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Closed 11 years ago.
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I am thinking to get started as Freelance Android Developer. My questions are as follows:
1. How do I get started as Android Developer?
2. How do I earn more profits while developing application in Android?
3. How should I win customers and make them come to me for more projects?
4. What infrastructure is necessary for being a freelancer?
Please reply me. I require your help.
You need to learn Java programming first, then you can start here.
A lot of things that depend on the situation.
Making solid interesting projects and giving good customer support.
Again, depends what you're up to.
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Closed 1 year ago.
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I searched for this question here and there are lots of answers, but they are all outdated. I googled it and saw answers but I'm curious about your personal experience in learnin android development. So where do I need to start and what should I learn to become Junior Android Developer?
The first step should be learning Kotlin. For that, I'd recommend enroll the Kotlin Developer course on Jetbrains Academy
Then you can get a taste of android with this free course on Udacity.
The complete roadmap which you can follow
You'll find various tutorials on YouTube for every stage in this roadmap. You can even follow Google's Codelabs for various topics.
Think of building something like Instagram/Whatsapp clone. You'll learn a lot while building something on your own.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I asked this question in Android Enthusiasts but I don't know if that is the correct place to ask. I'm looking to build a simple application that I'd like to post to Play Store.
However, my programming knowledge is limited to VB6,, VBA - primarily VB6. After doing some brief research it looks like I might not be able to build it in VB, but would C# work? Any advice?
Start with learning Java first since all Android applications are Java based. After that, you can start learning to create applications on Android Studio.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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My Application works all good but for some users a functionality isn't working. How to look after this, when the application is working fine for me and most of the users and not for some. How to debug it?
You could use a bug tracking tool. I am using this one, it's really easy to use: splunk mink but there are also others like instabug, appsee or others.
The deal with such tracking tools is that you get live data from the app usage, errors, crashes and other useful information you can use to improve your app.
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Closed 11 years ago.
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Hi guys I am Android Application Developer and I am doing good in application development. Now I want to study about Android Hardware i.e all beneath Android OS.I tried to find some material on this but its hard for me.
Kindly refer me some good resource/BOOK.
Android runs on a variety of hardware. I don't think you can find a book describing Android hardware.
You can examine open source hardware projects that run Android like Beagleboard
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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm interested in the android app store concept.
I'm just wondering if there is any open source project going on to develop a customizable android app store (like android market).
It might be interesting to be able to set up your own app store.
Thanks a lot.
Are you looking to build a public or private app store ?
If it's private, there is a solution called Appaloosa: Appaloosa web site.
It's working on android and ios, but it's not OSS.