How do I use jMock's ClassImposteriser for Android unit testing? - android

In my unit test, I've tried the following:
import org.jmock.Mockery;
import org.jmock.Expectations;
import org.jmock.lib.legacy.ClassImposteriser;
public class MyActivityTest extends ActivityUnitTestCase<MyActivity> {
private Mockery context = new Mockery() {{
My intended use is to mock my project's Application subclass. However, when I run my tests, I get an java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError. Can I not use the ClassImposteriser extension for running Android unit tests?

This is something I looked into extensively several months ago. Unfortunately the dalvik VM currently does not support the bytecode manipulations that are required to mock concrete classes.
So you won't be able to use any mocking library to mock a class. You'll have to extract an interface for each class you want to mock in your android tests and mock the interface instead.
Some further reading about the davlik limitations:


How can I mock and test this class?

The follows was the code which I want to test.
public class Demo {
private static final List<Pair<String, String>> mList;
static {
mList = new ArrayList<>();
mList.add(new Pair<>("F0", "T1"));
mList.add(new Pair<>("F1", "T2"));
mList.add(new Pair<>("F2", "T3"));
public String getStr(int pos) {
return mList.get(pos).first;
I was an android developer. I have get some trouble in test and mock the code.I have use mockito.
I have try some code to test it,but the result was not my expect.
1.First try
public void test(){
Demo demo=new Demo();
* java.lang.AssertionError:
* Expected :null
* Actual :F0
2.Second try
public void test() {
Demo demo = mock(Demo.class);
assertEquals(demo.getStr(0), "F0");
* java.lang.AssertionError:
* Expected :null
* Actual :F0
Anyone tell me how can I resolve this problem to make demo.getStr(0) == "F0" by call the real method? Thanks!
Another question relate to it
I have try an another test to test android.util.Pair class, and the result is that "pair.first" was null,.(There are androidTest and test directory,I put it into test package.Did it impact the result?)
import android.util.Pair;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.mockito.Mockito;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
public class DemoTest {
public void test1(){
Pair<String,String> pair=new Pair("First","Second");
//pair.first was null,why?
public void test2(){
Pair<String,String> pair= Mockito.spy(Pair.class);
//pair.first was null also,why?
Why the simple code is correct in real android environment,but failure in test?
I had the same problem too. month ago I have problem with TextUtils class too.
I report this to jUnit but they told me the problem is with android package because in unit test environment you don't have access to platform specific classes
for that pair case you can use this package. this works for me
The problem in your first try is, that the public field "first" is actually null.
Is the Pair class the one from the "javafx.util" package or a custom implementation?
Did you forget "this.first = first" or something similar in the constructor of the "Pair" class?
I would also recommend to change the following line:
assertEquals("F0", demo.getStr(0));
so that the error is printed correctly.
Your second try does not make any sense. What is the point in mocking the class you want to test?
I think the second example has the same problem as the first one. Pair.first is never set. If you fix that, it should also work (untested).
From Google's Android tools website:
"Method ... not mocked."
The android.jar file that is used to run unit tests does not contain any actual code - that is provided by the Android system image on real devices. Instead, all methods throw exceptions (by default). This is to make sure your unit tests only test your code and do not depend on any particular behaviour of the Android platform (that you have not explicitly mocked e.g. using Mockito).
So how can we solve this?
In other words. If you need a default android class to work properly you either have to include it from a separate repository, or implement it yourself.
In the case of Android's Pair class. You can use instead.
To get access to this class, you can include in your build.gradle or dependencies file.
If you are not using Gradle, you can copy the implementation of this file and use it in place of the official one. Or you can try and download the .jar file from this older version (I have not tested whether it works)
Another approach (based on this) is to create the class in app/src/test/java/android/util/ and copy the code from the Android implementation.
This way you don't need extra dependencies. (There may be issues related to the implementation changing after you make the copy, but the dependencies may become stale as well.)

Android Instrumentation Test with PoweMockito

I need to mock a static method on an android instrumentation test.
If i need to mock a static method, the test class needs to be #RunWith(PowerMockRunner.class) . But my instrumentation test are required to run with AndroidJUnit4.class .
Is it possible to have two runnable? or is there any other way i can use power mock to mock static methods? or any other options to mock static classes?
To handle cases like this since version 1.4 it's possible to bootstrap PowerMock using a JUnit Rule instead of the runner. Something looking like this:
public class MyTest {
PowerMockRule rule = new PowerMockRule();
// Tests goes here
But be aware that PowerMock is using byte-code manipulation which someone needs to convert to dalvikVM dex. And currently there are no tools to support that (!topic/powermock/9kwPaWoZ_14 ,

Android JUnit4 Testing - Where to get Context from?

