AsyncTask that accesses Sqlite database causes crash - android

I have a ListView which I need to populate using a background thread. The list needs to update as each item is retrieved. Below is a very simplified example of how I implement this.
public class DownloadTask extends AsyncTask <MyUserObject, Integer, String>
protected MyUserObject doInBackground(MyUserObject... myUserObj)
MyUserObject muo = null;
int nCount = myUserObj.length;
if( nCount > 0 )
muo = myUserObj[0];
return muo.getUserName();
protected void onPostExecute(String userName)
public class MyAdapterClass extends BaseAdapter
private ArrayList<String>names;
public MyAdapterClass(Context context)
names = new ArrayList<String>();
public fillList()
for( int i=0; i<users.length; i++ )
DownloadTask task = new DownloadTask();
In the above example, 'adapter' is an object of type MyAdapterClass, and its fillList() method is what launches the threads. Calling notifyDataSetChanged() in onPostExecute() is what updates my ListView as data arrives.
The problem is, that I am accessing my sqlite database in "DownloadStuff()' which is called in 'doInBackground', and having multiple threads accessing the DB causes it to crash. (If I comment out all DB activities in here, then it runs fine). Below is how I try to workaround this problem, however it still crashes. Any advice on how I can have my ListView update as data is retrieved from a background thread?
Semaphore semaphore = new Semaphore(1, true);
public synchronized void DownloadStuff()
// ... DB operations ... //

I think your approach is wrong from it's beginning. Why do you want to start separate AsyncTask for each item you have to add to your adapter. Use onProgressUpdate to notify the gui for newly added items in the adapter. In this case you want have concurrent access to your db.

I'm not sure (because I'm really tired) but I think your ot using you synchronysed correctly.
you create a different instance of MyUserObject each time you do a async task, this means you never actually call Downloadstuff on the same instance hence no conflict, but on the other hand your database is unique being called by multiple MyUserObject hence conflict.
what you want to do is have the same instance of muo in all your async task, this way they all call downloadstuff on the same instance and then synchronized will work preventing multiple access.
you also don't need the semaphoe here.
Mojo Risin answer is also very good, if you can save yourself the trouble by centralizing all you async tasks into one you should(less concurrent threads running around you have the better)


Inserting into a many to many relation in room

I am currently building an android app, that uses a small database which consists of two entity-data-classes (Card and CardDeck) and a third one representing a many to many relationsship between the former two by mapping there long id primary keys together (CardInCardDeckRelation).
Now I want to insert a new Deck into my database, which works just fine, but if I want to insert some CardInCardDeckRelation-objects afterwards by using the id returned from the insertCardDeck()-method it fails because the insertion calls on the relationship-table occur before the insertion of the cardDeck object is finished so I am always getting the wrong cardDeck-id.
I think I am going into the right direction by using a Async-task to insert my CardDeck however I don't know to proceed from there since I can only pass one set of Arguments to my async-task object, so I can't pass my Relationshipobjects to be inserted in say for example a onPostExecute-method in the Async-task-class.
This my insert-method in my Repository-class:
public void insertCardDeckAsync(CardDeck cardDeck){
new insertAsyncTaskDao(mCardDeckDao).execute(cardDeck);
private static class insertAsyncTaskDao extends AsyncTask<CardDeck, Void, Void> {
private CardDeckDao mAsyncTaskDao;
insertAsyncTaskDao(CardDeckDao dao){
mAsyncTaskDao = dao;
protected Void doInBackground(final CardDeck... params){
return null;
protected void onPostExecute(Void v){
//maybe insert Relationship object here?
I would be very thankful if someone could provide a way to properly insert an entity object and some many-to-many relationsship objects afterwards, using the id generated by the former insert.
So after some testing i figured out my error:I was initially using an Executor which I defined somewhere else in my App to handle database operations, so I don't have to create a private inner class extending AsyncTask for every database operation in my Repository class.For some reason though my usage of Executor does seem to block the particular thread when executing database-queries so:
mExecutors.diskIO().execute(new Runnable(){
//insert new Deck
//insert Many-to-Many relationsship-object
would execute both operations immediately after one another, thus causing a SQL-ForeignConstraint-related error, because it tries to insert the realtion objects before the actual deck object is inserted.
The solution to this is to just use a AsyncTask instead, handling all the database operation in the right order in the doInBackground-method:
protected Void doInBackground(final CardDeck... params){
// insert new deck object into database
insertionId = mAsyncTaskDao.insertCardDeck(params[0]);
// create relations-array
CardInCardDeckRelation[] relations = new CardInCardDeckRelation[STANDARD_CARDS.length];
// insert standard-card objects into array
for(int i = 0; i < STANDARD_CARDS.length; i++){
relations[i] = new CardInCardDeckRelation(insertionId,
// insert created array into database
Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Deck inserted");
return null;
If anyone needs further explanation I can provide the whole AsyncTask class.

Realm DB how to get query output object as unmanaged?

