I want to change some functionality in the WebView control, is there any way to change the source of the sdk. knowing that I got the source code android.jar and I attach it to eclipse for debugging but I can't edit it.
What about extending WebView via inheretance and implementing functionality in subclass? Editing android sources is unlikely a best practices :)
is there any way to change the source of the sdk.
There is no "source of the sdk".
The source code is called an "operating system". It runs as firmware on a device. You can change this code and create replacement firmware which you can load on a device.
Take a look at the git-hub phonegap source files - https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-android
You can download the source, edit them however you like and then make a jar file.
A third party created a unity project for me but they lost their project on their end. A guy had it on his laptop, never backed it up but he did send the integrated unity project for android. The only issue is that we need to change something inside it. So I have the android project, I just need the built unity's source code.
The same situation occurred with our IOS version, luckily Xcode had the Assembly-Csharp accessible and I could find the value I needed to change. The Android's Unity was built with il2cpp. I've managed to re-secure the assets using some tools I've found online. So I can potentially rebuild the project with new scripts. However this may take a rather large amount of time. So I found I can edit the source code through the hex code, but this seems limited/nigh impossible as I need to make a condition on this string instead of simply setting the value. If there is a way to do this with a hex editor on the lib2cpp.so file I would greatly appreciate even a lead. Alternatively I have found some things on hooking a string, but I am unsure of how to go about this and cannot find sources of where to start such a thing.
Any leads or information on how to edit a string on a condition in the unity source code through it's lib2cpp.so file or libunity.so file would be greatly appreciated!
How can i know which java file is used at the current time at that current interface. I know we can do this with a logcat when we know the source code , we can make everything log.i and stuff. but what happens when we don't know the source code or while assessing a black box android app
If you don't have access to the files how you supposed to know which file you are getting?
The best way to achieve what you want is to use a decompiler in your APK and do a debug.
I'm currently using eclipse to build android apps, but according to the tutorial, there will file named main.xml in res>layout to create the design of my apps. However my layout is empty.
I had posted about the same issue with extra information, but it was deleted. However, I found a solution so you can get the layout folder populated with the blank activity.
Instead of using the ADT package, download Eclipse and the SDK separately. Follow the details here, but download and unpack the SDK first. Click the DOWNLOAD FOR OTHER PLATFORMS link.
You will also need the location of your java JRE bin folder.
I hope that helps,
Create a new project based on a template and everything will be set up as expected. It sounds like you may be new to Android. I would suggest reading through the documentation for building your first app. It will tell you all you need to know.
Ok, quick question . . .
Is it possible to build (compile) an Android Native Extension (ANE) without using Flash Builder.
Im trying to build an extension within eclipse but anywhere i look it says to use Flash builder somewhere throughout the process. I dont have flash builder, only Flash CS6 and Eclipse. Is there a way to package and get a ANE file using only flash and eclipse?
Many Thanks
here's some documentation on how to package .SWFs into an ANE: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/air/extensions/WSf268776665d7970d-2482335412ffea65006-8000.html
as far as getting your .AS code to .SWFs and .SWCs, the mxlmc (for the .AS->.SWF) and compc (makes .SWCs) will both run outside of flash builder (and are found along with adt in the free to download flex sdk: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/flex-sdk-download.html )
(.as, .jpg, .swc, etc) ==mxmlc==> (.swf)
(.as, .jpg, etc) ==compc==> (.swc)
(.swc, .swf) ==adt==> (ANE)
its not an answer but what I have to say will not fit into the comments box . . .
ok now im really lost and confused.
heres what iv done, I have created an android project within eclipse. within this project I have included the flashruntimeextensions.jar file and created all necessary files within the eclipse project(that im aware of)(a TorchExtension.java file which returns a new Context.java file, in which i use map.put("torchy", new TorchFunction()); and then obviously a torchFunction.java file which contains code to "turn torch on".
am I correct in thinking I need to export this as a SWC or ANE file, which I can then import to flash through the java build path?
or do I have to create some form of action-script library to talk between flash and native code? i have gone through countless pre existing ANEs but I have failed to get any working, I feel like im missing something important.
all,when i open jumpNote project in eclipse,i encounter some mistakes like the following description.
many variables related with c2dm like
Config.C2DM_SENDER etc
****cannot be resolved.****
i uses the latest sdk(2.2).
any one konws the reasons, i think that if i miss some jar files?
any help is grateful.
You need to check out trunk/src.shared and merge it into the src dir of jumpnote. Then clean/build. If it still doesn't work re-import it into eclipse.
Those are just examples of what you can do in your own app, they don't actually exist within the Android API.
There is a Config class if you browse the source code, com.example.jumpnote.android.Config.java