android fragment animation using compatibility package - android

How can I use animation for transitions between fragments ? I tried
changing the animation to different kind of animations, but it always seems to animate like fading-in while pushing fragment and fading out while popping fragment.

I know this question is very old, but I stumbled upon it while looking for an answer to this myself.
I'm currently using animations in my compatibility package, fragment based app, and it's actually quite simple.
Add this before actually adding / replacing the fragments:
android.R.anim.slide_out_right, android.R.anim.slide_in_left,
Your new fragment will slide in from the left on push, and slide out to the right on pop.
Of course this also works for other default animations, or custom animations.


Android Studio multiple fragments

I'm designing a music player app and this is my second time working with android studio and fragments in general. I've watched a lot of tutorial videos on this but I'm having trouble getting multiple fragments to show. Maybe using fragments isn't the way of going about this. But basically what I have right now is a fixed menu at the top and 5 fragments just below it (on top of each other).
What I was hoping to do was by clicking each button one fragment would load so you would have one activity but 5 fragments that load when buttons are pressed. But the issue i'm having right now is instead of stopping one fragment and loading another one, they're being loaded on top of each other. Is there a way to go about doing this?
Below is an image of the design I had in mind. The blue box is where the five fragments are and right now they're overlapping. Any help would be appreciated :)
EDIT: Turns out the answer was I needed to define one layout for all of the fragments. Thanks everyone.
Please post code. But here's what I can make out so far from your problem,
I assume you are just using FragmentManager.beginTransaction.add() again and again.
If it is the case please change your code to
new FragmentYouWantToReplace
What this does is removes previous fragment and adds this new fragment.
So you can have your default fragment using add() during activity load, but for each button click you use replace().
When you call a new fragment you should replace always the same layout, the one you want to show the information, like this:
frag_results frag_results = new frag_results();
FragmentManager manager = getSupportFragmentManager();
manager.beginTransaction().replace(, frag_results, frag_results.getTag()).commit();

Android Fragment Transitions with GLSurfaceView

I have a GLSurfaceView in a fragment, with this being my main fragment. When I do the transition from the fragment with my GLSurfaceView to another fragment without a GLSurfaceView, the GLSurfaceView moves up a little bit before the transition starts.
I have tried setting the GLSurfaceView.setZOrderOnTop(true), it doesn't work, and it actually does more harm then good in this situation since my ads and navigation drawer becomes obscured.
I have tried hiding the Fragment hosting the GLSurfaceView, still has no effect.
I tried pausing the fragment hosting the GLSurfaceView , thus pausing the GLSurfaceView at the same time, has no effect.
When the GLSurfaceView moves up then the screen is black where the GLSurfaceView is suppose to be. It seems like the black area on the screen is specific to the fragment transitions, since if I remove the transition and simple do the replace with the fragment transaction then the glsurfaceview movement is gone. This isn't a solution though because I want the transitions in my app from one fragment to another.
Lastly, I realize that ondestroyview is being called on the fragment with the GLSurfaceView, thus destroying the view before animating the transition to the next fragment, and I think this may be the problem.
Here is some code...
Adding fragment with glsurfaceview
//clear all fragments from the back stack if there are any
.popBackStack(null, FragmentManager.POP_BACK_STACK_INCLUSIVE);
//start a new deploy fragment
.add(, new DeployFragment(), "Main Fragment")
replacing glsurfaceview fragment with the preference list fragment
.setCustomAnimations(R.anim.enter_from_right, R.anim.exit_to_left,
R.anim.enter_from_left, R.anim.exit_to_right)
.replace(, new SettingsFragment(), "Settings Fragment")
When transitioning from the DeployFragment (glsurfaceview fragment) to the SettingsFragment (regular list fragment) the GLSurfaceView moves up a little, maybe about the size of the height of 2 actionbars stacked on top of each other. The glsurfaceview moving up also displays a black area on the screen where the GLSurfaceView is suppose to be, but it is not.
Any ideas how to fix this issue?
right after choosing an option you see GLSurfaceView move up, revealing black space
The only way to animate transition for SurfaceView is to draw before content to bitmap and set it as source of imageview on top of the layout with surface. But note, because it is big bitmap if it is full screen layout for android 2.x this approach can crash your app due to lack of native heap(not java) so I recommend doing this only for ics+
I think I figured it out. I wrapped my head around this for hours, so I will post what I believe to be a fix, but maybe not the BEST answer. What I found out is that if I use support fragments with the glsurfaceview, and try to animate transition to another fragment then I get the weird problem I describe above in the question and shown on the video.
If I use non support fragments, then this problem doesn't exist there. Using non support fragments comes with a whole lot of other problems so if anyone comes up with a fix to this problem while using support fragments then I am all ears.
problems with using non support fragments
i must at least target api 11 (honeycomb) or higher, as time goes on this will become less of a problem
i am using nested fragments, so I have a choice of mixing support with non support fragments which is nasty, or targeting api 19 or higher to use getChildFragmentManager() with non support fragments, which is also nasty.
i am using the view pager, so looks like I have to again mix support with non support or import fragmentpageradapter for v13, which is compatible for api 13 and up.

