I have an application where I need to display a list of numbers, but the numbers need to be formatted based on their value. Negative numbers are shown in normal text, positive numbers shown as bold. Also, the number needs to always appear positive in the text view. I tried extending TextView with setText overriden as such:
public void setText(CharSequence text, TextView.BufferType type) {
double number = Double.parseDouble(text.toString());
if (number > 0) {
this.setTypeface(this.getTypeface(), BOLD);
} else {
this.setTypeface(this.getTypeface(), NORMAL);
number = Math.abs(number);
super.setText(number + "", type);
This didn't quite work, as the setText was being called multiple times on the same MyTextView. This resulted in every number appearing bold, as it was positive the next time through.
I would like to keep this logic in a widget, as opposed to where the text is being set, as this is a very common occurrence in my application.
Is there a way that I can do this in a widget?
Just add a member variable to your class to check whether it was already modified or to keep the original value.
private double originalValue = 0;
public void setText(CharSequence text, TextView.BufferType type) {
if(originalValue==0) {
originalValue = Double.parseDouble(text.toString());
this.setTypeface(this.getTypeface(), originalValue>0 ? BOLD : NORMAL);
super.setText(Math.abs(originalValue), type);
Ok, I ended up just making an adapter for each list that used this special case, and took care of it in the activity for any other instance of it. Something like this:
public void bindView(View view, Context context, Cursor cursor) {
TextView text = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.special_text);
double amount = cursor.getDouble(cursor.getColumnIndex(DbAdapter.KEY_NUMBER));
if (amount > 0) {
amountText.setTypeface(null, Typeface.BOLD);
} else {
amountText.setTypeface(null, Typeface.NORMAL);
amount = Math.abs(amount);
I have created a getter a setter for my building name and wish change the string to replace any characters that does not match with the regex expression. However in doing so, every time I enter an invalid character the edit text cursor/selection position changes to the beginning of the text. Hoe do I avoid this from happening?
private String buildingname="";
public String getBuildingname() {
return this.buildingname;
public void setBuildingname(String buildingname) {
if(!this.buildingname.equals(buildingname)) {
this.buildingname = buildingname.replaceAll(alphanumericregex,"");
this.pcr.notifyChange(this, com.tomtom.sangrahit.BR.buildingname);
You can use setSelection of editText AFTER you are setting new text
int position = myEditText.getSelectionStart();
I have this code:
final ViewTreeObserver[] viewTreeObserver = {myAcco
new OnPreDrawListener() {
public boolean onPreDraw() {
int chipWidth =
- myAccountView.getPaddingLeft()
- myAccountView.getPaddingRight();
if (chipWidth > 0) {
viewTreeObserver[0] = myAccountView.getViewTreeObserver();
if (viewTreeObserver[0].isAlive()) {
return true;
String setChipTextWithCorrectLength(
String longDesc, String mediumDesc, String shortDesc, int clipWidth) {
if (!isTextEllipsized(longDesc, clipWidth)) {
return longDesc;
if (!isTextEllipsized(mediumDesc, clipWidth)) {
return mediumDesc;
return shortDesc;
private boolean isTextEllipsized(String text, int clipWidth) {
TextPaint textPaint = myAccountView.getPaint();
Toast.makeText(this.getContext(), "textPaint.measureText(text) = "+textPaint.measureText(text)+" clipWidth ="+ clipWidth,
return textPaint.measureText(text) > clipWidth;
The code should change the text in a textView dynamically when ellipsize is needed.
However, when i run the application I see sometimes the view (clip) width == the long text width and there is still ellipsize in the UI.
I see that happens when the textView is not visible and toggeled to be visible.
Should I calculate the vlip (view) width differently?
Any special way to measure textView before becomes visible?
You should check with
to see the source of the problem.
Definition : Returns the number of characters to be ellipsized away, or 0 if no ellipsis is to take place.
Yes you can use textView.getLayout().getEllipsisStart(0) ,make sure your textView is singleline , you can do this by adding android:maxLines="1" to your texView. It return the index from which the text gets truncated else returns 0.
Depending on your observation , it might be that the view is not recalculating after changing the visibility to visible again, try to use textView.setVisibility(View.GONE) instead of textView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); .This might cause the preDraw() to be called again.
You might also consider using addOnGlobalLayoutListener() to keep the track of visibilty changes of your view, for reference.
