I've seen a few people ask how to zoom an entire ViewGroup (such as a RelativeLayout) in one go. At the moment this is something I need to achieve. The most obvious approach, to me, would be to hold the zoom scale factor as a single variable somewhere; and in each of the child Views' onDraw() methods, that scale factor would be applied to the Canvas prior to graphics being drawn.
However, before doing that, I have tried to be clever (ha - usually a bad idea) and extend RelativeLayout, into a class called ZoomableRelativeLayout. My idea is that any scale transformation could be applied just once to the Canvas in the overridden dispatchDraw() function, so that there would be absolutely no need to separately apply the zoom in any of the child views.
Here's what I did in my ZoomableRelativeLayout. It's just a simple extension of RelativeLayout, with dispatchDraw() being overridden:
protected void dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas){
canvas.scale(mScaleFactor, mScaleFactor);
The mScaleFactor is manipulated by a ScaleListener in the same class.
It does actually work. I can pinch to zoom the ZoomableRelativeLayout, and all of the views held within properly rescale together.
Except there's a problem. Some of those child views are animated, and hence I periodically call invalidate() on them. When the scale is 1, those child views are seen to redraw periodically perfectly fine. When the scale is other than 1, those animated child views are only seen to update in a portion of their viewing area - or not at all - depending on the zoom scale.
My initial thinking was that when an individual child view's invalidate() is being called, then it's possibly being redrawn individually by the system, rather than being passed a Canvas from the parent RelativeLayout's dispatchDraw(), meaning that the child view ends up refreshing itself without the zoom scale applied. But oddly, the elements of the child views that are redrawn on the screen are to the correct zoom scale. It's almost as if the area that the system decides to actually update in the backing bitmap remains unscaled - if that makes sense. To put it another way, if I have a single animated child View and I gradually zoom in further and further from an initial scale of 1, and if we place an imaginary box on the area where that child view is when the zoom scale is 1, then the calls to invalidate() only cause a refresh of the graphics in that imaginary box. But the graphics that are seen to update are being done to the right scale. If you zoom in so far that the child view has now moved completely away from where it was with a scale of 1, then no part of it at all is seen to refresh. I'll give another example: imagine my child view is a ball that animates by switching between yellow and red. If I zoom in a little bit such that the ball moves to the right and down, at a certain point you'll just see the top-left quarter of the ball animate colours.
If I continuously zoom in and out, I see the child views animate properly and entirely. This is because the entire ViewGroup is being redrawn.
I hope this makes sense; I've tried to explain as best as I can. Am I on a bit of a loser with my zoomable ViewGroup strategy? Is there another way?
If you are applying a scale factor to the drawing of your children, you also need to apply the appropriate scale factor to all of the other interactions with them -- dispatching touch events, invalidates, etc.
So in addition to dispatchDraw(), you will need to override and appropriate adjust the behavior of at least these other methods. To take care of invalidates, you will need to override this method to adjust the child coordinates appropriately:
http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/ViewGroup.html#invalidateChildInParent(int[], android.graphics.Rect)
If you want the user to be able to interact with the child views you will also need to override this to adjust touch coordinates appropriately before they are dispatched to the children:
Also I would strongly recommend you implement this all inside of a simple ViewGroup subclass that has a single child view it manages. This will get rid of any complexity of behavior that RelativeLayout is introducing in its own ViewGroup, simplifying what you need to deal with and debug in your own code. Put the RelativeLayout as a child of your special zooming ViewGroup.
Finally, one improvement to your code -- in dispatchDraw() you want to save the canvas state after applying the scaling factor. This ensures that the child can't modify the transformation you have set.
The excellent answer from hackbod has reminded me that I need to post up the solution that I eventually came to. Please note that this solution, which worked for me for the application I was doing at the time, could be further improved with hackbod's suggestions. In particular I didn't need to handle touch events, and until reading hackbod's post it did not occur to me that if I did then I would need to scale those as well.
To recap, for my application I what I needed to achieve was to have a large diagram (specifically, the floor layout of a building) with other small "marker" symbols superimposed upon it. The background diagram and foreground symbols are all drawn using vector graphics (that is, Path() and Paint() objects applied to Canvas in the onDraw() method). The reason for wanting to create all the graphics this way, as opposed to just using bitmap resources, is because the graphics are converted at run-time using my SVG image converter.
The requirement was that the diagram and associated marker symbols would all be children of a ViewGroup, and could all be pinch-zoomed together.
