Ok so I have been trying to fix this for days, and I'm not coming here looking for someone to do my work for me as I have been troubleshooting and fixed every single error message in the LogCat. I am developing an Android game using Andengine (this might be part of the problem so being familiar with it could help). I'm not doing anything too fancy, my game activities are all single scene and don't have any Physics or anything like that, just a bunch of sprites and textures. I also used Andengine for all of the other activities in my game because I find it to be a very easy way to set up graphically appealing screens. One such screen is my in-app store, where users can buy levelpacks and new sprites. The billing part of this all works great, the purchases go through to the Market and there's nothing too complicated there...
When the user clicks buy, the market screen pops up and loads the product they have selected (these are real products, not the android tests although the game is not published). The Market screen pops up over the current activity, regardless of whether I use the "Android 2.0" implementation where it is part of the game's stack or I use the "Android 1.6" implementation and it is part of its own stack. I would prefer to use the Android 2.0 implementation but if I can only get the 1.6 to work I will take that. So anyway, the problem arises when the user either cancels the purchase using the back button or completes the purchase with a credit card, both result in the market screen disappearing and the app starting a new activity that is just a black screen (which eventually times out and causes a force close). The purchase goes through OK but the user does not get the product because the game force quits before we get to the code to change the user's items in the game. Now for some code, I used this tutorial (http://www.anddev.org/advanced-tutorials-f21/simple-inapp-billing-payment-t52060.html) without changing much of anything. The BillingHelper class is most important, as it holds the requestPurchase() method and the startBuyPageActivity() methods. I call request purchase from my StoreFront activity like this:
BillingHelper.requestPurchase(StoreFront.this, itemID);
and in the onCreate of the StoreFront I have this stuff (as told to do by the tut):
startService(new Intent(mContext, BillingService.class));
//some handler that billing needs
public Handler mTransactionHandler = new Handler(){
public void handleMessage(android.os.Message msg) {
Log.i(TAG, "Transaction complete");
Log.i(TAG, "Transaction status: "+BillingHelper.latestPurchase.purchaseState);
Log.i(TAG, "Item purchased is: "+BillingHelper.latestPurchase.productId);
//TODO do something here if we've completed our latest purchase,
//this should be with the status bar notifications and
//saved preferences
So I don't think the problem lies there. Here are the relevant parts of BillingHelper
protected static void requestPurchase(Context activityContext, String itemId){
if (amIDead()) {
Log.i(TAG, "requestPurchase()");
Bundle request = makeRequestBundle("REQUEST_PURCHASE");
request.putString("ITEM_ID", itemId);
try {
Bundle response = mService.sendBillingRequest(request);
//The RESPONSE_CODE key provides you with the status of the request
Integer responseCodeIndex = (Integer) response.get("RESPONSE_CODE");
//The PURCHASE_INTENT key provides you with a PendingIntent, which you can use to launch the checkout UI
PendingIntent pendingIntent = (PendingIntent) response.get("PURCHASE_INTENT");
//The REQUEST_ID key provides you with a unique request identifier for the request
Long requestIndentifier = (Long) response.get("REQUEST_ID");
Log.i(TAG, "current request is:" + requestIndentifier);
C.ResponseCode responseCode = C.ResponseCode.valueOf(responseCodeIndex);
Log.i(TAG, "REQUEST_PURCHASE Sync Response code: "+responseCode.toString());
startBuyPageActivity(pendingIntent, new Intent(), activityContext);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed, internet error maybe", e);
Log.e(TAG, "Billing supported: "+isBillingSupported());
Which I have tried calling from StoreFront with a variety of arguments as "ActivityContext" such as StoreFront.this, getApplicationContext(), a static context store elsewhere, a static Activity stored elsewhere, getBaseContext() anything I could possible think of...
Here is the other relevant activity
private static void startBuyPageActivity(PendingIntent pendingIntent, Intent intent, Context context){
//android 1.6 method
try {
pendingIntent.send(context, 0, intent);
} catch (CanceledException e){
Log.e(TAG, "startBuyPageActivity CanceledException");
Nothing fancy, I just want the user to be returned to any of my various activities (preferably StoreFront) when they either buy the item or press back during the process. HELP PLEASE!
