Not getting focus on list rows in android - android

I have a list with some rows which define some transaction. When i select the row, particular transaction details is showing in another list. Now when i am selecting a row in the first list, corresponding details is showing in the second list but the first list's selected row is not getting the focus. How can i get the focus?? I am doing this for android tablet and OS is 2.2.

I guess you can use listview.setSelection(int postion)
It Changes the selection state of this view. A view can be selected or not. Note that selection is not the same as focus. Views are typically selected in the context of an AdapterView like ListView or GridView; the selected view is the view that is highlighted.


Android cursor move selected to the top

I have a listview that is populated by data from ContactsContract.RawContacts, and I want to have some items to be selected when presented to the user. Is it possible to move the selected items to the top of the list?
Since add view to a specific location in ListView will throw UnsupportedOperationException. We couldn't add or remove in the list view directly, but you could try to get current selected position data, and rearrange the position in adapter's data to the first place. Then call notifyDataSetChanged to update your list view.

Overriding Android ListView onItemClick causing item to be selected (checked)

I am trying to better understand the internal functioning of ListView as it pertains to selecting one or multiple items- it's actually amazing how difficult it was for me to even get this far in my understanding.
By default a regular click on a ListView item is setting the 'checked' state for that item to true. How do I override this behavior so this selection does not happen?
And more fundamentally, what are the underlying ListView mechanics here? Is the row view's default onClick then calling the ListView's onItemClick/LongClick handlers, or how does this click handling get sequenced?
I do want to allow a choiceMode of multipleChoice, but I only want to select it onItemLongClick. Overriding onItemClick does not change this behavior, and overriding the row view's onClick handler in the adapter getView() function seems to prevent the ListView onItemClick and onItemLongClick from ever happening.
Below is more detailed context on my application
My goal is to have my ListActivity display a ListView, which functions as follows:
Clicking an item performs a non-selecting action (expands the row to show more info)
Long clicking an item selects it. Selecting an item is indicated by highlighting the background of the row (as in the Gmail app)
You can select multiple items
My application structure is:
Activity is an extension of ListActivity
Adapter is an extension of ArrayAdapter<>
ListView row layouts are completely custom layouts (not any sort of built-in ListView row layout)
My understanding of the built-in functionality for ListView has me to the point where I am
setting choiceMode to multipleChoice
using the ListView 'checked' functionality for making and tracking the selections
using a custom selector as an 'activatedBackgroundIndicator' to show the highlighting (example here)
Keep an ArrayList to maintain ListView items selected position. When a ListView item is selected check in that ArrayList whether item position is in ArrayList or not. If item is not in ArrayList change state of Item to checked else change state to unchecked and remove the position object from ArrayList. This worked for me.

Get the view of a row in a listview

Is there any way to find the view that represents a specific row in a listview.
When the user clicks on a row in my listview I expand it to show more details (using the ExpandAnimation class).
Thing is that when I click on another row I want the previously opened row to close.
So, I need to be able to get at the view (I have the row number within the dataset).
If the row is not on the screen at present then it is not a problem because it will be shrunk down when getView is called.
So, is there any way to get the view by index in list adapter.

How can i stop executing getview() method in android?

I have two list view for displaying data from sqlite database.I displayed data without any second list view i have header with four columns.When i click on first list view , that related data displayed in second list it displayed based on position.By default i displayed first list view of the zero position related data in second list. the problem is , while scrolling the first list view it automatically calls the zero position values but i need the data of whatever position i clicked on first list view.I displayed data like below.How i can do?
Please can any on help?
first list view:
I displayed data based on selection of first list view.
Second list view:
id Name Contact
1 ram 12345
Thanking in Advance.
easy bruteforce way is to use flag like this..
public boolean flag=false; // declare this as class variable outside both listview adapter class
then in 1st list view getview() function
//display 2nd list view contents on 0th position of 1st list
in onItemClick() of 1st list view
//display 2nd list view contens based on position

How to scroll ListView to a particular position and change the text color

There is custom view and a ListView, both are coupled as such if one changes its state other must change. I am able to control custom view if one item of ListView is selected.
If a item is selected in custom view, corresponding item in List view should become visible and text in it must be hilighted.
I tried
no scrolling happens on execution of this line.
Second question -
How can I get access to TextView in a particular adaptor postion and change its text color outside OnItemLongClickListener() ?
Issue resolved, due to error clueIndex was always -1.