I am trying to query my Realm DB such that the output will give an unmanaged object and for that, I changed my RealmList type of object to List.
Now the thing is in addchangeListener I am getting my output object(stories) value as managed. But the type of stories is List. So why my stories object is becoming managed where it should act as an unmanaged object.
List<story> stories = realm.where(story.class).findAllAsync();
stories.addChangeListener(new RealmChangeListener<RealmResults<story>>() {
public void onChange(RealmResults<story> storydata) {
if (storydata.size() != 0) {
madapter = new StoriesAdapter(stories, getBaseContext(), MR);
mrecyclerview.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(getBaseContext()));
class StoriesAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<RecyclerView.ViewHolder> {
List<story> storyList;
StoriesAdapter(List<story> storyList) {
this.storyList = storyList;
I am saying my List is managed because when i am trying to write below code I am getting Cannot modify managed objects outside of a write transaction.
madapter.storyList.get(3).setTitle("Wonderland"); // where storyList is List which i am pointing to `stories`.
List<story> stories = realm.where(story.class).findAllAsync();
Because specifying the type List<story> just means you'll see the returned list as a List<story>, but technically it's still a RealmResults<story>.
stories.addChangeListener(new RealmChangeListener<RealmResults<story>>() {
This line underneath shouldn't even compile.
Stories should be stored in a field.
private RealmResults<story> stories;
public void ...() {
stories = ...
Anyways, so you are working with RealmResults, which means that in
class StoriesAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<RecyclerView.ViewHolder> {
List<story> storyList;
This storyList you provided is a RealmResults<story>, so calling storyList.get(...) will return managed RealmObjects.
Managed RealmObjects are "temporarily immutable", meaning they can only be modified in a transaction. It is also generally not recommended to run write transactions on the UI thread.
The simplest way would be to use realm-android-adapters.
class StoriesAdapter extends RealmRecyclerViewAdapter<story, RecyclerView.ViewHolder> {
StoriesAdapter(OrderedRealmCollection<story> stories) {
super(stories, true, true);
And when you want to modify an object, you do
story item = getData().get(3);
final String id = item.getId();
realm.executeTransactionAsync(new Realm.Transaction() {
public void execute(Realm realm) {
story changedItem = realm.where(story.class).equalTo("id", id).findFirst();
And then Realm will handle automatically updating the RealmResults, the story object, and the RecyclerView.
EDIT: If you intend to use unmanaged objects, then you could use realm.copyFromRealm(results), except that does the read on the UI thread.
You could create a background looper thread and obtain the results from there, but managing that could be tricky. Luckily for you, there's a library I made called Monarchy which lets you do exactly that.
See the relevant sample code for how you'd use it.
The stories is implicitly Managed, the reason is that RealmResults extends the list interface abstractly. Thats why the casting is possible, underneath the same mechanisms for a RealmResults still takes precedence. Also, you should only pass RealmResults instance to an Adapter directly, if you register a RealmChangeListener on it, which will call adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(). Otherwise, writes will update the RealmResults content, and your adapter will be desynchronized.
Realm is not like SQLite or Core Data. If you’re using Realm, take advantage of live objects. Don’t implement any refreshing logic or requerying. Always allow the current class to own its own instance of a realm query.
This fact is true,Realm objects and any child objects are NOT thread-safe. They’re confined to a single thread to ensure that atomic rights are maintained. There is an internal list where every single thread has its own unique Realm instance. If you want to pass objects between a thread–for example, if you create a dog object on the main thread, pass it to the background thread, and then try and access a property–it will trigger an exception straight away.
Also you are using asynchronous query, which puts it on a worker thread.

Android adapter dataset instantiation practices with Realm

I was wondering does it matter where you instantiate adapters dataset with Realm? I like to fetch all the data that any adapter needs in the adapters constructor and thus instantiate the dataset there, but almost all examples I've seen fetch the data beforehand in the activity creating the adapter and then pass it to the adapter as a parameter.
With SQLite this seems even more arbitrary, but since I'm using Realm I need to open a realm connection every time I want to access the database and to keep the data available I need to keep the connection open. Keeping this connection open in the activity seems unnecessary since you might need to make queries in the adapter thus having to open a connection to realm within the adapter anyways.
Is there some higher reason to fetch the dataset beforehand or is this just a matter of preference?
since I'm using Realm I need to open a realm connection every time I want to access the database
Wrong, you just need 1 open instance for that given thread in order to access the database.
Keeping this connection open in the activity "seems unnecessary" since you might need to make queries in the adapter
In which case you can have the activity-level Realm instance as a "scoped dependency", that you can share through the Context via getSystemService() if that's what you like to do.
public class MyActivity extends Activity {
Realm realm;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
realm = Realm.getDefaultInstance();
public void onDestroy() {
if(realm != null) {
public Object getSystemService(String key) {
if("REALM".equals(key)) {
return realm;
return super.getSystemService(key);
public class MyAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<MyModelViewHolder> {
private final Context context;
Realm realm;
RealmResults<MyModel> results;
private final RealmChangeListener listener = new RealmChangeListener() {
public void onChange(Object element) {
public MyAdapter(Context context) {
this.context = context;
//noinspection ResourceType
realm = (Realm)context.getSystemService("REALM");
results = realm.where(MyModel.class).findAll();
thus having to open a connection to realm within the adapter anyways.
Is there some higher reason to fetch the dataset beforehand or is this just a matter of preference?
It's because your Adapter, which is just supposed to describe how to show the elements of a dataset, become a God that also determines the data that it must show.
Although to be fair, it's actually harder to externally manage the data-set; something must hold a strong reference to the result set anyways. So when I don't really bother with unit-testability, I do obtain the results inside the Adapter itself. It does work.

