I want to display the rout in google map, between two points(Latitudes and longitudes), and I am able to draw straight line between these points, now I want to display rout.
Please guide me or suggest some link.
Connect the coordinates and draw some lines to show your route.
I have a program that draw a rout of user in the google map. I want to draw another rout with the data that I got from other sensors of smart phone.
how can I do that? I think I should draw a line (for each step) from specific longlot with a defined length with a angle that I got from sensors(for example magnet).
but I don't know how I can determine LongLot of the end of the line?
For showing any route on the map you need to have coordinate data in form of Latitude and Longitude. Using sensor (magnetometer) the data that you will get are the bearings in between 0 and 360 which you cannot use in map to locate a point or even a polyline.
The best thing you can do with that set of data is to create a pointer on the map that would rotate as the user holding the device changes his directions.
Please refer to this example to know about the code implementation.
I am currently developing an application that tracks your path, so it always draws on the map. I want to know if it is possible to draw on the road, since my application gets my location and its not precise, its always near(about 30 m radius) me. I want it not to add it where it is, but on the nearest road
You can draw the path on the map using the Ployline class of Google Map as below:
Polyline line=myMap.addPolyline(new PolylineOptions().add(new LatLng(location.getLatitude(),location.getLongitude())).color(Color.RED));
For more details about it please refer here
I am able to draw a point at particular GEO POINT on map.Now i want to draw overlay on map like this
How can i do it ?
I have kmz file containing all info about overlay like list of geo points.
Can any body guide me ?
I used this tutorial. Part two is what you need. http://mobile.tutsplus.com/tutorials/android/android-sdk-build-a-mall-finder-app-mapview-location/
Merged with Draw line between two points in google map in android [duplicate].
I am new in android.I want to draw a distance line between to points in Google map.I can't do this. Please help me in solve my problem
I wonder,
how can I draw a nice flight route between 2 points on a google map's
look at this:
this is exactly what I need.
Look at my reply to question
How to draw a path on a map using kml file?
and there especially into the RouteOverlay class / draw method.
Since you only want to draw a simple straight line, you probably won't need the rest of the complexity there.