT. My guess is a LinearLayout in a HorizontalScrollView. I am impressed that it works -- I wonder how much headache was involved. In terms of your questions, I have no idea what you are talking about and how they relate to the video
Yes Mark, We have reengineered the pulse app, It is the gallery with its left margin adjusted.
and the center locking on gallery item click is also overridden.

Android clickable panel UI

I am currently working on an Android app, I have completed all the 'hard stuff', such as getting my database working, and so on. Now I need to make the UI look decent.
I would like to make something that has a 'frame' layout that is clickable. You would click on a 'frame' to find out more information, a bit like the Amazon app.
If anyone has any ideas, tutorials or good links, I would be very grateful.
Thanks in advance.
Take a look at Gallery. It's built in to Android and does what I think you're looking for (at least, it describes the Amazon app's UI; since FrameLayout has a very explicit meaning in Android that is not at all what you're talking about, I ignored that part).
EDIT: A screenshot would have been helpful but I think you're actually talking about a simple list-like view.
Oh. That's either a ListView, or more likely just a vertical LinearLayout inside a ScrollView. I can tell you what I'd do: Each item in the LinearLayout would have a background set, with a width of match_parent and a height of wrap_content, using a 9patch with the right-pointing arrow inside it. I'd also define an identical but blue-highlighted version of the image for the pressed state and use a state drawable XML to let it know which to use. Then I'd just bind an onClick listener for each item I wanted to fire off a click action on.

