Offsetting position of a View in a AppWidget - android

I am creating an AppWidget that allows users to skin the widget and download from a list of widgets online. I would like to allow skinners to offset the position of the icons vertically.
I initally tried calling offsetTopAndBottom on the LinearLayout that holds the icons, this is not allowed as its not supported with RemoteViews.
I then had an idea of using 2 Views inside a LinearLayout (on top and below the icon Layout) to "squash" the icons towards the bottom (if the height of the top layout was set to > 0).
When I tried to set the height of these views: -
views.setInt(, "setMinimumHeight", offset);
it also complained that it wasn't supported with RemoteViews
Any ideas what I could do to acheive this offset?
Thanks for your help!

I don't think this can be done. The best thing I can think of is to have multiple layouts with the view at different positions. This might not suit every situations though


How to make evenly spaced Grid Layout with dynamically added square items

I would like to create a grid layout in which each item is taking as much space as possible (minus padding), but only as long as there are columns available (after that the next item would be inserted in the next row while keeping the size). Additionally, each item must be a square and is added dynamically.
Example layout with 10 items would be as follows:
I have tried to achieve this by setting weights, ratio constraints, overriding onMeasure - but I just can't get it to work. I would be happy with either a programmatic or an XML-based solution (as long as each item can be added programmatically). I would prefer the solution to be in Kotlin, but I would be happy with a Java-based one as well.
It's probably worth saying that each item in the grid layout is a layout (RelativeLayout as of now) to make inflating it and setting a layered background drawable programmatically easy.
I think you might be able achieve what you want with a different Layout
Have a look at it has lots of methods to control how the cells grown or shrink and includes automatic or manual wrapping of cells.
Take a look at RecyclerView. You would need to pass GridLayoutManager. This tutorial may or may not help you. For square items, I suggest using CardView but it's not necessary. If you are targeting tablets as well as smartphones, check this out. And for dynamically adding new items, you should notify recyclerView's adapter. See this link. You can also extend RecyclerView or GridLayoutManager for more control over items.

Enlarge (pop) element in grid, not pushing the other Views

I would like to know if there is an easy way of having a grid of elements, where when one of the elements is pressed,
This state:
Changes, to reveal the touched element (center element here)
For a start, I thought manually re-adding the element as over all others, then programmatically setting the position to keep it appear to be centered.
Is there an easier way, or do I have to break a bit of sweat for it?
As far as I know, Android animations don't affect views boundaries. Therefore, you could simply use setScale method of view to scale them up and down. Also, you could considering animations for better UX.
In Android there are two general way for displaying a grid of views:
Grid View
Grid Layout
In both approaches, this trick can be used.
For each cell (individual views) add a touch listener in which whenever the touch is of type down, scale it up and otherwise scale it to normal.
In Grid Views, you should do this in its adapter while for a grid layout you could iterate over its children and apply this.

Android - keeping a single element contained on screen

I'm experimenting to see if the layout scheme I want to use is possible. I want to have an XML layout that's scrollable. Within that scrollable layout, I want to have a single line going horizontally across the screen (I used just a View with a fixed height and different color). When that horizontal line reaches the top of the screen, and as I scroll down through the layout, I want it to stop and remain at the top of the screen while being able to scroll through everything below it.
I've been messing around in XML trying to get it to work, basically putting a bunch of junk before it and after it.
Any ideas as to how that might work? Would I have to do something fancy with the java code to fix the red line at the top when the scroll position reaches a certain point? Your help would be greatly appreciated.
I am assuming you want something like Gmail app where when you scroll a mail the header sticks on top... To do this, you need 2 views. You have your regular scroller below and overlay a fixed view on top (you can use a relative layout to do this). When your cell goes past a certain spot, you want to populate and set the visibility of the fixed view to VISIBLE. This would give the impression that the view you want to 'stick' to the top really just got stuck rather than scrolled out of view. You'll have to work out the opposite scrolling scenario too based on the location and height of the scrolled cell/view.

iOS: Relative Positioning like Android's layouts

Is there any way position views relative to each other like you can with Android layouts?
Example: You have two UILabels that are dynamically set to strings of variable length, one above the other, and you want the bottom label to appear directly below the last line of the top label, regardless of how many lines the top label ends up having.
Another example: Same situation as above, but one of the labels is sometimes hidden. You want the resulting label(s) to be centered vertically in the parent, regardless of whether it's one label or two labels.
Android's Linear Layout and Relative Layout make this very easy to do, but I can't figure out how to do this is iOS. Can it be done?
You will be able to do this using AutoLayout in iOS6. For an application that should run in iOS before 6.0, you have to do it by yourself, but this is not very complicated.
Actually I have implemented a class to do this (that's a long time ago, I hope it still works, but there is no reason not to). This OHStackView class is a subclass of UIView that automatically layout its subviews horizontally or vertically to stack or align them.
You can ask OHStackView to stack its subviews horizontally or vertically (one above the other, etc), or align their top/bottom/left/right borders or their centers, and even specify a padding between each subviews. Each time one of the subview changes its frame or size, OHStackView will automatically relayout all depending views to realign everything.
(E.g with your two UILabels, a simple call to sizeToFit on your labels to make them adjust their size to their content will relayout everything around automagically)
There is an example project provided so feel free to test it.
Note: IIRC, my subclass does not take the "hidden" property of the subviews into account. But you can easily add support to this behavior by adding a condition like if (v.hidden) continue; in the for loop of its layoutSubview implementation to only take non-hidden views into account in the layout algorithm.
I've been searching if it's possible for a long time. As far as i can tell, it's not possible for now. I don't remember where i read this,but it will be possible with ios6. Instead of using Android's Linear Layout,you can use sizeWithFont method to detect size of your UILabel,then you can set their frame to position them.First,you need to set their text of course to find their size according to their font family. Another thing you can use is sizeToFit method. Unfortunately,i don't know how to use it. You can give a shot,though. At that time,i found this.Maybe ,you can use it

Is there any way to have UI elements slightly overlap (one on top of one another) without using absolute layouts?

Lets say I have a list on screen, which I always want to be usable. I also want a small image or textview to slightly overlap the listview. Is anything this possible without using absolute layout parameters?
I've never seen it in any android app or tutorial, but there are things like this in many iPhone apps. It adds a nice touch.
(Also, I don't have any code to show because I'm not sure where to start)
Relative Layouts also allow things to overlap. Views declared later in the xml will be on top. I believe that aligning view edges and use of margins should allow you to achieve this affect without great difficulty.
You could use RelativeLayout and set for example android:layout_marginTop="-50dip" android:layout_below="#id/my_list".
As well as RelativeLayouts, you can also use FrameLayouts to stack objects. Other than the z-order (last object declared = highest z-order), the child objects don't depend on the positioning of other objects in the group, so you can just set margins or gravity to position them.
So in your instance, just declare a TextView after your ListView, and position it wherever you want. It won't interfere with the ListView's positioning, and it will sit on top.

