I'm trying to replicate the following sliding navigation menu functionality (the one with "TOP STORIES", "World", "U.S" etc.) with no luck so far.
I'm feeling there is an obvious way to achieve this, as I'm constantly seeing this in many apps. Is it based on a library shipped with Android? Any starting point or materials used to achieve this are welcomed.
Keep in mind, I don't care about the design/xmls, just the implementation logic.
It is nothing but a HorizontalScrollView that contains child views.
I went through many questions regarding making bottom bar but my my question is a bit different.I want to make this.
bottom menu:
Now the thing is, the menu is not static.It's items can vary depending upon user's choice.So, I have to make it dynamic. What's the best approach to achieve this?
Also, I'm not sure how do I make that curved outline at the center item.I'm thinking that I should do it programmatically.Any suggestions are welcome.Even better if you can share code.
Use this to create Navigation bar, it will surly create view that you show us in image.
Bottom menu is now an official navigation view according to the official documentation but as far as I know, there is no native component available yet to implement that.
In my opinion, your best bet is to try customizing the following library created by Iiro Krankka (http://github.com/roughike):
I would like to implement a custom navigation drawer (such as the one shown here) and I have been trying all kinds of navigation menu libraries for Android and iOS but haven't come up with a good option. Is there any library that could achieve this kind of navigation or does anyone have any idea how this could be done as a custom component?
You can try SlidingMenu. Its one of the most widely used alternatives for navigation drawer. Its gives you a whole host of options which are listed on their homepage.
Second I used before and it is nice as for me, but first one looks more promising.
Happy coding :)
I would like to implement two Material Design elements in Android:
the Floating Action Button (FAB)
"shifting views" (not sure if this is the proper term)
I cannot find any Android widget to implement FABs. Which is the best recommended solution? is it to use third party libraries?
With "shifting view", I mean a view that shifts up and down. For example if you have two views in a fragment: top view which is fixed, and the bottom view which is a list, by scrolling the list, you can actually make the list take some space of the top view. How do you implement that? is it part of the Android framework or you need to use some third party libraries again?
There's no stock Android implementation of FAB, but I've used this implementation of FAB's in couple of my projects and its working great and supports the material greatness!
so given the fact that there's no FAB implementation on Android, you should go for a 3rd party implementation
By shifting views do you mean like toolbar? Like similar to this or this? Its hard to say, now knowing exactly the use case or what do toy mean, but this is what your explanation reminds me of
This one here might be pretty useful for any of the other material needed elements (widgets, dialogs, progress bars) and it also covers the FAB. As stated in the other answer, there is no default implementation so the solution would be to go for 3rd party libraries.
And here you can find different ways of implementing what you refer to as "shifting view". There is a demo app as well and it is easily customizable.
I need to incorporate a youtube like drawer navigation drawer for both(left,right) sides. AFAIK android apis don't provide means for the right-to-left drawer functionality. There're quite a lot of implementations out there(sliding menu) which do.
This sliding menu feature seems to present a performance issue. Should I try to rewrite original NavigationDrawer, which I expect to be the least performance-impact solution, or there is another performance-optimal library?
I would choose NavigationDrawer. I used both and I find NavigationDrawer smoother. If you try to mimic google UX then with NavigationDrawer should be enought for your needs.
I recently made a project/demo to implement NavigationDrawer with ActionBarSherlock for pre Honeycomb devices because I need for an app.
SherlockNavigationDrawer impl
Another thing to take in mind is that if you use NavigationDrawer try to avoid Tabs because all the tabs items could fit perfectly as a listview in NavigationDrawer.
Actually NavigationDrawer supports drawers on both edges.
You have to supply the two drawer views inside your layout xml; one with gravity:left and one with gravity:right.
Then, in your Activity you call setDrawerLockMode(DrawerLayout.LOCK_MODE_UNLOCKED) on your DrawerLayout object.
This will enable swiping either from left or right edge.
#MichaĆ The question is actually implementation of both left as well as the right drawer.
#midnight NavigationDrawer right now only implements one-sided menu which you can place either on the left or the right. If you want to implement the other pane also you can make your content layout as SlidingPaneLayout.
This was also added to the latest support library along with the NavgationDrawer. For an implemented example you can look at the newest Hangouts app on how they are using it. This layout will probably suit your purposes better rather than rewriting the NavigationDrawer. In any case i'd hold off on re-writing it since it is the first release of the Layout and may undergo changes fairly quickly.
Since the last version of SupportLibrary there is a NavigationDrawer in Android.
I'm getting started with Android development, and I would like to have an interface similar to that of tweetdeck: there are several workspaces (activities) that are laid out left to right, and the user can switch between them with a horizontal gesture. The same way the Android desktops are switched.
In tweetdeck there are also dots in the titlebar, that indicate on which side and how many workspaces there are.
Is it a standard Android interface, or something custom built? How do I do something like this?
How you go about this is going to be partially dependent on the content you want to present. If there are going to be many heavyweight pages you'll want to look into doing something like a custom AdapterView. If there are only a few fixed pages such as in the stock home screen you can treat it like a scrollable view with some custom logic to handle snapping to pages.
Here's a link to the custom view that implements this in the stock Android launcher. The bits you're interested in will mostly be in onTouchEvent, onInterceptTouchEvent, and computeScroll.
Take a look at ViewFlipper: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/widget/ViewFlipper.html
In addition to studying the actual Android code (referenced in another answer), some folks have extracted and isolated the workspace (Launcher2) code into a re-usable view group. You can find the work in github here https://github.com/olibye/AndroViews