Load data from and save in Local Data

I don't understand how is the Parse working?
I download data in parse to my arraylist , but when I show the Pets.size inside (//here) method "done" it will show 4, but when I show pets.size outside the done's method it will show 0?
public class Test extends AppCompatActivity {
ArrayList<Pet> pets;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
pets = new ArrayList<>();
ParseQuery<Pet> query = new ParseQuery<>("Pets");
query.findInBackground(new FindCallback<Pet>() {
public void done(List<Pet> list, ParseException e) {
if (e!=null){
for (Pet pet : list){
Pet newPet = new Pet();
// here
Toast.makeText(Test.this,"You have "+pets.size()+" pets",Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
Here's my Pet class:
public class Pet extends ParseObject {
public String getName(){
return getString("name");
public void setName(String name) {
put("name", name);
public String getType(){
return getString("type");
public void setType(String type) {
put("type", type);
And an orther question , what should I do if I wanna save the data in local data?
findInbackground performs an operation to find all ParseObjects in a background thread (outside the main thread, or UI thread). So when it completes in the place where you have the comment
That is when the background thread finishes it's call to find the objects. When you try to look at the size of the array outside that call where it shows size of 0, it is because it reached that point before the background thread finishes it's work (of adding to your array from objects it found).
What is happening is the operation for find() is happening in parallel with your main threads code.
And for your second question, make sure you enableLocalDatastore and then you can pin results from queries to your local cache. This data is stored on the device until the user deletes your app or clears cached data in settings.
Follow this guide to setup local cache Local Datastore with Parse
Note: A solution to your problem for when the background task of finding the pets is complete is to call a method from within the Callback for the findInBackground call that will handle the newly found Pet ParseObjects. Also remember to handle if the query fails either by finding no objects or some failure in connection / timeout.
just calling or pet.pinInBackground(); you can save a parseObject in local storage , to query objects in local storage you need set query.fromPin(true)
"done" method fires when the background task ends.

Android SQLite Query, Insert, Update, Delete, Always Need to be On Background Thread?

I currently use Loaders to grab data from my ContentProvider (to enable auto-updating of my Cursors). This approach is straight-forward for Querying the database, though, it seems ill suited for any other DB operation (such as Insert, Update, Delete).
My questions are:
Do all SQLite operations need to be on a background thread, or is it safe to do simple operations like Inserting, Updating, or Deleting a single row on the UI thread?
What is a nice design patter to ensure all queries go through a background thread? I would like to implement AsyncTask, should I create a SuperTask so to speak that extends AsyncTask and Executes each SQLite operation? (Bonus: Can you provide bare-bones example?)
I have done SQLite operations on my UI Thread. I guess the question really becomes whether your queries will ever take a long time or not. I've never had my application crash from taking too long to execute SQL calls on my SQLite database.
With that said, if you plan on writing complex queries that can take time to load you would want to run it as an AsyncTask or Thread and use callbacks to update your UI if need be.
This is a great tutorial on SQLite on Android (It also addresses some of the complex sql timing issues you were talking about):
All SQLite operations do not need to be on a background, but should be. Even simple row updates can impact the UI thread and therefore application responsiveness.
Android includes the AsyncQueryHandler abstract class:
A helper class to help make handling asynchronous ContentResolver queries easier.
Here are two example implementations from Using AsyncQueryHandler to Access Content Providers Asynchronously in Android. A member class:
class MyQueryHandler extends AsyncQueryHandler {
public MyQueryHandler(ContentResolver cr) {
protected void onQueryComplete(int token, Object cookie, Cursor cursor) {
// query() completed
protected void onInsertComplete(int token, Object cookie, Uri uri) {
// insert() completed
protected void onUpdateComplete(int token, Object cookie, int result) {
// update() completed
protected void onDeleteComplete(int token, Object cookie, int result) {
// delete() completed
An anonymous class:
AsyncQueryHandler queryHandler = new AsyncQueryHandler(getContentResolver()) {
protected void onQueryComplete(int token, Object cookie, Cursor cursor) {
if (cursor == null) {
// Some providers return null if an error occurs whereas others throw an exception
else if (cursor.getCount() < 1) {
// No matches found
else {
while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
// Use cursor
Further details:
Implementing AsyncQueryHandler

