Android AdMob download Tracking Test - android

I am working on an application, in which i have to add google admob download tracking. i.e., to check that number of the time the app has been downloaded from the android market. But for the time being app is not in android market as it is in development phase, to do so, i have added the code in xml as per the documentation in the manifest file within application tag:
android:name="" />
What else i need to do, i have included the jar file as well, but what next ??? remember it's just download tracking not whole app tracking. Any help is appreciated. Thanks..!!!

Duplicate of Tesing Admob Tracking in Android App
With no response. The conclusion so far is that it can be tested only after the app is live with the tracking implemented.


Application rejected, crashing after launch issue

I have uploaded application for android TV so many times but still rejected that application. the reason is "your application crashed when attempting to purchase 'gas.'", but in our case we checked our side like add email in developer account --> account details --> "License Testing" and also check real time purchase like add credit card/debit card so it working perfectly fine, so I don't know what is the reason behind that, so is there any why like we give access to google as a tester? or any other way? so please give me solution
this is the error that exact showing google
I have tried in our side like we check payment part in as a tester and also tried real time test like we add credit/debit card
Please add this in your manifest file.
In your launcher activity add the following intent filter.
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LEANBACK_LAUNCHER" />
also your manifest file must have this tag.
android:required="true" />
These are necessary steps for Android tv apps, otherwise your app is not recognized as a tv app and Google won't accept.

In-app purchases on Amazon App Store don't work for many years. How to fix?

In-app purchases on Amazon App Store don't work for many years, including their own sample projects. Possibly, it started since SDK 27.
On SDK 28 Android Studio for the code:
<receiver android:name="">
android:permission="" />
shows the following warnings:
Protecting an unsupported element with a permission is a no-op and
potentially dangerous.
Exported receiver does not require permission
And PurchasingListener never receives any responses from Amazon App Store. (But that doesn't prevent them from charging non-refundable money from the account.)
How can I fix what Amazon employees with $200,000 salary can't fix for many years?
You could try my workaround.
I was fighting with their API a lot. Have implemented billing based on their official example. And it even works with their "Amazon App Tester". All works great everywhere but not in production :) Users always report that Paid-version stops working after a while. I have tried a lot of workarounds even to save a flag if the user is a Pro, in preferences (and never ever to clean it or validate it), but lots of issues are still there.
So my final workaround to put warning before purchase flow and suggest Google Play instead:
And you wondering how could they submit such heresy, but they did:
Thank you Amazon team, at least you agree with that.
Permission is not set on the right place. Amazon original example is written with bug. In Amazon documentation state so:
<receiver android:name = ""
android:permission = "" >
<action android:name = "" />
look on permission, it is not under <intent-filter> tag.
I had a terrible problem here until I find the solution and it is working now!

Facebook GameRequest tracking on Android

I am using Facebook SDK 4 for Android to send GameRequest along with custom item. That works fine but how do I track that the request was accepted so that I can give that item to the recipient?
When I tap the request in native Facebook app then it shows the app which sent the request and I can tap 'Play' which opens up Google Play store app with that app (even though the app is installed on the device) and since the app is not yet in the store - it says 'Item not found' (that is understandable).
As per Facebook docs, if the app has presence on Canvas then it receives GET params with request IDs but I could not find how this works on mobile. The app is not launched directly so how am I supposed to find out whether the user accepted the request?
My AndroidManifest.xml
<application android:name=".AppEntry" .... >
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
In Facebook dashboard the Google Play package is the same as in the AndroidManifest and Class Name is specified to .AppEntry, yet still the app is not launched directly but goes into Google Play store app instead.
Commenter Ming Li provided the correct answer:
You should put in a fully qualified class name, like com.your.package.AppEntry

Google Analytics for Android and Install referral

if I include the code following code in AndroidManifest.xml, then will it send a notification on notification or there is something more to be included.
<receiver android:name=""
<action android:name="" />
How to view installation report in Google Account and What parameters are required to be set in the account?
UA-Account number is the id to be used for websites, is it required for android app installation notification.
Can any one specify the exact procedure to view Android application installation in Google Analytics and coding snippets required.
I think all of your questions are answered here.
In summary:
You need to include the Google Analytics SDK for Android
You need a UA number, which you provide when you call startNewSession: tracker.startNewSession("UA-YOUR-ACCOUNT-HERE", this);
Google provides a fully functional sample application which starts/stops the GoogleAnalyticsTracker instance in your Activity and tracks events and page views, as well as dispatches the results (stored locally on the phone until dispatched to the analytics server)
Include AnalyticsReceiver to track referrals

Google Analytics Referrer issue in android

I've been having some trouble getting my referrer tracking to work with GA (Google Analytics) in my Android app. There isn't much info in the GA Doc. I am only using GA to track the referrer, by the way. Nothing else.
In my manifest file i have exactly this within the application tags:
<receiver android:name=""
<action android:name="" />
I have then created a URL using the generator, tested it but still no stats are showing at all.
There was nothing else in the docs. Nothing to link this referral to my GA account, which I think is very strange. Is there something in my Activity that I have to write to send the referrer information to my GA account?
You need to add to your Activity:
GoogleAnalyticsTracker GATracker = GoogleAnalyticsTracker.getInstance();
GATracker.start("UA-XXXXXX-XX",20, this);
Refer this for complete setting: Google Analytics SDK for Android

