I am a android beginner.
I am doing a android project which has a function to reorder something in a list.
I found a open source at https://github.com/commonsguy/cwac-touchlist#readme
and the module name is CWAC: TouchListView
But during my implementation, I have some problems and hope someone can help me,
I wanna to turnoff the remove function when I move the list item at horizontal but I cannot...
If I comment the remove code at TouchListView.onTouchEvent()'s case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL
It will occur the unexpected behavior.
Also, I wanna have something animation during dragging the item like dolphin browser bookmark page, but I don't know is it should be implements the DragListener??
However, I have a bug fixed on it.
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
if (mGestureDetector != null) {
if ((mDragListener != null || mDropListener != null) && mDragView != null) {
int action = ev.getAction();
switch (action) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:
Rect r = mTempRect;
if (mRemoveMode == SLIDE_RIGHT && ev.getX() > r.left + (r.width() * 3 / 4)) {
if (mRemoveListener != null) {
} else if (mRemoveMode == SLIDE_LEFT && ev.getX() < r.left + (r.width() / 4)) {
if (mRemoveListener != null) {
} else {
if (mDropListener != null && mDragPos >= 0 && mDragPos < getCount() - 1) {
mDropListener.drop(mFirstDragPos, mDragPos);
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
int x = (int) ev.getX();
int y = (int) ev.getY();
dragView(x, y);
int itemnum = getItemForPosition(y);
if (itemnum >= 0) {
if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN || itemnum != mDragPos) {
if (mDragListener != null) {
mDragListener.drag(mDragPos, itemnum);
mDragPos = itemnum;
int speed = 0;
if (y > mLowerBound) {
// scroll the list up a bit
speed = y > (mHeight + mLowerBound) / 2 ? 16 : 4;
} else if (y < mUpperBound) {
// scroll the list down a bit
speed = y < mUpperBound / 2 ? -16 : -4;
if (speed != 0) {
int ref = pointToPosition(0, mHeight / 2);
if (ref == AdapterView.INVALID_POSITION) {
// we hit a divider or an invisible view, check
// somewhere else
ref = pointToPosition(0, mHeight / 2 + getDividerHeight() + 64);
View v = getChildAt(ref - getFirstVisiblePosition());
if (v != null) {
int pos = v.getTop();
setSelectionFromTop(ref, pos - speed);
return true;
return super.onTouchEvent(ev);
For the case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL, if I drag the item over the list.getCount, it will throw exception, so I replace the condition
if (mDropListener != null && mDragPos >= 0 && mDragPos < getCount() ) {
mDropListener.drop(mFirstDragPos, mDragPos);
if (mDropListener != null && mDragPos >= 0 && mDragPos < getCount() - 1) {
mDropListener.drop(mFirstDragPos, mDragPos);
Then the exception will be fixed.
Could anyone can help me??
Many thanks.
I wanna to turnoff the remove function when I move the list item at horizontal but I cannot
Use the custom remove_mode attribute with a value of "none". For example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
I wanna have something animation during dragging the item like dolphin browser bookmark page, but I don't know is it
I will not be able to help you with that, sorry.
Here is the code for my onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event):
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event){
int action = event.getAction();
int x = Math.round(event.getX());
int y = Math.round(event.getY());
//play is an imageView
int viewLeft = play.getLeft();
int viewRight = play.getRight();
int viewTop = play.getTop();
int viewBottom = play.getBottom();
boolean onPoint = false;
switch (action) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
//Checks if the touched area falls within the imageView play
if ((x >= viewLeft && x <= viewRight) && (y >= viewTop && y <= viewBottom)) {
onPoint = true;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
//if the finger is lifed on the imageView, the intent is called
if (onPoint) {
if ((x >= viewLeft && x <= viewRight) && (y >= viewTop && y <= viewBottom)) {
Intent i = new Intent(this, InGame.class);
return true;
The problem here is that ACTION_UP is always called, regardless of whether or not I actually lift my finger off the screen. I ran it in debugging mode while placing a breakpoint on case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP, and when I pressed down (and didn't release), it got called. Can someone explain why this happens?
I analyzed your code and I think it is just because you did not insert break in between Action_Down and Action_Up cases.
try the following code.....
switch (action) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
//Checks if the touched area falls within the imageView play
if ((x >= viewLeft && x <= viewRight) && (y >= viewTop && y <= viewBottom)) {
onPoint = true;
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
//if the finger is lifed on the imageView, the intent is called
if (onPoint) {
if ((x >= viewLeft && x <= viewRight) && (y >= viewTop && y <= viewBottom)) {
Intent i = new Intent(this, InGame.class);
return true;
I hope it will help you...
I have a custom view, and within the custom view I create 4 text views. I want each of these text views to respond to on touch events. However, the textviews themselves do not respond to an on touch event. I can however, make an ontouch listener for the entire custom view. However, I do not want the whole view to have an ontouch event because I want the textviews that I have created to be dragged and dropped. I tried going the route of registering the x and y coordinates of the ontouch event and assuming that if the ontouch event is within the bounds of a textview, to change the coordinates of the textview, but that was overly complicated because if one textview got dragged to the coordinates of another one, then the ontouch event would "pick up" the other textview, so then I'd be moving two text views, which is not what I want. So, to sum it up, I want to know if it's possible to set in ontouch listener for a textview inside a customview, and if possible, why it is not working:
mScale.mPositive.get(0).setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener()
public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event)
mScale.mCurrentXPos[0] = event.getX();
mScale.mCurrentYPos[0] = event.getY();
mScale.mDrag = true;
return true;
This same code works for the custom view, but not for the specific textviews inside that customview.