A lot of the code looks messy (it was a rush job for a demonstration) so rather than just copying it all in, instead I'll try to just explain how I did it with the relevant bits of code quoted.
First of all, I have a ZoomableRelativeLayout.
public class ZoomableRelativeLayout extends RelativeLayout { ...
This class includes listener classes that extend ScaleGestureDetector and SimpleGestureListener so that the layout can be panned and zoomed. Of particular interest here is the scale gesture listener, which sets a scale factor variable and then calls invalidate() and requestLayout(). I'm not strictly certain at the moment if invalidate() is necessary, but anyway - here it is:
private class ScaleListener extends ScaleGestureDetector.SimpleOnScaleGestureListener {
public boolean onScale(ScaleGestureDetector detector){
mScaleFactor *= detector.getScaleFactor();
// Apply limits to the zoom scale factor:
mScaleFactor = Math.max(0.6f, Math.min(mScaleFactor, 1.5f);
return true;
The next thing I had to do in my ZoomableRelativeLayout was to override onLayout(). To do this I found it useful to look at other people's attempts at a zoomable layout, and also I found it very useful to look at the original Android source code for RelativeLayout. My overridden method copies much of what's in RelativeLayout's onLayout() but with some modifications.
protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b)
int count = getChildCount();
for(int i=0;i<count;i++){
View child = getChildAt(i);
RelativeLayout.LayoutParams params = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams)child.getLayoutParams();
(int)(params.leftMargin * mScaleFactor),
(int)(params.topMargin * mScaleFactor),
(int)((params.leftMargin + child.getMeasuredWidth()) * mScaleFactor),
(int)((params.topMargin + child.getMeasuredHeight()) * mScaleFactor)
What's significant here is that when calling 'layout()' on all the children, I'm applying the scale factor to the layout parameters as well for those children. This is one step towards solving the clipping problem, and also it importantly correctly sets the x,y position of the children relative to each other for different scale factors.
A further key thing is that I am no longer attempting to scale the Canvas in dispatchDraw(). Instead each child View scales its Canvas after obtaining the scale factor from the parent ZoomableRelativeLayout via a getter method.
Next, I shall move onto what I had to do within the child Views of my ZoomableRelativeLayout. There's only one type of View I contain as children in my ZoomableRelativeLayout; it's a View for drawing SVG graphics that I call SVGView. Of course the SVG stuff is not relevant here. Here's its onMeasure() method:
protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {
int widthMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(widthMeasureSpec);
int widthSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(widthMeasureSpec);
int heightMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(heightMeasureSpec);
int heightSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(heightMeasureSpec);
float parentScale = ((FloorPlanLayout)getParent()).getScaleFactor();
int chosenWidth, chosenHeight;
if( parentScale > 1.0f){
chosenWidth = (int) ( parentScale * (float)svgImage.getDocumentWidth() );
chosenHeight = (int) ( parentScale * (float)svgImage.getDocumentHeight() );
chosenWidth = (int) ( (float)svgImage.getDocumentWidth() );
chosenHeight = (int) ( (float)svgImage.getDocumentHeight() );
setMeasuredDimension(chosenWidth, chosenHeight);
And the onDraw():
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas){
if( null==bm || bm.isRecycled() ){
bm = Bitmap.createBitmap(
... Canvas draw operations go here ...
Paint drawPaint = new Paint();
// Check again that bm isn't null, because sometimes we seem to get
// android.graphics.Canvas.throwIfRecycled exception sometimes even though bitmap should
// have been drawn above. I'm guessing at the moment that this *might* happen when zooming into
// the house layout quite far and the system decides not to draw anything to the bitmap because
// a particular child View is out of viewing / clipping bounds - not sure.
if( bm != null){
canvas.drawBitmap(bm, 0f, 0f, drawPaint );
Again - as a disclaimer, there are probably some warts in what I have posted there and I am yet to carefully go through hackbod's suggestions and incorporate them. I intend to come back and edit this further. In the meantime, I hope it can start to provide useful pointers to others on how to implement a zoomable ViewGroup.
Suppose I have six points drawn in a Canvas along the circumference of a circle, in the pattern of a hexagon.
I want to simultaneously move and re-draw each of these six points in a small circular path - for example, each point moves along the circumference of a circle with 1/10th the radius of the larger circle.
I'm a little lost on how to do this with Canvas and onDraw and I don't know if better solutions exist. How would you do this?