Edit: I want any possible solution to allow in-app billing to return to my app after the purchase is complete, even the messiest solution.
A logcat and method calls of what the issue:
"BillingService Starting",
StoreFront.onStart() called,
StoreFront.onResume() called,
"BillingService Service starting with onCreate",
"BillingService Market Billing Service Successfully Bound",
"BillingService Market Billing Service Connected",
then this is where I actually click the buy button in the store (all of that runs just when opening StoreFront):
"BillingService isBillingSupported response was: RESULT OK",
"BillingService requestPurchase()",
"BillingService current request is ......",
"BillingService REQUEST PURCHASE Sync Response code: RESULT OK",
"BillingService Recieved action: com.android.vending.billing.RESPONSE CODE",
"BillingService checkResponseCode got requestID..."
"BillingService checkResponseCode go responseCode RESULT ERROR"
(this is because I can't purchase on this device),
and then I get an Error message saying: "E 32427 Surface surface (identity=5925) is invalid, err=-19 (No such device)" and from there nothing works anymore.
Also I have tested this on a different phone (another developer I am working with, who can actually buy things in it but still gets the black screen error) and he never got the Handler messages you mentioned in your comment either
Edit: if I had to guess where the error is, I'd say it's this
06-16 11:20:23.635: DEBUG/dalvikvm(3807): GC_EXPLICIT freed 53K, 45% free 3710K/6663K, external 1K/513K, paused 102ms
06-16 11:20:23.885: ERROR/Surface(3807): surface (identity=158) is invalid, err=-19 (No such device)
06-16 11:20:23.905: ERROR/Surface(3807): surface (identity=158) is invalid, err=-19 (No such device)
06-16 11:20:23.905: ERROR/Surface(3807): surface (identity=158) is invalid, err=-19 (No such device)
06-16 11:20:23.905: ERROR/Adreno200-EGL(3807): egliSwapWindowSurface: unable to dequeue native buffer
Note that the interrupted exception is expected by the Andengine library so that is a red herring.
Also (I hope this is allowed on here) I will offer paypal reward for a solution. If this is against the Terms of SO then just delete this line, please don't close this question.
I may know what's wrong and I have a test for you to do. The buy screen runs a finish call after the user cancels the purchase or completes the purchase. For me for some reason the finish call was drifting down into the currently running activity and (CLOSING??? it).
Here's the relevant line from the log:
06-16 11:20:22.774: WARN/ActivityManager(132): Duplicate finish request for HistoryRecord{40ace828 com.android.vending/.billing.InAppBuyPageActivity}
I think I fixed this in my code problem is that I can't remember exactly what I did (maybe didn't call finish in my purchase complete handler...)
I don't know anything about Andgen, but what would happen if a finish call got called on the main Andgen activity? I'd imagine it would stop execution and you might get a black screen and an app crash.
So to test this, create a separate activity for you buy page. Doesn't need to be complicated - maybe have it just buy one canned product after it starts up. Run your code and see if it still gives you the black screen of doom. My bet: it may exit out of the activity back to your game but I think it'll work.
Hope this helps and Good Luck!
I have implemented Google Onetap SignIn in my application. Everything is working fine, the only issue that I am observing is that on certain devices the pop-up often takes 7-10 seconds to display. Especially in case of Sign-In popup.
Since I have multiple login options available in the app it might so happen that before I can show the user his last used google account to login (via OneTap popup), he gets enough time to click on any other option (eg, Facebook) & it becomes a poor experience.
Since this pop-up is displayed by play-services, I don't see how I can optimise this time taken.
As per the code, it seems the call to
is the one taking the most time. It seems the code that queries for user's on device Google Accounts.
Using below code structure. Adding for reference
.addOnSuccessListener { result: BeginSignInResult ->
result.pendingIntent.intentSender, requestCode,
null, 0, 0, 0, null)
successCallback?.onSuccess(isRegistering, "Rendering Popup")
val timeTaken = if(isRegistering) System.currentTimeMillis() - signUpTime
else System.currentTimeMillis() - signInTime
BBLogUtils.logWithTag(TAG, "Completed in ${timeTaken/1000.0}s")
catch (e: IntentSender.SendIntentException)
failureCallback?.onFailure(isRegistering, e, ERROR_INTENT_SENDER_EXCEPTION)
.addOnFailureListener { e: Exception ->
// No saved credentials found.