Here is the custom view code:
public class Scale extends View
public Scale(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)
super(context, attrs);
mContext = this.getContext();
h = new Handler();
mCalendarDbHelper=new CalendarDbAdapter(mContext);
Cursor thoughts = mCalendarDbHelper.fetchThoughts();
//create a string array of negative thoughts from the db
while (thoughts.moveToNext())
if (thoughts.getString(thoughts.getColumnIndexOrThrow(CalendarDbAdapter.COLUMN_NAME_THOUGHT)).length() > 0 && thoughts.getString(thoughts.getColumnIndexOrThrow(CalendarDbAdapter.COLUMN_NAME_THOUGHT)).charAt(0) == '-')
array_size = negative_thoughts.size();
mBag =BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.bag);
mGreenBag = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.green_bag);
for (int i = 0; i < 72; i ++)
mScale[i] = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(context.getAssets().open("scale_"+i+".gif"));
catch (IOException e)
private Runnable r= new Runnable()
public void run() {
protected void onDraw (Canvas canvas)
if (first == true)
width = this.getWidth();
height = this.getHeight();
mScale[i] = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(mScale[i], (int) (width * 1.5), height, true);
mBag = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(mBag, width/2, height/2, true);
negative = new TextView(mContext);
word = negative_thoughts.get((int) (Math.random() * array_size));
negative.layout(0, 0, width/3, height/4);
negative.setShadowLayer(5, 2, 2, Color.WHITE);
positive_paint.setShadowLayer(5, 2, 2, Color.YELLOW);
mCurrentXPos[0] = (width/2);
mCurrentYPos[0] = height/4;
mCurrentXPos[1] = (width/2) + (width/8);
mCurrentYPos[1] = height/6;
mCurrentXPos[2] = width/2;
mCurrentYPos[2] = height/12;
mCurrentXPos[3] = (width/2) + (width/8);
mCurrentYPos[3] = height/18;
mMoveXPos[0] = ((width/2) - width)/FRAME_RATE;
mMoveYPos[0] = ((height/4) - (height + (height/4)))/FRAME_RATE;
mMoveXPos[1] = (((width/2) + (width/8)) - width)/ FRAME_RATE;
mMoveYPos[1] = ((height/6) - (height + (height/4)))/FRAME_RATE;
mMoveXPos[2] = ((width/2) - width)/ FRAME_RATE;
mMoveYPos[2] = ((height/12) - (height + (height/4)))/FRAME_RATE;
mMoveXPos[3] = (((width/2) + (width/8)) - width)/ FRAME_RATE;
mMoveYPos[3] = ((height/18) - (height + (height/4)))/FRAME_RATE;
mMoveByXPos[0] = -(width/2)/ FRAME_RATE;
mMoveByYPos[0] = -(height/4)/FRAME_RATE;
mMoveByXPos[1] = ((width - (width/3)) - (width/2 + (width/8)))/ FRAME_RATE;
mMoveByYPos[1] = -(height/6)/FRAME_RATE;
mMoveByXPos[2] = - (width/2)/ FRAME_RATE;
mMoveByYPos[2] = ((height) - (height/12))/FRAME_RATE;
mMoveByXPos[3] = ((width - (width/3)) - (width/2 + (width/8)))/ FRAME_RATE;
mMoveByYPos[3] = ((height) - (height/18))/FRAME_RATE;
currentX = width;
currentY = height + height/4;
first = false;
if (game_over == false)
canvas.drawBitmap(mScale[i], 0 - (width/4), 0, null);
canvas.drawBitmap(negative.getDrawingCache(),(int) (width/12), (int) (height - (height)/2.5) - (j), null);
canvas.drawBitmap(mBag, width/4, height/4, null);
if (mMoveScale == true)
ScaleIt(canvas, i);
if (i == 21 || i == 37 || i == 53 || i == 71)
mMoveScale = false;
if (tracker > 0)
if (tracker == 1)
if (currentX > width/2 && currentY > height/4 && sStop == false)
currentX += mMoveXPos[0];
currentY += mMoveYPos[0];
canvas.drawBitmap(mPositive.get(tracker -1 ).getDrawingCache(), currentX, currentY, null);
if (sStop == false)
mMoveScale = true;
sStop = true;
currentX = width;
currentY = height + height/4;
if (tracker == 2)
if (currentX > width/2 + (width/8) && currentY > (height/6) && sStop == false)
currentX += mMoveXPos[1];
currentY += mMoveYPos[1];
canvas.drawBitmap(mPositive.get(tracker -1 ).getDrawingCache(), currentX, currentY, null);
if (sStop == false)
mMoveScale = true;
sStop = true;
currentX = width;
currentY = height + height/4;
if (tracker == 3)
if (currentX > width/2 && currentY > height/12 && sStop == false)
currentX += mMoveXPos[2];
currentY += mMoveYPos[2];
canvas.drawBitmap(mPositive.get(tracker -1 ).getDrawingCache(), currentX, currentY, null);
if (sStop == false)
mMoveScale = true;
sStop = true;
currentX = width;
currentY = height + height/4;
if (tracker == 4)
if (currentX > width/2 + (width/8) && currentY > (height/18) && sStop == false)
currentX += mMoveXPos[3];
currentY += mMoveYPos[3];
canvas.drawBitmap(mPositive.get(tracker -1 ).getDrawingCache(), currentX, currentY, null);
if (sStop == false)
mMoveScale = true;
sStop = true;
game_over = true;
currentX = width;
currentY = height + height/4;
if (draw_em > 0 && game_over == false)
for (int i = 0; i < draw_em; i ++)
if (i == 0)
canvas.drawBitmap(mPositive.get(i).getDrawingCache(), width/2, height/4 + j, null);
if (i == 1)
canvas.drawBitmap(mPositive.get(i).getDrawingCache(), width/2 + (width/8), height/6 + j, null);
