Android regexp HTML - android

I've got a HTML code stored in string and I want to extract all parts that match the pattern, which is:
<a href="*?)/(.*?)"><img src="(.*?)"
(.*?) stands for any string. I've tried dozens of combinations and couldn't get it working. Can somebody show me a sample code, which extracts all matched data from a String and store it in variables?
Thanks in advance

Here is a solution using JavaScript. I hope this helps.
First, we need a working pattern:
var pattern = '<a href="[^/"]+)/([^/"]*)".*?><img src="([^"]*)"';
Now, the problem is that in JavaScript there is no native method or function that retrieves both all matches and all submatches at once, whatever the regexp we use.
We can easily retrieve an array of all the full matches:
var re = new RegExp(pattern, "g");
var matches = yourHtmlString.match(re);
But we also want the submatches, right? In my humble opinion, the simplest way to achieve this is to apply the non-greedy version of the same regexp to each match we obtained (because only non-greedy regexes can return submatches):
var reNonGreedy = new RegExp(pattern);
var matchesAndSubmatches = [];
for(var i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) {
matchesAndSubmatches[i] = matches[i].match(reNonGreedy);
Each element of matchesAndSubmatches is now an array such that:
matchesAndSubmatches[n][0] is the n-th full match,
matchesAndSubmatches[n][1] is the first submatch of the n-th full match,
matchesAndSubmatches[n][2] is the second submatch of the n-th full match, and so on.

Well, here's the sample:
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("patternGoesHere");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(textGoesHere);
while (matcher.find())
// You can access substring here via [note they are indexed from 1, not 0]


How to convert string which have array and string elements inside it, to fetch each element from the array in Kotlin [Android]

My output looks like this :
["Floor 0","Floor 1","Floor 2"]
It comes as a string. But I want to fetch each element of this array. How can I do this using Kotlin ?
implement this library Gson
you can use it like this
val text = "[\"Floor 0\",\"Floor 1\",\"Floor 2\"]"
val array = Gson().fromJson(text,
array.forEach {
Log.e(TAG, "onCreate: it $it")
Just use regular expressions to create a match for each CharSequence between the double quotes. As you want to use only the values between the quotes, you can extract the first index group values. The following code snippet does what you are asking for in Kotlin:
val str = "[\"Floor 0\",\"Floor 1\",\"Floor 2\"]"
val pattern = Regex( "\"(.*?)\"")
val fetched_elements = pattern.findAll(str).map {
// creates the list: [Floor 0, Floor 1, Floor 2]
Use also this RegExr example to explore this in detail with explanation.
If your internal strings aren't allowed to have commas, you could do it with a split function to convert it into a list:
var lst = str.replace("\"", "").split(",")
If your internal strings can have trailing whitespace, this would be better:
var lst = str.replace("\"", "").split(",").map { it.trim() }
In the above code lines, the replace function removes the quotes surrounding each internal string; the split separates the string at each comma; and the trim function removes any surrounding whitespace characters.
If your internal strings can contain commas, you're better off learning about and using regular expressions as mentioned in another answer.

Create words from random characters using the sqlite database

Let's just say I have the variable String SRand = "KELRSFGLIU", what I want to do is create a word from the SRand variable and search for that word in the database. Or looking for data in a database based on the SRand variable, the words that need to be found do not have to be 10 characters but can be 3, 4 - 10 characters
can this be done?
As an illustration, I want to do something like this:
Ilustration 1:
String SRand = "KELRSFGLIU";
String Suggestion = "";
private void Create_Suggestion(){
//The magic for creating Sugeestion in here
//The result can be "FIRE", "GLUE", "FUR", or something else.
Suggestion = ???;
private void SearchData(String Suggest){
//Data Must Be Found
Any Idea?
I suggest you use trees in case you want to do that, more info can be found here