I have a list of items. In each item's row I have 2 EditTexts side-by-side. EditText-2 depends on EditText-1's value. This list is bound with data-binding values in HashMap<String, ItemValues>
For Example:
Total _____1000____
Item A __1__ __200__
Item B __1__ __200__
Item C __1__ __200__
Item D __2__ __400__
First EditText is the share and the second value is its value calculated based on total and share. So, in example if I change any 1 share, all the values will be changed. So, shown in example total no of shares are = 1+1+1+2 = 5. So amount per share = 1000/5 = 200 and is calculated and shown in next EditText.
I have bound this values with two-way data binding like this:
As, this is a double value, I have added 2 binding adapters for this like this:
public static void setShareValue(EditText editText, double share) {
if (share != 0) {
} else {
#InverseBindingAdapter(attribute = "android:text")
public static double getShareValue(EditText editText) {
String value = editText.getText().toString();
if (!value.isEmpty()) {
return Double.valueOf(value);
} else
return 0;
Now, to calculate new values, I need to re-calculate whole thing after any share value is changed. So, I added android:onTextChagned method to update Calculations. But it gets me an infinite loop.
.... />
public void needToUpdateCalculations(CharSequence charSequence, int i, int i1, int i2) {
This gets an infinete loop because when data changes, it is rebound to the EditText, and each EditText has an onTextChanged attached it will fire again and it will get really large - infinite loop.
It also updates the value of itself, ended up loosing the cursor as well.
I have also tried several other methods like adding TextWatcher when on focus and removing when losses focus. But at least it will update it self and will loose the cursor or infinite loop.
Unable to figure this problem out. Thank you for looking into this problem.
I have tried with the below method. But, it doesn't allow me to enter . (period).
public static void setDoubleValue(EditText editText, double value) {
DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("0.##");
String newValue = decimalFormat.format(value);
String currentText = editText.getText().toString();
if (!currentText.equals(newValue)) {
The reason you stated is correct and it will make a infinite loop definitely. And there is a way to get out from the infinite loop of this problem, android official provided a way to do so (But it is not quite obvious.)(https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/data-binding/index.html#custom_setters)
Binding adapter methods may optionally take the old values in their
handlers. A method taking old and new values should have all old
values for the attributes come first, followed by the new values:
public static void setPaddingLeft(View view, int oldPadding, int newPadding) {
if (oldPadding != newPadding) {
You can use the old value and new value comparison to make the setText function called conditionally.
public static void setShareValue(EditText editText, double oldShare,double newShare) {
if(oldShare != newShare)
if (newShare!= 0) {
} else {
I have a situation where I would like the user to complete a sentence for me. For example, consider a EditText with a hint of "The last time I ". Normally, when a user clicks an EditText, the hint disappears, but I would like it to stay. Additionally, I would like the text to be permanent, so that it cannot be erased... leaving the user with only one option... complete the sentence.
The first part is fairly simple, just use the setText() method of EditText to place the hint. The difficult part is the latter. How can I have text in an EditText that the user cannot erase?
Well couldn't you do it in code? Some algorithim like, if the text is less than 16 characters (length of "The last time I ") then set the text to that. Therefore whenever they clicked it, if they tried to erase it, it would just go back to the default text.
Also, another idea..why don't you just make a TextView thats right edge aligns with the left edge of the EditText box, the user would never know that it was another box. This is acutally the best solution, if you don't want the text ever to be edited, just make it a TextView
Described problem can be solved using android.text.TextWatcher.
public class CompleteSentenceWathcher implements TextWatcher {
private final String initialText;
private int start;
private int after;
private int count;
public CompleteSentenceWathcher(String initialText) {
this.initialText = initialText;
public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) {
this.start = start;
this.count = count;
this.after = after;
public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {
public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
if(start < initialText.length()) {
if(s.toString().startsWith(initialText)) {
if(count >= 1 && after == 0) {
if(start+count+1 <= initialText.length()) {
s.replace(start, start+count, initialText.substring(start, start+count+1));
} else {
s.replace(start, start, initialText.substring(start, start+1));
} else if(count == 0 && after >= 1) {
s.delete(start, start+after);
Create an instance of EditText and add the TextWatcher.
EditText editText = new EditText(this);
editText.setText("I love");
editText.addTextChangedListener(new CompleteSentenceWathcher(editText.getText().toString()));
I've implemented this with an InputFilter, where _PERMANENT_HINT_TEXT is the text at the end of the EditText that I don't want the user to be able to modify. I recommend adding a color span to it, so that it is grayed out to hopefully look like a hint/disabled section of text. This should hopefully improve the UX as they should automatically assume it is unmodifiable, and not just wonder why some part of the EditText (that they usually can completely change) isn't "working". This approach allowed the text to be set after
the InputFilter was set on the EditText, which was a requirement for me since I used this on an EditTextPreference.