if (i == 2)
canvas.drawBitmap(mPositive.get(i).getDrawingCache(), width/2, height/12 + j, null);
if (i == 3)
canvas.drawBitmap(mPositive.get(i).getDrawingCache(), width/2 + (width/8), height/18 + j, null);
else if (game_over == true)
for (int i = 0; i < draw_em; i++)
if (i == 0 && mCurrentXPos[0] > 0 && mCurrentYPos[0] > 0 && mDrag == false)
mCurrentXPos[0] += mMoveByXPos[0];
mCurrentYPos[0] += mMoveByYPos[0];
canvas.drawBitmap(mPositive.get(i).getDrawingCache(), mCurrentXPos[0], mCurrentYPos[0], null);
else if (i == 0 && mCurrentXPos[0] <= 0 || mCurrentYPos[0] <= 0 && mDrag == false)
canvas.drawBitmap(mPositive.get(0).getDrawingCache(), 0, 0, null);
else if (i == 0 && mDrag == true)
canvas.drawBitmap(mPositive.get(0).getDrawingCache(), mCurrentXPos[0], mCurrentYPos[0], null);
if (i == 1 && mCurrentXPos[1] < (width - (mPositive.get(i).getWidth()/2)) && mCurrentYPos[1] > mPositive.get(i).getHeight()/2)
mCurrentXPos[1] += mMoveByXPos[1];
mCurrentYPos[1] += mMoveByYPos[1];
canvas.drawBitmap(mPositive.get(i).getDrawingCache(), mCurrentXPos[1], mCurrentYPos[1], null);
else if (i == 1 && mCurrentXPos[1] >= (width - (mPositive.get(i).getWidth()/2)) || mCurrentYPos[1] <= mPositive.get(i).getHeight()/2)
canvas.drawBitmap(mPositive.get(1).getDrawingCache(), width - (width/3), 0, null);
if (i == 2 && mCurrentXPos[2] > (mPositive.get(i).getWidth()/2) && mCurrentYPos[2] < (height - mPositive.get(i).getHeight()/2))
mCurrentXPos[2] += mMoveByXPos[2];
mCurrentYPos[2] += mMoveByYPos[2];
canvas.drawBitmap(mPositive.get(i).getDrawingCache(), mCurrentXPos[2], mCurrentYPos[2], null);
else if (i == 2 && mCurrentXPos[2] <= (mPositive.get(i).getWidth()/2) || mCurrentYPos[2] >= (height - mPositive.get(i).getHeight()/2))
canvas.drawBitmap(mPositive.get(2).getDrawingCache(), 0, height - (height/4), null);
if (i == 3 && mCurrentXPos[3] < (width - (mPositive.get(i).getWidth()/2)) && mCurrentYPos[3] < (height - mPositive.get(i).getHeight()/2))
mCurrentXPos[3] += mMoveByXPos[3];
mCurrentYPos[3] += mMoveByYPos[3];
canvas.drawBitmap(mPositive.get(i).getDrawingCache(), mCurrentXPos[3], mCurrentYPos[3], null);
else if (i == 3 && mCurrentXPos[3] >= (width - (mPositive.get(i).getWidth()/2)) || mCurrentYPos[3] >= (height - mPositive.get(i).getHeight()/2))
canvas.drawBitmap(mPositive.get(3).getDrawingCache(), width - (width/3), height - (height/4), null);
h.postDelayed(r, FRAME_RATE);
protected void moveIt(Canvas canvas, int moveX,int moveY, int i)
if (i == 0)
canvas.drawBitmap(mPositive.get(i).getDrawingCache(), moveX, moveY, null);
if (i == 1)
canvas.drawBitmap(mPositive.get(i).getDrawingCache(), moveX, moveY, null);
if (i == 2)
canvas.drawBitmap(mPositive.get(i).getDrawingCache(), moveX, moveY, null);
if (i == 3)
canvas.drawBitmap(mPositive.get(i).getDrawingCache(), moveX, moveY, null);
protected void moveEm(Canvas canvas, int[]mMovePosX, int[] mMovePosY)
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
protected void ScaleIt(Canvas canvas, int i)
mScale[i] = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(mScale[i], (int) (width * 1.5), height, true);
And here is the activity:
public class ScaleView extends Activity
Context mContext;
Scale mScale;
EditText positive_thought;
Button fire;
TextView pos;
private static Set<String> mPositiveWords;
private static Set<String> mNegativeWords;
int count;
private Pattern four_letter_words = Pattern.compile("not|cant|cnt|can't");
String inputLine;
private String[] inputTokens;
Button question;
Button skip;
public static boolean populatePositiveWords(Context context)
mNegativeWords = new HashSet<String>();
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(context.getAssets().open("negative_words.txt")));
String line = reader.readLine();
while (line != null)
line = reader.readLine();
catch (IOException exception)
return false;
return true;
//TODO list of negative words
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
mContext = this;
mScale = (Scale) findViewById(R.id.anim_view);
positive_thought = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.thoughts);
fire = (Button) findViewById(R.id.scale_it);
skip = (Button) findViewById(R.id.skip);
question = (Button) findViewById(R.id.question);
InputFilter[] FilterArray = new InputFilter[1];
FilterArray[0] = new InputFilter.LengthFilter(60);
fire.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener()
public void onClick(View view)
//if the button is clicked invalidate the ondraw method and pass in the text of the positive word
inputLine = positive_thought.getText().toString();
inputTokens = inputLine.split(" ");
if (inputLine.isEmpty())
Toast.makeText(mContext, "You have to write something!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
if (inputTokens.length < 3)