Some answers have at least pointed me toward this which shows how a point might move along a circular path, but I don't know how to implement it for this situation:
for (double t = 0; t < 2*Pi; t += 0.01)
x = R*cos(t) + x_0;
y = R*sin(t) + y_0;
Thank you!
Here's one approach:
Start with a custom view that extends View and overrides onDraw. You are on the right track with using the drawing functions of Canvas.
Give your custom view a field to hold the current angle:
private float mTheta;
Then add a method like:
public void setTheta(float radians) {
mTheta = radians;
Then in onDraw, use the current value of mTheta to calculate the position of your points.
Of course, with the custom view you might need to handle sizing with an onMeasure override and possibly some layout with an onLayout override. If you set the dimensions of the view to an absolute dp value, the default behavior should work for you.
Doing it this way will set you up to override onTouch and allow user interaction to move the graphics, or use a ValueAnimator to cycle from 0 to 2π calling setTheta from within your AnimatorUpdateListener.
Put some code together and when you get stuck, post another question. If you add a comment to this answer with a link to the new question, I'll take a look at it.
I have a custom view that draws a few circles and about 10 arches that are constantly updating (rotation and size change). I am trying to animate this whole process, but I couldn't find any good practices for doing so under Canvas (I know the basics - use dp instead of px and so on), but I don't know hot to properly do the animation part.
Right now I'm iterating trough all of my objects, perform some calculations to determine the future position and draw them, but it looks choppy. Here is what I'm currently doing:
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
for(Arch arch : arches) {
canvas.drawArc(arch.getRect(), -arch.getCurrentRotation(), arch.getSweepAngle(), true, paint);
canvas.drawCircle(width / 2, height / 2, circle_size, paint_opaque);
int textX = (int) (width / 2);
int textY = (int) ((height / 2) - ((paint_text.descent() + paint_text.ascent()) / 2));
canvas.drawText(text, textX, textY, paint_text);
There are few things wrong with your code.
You shouldn't be performing any heavy operations in the onDraw of your custom Views. That's one, really important principle of developing for android! Ideally inside your onDraw method you should ONLY draw. Sometimes you need to calculate something based on Canvas, but you should limit these sort of actions to the minimum. Everything you can preallocate and calculate somewhere else (not in onDraw), you should extract from your onDraw. In your case arch.update() (which I assume calculates the next "frame" of the animation) and calculation of your textX and textY should be moved somewhere else.
invalidate() basically means that you request for a redraw of your View. When a View is being redrawn, its onDraw will be called. That's why you really shouldn't be calling invalidate() in your onDraw! If every single onDraw requests for another onDraw, it causes a sort of an infinite loop to happen.
If you're trying to achieve a frame animation, you should be calculating all frame-related parameters in a separate thread that would wait some interval between updates, and would call invalidate() after every single one of them.
Android View has three versions of invalidate(): one that invalidates the whole view, and two that invalidate only a portion of it. But it only has one onDraw(), which draws the entire canvas. There must be some use that the system makes of the hint that I only want to invalidate part of the view, but I'm unclear on what it is.
I have a view that does custom drawing in onDraw(). Do I have a way to find out which parts of the canvas are invalid, so I only draw those?
When Android gets ready to render changes to the screen, it does so by creating a union of all of the individual rectangle areas of the screen that need to be redrawn (all the regions that have been invalidated.)
When your view's onDraw(Canvas canvas) method is called, you can check to see if the Canvas has a clip bounds.
If there is a non-empty clip bounds, you can use this information to determine what you will and won't need to draw thus saving time.
If the clip bounds is empty, you should assume Android wants you to draw the entire area of your view.
Something like this:
private Rect clipBounds = new Rect();
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas)
boolean isClipped = canvas.getClipBounds(clipBounds);
// If isClipped == false, assume you have to draw everything
// If isClipped == true, check to see if the thing you are going to draw is within clipBounds, else don't draw it
There must be some use that the system makes of the hint that I only want to
invalidate part of the view, but I'm unclear on what it is.
Yes, it is. The method invalidate (int l, int t, int r, int b) has four parameters which are used by the View's parent View to calculate the mLocalDirtyRect which is a filed of the View class. And the mLocalDirtyRect is used by the getHardwareLayer() method in the View class, here is its description:
* <p>Returns a hardware layer that can be used to draw this view again
* without executing its draw method.</p>
* #return A HardwareLayer ready to render, or null if an error occurred.
HardwareLayer getHardwareLayer() {
Means that Android can refresh part of your view without call the View's onDraw() method. So you don't need to try drawing part of the View yourself, because Android will do it for you when you tell it the dirty part of your View.