To be clear, I needed the permanent text to exist at the end of the EditText, instead of the beginning, but that should be symmetrical to my implementation.
new InputFilter() {
public CharSequence filter(CharSequence source, int source_start, int source_end,
Spanned destination, int destination_start, int destination_end) {
final int protected_text_start = (TextUtils.isEmpty(destination)? source.length() : destination.length()) - _PERMANENT_HINT_TEXT.length();
// Allows input into unprotected region
if (source_start + destination_start - source_end < protected_text_start)
return null;
// Prevents deletion of protected region
else if (TextUtils.isEmpty(source))
return destination.subSequence(destination_start, destination_end);
// Ignores insertion into protected region
return "";
use EditText.setFilters(new InputFilters[] { /* InputFilter goes here */ }; to add it to the desired EditText.
Just checking for the length wouldn't be adequate... I could type "This is a really long text I put into the box" and it would accept it even though it doesn't begin with "The last time I" string.
Personally, I would probably go for the prevention method suggested of using a TextView over that of a check on the way out. But if you're going to validate it afterwards, you'd actually need to check the beginning of the returned string.
In Android, I create a password field like this:
EditText text = new EditText(context);
Or like this, which seems to do the same thing:
EditText text = new EditText(context);
I get a nice password field except for the last character typed by the user. It's visible on the screen for a few seconds before beeing masked with a dot.
Here is a screenshot:
Do you know how to fix this behaviour please?
This is expected behavior. With the soft keyboards on most devices, it is valuable feedback that they are typing the password correctly.
For a list of all of the different inputTypes you can specify and how they change the EditText,
see android inputTypes .
Also, it is possible to change this behavior by implementing your own TransformationMethod and setting it via setTransformationMethod(), but I would not recommend doing that. Users will expect the behavior you are seeing and by changing your app, you'll be providing an inconsistent user experience.
also check this android article
Implementation of TransformationMethod to hide last char typed in password:
public class LoginActivity extends Activity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// example of usage
((TextView) findViewById(R.id.password)).setTransformationMethod(new HiddenPassTransformationMethod());
private class HiddenPassTransformationMethod implements TransformationMethod {
private char DOT = '\u2022';
public CharSequence getTransformation(final CharSequence charSequence, final View view) {
return new PassCharSequence(charSequence);
public void onFocusChanged(final View view, final CharSequence charSequence, final boolean b, final int i,
final Rect rect) {
//nothing to do here
private class PassCharSequence implements CharSequence {
private final CharSequence charSequence;
public PassCharSequence(final CharSequence charSequence) {
this.charSequence = charSequence;
public char charAt(final int index) {
return DOT;
public int length() {
return charSequence.length();
public CharSequence subSequence(final int start, final int end) {
return new PassCharSequence(charSequence.subSequence(start, end));
I came across this problem after needing to implement a pin-code type user interface. After the user entered 1 number (1:1 relationship between EditTexts and pin numbers for a total of 4 EditTexts) the password would remain "in the open". My solution was to implement a TextWatcher that replaced the input with bullets (•'s).
See the full answer here
I was also facing same issues, in my case there was 3 edit text each edit text can have maximum 4 digit number for Aadhaar number. I used numberPassword input type.
When user type Aadhaar number very fast first edit text last text 4th was not hiding because I am changing focus when 4 digit completed. I have added text watcher.
I got solution at the end of last edit text when 4 digit completed I requestFocus for all 3 edit text one by one.
Solution :
public void onTextChanged(CharSequence charSequence, int i, int i1, int i2) {
if (getBinding().edtFirstFourNumber.getText().toString().length() == 4 && getBinding().edtMiddleFourNumber.getText().toString().length() == 4 && getBinding().edtLastFourNumber.getText().toString().length() == 4) {
// getBinding().homeProceed.setAlpha(1f);
getBinding().homeProceed.setTextColor(ContextCompat.getColor(mContext, R.color.color_ffffff));
} else {
// getBinding().homeProceed.setAlpha(0.5f);
getBinding().homeProceed.setTextColor(ContextCompat.getColor(mContext, R.color.color_4090BE));
if (getBinding().edtFirstFourNumber.length() == 4) {
if (getBinding().edtMiddleFourNumber.length() == 4) {
if (getBinding().edtLastFourNumber.length() == 4) {