Toast.makeText(mContext, "At least three words are required.", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
if (four_letter_words.matcher(inputLine).find() == true)
Toast.makeText(mContext, "Make an affirmative statement!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
boolean matchesToken = false;
for (int i = 0; i < inputTokens.length; i++)
String token = inputTokens[i];
if (mNegativeWords.contains(token.toLowerCase(Locale.US)))
matchesToken = true;
if (matchesToken == true)
Toast.makeText(mContext, "Use positive words!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager)mContext.getSystemService(
imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(positive_thought.getWindowToken(), 0);
pos = new TextView (mContext);
pos.layout(0, 0, mScale.width/3, mScale.height/4);
pos.setShadowLayer(5, 2, 2, Color.YELLOW);
mScale.scale_it = true;
mScale.sStop = false;
mScale.tracker = count;
if (count == 4)
mScale.mPositive.get(0).setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener()
public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event)
mScale.mCurrentXPos[0] = event.getX();
mScale.mCurrentYPos[0] = event.getY();
mScale.mDrag = true;
return true;
The reason your TextView cannot receive touch events is that the TextView is drawn on the canvas just as a bitmap, not as a View. An excerpt from your code shown below illustrates this.
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvs)
negative = new TextView(mContext);
canvas.drawBitmap(negative.getDrawingCache(), ...)
To deliver touch events to your TextView, your Scale class should extend not View but ViewGroup and the TextView needs to be added as a subview to Scale class by using ViewGroup.addView() or addViewInLayout(). It is not a simple task to implement a ViewGroup subclass. You may have to implement onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent) depending on your needs.
Android's source code will be of help.
Is your CustomView also sets some TouchListner??
If yes then this might causing issue..Remove TouchListner from CustomView and see if it works..
I have a weird problem in my game. I'm using 2 joysticks, one for shooting/aiming and one for moving my character. For some reason my multitouch method only registers one movement at a time. The second pointer gets registered when I press down, but my ACTION_MOVE only works for the first pointer. This is weird cus this means it does take more then one pointer, but it cant move more then one pointer at the same time. Ive asked this on gamedev.stackexchange and its been active for about a week, gotten a couple of answer but nothing that makes it work 100%. And I've tried for hours on my own.
Code for onTouch-method:
//global variables
private int movePointerId = -1;
private int shootingPointerId = -1;
public void update(MotionEvent event) {
if (event == null && lastEvent == null) {
} else if (event == null && lastEvent != null) {
event = lastEvent;
} else {
lastEvent = event;
// grab the pointer id
int action = event.getAction();
int actionCode = action & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK;
int actionIndex = event.getActionIndex();
int pid = action >> MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_SHIFT;
int x = (int) event.getX(pid);
int y = (int) event.getY(pid);
String actionString = null;
switch (actionCode)
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
actionString = "DOWN";
if(x > 0 && x < steeringxMesh + (joystick.get_joystickBg().getWidth() * 2)
&& y > yMesh - (joystick.get_joystickBg().getHeight()) && y < panel.getHeight()){
movingPoint.x = x;
movingPoint.y = y;
movePointerId = pid;
dragging = true;
//checks if Im pressing the joystick used for moving
else if(x > shootingxMesh - (joystick.get_joystickBg().getWidth()) && x < panel.getWidth()
&& y > yMesh - (joystick.get_joystickBg().getHeight()) && y < panel.getHeight()){
shootingPoint.x = x;
shootingPoint.y = y;
shootingPointerId = pid;
//checks if Im pressing the joystick used for shooting
}catch(Exception e){
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP:
case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:
case MotionEvent.ACTION_OUTSIDE:
if( pid == movePointerId ){
movePointerId = -1;
dragging = false;
else if( pid == shootingPointerId ){
shootingPointerId = -1;
actionString = "UP";
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: // this is where my problem is
if( pid == movePointerId ) {
movingPoint.x = x;
movingPoint.y = y;
} else if( pid == shootingPointerId ) {
shootingPoint.x = x;
shootingPoint.y = y;
actionString = "MOVE";
If I print actionString and pid it shows that when moving, it only checks pid=0, but when i press down ( ACTION_POINTER_DOWN ) I can see that it does register another pid, this is whats really confusing me.
