Image/Bitmap placement? - android

Have any of you seen the simulator bong apps in android? How would you make that app? For example I have tried doing it using xml layouts. I divided the picture up and placed it in order and in segments so that when a particular picture is pressed a function will occur. Problem is that on different phones the size of the collective pictures either extends off the screen or is compressed.
I have also tried using surfaceViews with bitmaps so that each individual picture can take the size of the screen and adjust them accordingly. I am having trouble making the pictures not plop on top of eachother and instead be placed in order going down the screen. I can get the first 2 just fine designating the Rect dst with the starting height being where the other ended but the third and fourth aren't showing up on the screen. For example I used
Rect dst = new Rect(0, 0, mWidth, mHeight/7 );
For the first image which is on the top. Then for the second image
Rect dst = new Rect(0, mHeight/7, mWidth, mHeight/3 );
(mHeight and mWidth is the canvas width and height)
Not sure how to go about placing the next 2 pictures beneath them and eachother. I tried
Rect dst = new Rect(0, mHeight/7+(mHeight/3), mWidth, mHeight/7);
That didn't work though. It honestly looks really simple to do and I'm sure it is, but I just cant seem to get the images to work the way I want. Is there a way to leave the image as a whole and specify when a certain spot is selected it does something (that would work on every phone the same way).
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Any other ideas for how to get the result I want are also very much appreciated. Thanks for taking time to read this at all.

Well you could divide the screen into regions like left,top,width,height.
Region 1 (0,50,100,100)
Region 2 (100,50,100,100).
And add a OnTouchListener and use that to get touch coords and check which region it belongs to. I'm not sure if it a good way but it is doable.


Drawing application with resize when orientation is changed

I'm sorry to disturb, but at this point, i'm really stuck.
I'm trying to make an activity to draw on a picture. But i've no idea how to handle the rotation of the device.
If i change the bitmap with createScaledBitmap, that works but the draws are not in the right place. (The bitmap is bigger and added space)
I need to stretch the bitmap for the new size (in a way that draws are on the right place on the picture).
Everytime my configuration change, i do that :
snapshotCanvas.mTempBitmap = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(snapshotCanvas.mOriginalBitmap.copy(snapshotCanvas.mOriginalBitmap.getConfig(), true), drawView1.getWidth(), drawView1.getHeight(), false);
snapshotCanvas.mCanvas.scale((float) snapshotCanvas.mCanvas.getWidth() / drawView.getWidth(),
(float) snapshotCanvas.mCanvas.getHeight() / drawView.getHeight());
I tried many things but i got terribly lost.
Thanks in advance.

Android bitmap shift/move issues

I have a problem that I can not really solve. I have created a graphing app which will contain data with alot of data points. To enable scrolling in the graph i create a bitmap of the graph data, and the shift / move the bitmap to the right or left of the screen depending on the user input. The bitmap is always the graph view height and graph view width. When the user moves the bitmap, i shift the bitmap with:
memoryCanvas.drawBitmap(memoryBitmap, bitmapShift, 0.0f, paint);
where shift is a a float value containing the shifting values.
Now, on most devices i have tried this is, it works very nice. I have tried it on HTC Desire, Galaxy Tab and Galaxy S. When testing this on my own Galaxy S however, i get strange results that i can not explain. Do note that my Galaxy S contains a custom rom (with android 4.0.4), so that is probably the reason why i get this behavior, but i still can not understand it or properly mitigate it.
So in a normal use case behavior, the bitmaps get shifted by bitmapShift number of pixels, and then i fill in the empty space by normal line drawing. But when using my phone, dragging the bitmap either direction slowly, so the bitmapShift values are around 0.5, the bitmap does not move, or only moves sometimes. I have compared the bitmapShift on the other platforms and they are in the same range, 0.5 when dragging slowly. This behavior does of course screw up my drawings a lot. This does also happen when doing fast dragging, but its most visible when doing it slowly.
I can not really figure out what causes this behavior. The bitmap does not move according to my bitmapShift value. It does on all other platforms i have tried. If i skip using bitmaps, and only draw lines according to the shifting values, everything works fine.
Does anyone have any idea on what could cause this behavior? Im kinda running out after sitting some days trying to figure it out. The critical code is below. This code is in my onDraw function.
memoryCanvas.setBitmap(emptyBitmap); //First set another bitmap to clear
memoryCanvas.drawColor(Color.TRANSPARENT, PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR); //Clear it
memoryCanvas.drawBitmap(memoryBitmap, bitmapShift, 0.0f, paint); //Draw shifted bitmap on it
memoryCanvas.drawLines(lineDrawPoints, 0 , cnt, paint); //Draw remaining lines
memoryCanvas.setBitmap(memoryBitmap); //Set the original
memoryCanvas.drawColor(Color.TRANSPARENT, PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR); //Clear original
memoryCanvas.drawBitmap(emptyBitmap, 0.0f, 0.0f, paint); //Draw the final image
canvas.drawBitmap(memoryBitmap, 0, 0.0f, paint); //And finally draw on real canvas
Any help, tips, suggestions are very welcome.
When there is only a simple transform set on Canvas (a simple transform = translate only, no rotate, no scale), Skia, Android's 2D rendering library, aligns bitmaps to the pixel grid. This means that a move by less than 1 pixel might not be visible at all. A silly workaround is to set a very, very small scale or rotate transform on Canvas before drawing your bitmap. This has the side effect of not snapping bitmaps to the pixel grid.
I think I should just add a new API on Paint to let apps do subpixel positioning of bitmaps no matter what transform is set.