// OR Temporarily blocked due to too many canceled sign-in prompts.
BBLogUtils.logWithTag(TAG, "Exception | registering=$isRegistering|rCount=$rCount | Error= ${e.message}")
failureCallback?.onFailure(isRegistering, e, ERROR_NO_CREDENTIALS_FOUND)
SignIn request object is the standard as prescribed by the docs
private fun getSignInRequest(isRegistering: Boolean): BeginSignInRequest
return BeginSignInRequest.builder()
.setSupported(true) // So that we receive the idToken in result
* true: for Registration ie. showing all accounts
* false: for return user signIn, ie. showing only previously used accounts
Another related question to this feature.
On the first launch of the app on device I saw this additional pop-up
Is there someway this can be skipped ?
Answering 2nd part of my own query here.
After a lot search I still haven't bee able to find a workaround for skipping the process. Turns out that this popup is medium for play services to inform the user about the new sign-in experience.
I observed that if I installed another app using Google Onetap (eg. Reddit or PIntrest), the same pop-up appeared there as well. Also, its shown only once to a user, ie. if the pop up was shown in the Reddit app then it won't come in my app & vice-versa.
In addition, if you wan't to repro this scenario, you can clear the storage of Google Play Services. For some duration, it might show error: 16: App is not whitelisted, but after a while, you will get the How It Works pop-up again.
I have integrated Brightcove android-sdk-4.2.7 and trying to play video using videoID.
Here is the code snippet :
Catalog catalog = new Catalog(<**MEDIA_READ_TOKEN**>);
catalog.findVideoByID(videoId, new VideoListener() {
public void onError(String error) {
Log.e(TAG, "onError : " + error);
public void onVideo(Video video) {
Log.i(TAG, "onVideo called" );
When I launch video_player_activity from other activity for the first time video plays perfectly fine, but when I go back to second activity and again try to play the same/other video, It does not play. onVideo does not get called. Sometimes it gets called after a long time.
Following are some more details :
activity is getting destroyed properly when I go back
onError is not getting called
video id is getting set properly
Tried emitter events and READY_TO_PLAY event occurs but DID_PLAY does not
Android version I tested on is 4.4.x
What might be the possible issues? Any help/pointer around this will be really appreciated.
Repeated calls to findVideoByID(), should work fine. For each one, you should see a request in the logcat, something like:
D/HttpService(27297): issuing GET request: http://api.brightcove.com/services/library?command=find_video_by_id&video_id=3603631382001...
and a response, something like:
D/HttpService(27297): response: {"id":36036...
If that is not the case, please file a bug with Brightcove Support. If that is working, there isn't enough information here to debug further. You could try to compare what you are doing with the public sample apps available on Github:
These apps don't have multiple activities like your scenario, but they do handle the app going into the background and then being brought back to the foreground. Extending the BrightcovePlayer or BrightcovePlayerFragment enables the lifecycle handling. If you don't extend one of those classes, you have to write your own lifecycle handling, as if you were using the Android VideoView. For example, calling pause() in onPause() and calling stopPlayback() in onStop().
I'm writing a simple app to send public photos from Dropbox public folder to Chromecast.
Instead of CastCompanion library I decided to write my own stuff to understand better the API.
According to Google Guidelines:
if the sender application becomes disconnected from the media route, such as when the user or the operating system kills the application without the user first disconnecting from the Cast device, then the application must restore the session with the receiver when the sender application starts again.
It seems to me that the same solution should apply to Activity recreation upon orientation change since it recreates the Activity from scratch.
My first question: Is my assumption correct? Both scenarios, orientation change and system kill, may use the same solution?
Given this assumption I wrote some code to restore session upon Activity restoration.
I'm considering the orientation change scenario, when Activity is recreated from scratch and I am supposed to restore route Id, Session Id and try to reconnect (I'm storing and retrieving both values from shared preferences).
I've been testing with and it's working fine.
