I'm generating a book app, of sorts, that displays pages in a WebView. I have Next/Previous ImageButtons and a GestureOverlay to detect left/right swipes.
When I want a page change I call:
private void changePage(int delta) {
currentPageIndex = currentPageIndex + delta;
if (currentPageIndex < 0) {
// negative index
currentPageIndex = 0;
} else if (currentPageIndex >= listOfPages.length) {
// index requested is out of range of the list
currentPageIndex = listOfPages.length - 1;
} else {
// set values for page load
filename = listOfPages[currentPageIndex];
mWebView.loadUrl("file:///android_asset/" + filename);
'listOfPages' is a string array of my filenames and loadUrl() works great, but is there any way that anyone knows of to be able to have a page transition to simulate a simple page turn?
If anyone's interested, I found a way to do this.
I defined Animation variables:
Animation slideLeftAnimation = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(getBaseContext(), R.anim.slide_left);
Animation slideRightAnimation = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(getBaseContext(), R.anim.slide_right);
And the slide_left and slide_right xml files are from the Android API tutorials.
Then, for left or right swipes, I used mWebView.startAnimation(leftOrRightAnimation); before my mWebView.loadUrl(url); call. Hope this helps anyone else! Chris
I am implementing ViewPager Transformer where, Text Alpha should slowly transformed from 0.3f(Unselected Page) - 1.0f(Selected Page) as we are swiping in viewpager.
Here is the Desired output. Viewpager Transformation image
As I am new to Android, I tried following approach, basically I am confused in what formula to apply.
public class AlphaTextTransformer implements ViewPager.PageTransformer {
public void transformPage(#NonNull View view, float position) {
int pageWidth = view.getWidth();
if (position < -1) { // [-Infinity,-1)
// This page is way off-screen to the left.
view.setAlpha(0.3 f);
} else if (position <= 0) { // [-1,0]
// Use the default slide transition when moving to the left page
view.setAlpha(0.3 f);
} else if (position <= 1) { // (0,1]
// Fade the page out.
view.setAlpha(0.3 f + Math.abs(position));
} else { // (1,+Infinity]
// This page is way off-screen to the right.
view.setAlpha(0.3 f);
I show 3 pages in screen at a time.Left & Right page are partially shown with Text alpha value to 0.3f.Center page text has alpha value of 1. I don't want to immediately set alpha value to 1, but rather it will be progressive as we perform sliding. Can someone please help me with correct pointer? I would really appreciate if someone can help me with Sample code.
Did you check the value of postion with breakpoint or log? Maybe it does not correspond to your expected value?
You should check on this library's code to see how it works, it's with pagetransformer
I want to animate the change of my RecyclerViews GridLayoutManager. I defaulty show a list of items in a grid with 3 columns and the user can select to show more or less columns.
I would like the views in the RecyclerView to move/scale to their new positions, but I have no idea how this could be done.
What I want in the end
allow to scale the grid via an expand/contract touch gesture => I know how to do that
animate the change of the LayoutManager
Does anyone know how I can animate the change of the LayoutManager?
The source of inspiration here would be the Google Photos app,the stock Sony Gallery app
There are basically 2 approaches you can go with:
You modify the spancount of the GridLayoutManager using setSpanCount(int)
You set a very high span count(~100) use the SpanSizeLookUp to change the per item spanSize on the fly.
I have used the Gist provided by Musenkishi,for this answer to provide an animator to animate the changes in grid layout changes
I have used this approach in a sample GitHub project implementing the same.
I have currently used the click listener to keep modifying the the span size look up.This could be changed to a ItemGestureListener to capture pinch zoom events and change accordingly.
You need to determine a way to choose a span count so that all the items in a row occupy the entire screen width (and hence you do not see any empty space)
You call notifyItemRangeChanged using a runnable post delayed since you cannot call the notifyChanged methods from within bindView/createView etc.
After changing the span size,you need to notifyItemRangeChanged with an appropriate range so that all the items currently displayed on the screen are shifted accordingly.I have used (code at the bottom)
This is not a complete solution but a 2 hour solution for the same.You can obviously improve on all the points mentioned :).