Just to make it more clear, when I press the second pointer down on for example my shooting-stick, it takes the position of where I pressed, even if I'm moving the other joystick at the same time, but it stays there until I let go of the other joystick. Furhter proof that it does register more then 1 touch and more then 1 pid.
Please let me know if you need any further explenation.
I've made a couple of changes to your code, that I believe should solve the problem. Al least it works fine for me ...
//global variables
private int movePointerId = -1;
private int shootingPointerId = -1;
public void update(MotionEvent event) {
if (event == null && lastEvent == null) {
} else if (event == null && lastEvent != null) {
event = lastEvent;
} else {
lastEvent = event;
// grab the pointer id
int action = event.getAction();
int actionCode = action & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK;
int pid = (action & MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_MASK) >> MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_SHIFT;
int fingerid = event.getPointerId(pid);
//int actionIndex = event.getActionIndex();
//int pid = action >> MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_SHIFT;
int x = (int) event.getX(pid);
int y = (int) event.getY(pid);
String actionString = null;
switch (actionCode)
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
actionString = "DOWN";
if(x > 0 && x < steeringxMesh + (joystick.get_joystickBg().getWidth() * 2)
&& y > yMesh - (joystick.get_joystickBg().getHeight()) && y < panel.getHeight()){
movingPoint.x = x;
movingPoint.y = y;
//movePointerId = pid;
movePointerId = fingerid;
dragging = true;
//checks if Im pressing the joystick used for moving
else if(x > shootingxMesh - (joystick.get_joystickBg().getWidth()) && x < panel.getWidth()
&& y > yMesh - (joystick.get_joystickBg().getHeight()) && y < panel.getHeight()){
shootingPoint.x = x;
shootingPoint.y = y;
//shootingPointerId = pid;
shootingPointerId = fingerid;
//checks if Im pressing the joystick used for shooting
}catch(Exception e){
case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:
case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP:
case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:
case MotionEvent.ACTION_OUTSIDE:
if( fingerid == movePointerId ){ //changed this line
movePointerId = -1;
dragging = false;
else if( fingerid == shootingPointerId ){ //changed this line
shootingPointerId = -1;
actionString = "UP";
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: // this is where my problem is
if( fingerid == movePointerId ) { //changed this line
movingPoint.x = x;
movingPoint.y = y;
} else if( fingerid == shootingPointerId ) { //changed this line
shootingPoint.x = x;
shootingPoint.y = y;
actionString = "MOVE";
The reason for this is that on some devices de pointer id may change when you release one finger. For example, first finger receives pointer id 1, then you press second finger which receives pointer id 2, and if then you release finger 1, pointer id from finger 2 may become 1. It may sound a bit confusing, but you should avoid the issue with this finger id above.
good luck.
Pointers have two different properties available to identify them:
index: it ranges from 0 to one less than the value returned by getPointerCount(). It is only valid during the processing of the current event.
id: this property uniquely identifies the pointer, and is guaranted to stay the same for the pointer during its whole lifetime.
In your code you are not correctly retrieving the index and id info. Basically you are using the index to identify the pointer across several events, something that is completely wrong, as the index may vary, which is what you are experiencing in your app. In short, you should be using the id to identify the pointer.
As I mentioned, they way you are retrieving index and id is wrong. The correct way to retrieve those properties would be:
int action = event.getAction();
int actionCode = action & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK;
int index = (action & MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_MASK) >>
int pid = event.getPointerId(index);
You can refer here for more info: MotionEvent | Android Developers
private int movePointerId = -1; and private int shootingPointerId = -1;, shouldn't them have different values? i dont know really but once i had it a problem then i changed the values and it worked.
I am creating softkeyboard for android 2.2 and higher. everything is fine but when i type really quick then some time my ACTION_DOWN method is not calling. Actual flow of called method should look like
1) motionEvent.ACTION_DOWN
2) OnPress()
3) motionEvent.ACTION_UP
4) OnRelease() and repeat same order for next word.
if i type at normal speed then it works fine but if i type fast then above order of method execution looks like
1) motionEvent.ACTION_DOWN
2) OnPress()
3) OnRelease()
4) motionEvent.ACTION_UP and for next word OnPress and OnRelease() methods are being called.
any suggestions?