That's what I do (based on Google Sender Guidelines code):
After discovering the ongoing Route Id and find the cast device I call this method:
private void connectToDevice(CastDevice castDevice) {
Log.d(TAG, "connecting to " + castDevice);
Cast.CastOptions.Builder apiOptionsBuilder = Cast.CastOptions
.builder(castDevice, new CastListener());
Log.d(TAG, "apiClient is null ? " + (apiClient == null));
apiClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this)
.addApi(Cast.API, apiOptionsBuilder.build())
Log.d(TAG, "apiClient connected? " + apiClient.isConnected());
Log.d(TAG, "apiClient connecting? " + apiClient.isConnecting());
private class CastListener extends Cast.Listener {
public void onApplicationStatusChanged() {
if (apiClient != null) {
Log.d(TAG, "callback => " + this);
public void onVolumeChanged() {
public void onApplicationDisconnected(int errorCode) {
After this method I call Cast.CastApi.joinApplication if I recognize a reconnection.
But once reconnected to Chromecast the log of onApplicationStatusChanged prints one different instance for every phone's rotation. E.g: if I rotate phone 3 times the log prints 3 times with 3 different pointer addresses. That makes me believe it is internally holding all callbacks instances.
How am I supposed to handle this situation since the Activity is being recreated and I need to create another instance of GoogleApiClient keeping the session?
Full source:
IMHO, I believe the proper way (or at least a better way) to approach this is one of the following:
if you have only one activity and that is all you care about, then use a fragment that persists across configuration changes and put the stuff that you want to persist seamlessly, there. This way, rotation of the phone is not going to cause any disruption in your cast related stuff.
if you have more than a single activity, think about creating an object that lasts across all your activities and put the cast stuff there and then ask that object for the instance of CastApi whenever needed, etc.
In your case, do you really get disconnected when you rotate the phone? Since you are setting up a whole new connection, you might want to disconnect yourself first when configuration changes (assuming you don't want to go with my earlier proposed (1) or (2)).
I'm on the edge of finishing my first app, and one last remaining thing is to implement IAP billing, so that's why I am currently reading quite a lot about the topic (including security concerns like encryption, obfuscation and stuff).
My app is a free version, with the ability to upgrade to full verison via IAP, so there would be just one managed purchase item "premium". I have a few questions about this:
In the Google IAP API example (trivialdrivesample), there's always the IAP check in MainActivity to see if the user bought the premium version, done via
My first concern:
This does mean that the user always needs to have an internet/data connection at app-startup, to be able switch to the premium version right? What if the user doesn't have an internet connection? He would go with the lite version I guess, which I would find annoying.
So I thought about how to save the isPremium status locally, either in the SharedPrefs or in the app database. Now, I know you can't stop a hacker to reverse engineer the app, no matter what, even so because I don't own a server to do some server-side validation.
Nevertheless, one simply can't save an "isPremium" flag somewhere, since that would be too easy to spot.
So I was thinking about something like this:
User buys Premium
App gets the IMEI/Device-ID and XOR encodes it with a hardcoded String key, saves that locally in the app database.
Now when the user starts the app again:
App gets encoded String from database, decodes it and checks if decodedString == IMEI. If yes -> premium
If no, then the normal queryInventoryAsync will be called to see if the user bought premium.
What do you think about that approach? I know it's not supersecure, but for me it's more important that the user isn't annoyed (like with mandatory internet connection), than that the app will be unhackable (which is impossible anyway).
Do you have some other tips?
Another thing, which I currently don't have a clue about, is how to restore the transaction status when the user uninstalls/reinstalls the app. I know the API has some mechanism for that, and aditionally my database can be exported and imported through the app (so the encoded isPremium flag would be exportable/importable as well). Ok, I guess that would be another question, when the time is right ;-)
Any thoughts and comments to this approach are welcome, do you think that's a good solution? Or am I missing something/heading into some wrong direction?
I too was making the same investigations, but during my testing I figured out that you do not need to store it, as Google do all the caching you need and I suspect (though I have not investigated it) that they are doing so as securely as possible (seeing as it in their interest too!)