I hope to keep updating the sample since this kind of views have always fascinated me.
Do not view this as the final solution but just a particular way of achieving this approach. If you were to use a StaggerredLayoutManager instead,you could easily avoid blank spaces between items.
public int calculateRange() {
int start = ((GridLayoutManager) grv.getLayoutManager()).findFirstVisibleItemPosition();
int end = ((GridLayoutManager) grv.getLayoutManager()).findLastVisibleItemPosition();
if (start < 0)
start = 0;
if (end < 0)
end = getItemCount();
return end - start;
I deal with the same problem as you, and so far I have not found a good solution.
Simple change of columns number in GridLayoutManager seems weird so for now I use animation to fade out/in entire layout. Something like this:
private void animateRecyclerLayoutChange(final int layoutSpanCount) {
Animation fadeOut = new AlphaAnimation(1, 0);
fadeOut.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator());
fadeOut.setAnimationListener(new Animation.AnimationListener() {
public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) {
public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) {
public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) {
Animation fadeIn = new AlphaAnimation(0, 1);
fadeIn.setInterpolator(new AccelerateInterpolator());
If you combine fade out/in animation with scaling each visible item, It will be a decent animation for GridLayoutManager changes.
You can do this with "gesture detector"
see the sample tutorial here http://wiki.workassis.com/pinch-zoom-in-recycler-view/ In this tutorial we will fetch images from gallery and show them in a grid layout in recycler view. You will be able to change layout on pinch gesture. Following are the screen shots of different layouts.
mScaleGestureDetector = new ScaleGestureDetector(this, new ScaleGestureDetector.SimpleOnScaleGestureListener() {
public boolean onScale(ScaleGestureDetector detector) {
if (detector.getCurrentSpan() > 200 && detector.getTimeDelta() > 200) {
if (detector.getCurrentSpan() - detector.getPreviousSpan() < -1) {
if (mCurrentLayoutManager == mGridLayoutManager1) {
mCurrentLayoutManager = mGridLayoutManager2;
return true;
} else if (mCurrentLayoutManager == mGridLayoutManager2) {
mCurrentLayoutManager = mGridLayoutManager3;
return true;
} else if(detector.getCurrentSpan() - detector.getPreviousSpan() > 1) {
if (mCurrentLayoutManager == mGridLayoutManager3) {
mCurrentLayoutManager = mGridLayoutManager2;
return true;
} else if (mCurrentLayoutManager == mGridLayoutManager2) {
mCurrentLayoutManager = mGridLayoutManager1;
return true;
return false;
I have an app that loads HTML content in three WebViews. For simplicity, let's call them top, middle, and bottom.
The user is always viewing the middle WebView. When the user reaches the top of the page and swipes down, the layout of the three WebViews change so that the top view is visible. Conversely, when the user reaches the bottom of the page and swipes up, the bottom page comes into view.
Imagine a 100x100 screen. Coordinate 0,0 is the top left of the screen and 100,100 is the bottom right of the screen. The top view will have a layout with the top at -105 so that it is not viewable, the middle view will occupy the screen, and the bottom view will have a layout with the top at 105 so that it is not viewable, as well.
topLayout.topMargin = -105;
middleLayout.topMargin = 0;
bottomLayout.topMargin = 105;
The content are books, so when the user changes pages, the content should flow logically. When scrolling backwards (up), the bottom of the previous page should be shown. When scrolling forwards (down), the top of the next page should be shown. This is accomplished through setting the WebView's scroll positions using scrollTo(x,y). The code looks like this, where a represents the bottom of the content and b represents the top of the content:
top.scrollTo(0, a);
middle.scrollTo(0, {a,b}); // a for previous page; b for next page
bottom.scrollTo(0, b);
When the user swipes to the previous page, the top WebView's layout changes to have a top of 0 to occupy the screen; the middle changes to 105, and the bottom changes to -105 and loads different content so the app will be prepared for a future previous swipe.
