For how long does Android save a killed activity's state? - android

I just did a little test: I started my app, went to a certain screen, pressed the home button and killed the process via Advanced Task Killer.
Now, if I go back to my app just a few moments later, I come back to that very screen. I also know that onRestoreInstanceState() is called in this case, as I have played around with this method quite a bit.
However, just out of curiosity, I did all the same, but let my phone lie around for some time (an hour or something). When I restarted my app, it went straight to the main activity.
So my question is: for how long does Android keep the saved state? or what determines if it throws it away or not? I already figured out it had nothing to do with lockscreen on/off.
Kind regards,

The activity is restored because such applications as Advanced Task Killer use "illegal" methods for killing applications. Android kills application is a similar way when it's low on memory and when killed application is launched again its state is restored.
Android keeps an application state for some time. Usually it's about 15-30 minutes but I think it depends on the device. But you can ask Android to keep an activity state "forever" (until the activity is finished) using android:alwaysRetainTaskState="true" attribute.

When you killed an application with Advanced Task Killer for example, the application restart with the main activity the next time. I suppose that the application save the state in file to restore the same activity even if it killed!

Android will dispose of the activity when it needs the resources that the activity is holding (usually memory) and the activity is not in the foreground. There's more criteria involved, but that's the general case. There's no predefined time limit or criteria other than "when it decides it needs to". The app could die almost immediately or it could stay up indefinitely. You should never assume your app will ever be killed and you should never assume your app will never be killed.


Can Android kill the activity without killing the entire process while the app is in the background?

I'm wondering if Android system is able to kill the activity without the entire application process while the app is minimized. From Android documentation we know that onDestroy is only called when the activity is about to be destroyed and the systems guarantees to call this method whenever it is about to kill the activity, it will not be called only in case the entire application process is killed.
So, imagine such a situation - you send the app to the background(minimize) and after some time the os starts to run low on memory and decides to kill the activity, but since the app is currently suspended and cannot execute code it is not able to call its onDestroy method althought it is guaranteed that it will be called before every activity destruction.
So, this kind of reasoning gives me a thought that while the app is in the background os is only able to kill the entire process but not some specific activities. Is my reasoning correct, or did I miss something?
That's true: while the app is in the background os is only able to kill the entire process but not some specific activities.
Your reasoning is correct.
If the user navigates away from the activity/application (e.g. by pressing the home button) then the activity is said to be in the "Stopped" state. (States being "None-existent", "Stopped", "Paused" and "Resumed"). If android get low in memory and needs to kill some processes it will target those processes whose activities are in the "Stopped" state and it kill the whole process (not the activity). Furthermore, it will not be polite when doing so and therefore, will not call the activity's onDestroy() method.
Edit following comments about the confusion of saved state on process death:
If the activiy's process is killed, the system temporarily saves a set of settings outside the activity and using these settings, it recreates the activity the next time it is launched.
For example, just before moving to the "Stopped" state the system calls onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) on an activity that is not "finished" and saves this Bundle outside the activity. The system also does remember that it killed activity's process while it was not finished. Using these two along with other settings (saved outside the activity), the system recreates the activity.
If, However, the activity is finished (e.g. user presses the back button, swipes away the activity's card from the overview window, Activity.finish() is called explicitly, etc), onSaveInstanceState() is not called and the system doesn't save any settings to recreate the activity next time it's launched. It simply creates a fresh one.
This is good news, why? Becuase if it wasn't the case, the developer would have had to stash key state properties manually outside activities and reinstate them when activities are relaunched (that would've been a nightmare)
Since there's been much confusion on this issue, in large part due to the confusing state of the official docs in the past, here's what the docs say
at present:
The system never kills an activity directly to free up memory.
Instead, it kills the process in which the activity runs, destroying
not only the activity but everything else running in the process, as
This as well as real world observation yields that the answer is no.