strange behaviour of live wallpaper in preview [duplicate]

I am learning how to make live wallpapers, but I have a dilemma I'm sure all who start off have as well.
There is so many resolution screen sizes, how can I just make one set of artwork to be rescaled in code for all versions? I know it's been done as I seen the images in the apk's on a lot of them and they get rescaled.
If it was just one image that did not need any positioning that would be easy, but my problem is I have to get the background image rescaled to fit all devices, I also have animations that fit in a certain x and y position on that background image to fit in place so it looks like the whole background is being animated but only parts of it is (my way of staying away from 300 images of frame by frame live wallpapers).
So the background image needs to be rescaled and the animations need to be rescaled as well to the exact percentage as the background image and they need to sit in a specific x and y position.
Any help would be appreciated so I can get this going.
I tired a few things, figured I would make a scaler for everything example: int scaler; then in onSurfaceChanged scaler = width /1024; //if the bigger image is 1024. that will give me a ratio to work with everywhere. then scale accordingly using scaleBitmap by multiplying the scaler by the image height and width, and also use the same scaler for positioning example image x lets say is at 50, scale it using the same thing x = scaler * 50; that should take care of scaling and positioning, just how to translate all this into java is the next lesson, since I'm new to java, I used to program for flash and php but this is a lot different, take some getting used to. Next thing is how to pan the width, when you move your screen from side to side how to make the image show is the next puzzle I have figure out. Right now it just shows the same width no matter what even though the width is double what the surface shows. If you got an answer or somewhere I can find out the info on this one that would be greatly appreciated.
Well, um, all I can say is "Welcome to the real world." You get your screen dimensions passed to you via onSurfaceChanged, and yes, it is your job to figure out how to scale everything based on this data. That's why they pay us the big bucks. :-)
You will want to make sure your resources are large enough to fit the biggest display you intend to support, so you will always be shrinking things (which distorts much less than expanding things).
Suggest starting with "best practices for screen independence" here:
Additional comments in re your request for more help...
You cannot (necessarily) scale your artwork just using the width, because you need to support multiple aspect ratios. If the screen proportions do not match your artwork, you must decide if you want to distort your artwork, leave blank spaces, etc.
I'm not sure how to interpret your trouble passing around the screen dimensions. Most of us put all of our active code within a single engine class, so our methods can share data via private variables. For example, in the Cube wallpaper in the SDK, onSurfaceChanged() sets mCenterX for later use in drawCube(). I suggest beginning with a similar, simple approach.
Handling scrolling takes some "intelligence" and a careful assessment of the data you receive via onOffsetsChanged(). xStep indicates how many screens your launcher supports. Normally xStep will be 0.25, indicating 5 screens (i.e. xOffset = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or 1) but it can be any value from 0 to 1; 0.5 would indicate 3 screens. xPixels gives you an indication of how much the launcher "wants" you to shift your imagery based on the screen you're on; normally you should respect this. On my phone, the launcher "desires" a virtual wallpaper with twice the pixels of the physical screen, so each scroll is supposed to shift things only one quarter of one screen's pixels. All this, and more, is documented in
This is not "easy" coding--apps are easier than wallpaper. :-)
Good luck...George
P.S. I'll throw in one more thing: somewhere along the line you might want to retrieve the "desired minimum width" of the wallpaper desired by the launcher, so you can explicitly understand the virtualization implicit in xPixels. For example, in my engine constructor, I have
mContext = getApplicationContext();
mWM = WallpaperManager.getInstance(mContext);
mDW = mWM.getDesiredMinimumWidth();
My device has 320 pixel width; I get mDW = 640; as I scroll from screen to screen, xPixels changes by 80 each time...because four scrolls (across five screens) is supposed to double the amount of revealed artwork (this effect is called "parallax scrolling"). The rightmost section has xPixels equals 0; the center (of five) sections has xPixels = -160, etc.
I've used this code snippet to scale one image to fit on different screen sizes.
Bitmap image1, pic1;
image1 = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.image1);
float xScale = (float) canvas.getWidth() / image1.getWidth();
float yScale = (float) canvas.getHeight() / image1.getHeight();
float scale = Math.max(xScale, yScale); //selects the larger size to grow the images by
//scale = (float) (scale*1.1); //this allows for ensuring the image covers the whole screen.
scaledWidth = scale * image1.getWidth();
scaledHeight = scale * image1.getHeight();
pic1 = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(image1, (int)scaledWidth, (int)scaledHeight, true);
Make sure that the edges don't contain vital information as it will be scaled out of the picture on some screen ratios.