Now we actually come to my question. This works exactly as intended except in Android 4.4 (KitKat). In KitKat, it works for two swipes in either direction, but then on the third and subsequent swipe in the same direction, the content is loaded in the wrong position. When scrolling backwards, the content starts to load showing the top. When scrolling forwards, the content starts to load showing the bottom.
I have stepped through the debugger and noticed that the layouts are set properly, followed by the scroll positions being set correctly. Then, after those values are set, but before the content is actually drawn, something happens in the stack that changes the scroll position.
This is where I'm totally lost. Why are the scroll values getting set correctly, then magically changing before the screen is drawn?
I already tried using an onLayoutCompleteListener, it didn't work. I will update the list of things attempted as I receive answers and try the suggestions. Thank you in advance for any and all help.
Here's a summary of what I'm doing to change pages:
public class MyWebView extends WebView {
// Assume this is instantiated; it is by the time it is needed
private List<MyWebView> viewArray = new List<MyWebView>(3);
private class CustomGestureListener extends
GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener {
private static final String DEBUG_TAG = "Gestures";
private int scrollYOnTouch;
private int scrollYOnRelease;
public boolean onFling(MotionEvent event1, MotionEvent event2,
float velocityX, float velocityY) {
Log.d(DEBUG_TAG, "onFling: " + event1.toString()
+ event2.toString());
Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, "onFling: vX[" + velocityX
+ "], vY[" + velocityY + "]");
scrollYOnRelease = getScrollY();
int bottomOfPage = scrollYOnTouch + getMeasuredHeight();
int endOfContent = (int) Math.floor(getContentHeight() * getScale());
int proximity = endOfContent - bottomOfPage;
boolean atBottom = proximity <= 1;
Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, "atBottom = (" + proximity + " <= 1)");
if ((velocityY > VELOCITY_THRESHOLD)
&& (scrollYOnRelease <= 0) && (scrollYOnTouch == 0)) {
// User flung down while at the top of the page.
// Go to the previous page.
} else if ((velocityY < -VELOCITY_THRESHOLD)
&& (scrollYOnRelease >= scrollYOnTouch) && atBottom) {
// User flung up while at the bottom of the page.
// Go to the next page.
return true;
} // end of CustomGestureListener
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
// Send the event to our gesture detector
// If it is implemented, there will be a return value
// If the detected gesture is unimplemented, send it to the superclass
return super.onTouchEvent(event);
public void changePages(int direction) {
int screenWidth = getScreenWidth();
int screenHeight = getScreenHeight();
VerticalPagingWebView previous;
VerticalPagingWebView current;
VerticalPagingWebView next;
if (direction == NEXT_PAGE) {
// Rearrange elements in webview array
// Next page becomes current page,
// current becomes previous,
// previous becomes next.
Collections.swap(viewArray, 0, 1);
Collections.swap(viewArray, 1, 2);
previous = viewArray.get(0);
current = viewArray.get(1);
next = viewArray.get(2);
// Prepare the next page
next.loadData(htmlContent, "text/html", null);
} else if (direction == PREVIOUS_PAGE) {
// Rearrange elements in webview array
// Previous page becomes current page,
// current becomes next,
// next becomes previous.
Collections.swap(viewArray, 1, 2);
Collections.swap(viewArray, 0, 1);
previous = viewArray.get(0);
current = viewArray.get(1);
next = viewArray.get(2);
// Prepare the previous page
previous.loadData(htmlContent, "text/html", null);
LayoutParams previousLayout = (LayoutParams) previous.getLayoutParams();
previousLayout.leftMargin = LEFT_MARGIN;
previousLayout.topMargin = -screenHeight - TOP_MARGIN;
LayoutParams currentLayout = (LayoutParams) current.getLayoutParams();
currentLayout.leftMargin = LEFT_MARGIN;
currentLayout.topMargin = 0;
LayoutParams nextLayout = (LayoutParams) next.getLayoutParams();
nextLayout.leftMargin = LEFT_MARGIN;
nextLayout.topMargin = screenHeight + TOP_MARGIN;
// I'm unsure if this is needed, but it works on everything but KitKat
if (direction == NEXT_PAGE) {
} else {
} // end of changePages
public void scrollToPageStart() {
public void scrollToPageBottom() {
// I know getScale() is deprecated; I take care of it.
