I would like to add an option to the photo gallery like the facebook and flickr (tabs)
How is that done?
I can create an intent-filter that handles images but I want the photo's to appear in the gallery like the imaged of picasa, facebook and flickr.
Any ideas anyone?
You must use the Facebook API, and get the image URLs through the Graph API. Then you can load these images into an Android GridView to get the effect you want.
I'm currently looking for a way to share in Google+ using URL from web and not from local storage. Problem is that I've used UniversalImageLoader to cache my image and I don't have the image file of the images I wanted to post on my share. I wanted it to be as simple the way facebook done their sharing but using the setContentUrl(Uri.parse(IMG_URL)) will give me the way I wanted it minus the image URL below the post.
Other workarounds I'm thinking is to download the image using the URL, store it somewhere on the device then share it using the setStream(Uri.parse(IMG_URI)) but only problem is that I will need to wait more compared to sharing using URL.
Now is there's any way I can achieve a faster image sharing on Google+? Or if ever is there's a way I can convert the cached file back into image so that I can share it using Stream?
Hello every one
Is there any tutorial to share image on instagram without using the share intent. Till now ihave used the share intent but . Problem is this if instagram is not installed on phone then it will not upload image . So i want to upload image like facebook is doing Please help me.
There is no way to post an image to Instagram except through the Instagram app.
In my android application I am able to share text to facebook wall via facebook SDK for android. Can I use this to share images too directly from my application. I wanted the images to be shared from a url given through my application that changes dynamically.Any help please
Visit this link.
The code you have to write will be something like this
bundle.putString("name", "name you want to give");
And similarly you can add another parameters to the image.
I would like to show Picasa images in my Android app.
I've read about some incompabilities with PicasaWebService so i need a way to login and get images list to show.
Has anyone found some good library/example?
If anyones looking for an answer.
Android sample using Picasa web album API. Sample uses OAuth for login, creates and updates albums as well as uploading of photos to Picasa web album:
I have to do facebook android integration project. But I have to pass simple live image URl than send it. But how to pick image in gallery and upload to facebook?
Picking images is described in this question. Try to search before you ask something.