Facing issue with setCustomAnimations() while replacing fragments

I have 2 fragments A and B. I am replacing the fragment B with A, and setting setCustomAnimations(right_to_left, fadein, fadeout, left_to_right). Fragment B is behaving correctly like it is coming from right to left and on pressing Back button and do pop back stack it is leaving from left to right. But no animation happens to the fragment A its doesn't fade in and fade out.
Note: I have tried it with creating the sample application and it works perfectly fine but when I implement the same thing into my project it behaves as above. What mistake am I making while implementing the setCustomAnimation() in the my project?
I have already tried:
have a latest support library
hardwareAccelarated="true" in the manifest file
add setCustomAnimation() before replace() method
compile it with above 3.0
I doubt there can be an issue with the framework my app is built on but not sure. Can anyone please let me know what else I can check to make it work?

How to use a sliding transition with Compatibility Library v4 Fragment Transactions

All I want is to be able to use FragmentTransaction.replace(...) and have fragments slide into and out of place just like activities, using the default activity animation.
By default the fragments simply appear and disappear. That is an acceptable default behavior.
With FragmentTransaction.setTransition(...) I can get Fragments to fade with a slight zooming animation. That is pretty cool, but it looks nothing like what activities do.
With FragmentTransaction.setCustomAnimation(...) a clusterfuck of things happen, and it looks ugly as hell.
And now I'm out of options. All I want to do is to have fragments slide left as I push to the stack, and have fragments slide right as I pop from the stack. Anybody know how to do this short of implementing my own FragmentManager?
I have somewhat gotten around the problem by placing all of my fragments into a ViewPager. I can then setCurrentItem() to scroll between fragments. It's not pretty, and it takes a fair bit of manual effort, but it runs nice and quickly.
If there are any answers that aren't as hackish as what I've done, I'll definitely accept them.

Animating fragments and the back stack

I am having trouble using or understanding how popping
FragmentTransactions off of the back stack handles the custom
animations. Specifically, I expect it to call the "out" animation, but
it doesn't seem to.
I have a simple method to handle a fragment transaction
(FragmentTransaction) where I add a fragment and apply a custom
transition so that it will fade-in/fade-out. I am also adding this to
the back stack so that the user can undo that transaction with the
back button, essentially navigating to the state before the fragment
was added.
protected void changeFragment() {
FragmentTransaction ft = fm.beginTransaction();
ft.setCustomAnimations(android.R.anim.fade_in, android.R.anim.fade_out);
ft.add(, new TestFragment());
Everything works great moving forward, but when the user clicks the
back button, the transition animations do not reverse. What I expected
was that when the fragment got removed, it would use the fade out
animation. Instead it seems to pop out (without animation) and then
the container seems to fade in. I'm not sure that this is exactly what
is happening, but the fragment is definitely not fading out.
My application uses the compatibility library to add fragment support,
but I assume this to be applicable to Honeycomb (android-11) as well.
Does anyone know if I am just doing something wrong here or if I am
just expecting too much? Ideally, I would like to animate the
fragments similarly to how Gmail (on the Xoom) does in regards to
moving forward by clicking a message and then back by using the back
button. Preferably not having to override the back button
functionality and keep up with my own fragment state since I could
have several "transactions" that I would want to back out of and I am
not a fan of re-inventing wheels.
Also asked on the Android Developers Group:
I use this:
ft.setCustomAnimations(R.anim.slide_in, R.anim.hyperspace_out, R.anim.hyperspace_in, R.anim.slide_out);
and the transitions work in reverse when the back button is presses.
The bug was fixed in the 3.2 release with the addition of the following new api:, int, int, int)
It's to be noted that it has not yet been back-ported to the compatibility library (as mentioned in the bug report).
It's a bug, look at bug report 15623. One of the Android project members commented that the fix was too late for release 3.1 but it should make it into the next release.
The same member goes on to say that...
The problem is that the same
animations are run on a pop operation
as were run to put the fragments in
their current places. For example, in
the sliding example above, on a
forward operation (pushing the old
fragment onto the stack and moving the
new fragment into view), we slide the
old fragment out from the center to
the left and slide the new fragment in
from the right to the center. When the
stack is popped, these same animations
are run: the most recent fragment is
animated 'out' by sliding it in from
the right to the center (after which
it disappears, since it's being
removed). The old fragment is popped
off the stack and animated from teh
center to the left ... right off the

