I want to do something like mylistview.setElementsofView(0).getElementById.setColor("black");
currently the only way I know of doing this is setting up a custom list view adapter, setting up constructors, do conditional checks to see if view is populated, then do stuff in that view
this seems very convoluted, when other parts of the listview are so easily accessible.
is there some inherited function I can access in listview to allow me to access the elements of a particular view without a custom adapter?
Thanks for any insight
The short answer to your question:
is there some inherited function I can access in listview to allow me to access the elements of a particular view without a custom adapter?
unfortunately is no.
Why do you think setting up a custom adapter is so convoluted? Just make the customized adapter class a nested class within your activity. Most likely, you'd only be looking at overriding the getView() method. In the end, you'll spend a lot less time doing this than looking for a "simple" solution.
What about
I'm trying to make a android app with a scrollable list like this one...
When I made this app in iOS, I used a UICollectionView. What`s the best way to make this in android studios?
I tried using a list view, but I can't seem to customize it to my needs?
Any Ideas?
ListView was a great way to start and it is customizable to your needs.
However I would recommend to use RecyclerView which works almost on the same principle as ListView but it is a newer concept in Android. It handles the usage of the ViewHolder pattern for you which makes everything super easy.(With ListView, you would've had to implement your own ViewHolder pattern)
All you need to do is to have the RecyclerView in your activity/fragment as the view to hold your data. Then, the key component is to implement the RecyclerView's Adapter which will handle the inflation and setup of each list item.
Here is a really great and short tutorial to get you started with RecyclerView.
If you're done with that here is a bit more advanced video material on RecyclerView from Dave Smith explaining a lot of ways on how to understand and use RecyclerView in your apps.
A ListView fed by an ArrayAdapter of custom objects can do the job.
You might have a class that contains the text and the image of a single item.
Then you can create an ArrayList with items of that class, where you put in all the data.
This ArrayList can be used as dataset for a custom ArrayAdapter, which overrides the getView()-method.
The getView()-method must inflate the xml-layout for each item and attach the data from the ArrayList to the inflated view.
You might want to implement the Viewholder-pattern to achieve a good performance and avoid unnecessary inflations and getViewByID()-calls.
You can also use the new CardView, which can make it a lot easier, since it is made for the new material design in android 5, which looks similar to your item list.
Shockingly there doesn't seem to be any questions that successfully answer this. I am trying to change the font in the AutoCompleteTextView. How can I accomplish this? I'm assuming this would involve creating a custom class that extends AutoCompleteTextView but how would I do this specifically?
You can implement an Adapter and use the setAdapter(...) method to apply it. Adapters are used to serve up and cache views for efficient scrolling in Android. The AutoCompleteTextView will call the getView(...) method on your Adapter giving it the position that it wants. You create or modify a view with the content at that position (in this case the text) and return it.
Here's a good example article of it:
You might just want to scroll to the adapter part.
You are showing the drop-down list. You control the font yourself when your code creates your rows in your Adapter implementation used for suggestions. Override getView() and adjust the font in your TextViews in the row layout.
I'm trying to achieve the effect of the footer for ListView but without using the addFooterView method of the ListView. My intention is to treat the last visible item of the list as a pinned footer. In my view I can achieve this by detecting the last visible item on the list and dynamically change it's layout. I did some research and I think I must extend the BaseAdapter class providing two types of items. One for ordinary item on the list indicating that adapter should inflate the item with ordinary layout. And the second one indicating that adapter should inflate the current item with layout of footer. I think i must override the onScroll method to detect the last visible item. And here are my questions. Should i call the getView method from the onScrollmethod ? Is it the proper way to implement such effect? Is it possible at all? I would be grateful for any suggestions.
Thank in advance.
And here are my questions.
Should i call the getView method from the onScrollmethod ?
no, you should never directly call getView(). Only classes that extend AbsListView call getView
Is it the proper way to implement such effect?
No. The proper way of doing it is calling addFooterView to your ListView object.
Is it possible at all? I would be grateful for any suggestions.
No, it's not possible. Using scroll listeners you will never be able to find out when the AbsListView is requesting the "last view". That's because ListView does not guarantee the order it queries for Views. That's specially true when you 1st set the adapter or call notifyDataSetChanged which causes the ListView to get the views in several points to be able to layout and measure stuff it needs.
The suggestion is to use the addFooterView method, that's the correct way of doing, that's why it's there.
I'm new to Android development and I was coding with ListView with a custom adapter. So far so good, then I wanted to use the same adapter with more than one listview, is that ok?
And when I override the method getView(), then I use the same resource to show the views (eg. R.id.show_view). Can I use different layouts in the same adapter? I don't know how to accomplish that.
I dont have the code here, sorry, it's more a question of whether it's a good practice to use the same adapter (eg. ArrayAdapter) to match various ListViews.
You can reuse class, but no instance of adapter. And you can create different views for every entry. But for sake of performance, you shall reuse view supplied to getView() whenever possible
i have to make a listview in which there are two elements to be displayed vertically.
i know that to use the default adapter given with android there can only be one array and one text resource...ie if i am using android.R.layout.simple_list_view then there is only one text resource.
To make a custom Listview i am doing the following:
making a xml layout file for each element of the listview
extending a custom adapter class which extends the baseadapter
in the getview method of the custom adapter class i am inflating the view for each element and then returning with the info i want the listview element to have from an array which i have passed as a constructor to the custom adapter class.
this seems very tedious because there are several instances where i have to make listview where sometimes there are three text elements in each listview element and sometimes 2 text elements in each listview element.
is there an easier way to do the above.
thank you in advance.
With such simple layout, I'd suggest you to just use a LinearLayout and 2-3 TextViews (or any view you need, even an horizontal LinearLayout). Nothing will beat that simplicity. There's no need for a ListView in that case.
You could consider creating a generic, reusable ListView layout file that is loaded up with all the various elements you need (which, hopefully is a concise few). You could default as many of those elements in the layout XML file with android:visible="false" and then programmatically toggle the visibility.
Why can't you just reuse the adapter? It's got plenty of loading/unloading methods associated with it.
Yes, what Aleadam is saying; if you only have a couple of things why use a ListView? TextView would seem a much quicker way to prototype data display!