My LatinKeyboardView class that contains MotionActionEvents
enter code here #Override
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent me) {
// Moved next line and added lines to help solve reentrant problem.
int action = me.getAction();
// next 2 lines required for multitouch Andr 2+
int act = action & MotionEvent.ACTION_MASK;
final int ptrIndex = (act & MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_ID_MASK) //Renamed to ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_MASK in later Andro versions
>> MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_ID_SHIFT;//Renamed to ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_SHIFT in later Andro versions
// currentX = me.getX();
// currentY = me.getY();
// int act = me.getAction();
if (act == android.view.MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
Log.v(tag, "ANGLE_ACTION_DOWN : ");
if (pw != null) {
pw = null;
lastDirection = direction = 0;
touchDownPoint.set(me.getX(), me.getY());
// Will added next two lines
touchDragPoint.set(me.getX(), me.getY());
thresholdPoint.set(me.getX(), me.getY());
// Will6 added to improve accuracy
thresholdPoint1_5 = false;
// Will7 added next 4 for Andro 2+
currentX = me.getX();
currentY = me.getY();
// Save the ID of this first pointer (touch) down
currentPointerID = me.getPointerId(0);
previousDownTime = me.getEventTime();
me.setLocation(touchDownPoint.x, touchDownPoint.y);
// start timer on touch down
startTimer(me, 300); // 150); Will7 changed this and removed method: checkLongPress
} else if (act == android.view.MotionEvent.ACTION_UP
|| act == android.view.MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) {
Log.v(tag, "ANGLE_ACTION_UP : ");
//touchdragPoint and previoustouchPoint for calculating velocity
PointF previousTouchPoint = new PointF(touchDragPoint.x,touchDragPoint.y);
//Will7 added next if for Andro 2+: Find the index of the active pointer and fetch its position
if (act == android.view.MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE && me.getPointerId(ptrIndex) != currentPointerID) {
//Log.v(tag, "Cancel ATION_MOVE!! ID: "+me.getPointerId(ptrIndex));
return super.onTouchEvent(me);
touchDragPoint.set(me.getX(), me.getY());
dy = me.getY() - touchDownPoint.y;
dx = me.getX() - touchDownPoint.x;
// added for Andro 2+
currentX = touchDragPoint.x;
currentY = touchDragPoint.y;
//calculate time interval from down time to current time
long timeInterval = me.getEventTime() - previousDownTime;
previousDownTime = me.getEventTime();
velocityThresDir = VELOCITY_THRESHOLD;
float touchVelocity = Math.abs(distanceBetweenPoints(touchDragPoint, previousTouchPoint) / timeInterval);
if (distanceFromCenter(dx,dy) > minSlide) {
// Log.v(tag, "direction to detect angle....after... dx..."+dx+" dy "+dy);
//Log.v(tag, "ANGLE angle.... after..."+distanceFromCenter(dx,dy)+" slide distance "+ minSlide);
/* cancel the timer*/
if (cDownTimer != null) {
cDownTimer = null;
/* coding for calculating velocity threshold*/
float angleThreshold = 0.0f;
if ((thresholdPoint.x == touchDownPoint.x) && (thresholdPoint.y == touchDownPoint.y)){
thresholdPoint.set(touchDragPoint.x, touchDragPoint.y);
else {
//Will6 - added next if to improve accuracy
if ((distanceFromCenter(dx,dy) > (minSlide * 1.5)) && !thresholdPoint1_5){
thresholdPoint1_5 = true;
float angleP1= calcAngle(touchDownPoint, thresholdPoint);
float angleP2= calcAngle(previousTouchPoint, touchDragPoint);
angleThreshold = Math.abs(angleP1 - angleP2);
if (angleThreshold > Math.PI) angleThreshold = (float) (2.0 * Math.PI) - angleThreshold;
// velocityThresDir = (float) Math.abs((Math.cos(angleThreshold) * touchVelocity*1000));
velocityThresDir = (float) (Math.cos(angleThreshold) * touchVelocity*1000);
//end of calculation for velocity threshold
double angle = newM(touchDownPoint.x, touchDownPoint.y, touchDragPoint.x, touchDragPoint.y);
// Log.v(tag, "ANGLE_FIRST_X "+touchDownPoint.x+"FIRST_Y "+touchDownPoint.y);
// Log.v(tag, "ANGLE_SECOND_X "+touchDragPoint.x+"SECOND_Y "+touchDragPoint.y);
// Log.v(tag, "ANGLE_FIRST"+angle);
if ((touchDownPoint.x != thresholdPoint.x) || (touchDownPoint.y != thresholdPoint.y)) {
double angleThresh = newM(touchDownPoint.x, touchDownPoint.y, thresholdPoint.x, thresholdPoint.y);
double angleBetween = Math.abs(angle - angleThresh);
if(angleBetween < 45 || angleBetween > 315){
if(angleBetween > 315) {
if (angle < angleThresh) {
angle += 360;
else if (angle > angleThresh) {
angleThresh += 360;
angle = Math.abs((angle - angleThresh)%360) / 2.0;
// Log.v(tag, "ANGLE_SECOND"+angle);
else {
angle = (angle + angleThresh * 1.0) / 2.0;
// Log.v(tag, "ANGLE_THIRD"+angle);
if (angle > 337.5){
direction = 3;
}else if (angle > 292.5){
direction = 5;
}else if (angle > 247.5){
direction = 4;
}else if (angle > 202.5){
direction = 6;
}else if (angle > 157.5){
direction = 1;