// This method works fine.
int endOfContent = (int) Math.floor(getContentHeight() * getScale());
int webViewHeight = getMeasuredHeight();
scrollTo(0, endOfContent - webViewHeight);
You're probably scrolling the WebView before it had finished loading the contents. The problem is that at some point during the page load the WebView resets the scroll (this is intentional, when you navigate between pages you don't want the scroll offset to persist) and sometimes this reset happens after you call scrollTo.
To fix this you have two options:
scroll from JavaScript (in window.onload or something), this ensures the scroll happens after the WebView has finished loading the contents,
wait for the contents to load before scrolling. This is harder since the WebView doesn't have reliable callbacks (onPageFinished will not work reliably). One option would be to poll for when the webview.getContentHeight() method is returning the height of your content before doing the scroll.
I want to fade in and out a Button in my android app when user activates a feature.
I saw examples on stackoverflow that shows fading in or out. But is there an easy way to combine in/out animations all together that repeats unlimited amount of time?
Use on your Animation object the following :
I am not 100% sure about your question, but this worked for me as a continue fadeOut and fadeIn animation:
int value = 0;
for (int i=0;i<100000;i++){
if (value == 0){
value = 1;
else if (value == 1){
value = 0;
The browsers in Android 2.3+ do a good job at maintaining the scrolled position of content on an orientation changed.
I'm trying to achieve the same thing for a WebView which I display within an activity but without success.
I've tested the manifest change (android:configChanges="orientation|keyboardHidden") to avoid activity recreation on a rotation however because of the different aspect ratios the scroll position does not get set to where I want. Furthermore this is not a solution for me as I need to have different layouts in portrait and landscape.
I've tried saving the WebView state and restoring it but this resuls in the content being displayed at the top again.
Furthermore attempting to scroll in onPageFinished using scrollTo doesn't work even though the height of the WebView is non-zero at this point.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance. Peter.
Partial Solution:
My colleague managed to get scrolling working via a javascript solution. For simple scrolling to the same vertical position, the WebView's 'Y' scroll position is saved in onSaveInstanceState state. The following is then added to onPageFinished:
public void onPageFinished(final WebView view, final String url) {
if (mScrollY > 0) {
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("javascript:window.scrollTo(0, ");
sb.append("/ window.devicePixelRatio);");
super.onPageFinished(view, url);
You do get the slight flicker as the content jumps from the beginning to the new scroll position but it is barely noticeable. The next step is try a percentage based method (based on differences in height) and also investigate having the WebView save and restore its state.
To restore the current position of a WebView during orientation change I'm afraid you will have to do it manually.
I used this method:
Calculate actual percent of scroll in the WebView
Save it in the onRetainNonConfigurationInstance
Restore the position of the WebView when it's recreated
Because the width and height of the WebView is not the same in portrait and landscape mode, I use a percent to represent the user scroll position.
Step by step:
1) Calculate actual percent of scroll in the WebView
// Calculate the % of scroll progress in the actual web page content
private float calculateProgression(WebView content) {
float positionTopView = content.getTop();
float contentHeight = content.getContentHeight();
float currentScrollPosition = content.getScrollY();
float percentWebview = (currentScrollPosition - positionTopView) / contentHeight;
return percentWebview;
2) Save it in the onRetainNonConfigurationInstance
Save the progress just before the orientation change
public Object onRetainNonConfigurationInstance() {
OrientationChangeData objectToSave = new OrientationChangeData();
objectToSave.mProgress = calculateProgression(mWebView);
return objectToSave;
// Container class used to save data during the orientation change
private final static class OrientationChangeData {
public float mProgress;
3) Restore the position of the WebView when it's recreated
Get the progress from the orientation change data
private boolean mHasToRestoreState = false;
private float mProgressToRestore;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mWebView = (WebView) findViewById(R.id.WebView);
mWebView.setWebViewClient(new MyWebViewClient());
OrientationChangeData data = (OrientationChangeData) getLastNonConfigurationInstance();
if (data != null) {
mHasToRestoreState = true;
mProgressToRestore = data.mProgress;
To restore the current position you will have to wait the page to be reloaded (
this method can be problematic if your page takes a long time to load)
private class MyWebViewClient extends WebViewClient {
public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) {
if (mHasToRestoreState) {
mHasToRestoreState = false;
view.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
float webviewsize = mWebView.getContentHeight() - mWebView.getTop();
float positionInWV = webviewsize * mProgressToRestore;
int positionY = Math.round(mWebView.getTop() + positionInWV);
mWebView.scrollTo(0, positionY);
// Delay the scrollTo to make it work
}, 300);
super.onPageFinished(view, url);
During my test I encounter that you need to wait a little after the onPageFinished method is called to make the scroll working. 300ms should be ok. This delay make the display to flick (first display at scroll 0 then go to the correct position).
