How to play flv video in android? - android

I want to display my FLV video in emulator. Anybody who have already work on this?
Basically I need to play video from particular URL and assets folder. So just help on this topic.

You can play a FLV video using the flash plugin inside a WebView. See here.
Hope this will help you.
These are done using Action Scripts.
Call the Action Script
Play flv using Action Script
flv programming
Also this

There is a workaround which will also allow you to play from a local asset resource, please read my answer to this similar question for a full solution:
Problem to load flv video in webview

I used flv.js in the webpage to make the html support flv video file without flash. Then use XWalkView something like webview in android studio to load the webpage. Use WWalkView..


Problems playing videos in Leanback example

I am trying to play my own videos in Android Leanback example ( putting in line 178, in prepareMediaForPlaying(Uri.parse(...)) my own mp4 url and it doesn't work. I have an Source error and the log said that it couldn't access to this url. I know that the url that I am trying works properly, because I put it in a browser and it plays.
Could you help me please?
Try to understand which type of video are you going to play! HLS, DASH, MPEG or of which format!
after you got a basic understanding on them, look for exoplayer supporting video formats, then implement your desired one

Use an android player with download button when clicking mp3 links on WebView

I'm new to this site and new to android programming and I need help. I have a webview where the webpage loaded has particular links and those links are mp3 playable files. What code(s) should I use to make it play(stream) and/or download within my android app instead of opening up browsers to play it? Thanks!
I have tried this:
myWebView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient());
myWebView.setWebChromeClient(new WebChromeClient());
which now plays the mp3 links but it only allows me to play and pause the audio file, and I'm stuck right now, is there a way for me to add something like a download button also a seek bar. Still, any help would be appreciated.
You want to play audio? If it is complex page with HTML5 content, you can use crosswalk library and XWalkView instead of WebView. But this library will strongly increase your apk size.
To download file go through this tutorial:

Unable to stream YouTube Url in VLC android

I have already integrated VLC player in my android app in Linux environment.But now the issue is when i try to play the YouTube link .It Unable to stream the YouTube URL and the concerned g-data ".3gp" URL.The error is mentioned below.
" can not be played." in Toast.
Does anyone have any idea on the same?
I have found a temporary solution.I'm not an expert, but this did the trick for me:
Find a website which can download youtube video's (I suggest
Paste the url of your youtube video into the designated bar and, although we are not downloading anything, hit the Download button.
Now the website gives you a list with different formats for you to choose from. RIGHT-click the one on top (mp4?) and copy the link's adress.
This link can be played in VLC Android and includes your youtube video.
VLC for Android does not support the lua plugins needed to parse the YT URL.
You need to parse the HTML layout yourself (and feed the resulting URL to VLC) or add support for lua plugins to VLC for Android to solve this issue.

.mov file will play in browser, but not in native MediaPlayer app

I am launching the MediaPlayer to play a .mov file that is being passed into the MediaPlayer as a Uri (which is standard). However, it is telling me that it cannot play the file. However, if I put this same link on the web, and the click the link to launch the movie (while in my Android browser) the video plays no problem. However, I can't get the WebView to play it with the Video tag despite all my efforts.
So here is my question, what magic is taking place that allows an android browser app to take a .html url which contains a link to play a video and play it? If I load the same url in a WebView, or try to pass the video url into the mediaplayer, it is a no go. The format of the video is .mov.
Thanks in advance to everyone.
The Android browser and WebView are very different, WebView is very barebones as it was designed expecting people to use it for very basic showing html webpages. WebView by default has no plugins enabled, no javascript enabled and so on and so on. Never expect that because something works in the browser that it will work in a WebView.
Now in regards to how the media is handled. The Browser has extra features set up to strip the video source from the page and launch it in the native player most of the time. This functionality is not built into WebView. And the native player is very picky about what needs to passed into it as a URI to be able to play it.
Hope that helps,

[Android]Downloading a youtube video

I am trying to Download a Video as explained in:
Can’t download youtube video
How does a YouTube movie downloader work? - YouTube
but it seems this method does not work anymore.
How can I download the .flv from Youtube today? Is there a method to save the movie after I watched it, without downloading again?
Does anybody have a working exmaple? (Is the best way to learn)
Thanks in advance,
Adrian. has some scripts that enable downloading and viewing without flash. I haven't tried it, but OilCan is supposed to run Greasemonkey scripts on Android.