So here is what i do
// Done in onCreate
mHelper = new IabHelper(this, getPublicKey());
mHelper.startSetup(new IabHelper.OnIabSetupFinishedListener() {
public void onIabSetupFinished(IabResult result) {
if (!result.isSuccess()) {
// Oh noes, there was a problem.
Log("Problem setting up In-app Billing: " + result);
} else {
Log("onIabSetupFinished " + result.getResponse());
// Called by button press
private void buyProUpgrade() {
mHelper.launchPurchaseFlow(this, "android.test.purchased", 10001,
mPurchaseFinishedListener, ((TelephonyManager)this.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE)).getDeviceId());
// Get purchase response
private IabHelper.OnIabPurchaseFinishedListener mPurchaseFinishedListener = new IabHelper.OnIabPurchaseFinishedListener() {
public void onIabPurchaseFinished(IabResult result, Purchase purchase)
if (result.isFailure()) {
Log("Error purchasing: " + result);
else if (purchase.getSku().equals("android.test.purchased")) {
Log("onIabPurchaseFinished GOT A RESPONSE.");
// Get already purchased response
private IabHelper.QueryInventoryFinishedListener mGotInventoryListener = new IabHelper.QueryInventoryFinishedListener() {
public void onQueryInventoryFinished(IabResult result,
Inventory inventory) {
if (result.isFailure()) {
// handle error here
Log("Error checking inventory: " + result);
else {
// does the user have the premium upgrade?
mIsPremium = inventory.hasPurchase("android.test.purchased");
Log("onQueryInventoryFinished GOT A RESPONSE (" + mIsPremium + ").");
So what happens here?
The IAB is set up and calls startSetup, on a successful completion (as long as it has been run once with an internet connection and is set up correctly it will always succeed) we call queryInventoryAsync to find out what is already purchased (again if this has been called while online it always works while offline).
So if a purchase is completed successfully (as can only be done while online) we call queryInventoryAsync to ensure that it has been called while online.
Now there is no need to store anything to do with purchases and makes your app a lot less hackable.
I have tested this many ways, flight mode, turning the devices off an on again and the only thing that messes it up is clearing data in some of the Google apps on the phone (Not likely to happen!).
Please contribute to this if you have different experiences, my app is still in early testing stage.
I refactored ne0's answer into a static method, including the comments from snark.
I call this method when my app starts - you'll need to enable your features at the TODO
* This is how you check with Google if the user previously purchased a non-consumable IAP
* #param context App Context
public static void queryPlayStoreForPurchases(Context context)
final IabHelper helper = new IabHelper(context, getPublicKey());
helper.startSetup(new IabHelper.OnIabSetupFinishedListener()
public void onIabSetupFinished(IabResult result)
if (!result.isSuccess())
Log.d("InApp", "In-app Billing setup failed: " + result);
helper.queryInventoryAsync(false, new IabHelper.QueryInventoryFinishedListener()
public void onQueryInventoryFinished(IabResult result, Inventory inventory)
// If the user has IAP'd the Pro version, let 'em have it.
if (inventory.hasPurchase(PRO_VERSION_SKU))
Log.d("IAP Check", "IAP Feature enabled!");
Log.d("IAP Check", "User has not purchased Pro version, not enabling features.");
This will work across reboots and without a network connection, provided the user purchased the item.
Since you already know that it's impossible to make it unhackable using this system, I would recommend not attempting to prevent hacking. What you are proposing is known as "Security through obscurity" and is usually a bad idea.
My advice would be to try queryInventoryAsync() first, and only check your 'isPremium' flag if there is no internet connection.
There are also a few potential other ways of going about this, such as having separate free and premium apps, instead of an in app purchase. How other people handle this and the tools Google makes available might warrant an investigation.
queryInventoryAsync will automatically take into account uninstall and reinstalls, as it tracks purchases for the logged in user.
Yes the purchases can be retrieved offline. Also, I'm thinking about counting how many times the user opens the app as a mechanism before showing the billing UI.