I have to build an app with sqlite usage. Now I want to write my unit tests. These unit tests should test my class SQLiteBridge. SQLiteBridge provides DAOs for every child class of Model.
Now I got the problem that I need a context to create my SQLiteBridge. SQLiteBridge creates and handles a SQLite database on the system..
Where to get the Context-Object from?
My setup is like here (so I'm using Junit4 [thanks god]):
EDIT: I hope there is a way like the old AndroidTestCase to extend without losing Junit4. :)
As described here:
Use the InstrumentationRegistry to obtain the context.
However if you call InstrumentationRegistry.getContext() directly you may get an exception opening your database. I believe this is because the context returned by getContext() points to the instrumentation's context rather than that of your application / unit test. Instead use InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().getTargetContext()
For example:
public class SqliteTest {
Context mMockContext;
public void setUp() {
mMockContext = new RenamingDelegatingContext(InstrumentationRegistry.getTargetContext(), "test_");
The RenamingDelegatingContext simply prefixes the file/database names with test_ to prevent you from overwriting data that you may have in the same simulator.
jUnit 4 (and perhaps other versions of jUnit) and androidx use:
See: Android Documentation

Integrating Robolectric and Cucumber

I want to combine both Robolectric and Cucumber (JVM).
Currently I have two classes ActivityStepdefs where two step definitions for activity management are defined.
My second class is RoActivity Where for example an activity is created from it's class name, and where Robolectric will be used.
When I run RoActivityTest using RobolectricTestRunner the test in this class passes, but when I run RunCukesTest (class for running features as junit test) the code from RoActivity is not running as part of Robolectric, i.e. RunCukesTest search for features on my project and match it with a method inside ActivityStepdefs and finally this class will call a method from RoActivity
Is possible to run test with both junit both* runners?
I'm not sure but perhaps it's possible to do something like powermock, using junit rules.
In that case for which one should I have to define the rule?
*Cucumber and Robolectric
My small 5 cents.
Cucumber is mostly used for acceptance tests (correct me if you use it for unit testing) and Robolectric is mostly used for unit testing.
As for me, it is overkill to write cucumber during TDD. And Robolectric is still not android and I would run acceptance tests on real device or at least emulator.
I'am facing the same problem, after some google work, I got a solution:
#CucumberOptions( features = ["src/test/features/test.feature","src/test/features/others.feature"], plugin = ["pretty"])
class RunFeatures(val index: Int, val name:String) {
companion object {
#Parameters(name = "{1}")
fun features(): Collection<Array<Any>> {
val runner = Cucumber(
val children = runner.children
return children.mapIndexed{index, feature ->
fun runTest() {
val core = JUnitCore()
val feature = Cucumber([index]!!
core.addListener(object: RunListener() {
override fun testFailure(failure: Failure?) {
fail("$name failed:\n"+failure?.exception)
val runner = Request.runner(feature)
but seems not an pretty solution for me, can somebody help me out these problem:
must explicitly list all feature file path. but cannot use pattern such as *.feature
when failed cannot know which step failed.
parameter can only pass primitive type data,
I've get into cucumber source , but seems CucumberOptions inline Cucumber , I cannot pass it programmatically but can only use annotation .

Mocking Static Functions in Android

Is there any way I can Mock Static Function in Android using any Mocking Framework.
Mockito can mock classes but is insuffiecient to mock Static functions.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in Advance
Mocking works by using the concepts of Object Orientation, Inheritance etc....
Basically by overriding certain methods & behaviour in objects / instances that look like real objects, because they are subclasses of these real objects.
In other words, the mocking part comes in overriding methods on instances.
It is not possible to override a static method (afaik).
Therefore mocking of static calls is not easy (if even possible).
EDIT - I was wrong...
As it turns out, I was wrong in my above statement that it is not possible.
I should have searched this site for duplicate questions. See below for some links to frameworks that claim to do this for you in some cases. Since they work with bytecode, I'm not sure they will work properly on Android (ymmv).
Mocking Static Methods
How can I easily mock out a static method in Java (jUnit4)
(thanks to Rohit for forcing me to reassess my beliefs)
Please try this instead:
It helps me successfully mock the static method in the Android Instrumented Tests, but note that this feature requires running on a device with at least Android P.
Here is what I did:
Replace the androidTestImplementation 'org.mockito:mockito-android:2.28.0' with androidTestImplementation 'com.linkedin.dexmaker:dexmaker-mockito-inline-extended:2.28.0'
Then mock the static method like this:
static class StaticTrojan {
static String staticOpen() { return "horse"; }
public void testStubbingStaticMethod() {
MockitoSession session = mockitoSession().spyStatic(StaticTrojan.class).startMocking();
try {
assertEquals("soldiers", StaticTrojan.staticOpen());
} finally {
// Once the session is finished, all stubbings are reset
assertEquals("horse", StaticTrojan.staticOpen());
If you use Kotlin, then to mocking static functions you can connect the mockk library project:
androidTestImplementation "io.mockk:mockk-android:1.12.0"
Then you need to add a AndroidManifest.xml to the androidTest directory if your tests are located in the application module.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""
android:extractNativeLibs="true" />
Then you can mocking static functions using the following code:
import io.mockk.every
import io.mockk.mockkStatic
import io.mockk.unmockkStatic
import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
import org.junit.Test
class TestMockingStaticFunction {
object StaticTrojan {
fun staticOpen(): String {
return "horse"
fun testMockingStaticFunction() {
assertEquals("horse", StaticTrojan.staticOpen())
val mockScope = every { StaticTrojan.staticOpen() } returns "solders"
assertEquals("solders", StaticTrojan.staticOpen())
assertEquals("horse", StaticTrojan.staticOpen())
Library API allows you to comfortably mock the Kotlin objects, in the example above the object is used only to create a static function using #JvmStatic annotation.
Attention! This approach uses JVMTI available in Android P starting from the API level 28. Your application can be written using a smaller API, but the tests you must run only on Android P devices or newer.

