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Closed 5 years ago.
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I want to implement Augment reality into my apps. any body have idea about how to implement it.
Have any demo code for it , please provide it
Thanks and regards,
Nirav modh
There is this short tutorial called Augmented Reality: Getting Started on Android which is good for a basic overview.
This previous SO question lists some of the Frameworks/APIs that can be used.
There are good news!
Google announced ARCore
The Vuforia SDK was excellent for AR. It is free and developed by Qualcomm, so it is high quality. There are tutorials at the Vuforia developers site, and several demo apps (with source code) that come with the SDK.
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Closed 9 months ago.
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I hope you are doing well.
I have a project to do at school, it's about developing an API to link three applications from different platforms to a single database. It will be a desktop, mobile and web application. But problem, I've never developed an API and I don't know where to start. I would like you to tell me how to do it (which language to use, which software I need and if you can advise me on specific courses), or at least give me indications on how to search. I heard that we could develop some with Python which is a language that I use often, so if there are indications that can go in this direction as well. Thank you so much.
Based on knowledge about python i recommend to use Flask framework to create your api and you can find a lot of youtube videos can help you
i hope that i was helpful for you good luck
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Closed 1 year ago.
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I searched for this question here and there are lots of answers, but they are all outdated. I googled it and saw answers but I'm curious about your personal experience in learnin android development. So where do I need to start and what should I learn to become Junior Android Developer?
The first step should be learning Kotlin. For that, I'd recommend enroll the Kotlin Developer course on Jetbrains Academy
Then you can get a taste of android with this free course on Udacity.
The complete roadmap which you can follow
You'll find various tutorials on YouTube for every stage in this roadmap. You can even follow Google's Codelabs for various topics.
Think of building something like Instagram/Whatsapp clone. You'll learn a lot while building something on your own.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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i am a beginner on game development. Can anybody suggest a best game frame work for mobile game development.
It depends on your skills and your aims and goals. If you want to create a simple (or advanced AAA quality) Android game you can use Unreal Engine(free), Unity(p2p) or App Game Kit (p2p).
Best one and most popular is Unity
it has a 3d and a relatively new 2d modes u can use
and for my and many others opinion it's the best Game engine out there
read more:
I think for beginners as well as pro developer unity is a best platform to create games and the most important thing is that it is cross platform and provides a really good documentation give it a try.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to learn and become a Game Developer for Android but I dont know where to start or what to learn. So my question is, what programme/software do I need and what coding languages do I need to learn for android game developing.
If anyone knows some good tutorial sites or links please send it as I would really appreciate any help i can get.
I recomend libgdx and Unity.
These are some links related to game development on mobile, libgdx and Unity:
And these are libgdx tutorial series:
You need something called a 'Game Engine' to make a (good) game. I would recommend you to use it because it has built in physics (collision, etc) and other things that will be helpful.
You can take a look at a popular game engine called Unity
This is a general android game development tutorial
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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm new to the android. What are the exact pre-requisites for android programming. As I know the basics of java, will it be helpful in learning the android programming?
Google around for tutorials. I learnt Android with no experiance in Java.
Take a look at these site
Yes, it'll be. How can you develop Android app without knowing java? DEITEL- Android How to Program
will give you the basic java you need to start android development. But sooner or latter, it would help if you take java seriously. Resources are rampant on the web, just google them.