I'm very confused on how in-app billing works. I've read the documentation and I must have missed something because I don't understand the final step I need to implement into my application to make this work. The in-app billing works great, however, if a user uninstalls my app and installs it again at a future date, my application doesn't know how to determine if the in-app purchase has previously been made. Here's a snippet from my main class where I attempt to handle all of this:
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
mContext = this;
startService(new Intent(mContext, BillingService.class));
I am using the example classes from the dungeons example project. What I don't understand is how the below code works at the time of purchase, but re-running it doesn't work to check if something been purchased already. I have been stuck on this part for about a month now and I've been getting very frustrated with it.
public Handler mTransactionHandler = new Handler()
public void handleMessage(android.os.Message msg)
Log.i(TAG, "Transaction complete");
Log.i(TAG, "Transaction status: "
+ BillingHelper.latestPurchase.purchaseState);
Log.i(TAG, "Item purchased is: "
+ BillingHelper.latestPurchase.productId);
if (BillingHelper.latestPurchase.isPurchased())
new Message("Thank you!", getApplicationContext());
SharedPreferences purchasePreferences = getSharedPreferences(PURCHASE_PREFERENCES, Activity.MODE_PRIVATE);
Editor purchaseEditor = purchasePreferences.edit();
purchaseEditor.putBoolean("purchased", PAY_VERSION);
Intent intent = getIntent();
What I need is some way to query the server to see if this item has been purchased or not. I understand that there's a PURCHASE_STATE_CHANGED thing there somewhere however I have no idea how to do anything when it determines the state has changed or how to initiate it to check. I'm lost and all I need is a good push in the right direction because so far I'm just completely lost.
I've also heard you need to parse JSON, but I have no idea how to even begin doing that.
Am I supposed to call this stuff to check?
BillingHelper.getPurchaseInformation(new String[] {"myItem"});
That code previously had crashed on my sisters phone (SGS3, ICS) but not on mine (GN, ICS, and JB work). I was calling it in onCreate() of my first activity. Not really sure what to do with getPurchaseInformation(...) once it's been called. It has no return value so I'm not sure if I can parse the JSON or whatever I'm supposed to do...
Also, those 2 lines give me this:
08-27 11:54:04.271: E/BillingService(17702): BillingHelper not fully instantiated
08-27 11:54:04.271: E/BillingService(17702): BillingHelper not fully instantiated
An example of a JSON order object that includes a subscription purchase token is shown below.
{ "nonce" : 1836535032137741465,
"orders" :
[{ "notificationId" : "android.test.purchased",
"orderId" : "transactionId.android.test.purchased",
"packageName" : "com.example.dungeons",
"productId" : "android.test.purchased",
"developerPayload" : "bGoa+V7g/yqDXvKRqq+JTFn4uQZbPiQJo4pf9RzJ",
"purchaseTime" : 1290114783411,
"purchaseState" : 0,
"purchaseToken" : "rojeslcdyyiapnqcynkjyyjh" }]
How to parse JSON in Java.
Android supports JSON library
Android Billing
If you have a remote server, we recommend that you store purchase information on your server instead of in a local database on a device. Look here.
Read about Managed per user account, Unmanaged, or Subscription
I use billing like this:
In onCreate
You have handler in your code.
Next in onClick or something
BillingHelper.requestPurchase(this, currentMarketProduct.getMarketId());
You are on the right track with the second update. The trick is to realise everything is done in async.
The typical flow is as follows:
User installs your app.
On first load of your app, you check if you need to restore
If you do, send a RESTORE_TRANSACTION synchronous request to Google.
Google will respond with a acknowlegment response to your
RESTORE_TRANSACTION request. (This is only an acknowlegement that
they received your request.)
At this point, you should mark that you had already sent a restore request to Google and no further restores needs to be sent from the app.
Now asynchronously Google will start sending a 'PURCHASE_STATE_CHANGED' event to your app for each in-app purchase the user has previously purchased. This call is the same as what Google would had sent if the user had made that purchase for the first time.
Since it's the same call, your app would pick up the event and handled it normally as if the user has just purchased the in-app product (thereby "restoring" the purchased feature).
In regard to steps 2 and 5, what I've done for my app is to keep a SharedPreference value called 'APP_INITIALISED' that defaults to false. Everytime my app starts up, if 'APP_INITIALISED' is false, I tell Google to RESTORE_TRANSACTION (step 2) then I set APP_INITIALISED to true (step 5).