Activity save state problem - android

I am new in android application development. I am working on a chat(IM) application. Activity A shows the contact list and activity B is the chat activity(conversation activity). From the A activity when i click on a contact entry(from the contactlist) i start activity B with that contact entry emailaddress(by putextra in the intent). Now i want to chat with another person and i click back button and go to the activity A showing the list(contact).I click one entry and again start activity B with different emailadd(putextra in the intent).After sometimes i get back to listactivity A and choose previous person i was chating.
Now how can i stop creating new activity and load the previous activity from the stack with the previous state??????
Thanks in advance.

If you are asking how can have multiple instances of a top level activity, you cannot, there is only one top level activity.
Activities are created in a stack, when you create A from B then B is now at the top of the stack, when you press the back button you are telling android that the top level of the stack (current activity) is no longer needed and it gets removed.
You will have to save state yourself and restore it if that's what you need to do when B is recreated.
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This cannot be possible as android will not allow us to do that, the only way I can see you can achieve this by doing your Activity A operation inside your Activity B And provide those details to Activity A when the user pressed back button.
Note: If you are showing any kind of list on Activity A or doing similar kind of work, you can have one Singleton Class where you can get your data in Activity B which required by Activity A, and provide same data to Activity A when the user pressed back button.
You should open the activity as normal but then put this line of code in the OnCreate() method to bring to the back.

Keep one activity in the bottom of the backstack

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A possible solution I have found is by clearing all the activities in the current stack, launching Activity A, and sending an intent for Activity E in the intent I launch Activity A with, then that will just check it's intent extras and if it finds an intent in the extras it would just launch that intent. This results in the stack looking the way I want, Activity A -> Activity E. I just want to know if there is a better or simpler way.
I have tinkered with the activity properties in my manifest, but it seems like I can't do exactly what I would like to with those.
Any help would be appreciated :)
Lets assume you want to keep activity A in the back stack so that whenever a user presses back, you want to show activity A on top. Lets say you go to B from A and then C from B. So whenever you go from any activity(other than A) to any other activity just call finish() from the calling activity, this will remove the stack entry of the corresponding activity, ensuring that only activity is there in the back stack.

How Activity Stack is maintained for an Android Application?

I am new to Android Programming.
I want to understand how Activity Stack is maintained for a particular Android Application and how does it changes based on user navigation.
For example, if there are multiple activities then how Activity Stack behaves when user clicks on Back Button or Home Button or launches a new Activity?
I was trying to find a suitable post where I can get all the information, but I did not get any. Can somebody please suggest me some links/posts where I can learn this?
Links/Posts that I came across so far:
onSaveInstanceState is not saving my values ( onCreate input Bundle is always null )
Saving Android Activity state using Save Instance State
Android: Launch mode 'single instance'
Do you mean activities and the back stack?
Here is a link:
A task is a collection of activities that users interact with when performing a certain job. The activities are arranged in a stack (the back stack), in the order in which each activity is opened.
The device Home screen is the starting place for most tasks. When the user touches an icon in the application launcher (or a shortcut on the Home screen), that application's task comes to the foreground. If no task exists for the application (the application has not been used recently), then a new task is created and the "main" activity for that application opens as the root activity in the stack.
When the current activity starts another, the new activity is pushed on the top of the stack and takes focus. The previous activity remains in the stack, but is stopped. When an activity stops, the system retains the current state of its user interface. When the user presses the Back button, the current activity is popped from the top of the stack (the activity is destroyed) and the previous activity resumes (the previous state of its UI is restored). Activities in the stack are never rearranged, only pushed and popped from the stack—pushed onto the stack when started by the current activity and popped off when the user leaves it using the Back button. As such, the back stack operates as a "last in, first out" object structure. Figure 1 visualizes this behavior with a timeline showing the progress between activities along with the current back stack at each point in time.

How can i programmatically show activity on the top of task stack?

My application start foreground service witch keep connection to server. It's show notification with pendingIntent witch show MainActivity. When i (user) tap on application icon (on desktop or application list) it's show "task stack". I mean if was lunched MainActivity it shows it, if user go to activity B or C (or lunch some other activities) it shows it (i mean top activity from task stack). There is a problem - if user tap on notification he see again MainActivity (on the top of the stack) but i expect top of tack stack (activity B,C or other witch was lunched by user at the end).
Half solves when i set attribute for MainActivity "singleTask", now it's always root of task stack, BUT a'm loosing all activities (B, C and other wich user lunched). Solution like in Reuse Activity on Top of Stack simular, but i need only one activity at root.
Maybe my logic is wrong and i need some another way to resolve this problem. But i want to know how can i programmaticly show task stack (top activity) like application icon does?
The documentation Tasks and Back Stack describes how to handle navigation correctly.
In short, if users tap on your navigation and you take them to an Activity in your app, when they click Back they should up in your app's Activity hierarchy until they reach the Home screen. They should never go to the stack in another task. That is, if they're in your app in Activity C, and you send a notification which they click that takes them to Activity A, then clicking Back should take them to the parent of A, and not to C. If they want to go to C, they can use Recents.
On older platforms, Recents isn't available.
This is by design.
To construct the proper synthetic back stack, use TaskStackBuilder

Killing Activities using Back Button

I'd like to kill all activities when the user hits the back button and returns to my main activity A. My App has the following 3 activities:
A -> Displays users selections before they hit search and creates activity B.
B -> Displays a list of urls's based on the users selection and creates activity C.
C -> Opens a Webview and displays the page selected by the user.
Currently, i don't call finish() after starting activity B so when the user hits the back button in activity C they can return to the list of url's and make another selection if they want.
I'd like to create a new activity A (without the users initial selections) and ensure the existing activities B and C are killed if the user hits the back button in activity B?
Any help would be appreciated.
You can return to activity A by overriding the back button handler in activity C and launching activity A with the flag FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP set, or alternatively (perhaps preferably in your case), you can just set noHistory for your activity B.
You'll have to reset activity A manually in some way in this case though.