Cutting out the centre region of a Bitmap and shrinking, in Android

I'm trying to dynamically create images in android by taking an existing Bitmap and removing the centre of it in order to make a "cropped" version. The resulting image's height would naturally be smaller than the original, something like the attached example.
I've got a rough way of doing this by creating two new Bitmaps from the original, one containing the top of the image above the crop section (e.g. the android's head in the example) and the other containing the remaining image below the crop section (the android's feet) using the Bitmap.createBitmap(source, x, y, width, height) method, then drawing both of these bitmaps onto a canvas of a size equal to the original image minus the removed space.
This feels a bit clunky, and as I could be calling this method several times a second, it seems wasteful to create two bitmaps each time.
I was wondering if there was a more efficient way of doing this. Something like drawing the original Bitmap onto a canvas using a Path with it's Paint's xfermode set to a
new PorterDuffXfermode(Mode.DST_OUT) in order to cut out the portion of the image I wish to delete. But this seems to clear that area and not shrink the image down i.e. it leaves a big empty gap in the Android's middle.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated!
Why do you create two bitmaps? You only need to create one bitmap and then do canvas.drawBitmap() twice.
Bitmap bmpOriginal;
Bitmap bmpDerived = Bitmap.create(...);
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bmpDerived);
canvas.drawBitmap(bmpOriginal, rectTopSrc, rectTopDst, null);
canvas.drawBitmap(bmpOriginal, rectBottomSrc, rectBottomDst, null);

Dynamically create / draw images to put in android view

I'm not sure I'm doing this the "right" way, so I'm open to other options as well. Here's what I'm trying to accomplish:
I want a view which contains a graph. The graph should be dynamically created by the app itself. The graph should be zoom-able, and will probably start out larger than the screen (800x600 or so)
I'm planning on starting out simple, just a scatter plot. Eventually, I want a scatter plot with a fit line and error bars with axis that stay on the screen while the graph is zoomed ... so that probably means three images overlaid with zoom functions tied together.
I've already built a view that can take a drawable, can use focused pinch-zoom and drag, can auto-scale images, can switch images dynamically, and takes images larger than the screen. Tying the images together shouldn't be an issue.
I can't, however, figure out how to dynamically draw simple images.
For instance: Do I get a BitMap object and draw on it pixel by pixel? I wanted to work with some of the ShapeDrawables, but it seems they can only draw a shape onto a canvas ... how then do I get a bitmap of all those shapes into my view? Or alternately, do I have to dynamically redraw /all/ of the image I want to portray in the "onDraw" routine of my view every time it moves or zooms?
I think the "perfect" solution would be to use the ShapeDrawable (or something like it to draw lines and label them) to draw the axis with the onDraw method of the view ... keep them current and at the right level ... then overlay a pre-produced image of the data points / fit curve / etc that can be zoomed and moved. That should be possible with white set to an alpha on the graph image.
PS: The graph image shouldn't actually /change/ while on the view. It's just zooming and being dragged. The axis will probably actually change with movement. So pre-producing the graph before (or immediately upon) entering the view would be optimal. But I've also noticed that scaling works really well with vector images ... which also sounds appropriate (rather than a bitmap?).
So I'm looking for some general guidance. Tried reading up on the BitMap, ShapeDrawable, Drawable, etc classes and just can't seem to find the right fit. That makes me think I'm barking up the wrong tree and someone with some more experience can point me in the right direction. Hopefully I didn't waste my time building the zoom-able view I put together yesterday :).
First off, it is never a waste of time writing code if you learned something from it. :-)
There is unfortunately still no support for drawing vector images in Android. So bitmap is what you get.
I think the bit you are missing is that you can create a Canvas any time you want to draw on a bitmap. You don't have to wait for onDraw to give you one.
So at some point (from onCreate, when data changes etc), create your own Bitmap of whatever size you want.
Here is some psuedo code (not tested)
Bitmap mGraph;
void init() {
// look at Bitmap.Config to determine config type
mGraph = new Bitmap(width, height, config);
Canvas c = new Canvas(mybits);
// use Canvas draw routines to draw your graph
// Then in onDraw you can draw to the on screen Canvas from your bitmap.
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
Rect dstRect = new Rect(0,0,viewWidth, viewHeight);
Rect sourceRect = new Rect();
// do something creative here to pick the source rect from your graph bitmap
// based on zoom and pan
// draw to the screen
canvas.drawBitmap(mGraph, sourceRect, dstRect, graphPaint);
Hope that helps a bit.