}else if (angle > 112.5){
direction = 7;
}else if (angle > 67.5){
direction = 2;
}else if (angle > 22.5){
direction = 8;
direction = 3;
/* start timer if velocity is below velocity threshold*/
if ((velocityThresDir < VELOCITY_THRESHOLD) &&
(act == android.view.MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) && (cDownTimer == null) &&
(pw == null)) { //"&& cDownTimer" can be removed I think
/* start timer with motionEvent and time in ms as a parameter */
// added next two lines
startTimerShowPopup(me,100);//Will changed from 150
} else {
direction = 0;
if (act == android.view.MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) {
return true;
} else if (act == android.view.MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {
if (cDownTimer != null) {
cDownTimer = null;
if (pw != null)
if (longPressedKey) {
popUpTextEntryScheme = true;
longPressedKey = false;
currentPointerID = INVALID_POINTER_ID;
else if (act == android.view.MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_DOWN) {
// if (me.getPointerCount() > 1) { //Should always be true, I think
nextPointerID = me.getPointerId(ptrIndex);
// }
else if (act == android.view.MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL) {
currentPointerID = INVALID_POINTER_ID;
else if (act == android.view.MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP) {
// Extract the index of the pointer that left the touch sensor
final int pointerId = me.getPointerId(ptrIndex);
if (pointerId == currentPointerID) {
// This was our active pointer going up. Choose a new
// active pointer and adjust accordingly.
final int newPointerIndex = ptrIndex == 0 ? 1 : 0;
currentPointerID = nextPointerID;//(0);
if (cDownTimer != null) {
cDownTimer = null;
if (pw != null) {
pw = null;
if (longPressedKey) {
popUpTextEntryScheme = true;
longPressedKey = false;
lastDirection = direction = 0; // keysAtOnce=0;
//added to improve accuracy
thresholdPoint1_5 = false;
// added next 3 for Andro 2+
currentX = touchDragPoint.x;
currentY = touchDragPoint.y;
// Save the ID of this first pointer (touch) down
previousDownTime = me.getEventTime();
me.setLocation(touchDownPoint.x, touchDownPoint.y);
//start timer on touch down
startTimer(me,300); //150); Will7 changed this and removed method: checkLongPress
} else { //Second pointer up before first. (Not handling 3 or more pointers yet!)
// nextPointerID = INVALID_POINTER_ID;
} //else
return super.onTouchEvent(me); // after we return here the service will get notified, etc
// return true;
and my SoftKeyboard class..
public void onPress(int primaryCode) {
Log.v("SoftKeyboard", "ANGLE_ACTION_ON_PRESS : ");
// added next section for repeating backspace
if (RepeatBSTimer != null) {
RepeatBSTimer = null;
if (mp != null) { // /Will7 moved this from just above keystroke
// statement
mp = null;
// added for Andro 2+ multitouch
if (primaryCode == pressedCode
&& LatinKeyboardView.nextPointerID != LatinKeyboardView.INVALID_POINTER_ID) {
// I need to look up the real primaryCode here. (Not sure how!)
// Android gives wrong values when touches overlap.
wrongPrimaryCode = true;
} else
wrongPrimaryCode = false;
pressedCode = primaryCode;
// added next section for repeating backspace
if (primaryCode == Keyboard.KEYCODE_DELETE) {
RepeatBSTimer = new CountDownTimer(1500000, 75) {
public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) {
int primaryCode2;
if (LatinKeyboardView.longPressedKey
|| (1500000 - millisUntilFinished > 500)) {
primaryCode2 = getCharFromKey(pressedCode,
LatinKeyboardView.direction, mInputView
if (primaryCode2 == Keyboard.KEYCODE_DELETE) {
repeating = true;
} else if (primaryCode2 == KEYCODE_DELETEWORD
&& (millisUntilFinished % 150) < 75) {
repeating = true;
public void onFinish() {
// added section for repeating backspace
Uri uri = Uri.parse("android.resource://" + getPackageName() + "/"
+ R.raw.keystroke);// Play Key Click
try {
mp = new MediaPlayer();
mp.setDataSource(this, uri);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
} catch (SecurityException e) {
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
public void onRelease(int primaryCode) {
// Will7 added next line if for Andro 2+ multitouch
if (wrongPrimaryCode
&& LatinKeyboardView.nextPointerID != LatinKeyboardView.INVALID_POINTER_ID) {
// else pressedCode = primaryCode;
// added next sections for repeating backspace
primaryCode = getCharFromKey(pressedCode, LatinKeyboardView.direction,mInputView.getKeyboard());
if (primaryCode == Keyboard.KEYCODE_DELETE && !repeating)
if (primaryCode == KEYCODE_DELETEWORD && !repeating)
repeating = false;
if (RepeatBSTimer != null) {
RepeatBSTimer = null;
// moved all the rest of this method from onKey()
int[] keyCodes;
// added this var for Andro 2+ multitouch
keyCodes = keyCodesSave;
if (isWordSeparator(primaryCode) && (char) primaryCode != '.'
