I'm writing an HTTP client in Android that connects to glassfish on my localhost and sends some json information to the server.
I use:
UsernamePasswordCredentials cred =
new UsernamePasswordCredentials(SettingsHelper.mUser, SettingsHelper.mPwd);
client.getCredentialsProvider().setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, cred);
for authontication, and making a put request.
The problem is sometimes, the client sends an unauthorized request before retrying and sending an authorized one, and on the second time, it pushes the json entity, before getting a proper response from the server (100 - continue). then, the server doesn't respond at all, and everything hangs.
i will note that sometimes it works.
Has anyone else experienced this problem? How might I resolve it?
finally managed to make it work with basic pre-emptive authontication.
example here
I have an apache server that gets POST requests from an Android device for further process.
First the user has to log in. Then the server returns a cookie that the app uses to detect if the credentials are valid. Then the user can send requests to the server.
Because the mobile device may experience 3G/4G network issues I check after sending every request the response code that the server returns. If the response code is not 200 I save the request data and try again after some time.
The strange part of this process is that sometimes (randomly) although I get 200 as response the server rejects the data get lost. Even stranger is that when I tried to read the log file.. (It's pretty big because the server hosts more than one projects) i saw that the server logged that responded with 302 instead of 200 that i get on my device...
I wrote a php script that returns 302 as response and I tested my Android application and runs fine. It detects that response is not 200 and saves the data correctly. I also tried to send data to the server without log in and I get 302 as it should.
So I suspect that the problem is on the server side. What can I do? I am trying to figure out what's wrong for about six months but it happens randomly and i cannot find the cause. Has anybody faced the same problem in the past?
Thanks a lot.
So, I finally found the bug. For some reason the session expired and I redirected back to the login page thats why 302 logged, and after the successful load of the login page I got 200. I forced apache client to prevent redirects and its fine now
I have to use an restful API for my app in android, In this API we have to reverse proxy our app requests through our server( I use nginx proxy_pass for that), since the API only answers to one registered IP.
When I use curl to send a request through reverse proxy of nginx it works swell.
But when my Android app sends a request to it using loopj.asynchttp, onSuccessful fires but request status is 0, and body of answer is null, I'm totally confused. It returns no data so I could find out what is wrong with it.
In logs of nginx requests from the mobile appears, so the request certainly reaches to my server, but the answer returned is problematic.
These kinds of problem occurs when the server or loopJ closes your connection.
it has several reasons:
LoopJ's time out
enginx's time out
for first reason, it depends on your firewall, but it's so easy to configure it.
for loopJ's time out, you can use setTimeout function like following code:
AsyncHttpClient client = new AsyncHttpClient();
client.setTimeout(//connection time you need as an integer);
you can use following link to set your nginx time out configuration:
click here!
I hope these tips help you.
I have a quite simple problem but I've still couldn't find a solution yet.
What I want to accomplish:
I'm trying to establish a reliable connection between a smartphone running Android and the ESP8266 wifi module. I would like to send short HTTP string messages, where the phone plays the role of a client and the ESP8266 of a server. For managing HTTP requests I'm using the Volley library.
What already works:
I am able to do a successful HTTP GET request to the ESP8266 from a browser running on the Android phone. I also managed to use Volley to make a GET request to a server running on the web.
What doesn't work:
On the other hand, I cannot successfully send a GET request to ESP8266 using Volley. To be more precise, I get an EOFException when the server (ESP8266) tries to close the connection after it has responded. When using a browser the body of the response gets displayed after the connection is closed but in case of Volley the connection closing fails and shuts down the server.
I have no idea how to solve this problem/bug. What frustrates me is that the same commands for sending a HTTP response on the ESP work well when using a web browser but fail when using Volley. So I guess the problem is something about Volley.
Any ideas why Volley throws such exception? Any help would be deeply appreciated.
I am currently using the DefaultHttpClient to create an HTTP request to a rails server.
The network call is failing about 4% of the time with a SocketTimeoutException.
I have run Wireshark on my network traffic and discovered the following:
My successful call starts like this
And ends like this
The failed call starts like this:
And ends like this
Please note that the HTTP OK message that is sent to us from the server is missing from the end call, resulting in it timing out after about 15 seconds.
I am wondering if anybody has encountered this before or has any recommendations for debugging the Android Apache library or Apache rails to figure out why we are not receiving the HTTP OK message from the server.
I figured this out. The rails server and apache library were timing out if there were bad parameters in my post request. We were passing in a "_b" parameter, and for some unknown reason the server wouldn't like this and would time out the request. Removing the bad post parameter fixed the problem.
If anybody else is seeing timeouts like this, I recommend reviewing the POST parameters that are being passed in.
In my android app i keep getting timeouts in the messages between the app and my server.
In an attempt to see if the problem is in the app or my server,
i want to try and Send an HTTP request from my app to
some other server i am sure is up and reliable and then see if i get timeouts.
Is there any server address i can check against?
Thanks in advance!
BTW : i am using a glass Fish servlet for my server
We've successfully sent a simple HTTP GET to google.com -- with a couple of fall-backs (I've also seen internic.org used) in the past, in similar cases.