Why can't app start from recents if paused too long

I've noticed an issue when I pause my app, say by pressing home, and then bring up the list of recent apps (via the square button) to resume it.
If I resume it shortly after pausing it, it works fine. But if I leave it paused for too long, i.e. a few hours or overnight, then when I touch its window to resume it, it just posts a "failed to start..." toast and removes the app from the list.
I've searched around, but haven't found any info about what would cause this or how to start debugging it.
My theory would be that is has to do with the activity lifecycle. You can find it here:
When an app is paused, the onPause() function is called, and if the app is paused, and the system needs memory for another app that is running in the foreground, it will stop, or destroy the activity. When you go back into the app, it calls the onCreate() and onStart() functions
I don't know how your app is structured, but my guess is that when the activity is stopped, it is leaving behind some kind of code that needs to reference something that is no longer there, or destroying the referenced thing itself. Then, when onStart() is called, it checks for that thing that is no longer there and crashes.
The best way to fix this is to make sure that each step of the life cycle isn't referencing anything that could possibly be non existent at the time it is called.
When the user leaves a task by pressing the Home button, the current activity is stopped and its task goes into the background. The system retains the state of every activity in the task. If the user later resumes the task by selecting the launcher icon that began the task, the task comes to the foreground and resumes the activity at the top of the stack.
If the user leaves a task for a long time, the system clears the task of all activities except the root activity. When the user returns to the task again, only the root activity is restored. The system behaves this way, because, after an extended amount of time, users likely have abandoned what they were doing before and are returning to the task to begin something new.
You might look up into the Android documentation regarding Tasks and Back Stack and upon some information about Pausing and Resuming an activity. :)
You issue probably related to memory management on android. It looks like android kills you app to release memory so that it can be used by another app. I have an app with very complex layout (The app loads too many images). After some times, when I run the app from recent app list, it always run the app from start. Not from the last state where I left the app. Anywa, nothing to worry about. This is normal behaviour.
As of my concern this is your problem-
you are starting an activity.
then you press home button. and the activity goes to background.
when you start the app after 5 minutes the app starts from the paused activity. but when you start app after 5 hours the app starts from the beginning.
This is happening because the activity is being killed in background by the android system.
the application can be killed by calling the ondestroy() method of the activity.
and when the app goes to background it is added to the application stack of the android system. when ever android needs more memory for any operation it takes memory from the last application in the application stack. it kills the last application and takes its memory.
this is the reason your app is being killed after long time. your app is at the last of the stack and android has killed your app to get memory.
you can find more explanation of the process here.
How to solve this problem
this can be solved by bringing your app to front of the stack periodically.
you can run a service from your activity in background so that is stays on top side of stack.
or save the last opened activity in a shared preference and go to this activity when the app starts.

restarting an app picks up where I closed it - not from the very beginning

I thought when I exit the app on the device and it is not visible anymore in the taskmanager the app would restart from the very beginning when I start it again.
But for some reason my app keeps some variables from the previous run and does not really restart correctly.
This happens only if restarted on the device itself. Restarting with Eclipse starts the app correctly from the very start initializing all variables.
Why is this? Is my assumption wrong that when exiting the app all classes and variables will be destroyed?
Many thanks
Well, it's more complicated than just that.
First of all, you will not see the normal Android application lifecycle when you're running it in the debugger. Killing and restarting the app will indeed start you from the beginning. The normal Android app lifecycle is not very intuitive to developers, though. Normally, if a user 'backs' out of an app to the Android home-screen, one would expect your app to be killed once there are no Activities alive. This is not the case. The Android OS will keep your application alive in memory until memory pressure causes it to release the app. This is done because if the user 'opens' the application again, it will start up much, much faster. I'll point out that your Application's onDestroy() method will actually never be killed, because that surprises some developers too.
If, however, you still have Activities alive, but they are in the background, and the Android needs memory, it will kill your activities, but will call onSaveInstanceState before doing so. This will give your Activity an opportunity to save its state in a Bundle, and in fact, most of this will be done for you by the default implementation. At this point, if all of your Activities are killed, your application will be killed, but the Android will still hold onto the saved state and from the user's point of view, the application is still alive (it will still show up in the list of active applications). When the user returns to the application, the Android will re-construct the top-most Activity (onCreate will be called, but with the Bundle that contains the contents that were saved with onSaveInstanceState) and display it to the user. As the user pops Activities off the stack again, the ones below will be re-constructed, etc, etc.

Simulating activity death in Android

We know that when the system runs out of resources, an activity in background serializes its state and gets killed by the OS. When we resume it, the OS recovers the activity state by savedInstanceState passed to onCreate method. Considering we are responsible for handling what is going to be serialized/recovered, I'd like to have my activity killed in order to test the code I created for recovering. How can I achieve that? Forcing the application to be killed through the applications menu doesn't help.
Rotate your device (or emulator). Android saves, destroys, and re-creates the activity in the new orientation.
Download a task manager that kills the process in a less destructive way than "Force stop" in "Manage applications" settings. Example: GO task manager.
The task manager will kill the app (and the debug) but somehow not the activity stack (don't know why).
When you'll relaunch the app again, onCreate will be invoked with the last saved bundle/state.
The disadvantage of this solution, compared to Darrell's, is that you cannot debug it.
The advantage of this solution, compared to Darrell's, is that it is more close to real life scenario.
You can kill it from Eclipse also.
Go to the Android view. YOu should see the list of processes in the Devices tab.
Click on your process and then click the little "STOP" button.
Instant death!
FYI you can also attach the debugger this way by clicking on the little green bug

If my application goes to background, it still continue working? (sending/getting data from internet)

i am working on an application that send and get data from internet each 5 min
if i press home key and my app goes to background... it will still continue sending/getting data from internet? or i have to do something special?
"If an activity is completely obscured by another activity, it is stopped. It still retains all state and member information, however, it is no longer visible to the user so its window is hidden and it will often be killed by the system when memory is needed elsewhere. If an activity is paused or stopped, the system can drop the activity from memory by either asking it to finish, or simply killing its process. When it is displayed again to the user, it must be completely restarted and restored to its previous state."
No. Activities shouldn't be depended on to process tasks in the background.
The following link illustrates the fundamentals of different Android components and what they do, i.e. the "parts" of an app.
You should be using a Service for background processing.
From what you're saying, I'd suggest an IntentService fired by an Alarm.
Application Fundamentals