Android : Split string with { character

I have an string
String name = "\"edge_followed_by\":{\"count\":46199005},\"followed_by_viewer\":false,"
I want only this 46199005.
But { shows an error, when try to split the string
String[] separated = name.split("edge_followed_by\":{\"count\":");
Showing a suggestion , number expected and want me to replace with *.
Can anyone help me in this.
Just replace { with \{.
split is trying to use it as a part of regular expression.
Ideally, you should use JSON to parse this if you have proper structure. but if you want to get only the number you can split it using ":" and then split using "}". it should give you the exact number.
Why not to use:
String[] separated = name.split(":");
Your string is not exact JSON object otherwise you can simply do json parsing and get the count value.
You can get count value using subtring operations like below:
String name = "\"edge_followed_by\":{\"count\":46199005},\"followed_by_viewer\":false,";
String substr = name.substring(name.indexOf("\"count\":") + 10);
String finalstr = substr.substring( 0, substr.indexOf("},"));
Log.d("Extracted_Value", finalstr); // output -> 46199005
There can be multiple ways. This is just one. Hope it will help you!

Extract youtube channel id from channel url - android

Example URL :
I need only UCAoMPWcQKA_9Af5YhWdrZgw (Channel ID)
Subhendu Mondal decision crashes on links like this.
// args after id
//minus sign in id
so here is improved decision, also protocol group was removed from match result
var str = "";
var pattern = /^(?:(http|https):\/\/[a-zA-Z-]*\.{0,1}[a-zA-Z-]{3,}\.[a-z]{2,})\/channel\/([a-zA-Z0-9_]{3,})$/;
var match = str.match(pattern);
Here is the shortest way:\/channel\/([^#\&\?]*).*
Parse the string into a URI:
Uri uri = Uri.parse("")
String id = uri.lastPathSegment() //UCAoMPWcQKA_9Af5YhWdrZgw
This is the pattern you can use to capture the channel id and this will validate the url also
I have no idea how to execute regex in android but sharing the regex url, you can check from here
Or a javascript code to perform
var str = "";
var pattern = /^(?:(http|https):\/\/[a-zA-Z-]*\.{0,1}[a-zA-Z-]{3,}\.[a-z]{2,})\/channel\/([a-zA-Z0-9_]{3,})$/;
var matchs = str.match(pattern);
// output is UCAoMPWcQKA_9Af5YhWdrZgw
Hope you get the idea.
You can use this regex for retrieving video ids from different types of youtube url.
String pattern = "(?<=watch\\?v=|/videos/|embed\\/|\\/|\\/v\\/|\\/e\\/|watch\\?v%3D|watch\\?feature=player_embedded&v=|%2Fvideos%2F|embed%\u200C\u200B2F||%2Fv%2F)[^#\\&\\?\\n]*";
Then generate a Pattern instance using the above regex, from which you can get a Matcher instance by using Pattern.matcher(videoLink).
Now the Matcher.find() will give you a boolean on whether the above regex occurs in the given video link or not.
Depending on that you can use, which will give you back the video id.
Refer Here

Regular Expression not matched

I am trying to validate my string with the regular expression. Here is what I am trying to do
EditText serialText = (EditText) findViewById(;
serialNumber = serialText.getText().toString();
I am storing the serial number in serialNumber
I have the following method to match the regular expression
boolean isRegularSerialNumber(String pinNumber) {
// regular expression to be matched against
String regularString = "[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regularString);
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(pinNumber);
boolean isRegularSerialNumberValid ;
if (pinNumber.matches(regularString))
isRegularSerialNumberValid = true;
isRegularSerialNumberValid = false;
return isRegularSerialNumberValid;
But I am not able to match this.
Any answer for this? Hope Pattern and Matcher are the right one for this.
What I am trying to do is this, this matched serialNumber I am validating against serial number stored in the database. If match found, it returns success or else failure. And i have entered the exact serial number which is stored in the database but even then it returns failure.
I followed the method what #Stevehb said and i got the match true in that case.
This is how I am sending my data
parameter.add(new BasicNameValuePair("validate", serialNumber));
Breaking my head on this.
The built in String functions should work by themselves. isRegularSerialNumber() could just be
boolean isRegularSerialNumber(String pinNumber) {
String regularString = "[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}";
return pinNumber.matches(regularString);
This works for me when I tested 1234-5678-9012-1324 (true) and 12-1234-123-1324 (false).
Also, it looks like you're maybe grabbing the input string from serialText right after you make it visible. Could your problem be in grabbing the text before the user has made any input?
looks much alike .net regex code.
instead of
if (pinNumber.matches(regularString))
if (matcher.matches())