Maybe there is an other better way to do it but I'm not aware of.
Why you should consider this answer over accepted answer:
Accepted answer provides decent and simple way to save scroll position, however it is far from perfect. The problem with that approach is that sometimes during rotation you won't even see any of the elements you saw on the screen before rotation. Element that was at the top of the screen can now be at the bottom after rotation. Saving position via percent of scroll is not very accurate and on large documents this inaccuracy can add up.
So here is another method: it's way more complicated, but it almost guarantees that you'll see exactly the same element after rotation that you saw before rotation. In my opinion, this leads to a much better user experience, especially on a large documents.
First of all, we will track current scroll position via javascript. This will allow us to know exactly which element is currently at the top of the screen and how much is it scrolled.
First, ensure that javascript is enabled for your WebView:
Next, we need to create java class that will accept information from within javascript:
public class WebScrollListener {
private String element;
private int margin;
public void onScrollPositionChange(String topElementCssSelector, int topElementTopMargin) {
Log.d("WebScrollListener", "Scroll position changed: " + topElementCssSelector + " " + topElementTopMargin);
element = topElementCssSelector;
margin = topElementTopMargin;
Then we add this class to WebView:
scrollListener = new WebScrollListener(); // save this in an instance variable
webView.addJavascriptInterface(scrollListener, "WebScrollListener");
Now we need to insert javascript code into html page. This script will send scroll data to java (if you are generation html, just append this script; otherwise, you might need to resort to calling document.write() via webView.loadUrl("javascript:document.write(" + script + ")");):
// We will find first visible element on the screen
// by probing document with the document.elementFromPoint function;
// we need to make sure that we dont just return
// body element or any element that is very large;
// best case scenario is if we get any element that
// doesn't contain other elements, but any small element is good enough;
var findSmallElementOnScreen = function() {
var SIZE_LIMIT = 1024;
var elem = undefined;
var offsetY = 0;
while (!elem) {
var e = document.elementFromPoint(100, offsetY);
if (e.getBoundingClientRect().height < SIZE_LIMIT) {
elem = e;
} else {
offsetY += 50;
return elem;
// Convert dom element to css selector for later use
var getCssSelector = function(el) {
if (!(el instanceof Element))
var path = [];
while (el.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
var selector = el.nodeName.toLowerCase();
if (el.id) {
selector += '#' + el.id;
} else {
var sib = el, nth = 1;
while (sib = sib.previousElementSibling) {
if (sib.nodeName.toLowerCase() == selector)
if (nth != 1)
selector += ':nth-of-type('+nth+')';
el = el.parentNode;
return path.join(' > ');
// Send topmost element and its top offset to java
var reportScrollPosition = function() {
var elem = findSmallElementOnScreen();
if (elem) {
var selector = getCssSelector(elem);
var offset = elem.getBoundingClientRect().top;
WebScrollListener.onScrollPositionChange(selector, offset);
// We will report scroll position every time when scroll position changes,
// but timer will ensure that this doesn't happen more often than needed
// (scroll event fires way too rapidly)
var previousTimeout = undefined;
window.addEventListener('scroll', function() {
previousTimeout = setTimeout(reportScrollPosition, 200);
If you run your app at this point, you should already see messages in logcat telling you that the new scroll position is received.