Finally, I think you can refer to the source code of View and ViewGroup for more details, here is the link that you can read them online:
I try to do circle menu like in this app.
In "expanded" mode i draw this component like follows:
<RelativeLayout android:id="#+id/bigCircle">
<!--color full borders-->
<my.custom.component android:id="#+id/middleCircle">
<!--circle for buttons-->
<RelativeLayout android:id="#+id/smallCircle">
<!--minus button-->
In onDraw method of my.custom.component i divide circle on 8 parts by using android.graphics.Path with android.graphics.Paint and some math.
Visually i have exactly as shown in the screenshot. But when i press on part of circle, i need redraw this part in another color to show user what something going on.
How i can redraw part of component's canvas cutting off from another part of canvas by android.graphics.Path for example. In another word i know what redraw canvas i should do in onDraw method, i know that i can show some bitmap from drawables painted in photoshop and have some "multiscreen trouble", i know how i can determine part which user pressed. But i don't know how i can select part of canvas and redraw it.
Developer of Catch here. If I'm understanding your issue, you're having trouble understanding how to specifically draw the highlight/selection indicator on a section of your circular menu.
While there are plenty of different ways one could implement it, what you're leaning towards (using android.graphics.Path) is how we did it. In the view hierarchy of our capture button, there's an element that serves as the canvas on which the selection highlight color (if there is an active selection) is drawn.
If you had a similar custom View in your layout, you could duplicate this behavior like so. First, you'll need the Path that defines the selection for a particular circle segment. Using Path.addArc(RectF, float, float) we can get the pizza-slice-shaped path we need:
private Path getPathForSegment(float startAngle, float sweep) {
Point center = new Point(getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2);
RectF rect = new RectF(0f, 0f, getWidth(), getHeight());
Path selection = new Path();
selection.addArc(rect, startAngle, sweep);
selection.lineTo(center.x, center.y);
return selection;
The getWidth() and getHeight() above are for the enclosing custom view object, so they define the bounding box that contains the circle on which the selection is drawn.
Then, in your custom view's onDraw(Canvas), if your code has determined a selection should be drawn for a segment:
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
// Assume one has the rest of these simple helper functions defined
if (shouldDrawSelection()) {
float startAngle = getStartAngleOfSelectedSegment();
float sweep = getSweepAngle();
Paint paint = getPaintStyleForSelectedSegment();
Path path = getPathForSegment(startAngle, sweep);
canvas.drawPath(path, paint);
// ...
In the other areas of your code that are tracking touches, just call invalidate() on the custom view so that it will redraw (or not) the selection path based on changes in input or state.
Remember that it's good practice to avoid newing objects in onDraw(), so most of these building blocks (Paths, Paints, etc.) can be constructed ahead of time (or once, on first occurrence) and reused.
Hope this is close to what you were asking!
I've got a bunch of tiles that make up a single image, that are rendered on request (by what's portion of the total image is visible on screen). The composite image is significantly larger than the screen. Each tile is positioned tightly next to its neighbors to create the illusion of a single image (the single image, if not tiled, would be too large and have OOM errors).
These are ImageViews inside a FrameLayout, positioned with top/leftMargin.
Targetting API 2.2 / SDK 8
I'm trying to scale the total image in response to user events (button presses, pinch, etc).
Apparently setScale isn't available until API 11. I tried using canvas.scale in onDraw of the FrameLayout with setWillNotDraw(false), and onDraw is being called, but no scaling is being applied (I assume because the layout itself doesn't have any graphic information? I had assumed it'd render it's children as well, but I guess not unless I'm doing something wrong here also).
I guess I could iterate through each tile and scale it independently, but would need to reposition each one as well, each time.
I have to think there's a way to scale a parent View (ViewGroup?) so that all of its children are also scaled (like every other language responsible for managing a GUI). What am I missing?
For reference, the approach mentioned above (using onDraw of a parent ViewGroup) does in fact work. I had been using canvas.save() before the transformation and canvas.restore() after (based on some examples), which was incorrect.
The following is a generic subclass of FrameLayout that will scale it's children
package com.whatever.layouts;
import android.content.Context;
import android.graphics.Canvas;
import android.widget.FrameLayout;
public class ScalingFrameLayout extends FrameLayout {
private float scale = 1;
public ScalingFrameLayout(Context context) {
public void setScale(float factor){
scale = factor;
public float getScale(){
return scale;
public void onDraw(Canvas canvas){
canvas.scale(scale, scale);