&& (char) primaryCode != '!' && (char) primaryCode != '?') {
// Handle separator
if (mComposing.length() > 0) {
} else if (primaryCode == Keyboard.KEYCODE_DELETE) {
// commented out next line for repeating backspace
// handleBackspace();
} else if (primaryCode == Keyboard.KEYCODE_SHIFT || primaryCode == -1) {
} else if (primaryCode == Keyboard.KEYCODE_CANCEL) {
} else if (primaryCode == KEYCODE_ESCAPE) {
// Do nothing on Escape key
} else if (primaryCode == LatinKeyboardView.KEYCODE_OPTIONS) {
// Show a menu or something
} else if (primaryCode == Keyboard.KEYCODE_MODE_CHANGE
&& mInputView != null) {
Keyboard current = mInputView.getKeyboard();
if (current == mSymbolsKeyboard
|| current == mSymbolsShiftedKeyboard) {
current = mQwertyKeyboard;
} else {
current = mSymbolsKeyboard;
if (current == mSymbolsKeyboard) {
} else if (primaryCode == KEYCODE_CAPSLOCK)// handle caps lock
if (mInputView.getKeyboard() == mQwertyKeyboard
|| mInputView.getKeyboard() == mSymbolsKeyboard) {
mCapsLock = true;
} else {
mCapsLock = false;
} else if (primaryCode == KEYCODE_DELETEWORD) {
// commented out next line for repeating backspace
// deleteLastWord();
} else if (primaryCode == KEYCODE_FULL_STOP_AND_SPACE) {
// added next line
handleCharacter((int) '.', keyCodes);
handleCharacter((int) ' ', keyCodes);
// added next 5 KEYCODES
else if (primaryCode == KEYCODE_EXCLAMATION) {
// added next line
handleCharacter((int) '!', keyCodes);
handleCharacter((int) ' ', keyCodes);
} else if (primaryCode == KEYCODE_QUESTION_MARK) {
// added next line
handleCharacter((int) '?', keyCodes);
handleCharacter((int) ' ', keyCodes);
} else if (primaryCode == KEYCODE_COMMA) {
// added next line
handleCharacter((int) ',', keyCodes);
handleCharacter((int) ' ', keyCodes);
} else if (primaryCode == KEYCODE_COLON) {
// added next line
handleCharacter((int) ':', keyCodes);
handleCharacter((int) ' ', keyCodes);
} else if (primaryCode == KEYCODE_SEMICOLON) {
// added next line
handleCharacter((int) ';', keyCodes);
handleCharacter((int) ' ', keyCodes);
} else {
handleCharacter(primaryCode, keyCodes);
This is a very long onTouchEvent handler, I suggest breaking it up into more logical steps. I also have had the issue of seemingly "out-of-order" events when trying to handle the touchscreen.
I found that I wasn't handling the events per pointer ID correctly. I'd check to make sure you are handling multiple pointers as expected. The device I test with (N1) only supports two pointers, but others support many more, and those should be accounted for.
For handling touchscreen "soft-buttons" as an onTouchEvent event, I've found it useful to create a state machine class. Use the MotionEvent parameters as input events to the state machine, and cause state transitions to trigger your wanted events. An explicit, state-driven approach will give you the expected results you are looking for.
How to implement the Flood-fill algorithm in android.But the code was written in c language.could we implement the algorithm in android.is there any open source code available or any website tutorial link
Algorithm for flood fill is a very simple recursive one.
//Initialize i and j to the place to start
floodFill(int arr[][], target_color, replace_color)
if(arr[i][j] == replace_color)
replace(target_color, replace_color);
floodFill(int[i+1][j], target_color, replace_color);
floodFill(int[i][j+1], target_color, replace_color);
floodFill(int[i-1][j], target_color, replace_color);
floodFill(int[i][j-1], target_color, replace_color);
Flood Fill using queue. Use a asynctask to flood fill.
bitamp to be filled
point where the user touches (x,y cordinates)
Color of pixel where use touches
Color to be replaced.
public class FloodFill {
public void floodFill(Bitmap image, Point node, int targetColor,
int replacementColor) {
int width = image.getWidth();
int height = image.getHeight();
int target = targetColor;
int replacement = replacementColor;
if (target != replacement) {
Queue<Point> queue = new LinkedList<Point>();
do {
int x = node.x;
int y = node.y;
while (x > 0 && image.getPixel(x - 1, y) == target) {
boolean spanUp = false;
boolean spanDown = false;
while (x < width && image.getPixel(x, y) == target) {
image.setPixel(x, y, replacement);
if (!spanUp && y > 0 && image.getPixel(x, y - 1) == target) {
queue.add(new Point(x, y - 1));
spanUp = true;
} else if (spanUp && y > 0
&& image.getPixel(x, y - 1) != target) {
spanUp = false;
if (!spanDown && y < height - 1
&& image.getPixel(x, y + 1) == target) {
queue.add(new Point(x, y + 1));
spanDown = true;
} else if (spanDown && y < height - 1
&& image.getPixel(x, y + 1) != target) {
spanDown = false;
} while ((node = queue.poll()) != null);