I've been using XML to create my UI and I know this question may sound silly but it is not.
How do you create a UI using the Android plugin for Eclipse?
(Is there a step by step tutorial somewhere or can someone give me step by step instructions)
Does the class name have to be the same as my view name?
Android plugin comes with handy visual editor where you can drag and drop views and widgets easily. And you don't have to name the xml files similar to your activity class because you will use setContentView() inside the activity to specify its view
This may not quite be what you are looking for but I would check out DroidDraw. Makes doing Android GUIs more friendly. There is a tutorial at http://www.droiddraw.org/tutorial1.html
Here's some (new!) overview documentation for the Eclipse plugin; see the "Canvas and Outline View" section in particular:
I would advise you to create a rough sketch of whatever you're going to design first. Once you had a rough sketch/draft in your head,it becomes much easier to design the real thing.
Here are some UI guidelines :
And if you're looking for tutorials :
Hello i am trying to create a android app and I need some help to start, i would like to know if there is some software which i can use to create all the buttons and other stuff connected with the user interface on xml .
thanks in advance.
There is no way to auto- design the desired layout, u can drag the view in layout editor for the ease , so that the xml declaration is half done.
Then you explicitly need to design and align the layout item as required.
You can follow the link here http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/layout-objects.html
If you are using eclipse then it provides the drag and drop options for creating UI in xml.
You can also take the help of DroidDraw software to generate the XML.
Yes, you can do that.
Assuming that you already have Eclipse IDE, navigate to:
and switch to Graphical Layout (you can find it just below your XML code editor. Note that you might need to adjust something else, so you need to go back to XML editor anyway :)
Only 2 development softwares are popularly used for android development these are as follows,
Google Eclipse IDE & Intellij Android Studio
above both these softwares are good for android application development.
i personally suggest you to prefer Eclipse IDE for development of android application that will help you to provide all possible solutions
I believe that all the source code in the Android framework could be found in https://android.googlesource.com, but I cannot find the source code of the UI components there, e.g., android.view.View, widgets, etc.
Can somebody tell me where the code is?
Check https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/master/core/java/android/. There are a few subdirectories for view, widget and so on.
See the Github mirror. In case this goes down or is not up to date you have to download the Android source.
The easiest way I found to browse android code is http://google.com/codesearch . Try put "android TextView" for example and you will find it very quickly. It has the added benefit of very fast and efficient search.
Note - there is even "Android" link at the left side to limit your searches just to Android. Just noticed it ;).
Disclaimer: My friend from Google, Miguel, developed big part of it ;).
Several of my customers asked me to implement graphical password checker like
Any ideas how to implement this kind of UI?
Try to see this: https://code.google.com/p/android-lockpattern/. Guys extracted the appropriate code from android sources and made it easy-to-use in an app.
Well the android source code is a start. Also have a look at LockPatternKeyguardView.java
I am trying to look inside a couple of Android core classes to see about overriding some methods. I have looked into getting the Android source code, but the process described on the Android dev site is all about installing and setting up some kind of development environment. This is not necessary to me. I just want to open a class or two in a text editor and look at its contents. Does anyone know if this is possible without going through the multitude of steps described on the Android dev forums?
The easiest way is to use Google Code Search. You just have to try a search like Activity.java android and you can see the source code of that class. It even has an outline inspector:
You can download the entire source with git our just look it up as a reference on the git site. Here is a link to the sdk code:
Another option is to use http://grepcode.com/ and perform a search such as "android ViewGroup". I've really enjoyed the style of using grepcode.
I'm a newbie Android App Developer, also new with xml. I was just wondering if there is an easier way to view xml output other than using eclipse to compile the android application (java + xml) and then see output in the android emulator. Just asking because it takes forever to check my UI through eclipse IDE to turn on android emulator then open my application, and I feel that there must be an easier way. I have searched for solutions but either I'm wording it incorrectly or I just do not know the correct terminology or there is no other way(hopefully not this option). Please help me figure out to how to run XML code to check and see the proper UI output (its layout, widgets in correct places etc.) without having to compile my application code every time.
I have already looked into DroidDraw - it provides one output within the the application and another output in android emulator. I find it quite inconsistent.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Thank you
It's not very great, but Eclipse with the android plugin has a visual mode where you can see a preview of your xml immediately. It won't give you 100% accuracy but it does definitely help with simple mistakes. Just open your layout xml in eclipse, and notice the two tabs at the bottom: one is for the xml text, the other for the visual representation of it. You have dropdown menus at the top to try your layout on different screen sizes and orientations.