Now we need to save webView state:
public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
outState.putString("scrollElement", scrollListener.element);
outState.putInt("scrollMargin", scrollListener.margin);
Then we read it in the onCreate (for Activity) or onCreateView (for fragment) method:
if (savedInstanceState != null) {
initialScrollElement = savedInstanceState.getString("scrollElement");
initialScrollMargin = savedInstanceState.getInt("scrollMargin");
We also need to add WebViewClient to our webView and override onPageFinished method:
public void onPageFinished(final WebView view, String url) {
if (initialScrollElement != null) {
// It's very hard to detect when web page actually finished loading;
// At the time onPageFinished is called, page might still not be parsed
// Any javascript inside <script>...</script> tags might still not be executed;
// Dom tree might still be incomplete;
// So we are gonna use a combination of delays and checks to ensure
// that scroll position is only restored after page has actually finished loading
webView.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
String javascript = "(function ( selectorToRestore, positionToRestore ) {\n" +
" var previousTop = 0;\n" +
" var check = function() {\n" +
" var elem = document.querySelector(selectorToRestore);\n" +
" if (!elem) {\n" +
" setTimeout(check, 100);\n" +
" return;\n" +
" }\n" +
" var currentTop = elem.getBoundingClientRect().top;\n" +
" if (currentTop !== previousTop) {\n" +
" previousTop = currentTop;\n" +
" setTimeout(check, 100);\n" +
" } else {\n" +
" window.scrollBy(0, currentTop - positionToRestore);\n" +
" }\n" +
" };\n" +
" check();\n" +
"}('" + initialScrollElement + "', " + initialScrollMargin + "));";
webView.loadUrl("javascript:" + javascript);
initialScrollElement = null;
}, 300);
This is it. After screen rotation, element that was at the top of your screen should now remain there.
onPageFinished may not be called because you are not reloading the page, you are just changing the orientation, not sure if this causes a reload or not.
Try using scrollTo in the onConfigurationChanged method of your activity.
The aspect change will most likely always cause the current location in your WebView to not be the right location to scroll to afterwards. You could be sneaky and determine the top most visible element in the WebView and after an orientation change implant an anchor at that point in the source and redirect the user to it...
to calculate the right percentage of WebView, it is important to count mWebView.getScale() also. Actually, return value of getScrollY() is respectively with mWebView.getContentHeight()*mWebView.getScale().
In the partial solution described in the original post, you can improve the solution if change the following code
private float calculateProgression(WebView content) {
float contentHeight = content.getContentHeight();
float currentScrollPosition = content.getScrollY();
float percentWebview = currentScrollPosition/ contentHeight;
return percentWebview;
due to the top position of the component, when you are using content.getTop () is not necessary; So what it does is add to the actual position of the scroll Y position where the component is located with respect to it parent and runs down the content. I hope my explanation is clear.
The way that we have managed to achieve this to have a local reference to the WebView within our Fragments.
* WebView reference
private WebView webView;
Then setRetainInstance to true in onCreate
public void onCreate(final Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Argument loading settings
Then when onCreateView is called, return the existing local instance of the WebView, otherwise instantiate a new copy setting up the content and other settings. The key step he is when reattaching the WebView to remove the parent which you can see in the else clause below.
public View onCreateView(final LayoutInflater inflater, final ViewGroup container,
final Bundle savedInstanceState) {
final View view;
if (webView == null) {
view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.webview_dialog, container);
webView = (WebView) view.findViewById(R.id.dialog_web_view);
// Setup webview and content etc...
} else {
((ViewGroup) webView.getParent()).removeView(webView);
view = webView;
return view;
I used the partial solution described in the original post, but instead put the javascript snippet inside onPageStarted(), instead of onPageFinished(). Seems to work for me with no jumping.
My use case is slightly different: I'm trying to keep the horizontal position after the user refreshes the page.
But I've been able to use your solution and it works perfectly for me :)